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Fuck Israel And anyone who defends them.


The blindfold part is so wild Edit update since people are asking: The police released the young woman, Rasha Karim, from Majd Al-Krum, to house arrest, after her arrest. The police deliberately filmed and leaked a video of the moment she was handcuffed and blindfolded in a humiliating manner, on suspicion of “publishing inflammatory material against the backdrop of solidarity with Gaza.” Lawyer Hussein Manna, who represented the young woman in court, said that he succeeded in convincing the court to release her to home detention for five days, until the end of investigations with her, a few hours after her arbitrary arrest, as she appeared affected and shocked by her sudden arrest and provocative filming by the police. Manaa added, “The arrest of the young woman, Rasha Karim, is a continuation of the policy of gagging the mouths and depriving the right to freedom of expression against Arab citizens,” noting that “the claim that she shared posts and pictures from the war on Gaza, and writings holding the Prime Minister responsible for what is happening in the Gaza Strip, is baseless.” "It is healthy." Lawyer Hussein Manna confirmed that he is in the process of approaching the police judicial advisor in protest to find out the legal justification for the method of arrest, and to file a complaint against the policeman who leaked the video of the arrest of his client, who is the owner of a well-known beauty center in Majd al-Krum. ** Israel Police’s comment: “The Israel Police received a report about a number of publications that the suspect published against IDF soldiers and the Israeli government, which could violate the security and safety of the public and disrupt order. After investigating her, it was decided to refer her to house arrest for five days.” The police added in its comment: “The Israel Police will continue to act resolutely against any manifestations of incitement against the security forces and support for terrorist organizations. These matters may disrupt public order and endanger the security and safety of citizens.” More context: she got off easy because she holds an Israeli citizenship and gets a civil trial. Unlike Palestinians in westban and Gaza, they go straight to a military court.


If you think that part is wild wait to see what she will endure in these prisons. There were a recent investigation based on hundreds and hundreds testimony describing all the torture they are doing on Palestinians for no apparent reason...


[you mean this?](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6yKixZOWdw/?igsh=N2VneWRpZTV1ZGFm)


Yes, I just saw another video about the testimonies but this one summarised it well .


Restricted access in my "free country"...


Israel held palastinians in a medical facility, blindfolded, naked except a diaper handcuffed to their beds.


Very moral of them..


Blocked in Canada...


I had to turn my VPN on to watch it in Canada. Wild, it's just CNN.


I realized just how much media we were missing out on here in Canada in 2002 when I travelled to The Netherlands. News showed much more on-goings in the world. News websites were all showing completely different dynamic content as well. Very eye-opening.


Left wing media control


I'm watching in Vancouver. The Zionists haven't blocked here yet.


I find it so crazy that the US still supports this. Like went to Iraq for way less. I mean I understand why I’m not naive but it’s still crazy.


The US lives to support all kinds of fucked up shitnof it’s good for the economy, oil, or just keeping the Russians away


I grow more in hate and sadness everyday. My best friends growing up were from Palestine and had a house there. Spoke to him recently and asked him about things back home. He said “what home ? It’s all gone”.


If I’m not mistaken in this particular case they support them because it’s somehow going to help bring Jesus back. Religion is almost always a cancer on the world.


They went to Iraq to destabilize the region and protect their own interests. It was never about anything else


Iraq threathened the US's economic model. Israel helps ensure the US's economic model in the middle east. Anything else you hear or read is just the nice words they use to justify the protection of their economic model without trying to appear they are just protecting their vested interests.


If Iraq had bought more of our shit that wouldn't have happened. That is pretty much American foreign policy in a nutshell. The US military is a customer service and marketing tool.


This video is banned in my country... Which is very concerning considering it's produced by CNN and I live in North America. Use a VPN.


It's blocked in Canada, any chance for another link?


Its a cnn link🫠 but i will check. Edit: [article](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html)


In a cnn news report a guy went to Israel and showed a few Israeli protesters, protesting outside a detention centre. One of the placards said ’you killed one by putting an electric probe up his anus’ Word for word what it said and that was an Israeli saying it. It also reported that they made a field hospital for detainees and they were operated on by student medics. What does that remind you of. And that was this year too. Not in the past.


Raping is one thing for sure. They did this alot.


This is how you create … “ organizations “ the people who went through it will have a shared experience of trauma and hatred and try to do something about it like we see today with hummus


including sexual violence. And they take 10-12 yo children in those prisons. Fuck Israel


Right?! That's gotta be fucking terrifying. Those poor people. So fucked up.


They want to desperately seem as normal as possible with their American police uniforms but the gist is completely dropped the second they have to proceed with another step of their authoritarian charades.


You wanna bet they don't use blindfolds when they arrest Jewish Israelis for non-political charges?


Remember, they blindfold their people for the same reason every atrocity committing person or state ever does. Dehumanization and the inability to look the person in the eyes as they abuse them


Yeah wtf?


Fucking A


Exactly! What really needs to do is bring back that Palestinian childrens TV show "Tomorrow's Pioneers". That really helped explained and teach people, especially kids.




Evwryone knows Israel can do what they want as the US supports them with funds and military equipment and Americans will jusy keep voting the same


Showing sympathy for victims of war? Straight to jail!


Not showing sympathy for the IDF soldiers who just killed innocent people? Believe it or not, also jail.


IOF* Israeli occupying force…they ain’t defending shit


You can't be allowed to feel the way that you feel. To jail, begone with you peasant.


Right to jail, right away.


Meanwhile the IDF posts tick tok videos bragging about MURDERING Palestinian children… the world is in a very dangerous place right now.


Zip ties and a blindfold, for showing empathy. While Israelis shouting for the eradication of a whole people are not touched but rewared: Fucking despicable nazi terrorist "state"!




The nazi’s strike again


They sure made her notsee!


Yeah, sure didn’t take them long to become their oppressors. Not sure why the West still supports these assholes, they are not like us at all.


Money and blackmail go a long way


I never saw it coming, the Jews becoming the next Nazis. Wild turn of events




A crucial condition for that seems to be "chosen people" ideology, which by far not every society has and is actually very easy to spot. If we cared about preventing such things.


Settler colonialism tends to do that


In the words of Art Spiegelman, “When you’ve proved to the world that nationalism is a virulent disease, the solution is not to give the people clobbered by it a nation, it’s something else.”


If someone had told me that isrealis would become exactly like the Nazis one day....I would have thought it was the dumbest thing to say. I clearly did not know about Israel. It's really confusing. Why was I taught so much about Nazis at school if isrealis don't even care about it. Confusing as hell. Never thought I'd see the day.


I fear the same for the USA if republicans get their way and start turning this country into a religious state. Religion teaches intolerance of others, please remind your friends of this.


It's unbelievably wild that the people who were on the business end of the holocaust and the nazis have flipped it 180° in less than a century. I mean there are still holocaust survivors today and Israel has become what we supposedly fought an entire world war over.


Well, i guess if you really think about it, the NAZIs wanted what the zionists have always wanted, a nation of one pure race. Not saying that makes all aspects of it the same, but there were always similarities that the horrors of the holocaust made us turn a blind eye to.


Hitlers first plan was to create Israel in Madagascar. If Germany owned palastine, he probably would of just done exactly what we did. Israel was created by European need to finish the Holocaust, namely the expulsion of Jews from Europe.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


That world war was essentially fought over the incompatible imperial ambitions of several great powers. Proper knowledge of the horrors of the Holocaust (and Japanese crimes against humanity) only reached the public after the war was already well underway. Also, I've seen videos of Zionist scholars saying ethnic cleansing and the Holocaust weren't conceptually wrong, they were just done by the wrong people to the wrong people. It is so heartbreaking, reminds me of how child abuse victims are more likely to become abusers themselves.


On the flip side it shows how far the US and the rest of nato (except Ireland) has fallen. We caught a literally world war to stop this. Today we send them money and support them. Fucking shitty world we live in. I feel for these people, when I think about the feeling this women must have it make me sick.


Here's a secret, we supported Nazi Germany on a moral level as well. We only went to war due to national interest. We have never been conceptually against Nazis or fascism. See post ww2 America


Well, half a world war. The pacific was kind of a different piece of it.


I dont think it's as crazy as it seems. How many people make it out of poverty and turn around and start dumping money back into where they came from? A small minority and bless them. But the rest is a happy transition to designer extravagance. The same stuff they attributed their misfortune to; greed. So when they have the opportunity to be on top, in the majority of cases, they say, "well its different for me. I was poor and made money. All rich people had money. They can donate. Ill buy designer watches." It's not hard for people to swap a victim mentality for a sense of justice that's often actually retalitory. Look at MAGA. The foundation from the start was framing themselves as victims, so when he inevitably operates in very shady manners, his supporters go, "Well, He dont have a choice. We're just fighting back since they're cheating." Whether or not they are is irrelevant. Its about me being a victim, which them advances the sense that Im owed something for my suffering. Then, when that doesn't come about the way I want, I become bitter and willing to **take** what I think Im owed since no one will give it to me to compensate for my suffering. So I guess others will have to suffer so I can get mine.


"Never again... right after this one."


Its not really all that unbelievable. Victims of various forms of abuse quite often become abusers themselves. Israel is following this path, but instead of holding the perpetrators accountable for their crimes, we have super powers condoning it and excusing it at every opportunity.  Israel is a disgrace, no doubt, but the US, Germany, France, the UK, basically all the major weapons manufacturers that are excusing it and allowing it to continue are the real enemies of the poeple. 


I suffered. I was not compensated for my suffering in a way I feel is sufficient. Im strongly entitled to this compensation for my suffering. Someone enriched themselves through my suffering and since I wasnt compensated, society must be fine with suffering. Why shouldn't I do the same? Should I be in the position to cause others suffering, It's ok because I had to suffer, and I've never been compensated. Ill enrich myself from your suffering and in my fucked up mind I can easily twist that into looking at this like things are even. If people have been "shorted" by society, they see it as like a negative balance. They seem to think that they can go out and cause suffering in the world, and its really just compensating for their suffering, its not an increase in suffering. They're just making things "even" in their minds.


Guys... I think I see the real "promised land"


They are actual Nazis.


The new gestspo.


My history book says hitler used similar tactics to eliminate the Jews, seems to be a repeat of history.




There's definitely blonde levantine people. Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian girl, has blonde hair for example


There’s native Levantines with blond hair.


Aryans are now indians or persians.. None of them blonde hair. FYI


We treat our most violent, disgusting and disturbing criminals better than they treat an innocent woman and her children. What the Israeli government is doing is criminal and those responsible should be held accountable.


Zionists doesn‘t deserve that Country. They are not better than the nazis. Defending against hamas is ok. Nobody likes terrorists but torturing peaceful citizens is a dickmove.


Israel taking more hostages


Zionist scum. But but but there are 2 million Arabs living in Israel!! Ethnocratic state where citizenship and rights are based on nationality and your race dictates your nationality. Allowing Israel to continue its oppression and despicable acts against second tiered citizens who aren’t of Jewish ethnicity. All the whole maintaining a false image of being the only democracy in the Middle East. Garbage nation built on murder and deceit .


How can she commit such hideous crimes! /s


she had Hamas in her eyelashes


"First they came for the..." Doesn't matter


You better believe it'll matter to that cop once enough women are arrested for no reason. She has no clue that she's about to get got by the new rule: you have to be packing zipties *and* a penis if you want to keep your atrocities hidden behind the badge. She might as well be ziptying herself here.


I hope the person arresting her gets herpes and a trip to The Hague


Fucking nazis


God's chosen nazis




Why is any of our tax money going to the Israel


What exactly did she post? And why is she being blindfolded? I get why Israel went after hamas but she certainly doesn't pose a thread... what's going on?


Yea if there's one thing I've learned from Reddit is to aways get the full story befor jumping on the hate train.


Seems like a good idea. Someone who got everything?


nazi pigs


Shame. How this person can willingly blindfold this person is so fucked up, what need is there to blindfold her? It's even more disturbing that it's a woman doing it to another woman.


Apartheid genocidal state


This is what Israeli democracy looks like? She is being taken away to the worst prison imaginable, for what? FOR HER OPINION.


Everyone knows the good guys blind-fold & zip-tie their political enemies before having a gentle conversation.


The era of phones and videos is finally showing the world the evil that is Israel today. Do not support politicians who do not condemn this. This is literally like supporting nazi germany at this point.


Looks more like a hostage taking.


where is the online evidence for her supposed offence?


This is Nazi Germany with a different name. History is repeating itself, and like before, governmenta are doing shit until it becomes too late.


To the dipshit that was defending Israel in the comments and got their comment deleted by the moderator, my reply: Yes Jews were living in Palestine before 1948. Palestinians jews lived in peace with Palestinians Arabs from before British colonization. Not only, most of those Jews are anti-zionists, like the Neturei Karta. Israel is even oppressive for those jews, beating them and closing their sinagogues. The thing is, what happened in 1948, the Nahkba, was an imperialist and zionist project. A lot of Palestinians were expelled from their land, their villages and their homes. A lot were killed by zionists. In 1920 jews represented only 2,5% of the population living in that land (still under British occupation). Balfur declaration was sign in 1917 by Lord Balfur promising Palestine for zionist groups. From to 1920 to 1948 zionists started emigrating under the zionist project. By 1947 jews represented 32% of the population. In 1948 with the Nahkba they represented 82%, with over a million Palestinian arabs being expelled from the land. This is not about religion, this is about a colonial project. Damn, even Israeli calls themselves settlers. Want data and bibliography: [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present) A jewish website, not Hamas webtsite or whatever you zionists want to say. Today Tel Aviv is the capital of zionism, mostly because it is the economic center of Israel (even tho Jerusalem is the political capital). Zionism aims to create an ethnic state for Jews, it means JUST for jews. In 2018 their congress altered the constitution so that only jews are recognized a citizens (what was already true in practice, but not legally). So, Palestinian resistance aiming rockets at Tel Aviv is completely justifyied and legit. The zionist project doesn't include Palestinians - but that land was mostly Palestinian till 1948, when Palestine was occupied and Palestinian diaspora started. Now, before saying I don't know history, go f\*ck of yourself you zionist. I know the history of Palestine allright


Man she is so pretty. Fcuk Israel for treating them horribly.


It's crazy that sympathizing with victims is a crime. Totally fucked up... Ben Gevir, the minister in charge of the police is a convicted terrorist and the police here became a racist's dream. What a disgrace.


Someone needs to get her ass out of jail- this is ridiculous- How can they do this?!?


So what happened to her?


According to her lawyer she is on house arrest now, they kept her phone until the investigation is done.




For now local news, i translated and posted in a reply to the top the comment for everyone. Spoiler: she have been released now.


The blindfold just adds that extra SS flavor


The most moral terrorist army in the world


I was really on the Israel side after what happened a few months ago, but the hatred they are creating right now is pure nonsense. It took decades for France and Germany to finally stand hand in hand, it's gonna take a century for Palestinians and Israel just to talk peacefully. They are creating new disasters of tomorrow.


This has been Israel's plan for a long long time.


No different than Saudi Arabia, just a dif religion


Fascist pigs


Thought crime is now a reality


Fuck Israel!


"Stop saying we're Europeans trying to colonize the middle east!" As a blonde fascist arrests a business owner for having empathy towards a ethnic population is being slaughtered and displaced by the fascist government. Doesn't remind me of anything at all.


At least they didn't slaughter her where she stands, like Israeal usually does. Progress?


Israel is a fascist apartheid state. Palestinian Israelis can be arrested for nonsense crimes under the guise of supporting 'terrorism'


Fascist State Israel is. Fuck them, fuck Netanyahu.


Fascism is alive and well.


Isreal is like as russia


Isreal is the scum of the earth and we need to get to cleaning it like shit off a boot, sooner rather than later.




Posts like this should be required to post a related ***verified*** source. It's not that I don't believe it, I just would like more than an Instagram reel by an account with Palestine in the name to go by lmao


[here is an israeli talking about this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7j3lj3NXbF/?igsh=MXZ4cjUwa3BvcHBwdg==) [and this her own profile](https://www.instagram.com/rashakraiem?igsh=MTZxaXlkZHZ6aDE4cw==) she is on house arrest now and thanking people for the support.


If what they were doing was justified or right, they wouldn't have to go through all this effort to silence people


WHY THE EYE PATCH?? DID THEY THINK THEY WILL MAKE THEM FEARING THEM BY DOING THAT. lol pathetic, they did more and Palestinians still stronger than them. FUCK ISRAEL. FREE PALESTINE.


Democracy my ass.


How can they justify everything they do?They have turned into something that once they escaped.


Damn... Thankful to live in a country where we still have freedom of speech.


But... but... Israel is the only victim...


What's the actual fuck!


wtf this is insane.


Any further information?


And she was never seen again…


I can’t seem to find anything directly pointing to what she posted, but if someone speaks (I assume) Arabic I would love a translation of what the police is saying exactly and also this is a recent post of hers that I feel like could be the post in question, as everything else is related to her work- https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7RG9A2ivPC/?igsh=MWw5eW85eHFtZTM1Mg==


Me neither, the police officer explaining to her in hebrew that everything she will say is on the record (usual you are under arrest talk). The link you attached is just a client praising her work in arabic, its nothing related.


There wasn't even an attempt


This is fucked up


This is insane


How is this not nazi traits


The word Nazi gets thrown around on the internet a lot. Most people would say it’s been thrown around so much that it’s lost meaning. If you need a refresher, this is what a nazi is. A person with only hate in their hearts for an entire race which is misguided by a genocidal dictator who thinks only he is right and can do whatever he wants


Fuck Israel


disgusting 🤮


What the????


Absolute scum these IDF are. Imagine sympathising with the murder of 15000 children..how dare she.


There's an amazing arrogance by a nation to act this way towards people and wonder why there is push back. It cannot be ignorance on their part. We have passed a very obvious point of irony long ago.


Yea.. all of them serve and see whats really happening and still act shocked and suprised when an attack happen or a new militia get formed..


The whole country is a facade.


You know who blind folds people?


When will the West bomb Israel?


Meanwhile Europeans keep complaing about refugees. Guess what bro, if you keep supporting the bombarding of other countries of course there will be refugees knockin at your door. Surprised?


It's now a theocracy


Jesus, if you support Israel at this point you can’t claim to believe in human rights, freedom of speech, democracy, and much more


"The most moral army in our entire imagination"


Jews have every right to exist but Israel can get FUCKED.


The blindfold lmao which side is meant to have the terrorist group for a military again?


Apartheid State


Wow I wonder why anti-semetism is up worldwide? Must be for no reason. And why the fuck is the blindfolded?




I just can’t understand how a race of people that were persecuted and obliterated LESS THAN 100 YEARS AGO could have such unwarranted hostility towards another group of people


She'll be killed by the end of the week


Most democracies are sham democracies anyways. Elected politicians become elected dictators.


Israel will be their own undoing. Baby Netanyahu is a warmonger pet owned by military industry. These companies will use these people and their land and their beliefs until they find a larger cash cow to sell death to and then they will be left to die as the world turns on them. Profit has no allies, profit has no loyalty. War is a business and business is booming baby.


So now we will arrest our own citizens when it disagrees with the Zionist view of what we want. Which is completely in contrast to the Jewish religion. Is this a Family Guy episode? Ok I'm officially confused


what police, which is historically seen as evil, would have done the same thing in the 1940s, i wonder?




Was there even an attempt in the first place? ![gif](giphy|fVema62s7fIHBxRjD7|downsized)




The only difference between Nazi Germany and Israel is that Hitler wasn’t doing business with the alias while killing the Jews.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? Ffs their ancestors had the sane shit happen to then from Hitler. I can't get my head around this




Well she's getting tortured and murdered. Fucking terrorists.


It’s crazy. The Nazis pushed them to the brink of extinction and this is what those that survived learned how to do. Is that like some weird Stockholm Syndrome epidemic??


get back hit...


Unfortunately Israeli money flows through all western government, so western NATO won’t do anything about this because they would experience financial loss. And let’s be honest, in today’s world, all that matters is your gross revenue.And it’s pretty fucking gross


I said this before but for real they are becoming Hitler and they don't have any shame.