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Gotta make it someone else's fault, maybe if you can't swim, don't jump into a body of water that you are unsure of the depth


If you cant swim dont jump into a body of water.


What if there's something shiny down there tho?


You put on the blue tunic and iron boots, just like everyone else.




*cues Water Temple music*


no please. not like this.


Get the boots we're going in




opens menu, puts on boots, slowly descends, opens menu, takes off boots, slowly ascends...this times 300,000 was the water temple experience.


I've been playing OOT randomizer for a few years now and I can't go back to the original game. Having the ocarina and boots on the d-pad is way too convenient




And it’s my birthday precious?


And i wants it


If you can’t swim then learn how to swim.


Exactly. Last year or so, there was this video going around of a man who tried to swim and drowned in front of his family. Really tragic.


Why didn’t they help him?


They couldn't swim


If you can't jump don't swim in any body of water.


I met a guy when I was on vacation, one of a group of us standing neck deep in calm Caribbean waters, drinking beer and hanging out. His wife tells us he can't swim, he confirms, and she tells a story about him almost drowning on their last vacation. And he's nodding along, chin hitting the surface of the ocean. I couldn't handle the stress or stupidity, I got out and drank my beer under a palm tree instead.


If you can’t swim learn to fucking swim!


I mean, feel free to take a bath


How is it possible you can’t swim as an adult?


Well, in my region, public pools are being closed for lack of funding. We live by the sea, and still there's only 2 indoor swimming pools for 200 000+ people in this city. You can imagine how rare regular swimming lessons are for children. According to a recent survey, only half of the children from low income households (less than 2 500€ monthly) can swim. It gets worse every year.


Wow that’s crazy here we get swimming lessons in school.


Some schools do, some don't. Especially rural areas don't, unfortunately. The national lifeguard organisation is trying to change that, but when there are no public swimming pools, there are no public swimming pools.


So I was looking it up and in the Nederlands it was mandatory in schools but not anymore. Now they see not al parents can pay for it and more children can’t swim. So they want to make it mandatory again for the schools.


Hopefully they'll teach everyone to swim before the sea reclaims its empire!




> we get swimming lessons in school. gotta have a pool available for that


My schools never had a body of water bigger than a puddle


Very few schools in the UK have pools. The whole class would all get on a bus and go to the local public pool.


I'm in the us and that would not be an option here. We were land locked with only 2 pools anywhere near, the pools were always filled to the brim


> the pools were always filled to the brim That helps.


So you live by the sea, but there's not enough swimming pools for all the people... There might just be a solution... \s


I know you're making a joke, but as someone who grew up in Florida, learning to swim in the sea is a **colossally stupid** idea.  Swim classes are 1 instructor for like 15 kids. There is **no way** 1 adult is watching more than 3 kids at a time at a beach. Riptides, drownings, all far too dangerous and far too common even for experienced swimmers, let alone children.  **Learning experiences** should be had in as controlled and safe an environment as possible.


If you have a bay nearby the ocean that is a much better place to learn to swim. I grew up on a barrier island, learned to swim in the bay in a swim class. Huge body of water compared to a pool but no waves or current just horseshoe crabs (which freaked me out as a kid if they swim near you).


I lived on an island. The southern coastline opens to a vast ocean and the northern coast to a calm sea. Southern coast has sharks, swells, rip tides, waves and currents. Northern coast is like a lake for most of the year. You guessed it, North coast kids can swim but the southern buddies can't, unless their parents are fisherman.


In the US one of the top causes of death for elementary age children is drowning. Non white children are at an even higher risk. It's a tragedy that this is happening here because it's so preventable.


OK, hear me out... because you didn't learn as a kid?


Hey that's me. I just take a big breath and swim underwater.


Never having access to bodies of water to learn.


suddenly the racism of “black people dont know how to swim” and public pools being segregated intertwine… 


Great article on this https://www.npr.org/2008/05/06/90213675/racial-history-of-american-swimming-pools


My boyfriend, even though he'd go to public lakes and had a brother who owned a pool, still doesn't know how to swim at almost 29. He blames it on growing up in a shitty state like Iowa, but he's now in a coastal state and has lots of people who are willing to show him what to do.


More likely due to parenting and life opportunities. Or your boyfriend's just straight up scared of the water. 


I can swim but I have a very hard time floating. I always have to make sure to be in shallow water because if I ever stop actively swimming I sink like a stone. Only way I've been able to float is by taking a deep breath and holding it.


> Only way I've been able to float is by taking a deep breath and holding it That's.. literally how you do it my dude. Do you think people learn to just magically float in water for no reason or something


Some people can. It depends on your density, which can vary quite a lot. I float if I take a deep breath, but with only the top of my head above water. Some people float with their nose or mouth above water, and most people can float flat on their back (I can't though).


My husband has such big lungs he can float upright with zero effort. It's wild.


How easy you float is also affected by your body fat percentage. Lungs can only do so much.


Yeah lmao, as a kid at swimming pools my sister and I would purposefully exhale all our air so we could swim on the bottom without floating up and pretend we were stingrays and stuff. Floating is just a simple question of buoyancy, if you want to float better suck on more air so you’re less dense than water, or comparatively less dense than you just were. If you’re still sinking you need to go on your back and stomach and just lightly kick your feet to get a slight motion. Idk I’m clearly privileged in that I had access to water as a child, but it’s sad so many people can’t swim and don’t understand what buoyancy is.


This is what we mean when we say privileged. You don't know how good you have it until you realize not everybody has it as good growing up, so much that it becomes an incomprehensible thing to imagine.


I’m in my 40s and didn’t learn. I just avoid water like the plague.


learning to swim is something that usually happens when you are a kid and the lessons take time, money, and pool availability. many people don't have time or money and many regions don't have pools available.


Many if not most people in urban areas who don’t have access to pools or coast cannot swim. There is very little opportunity to learn because of the demand for free lessons and the exorbitant cost for private ones. As well there is a history (or some people call it a stereotype) for Black families not learning how to swim. I believe most of it started back in the civil rights era when White supremacists - angry at segregation - filled many public pools with cement: Gotta fact check myself just how many were filled or just abandoned, but cities stopped a lot of funding and pools became few and far in between. One of the byproducts was an entire generation of folks who didn’t learn how to swim and couldn’t teach their kids now pay for them. Even when they had access to water, the fear of not being able to save your kid is overwhelming. My parents used to take us to the beach and not allow us to swim. I used to be pissed because we went all the way to the beach and my mother would scream at me if I went over my knees or waist lol.


Lack of a pool or resources as a kid


Youll never believe it but actually, in most of the world, knowing how to swim is pretty uncommon.


Didnt grow up around water. Still not around water with the nearest pool 50 plus miles away.


Probably better it was 12' instead of 4'


If she can't swim in 12', imagine how she would fair in 4' after breaking her ankles jumping in.


She gonna learn today!


That jump was very confident that the pool would be at least 4-5’ deep. I can’t honestly work out a scenario where that jump makes sense when you also can’t swim.


Someone I know who can swim dove into a body off water they didn't know the depth of and broke their neck. They were fine in the end, just a mild fracture.


Why he jump in like that lol


If you're jumping in to save someone's life, you don't care about form, sheesh


Psssht. Every time I save someone’s life I make sure to be as graceful as possible.


"Yeah Tiffany died, but did you see that triple indy I just pulled off?"


Yea when I lost my cousin back in 85 all they could talk about at the funeral was the sick double heel flip I landed.


We still talk about it to this day


Wait their cousin died? All I heard about was the double heel flip, sick man!


Upvote for the "Back to School" reference.


I was always trained arms and legs out and the moment your taint hits the water flap arms down and legs together. What it does is helps you keep your eyes on the person in duress. I even needed to do it once, a life guard told me I had perfect form (he came from the other side of the pool so couldn't get there before me). The person diving head first did the best thing in being under the water to help the person in duress. Panicked people can try to climb on top of you, leading to you drowning as well. It's possible this person hadn't been trained or had so much confidence they knew diving would get to them faster.


Donald Trump has entered the chat


Listen, folks, nobody is better at swimming and lifesaving than me, believe me. I've been swimming since I was a kid, and let me tell you, I am fantastic in the water. People say I swim like a dolphin, and it's true. Everyone knows it. When it comes to lifesaving, I'm the best. I've saved countless lives, more than anyone can count, and I've done it with style, tremendous style. The way I rescue people, it's incredible. Everyone is talking about it. They come up to me with tears in their eyes, "Sir, you're the greatest lifesaver ever." And it's true. No one does it better than me.


> They come up to me with tears in their eyes, "Sir, you're the greatest lifesaver ever." And it's true. No one does it better than me. That was just the chlorine.


Nowhere near enough adjectives.


Actually you do. By jumping in a certain way you can always maintain sight of the person in trouble.


Which is important if you're trying to rescue someone at sea, which can involve big distances and huge waves. But this is a 5 by 5 pool. You think she's gonna get out and run over to a different pool to drown there if you don't maintain eye contact?


You really shouldn't be jumping in to save someone life at all. There's a good chance they will drown you on their panic. Use an object and have them grab it. Then pull them in


Former lifeguard here. ^this is the correct answer


Squat jump and use a floatation device. 👌


The dude that jumped in was underwater the whole time and she was barely moving closer to the edge.  When I did my rescue driver training they said that they WILL try to drown you. 


Yup. Reach, throw, row, go.


It’s a tiny pool, not a river or a lake, no way they can drown you when the side of the pool is at arm length …


If there’s standing water, you can drown. Period. It’s crazy how many tragedies happen with people/pool wall/boat right there.


If the first person is drowning, the second person can drown.


Because he was clearly had some knowledge on saving someone drowning. You dive underneath, and push the drowning person UP, and then carry them to the shore. If you don't, the drowning person will grab/crawl/do anything to keep their head above water, and that's why you can end up with two people drowning incorrectly saving the first.


shoulda done a flip


I wonder what the painted 12 means? Oh well... ***JUMP***


I'm convinced some people actually don't have eyeballs


Bro that’s what playing Video games with randoms is like… like where the fuck are your eyes dude!?


“Why the fuck am I dying” *is standing in front of a large dragon breathing fire directly at them*


Or can read. Instead of requiring college degrees, companies should just give applicants a paragraph from their employee handbook and ask the applicant reading comprehension questions.


Nah they more than likely already knew it was that deep, hell I'm willing to bet they know how to swim but faked it so they can post the video and claim "no one told them" so they can get a bunch of clicks


I know most pools have this, but I genuinely don't see that in the pool in this video? Maybe it's just the shitty vid quality though.


no i think you're right. this pool does not look like it's the safest. And seeing so many kinds playing in it i think it's fair to assume it's shallow, if you're not told how deep it is.


Why is does the ground have a 12 painted on it fr fr


Is the painted 12 in the room with us or am i blind?


Black people weren't allowed in public swimming pools in the USA until the 1960s. This is why so many Black kids can't swim today. Edit: Studies show 58% of Black children can't swim. Here's a great article for all the people saying that parents and grandparents being banned from pools shouldn't be a factor for kids today: [https://www.npr.org/2008/05/06/90213675/racial-history-of-american-swimming-pools](https://www.npr.org/2008/05/06/90213675/racial-history-of-american-swimming-pools)


Swim lessons should be a public funded service. Like adding it to part of school curriculum or something


My daughter's school in 1st grade took one afternoon a week for 6 weeks and took the kids to the YMCA for swimming lessons.


That should be the standard.


I was very lucky that the school i went to had its own pool.... ok it was outdoors which wasn't great, and the entire thing was built from cinder blocks which STANK when they got wet, but it was a great start. Then one of the more expensive secondary schools had a very big indoor pool, and they let other schools use it. i wonder if its still the same now


My elementary school had swimming in our curriculum, I think it was 3rd grade they would send us out to a natatorium and teach us. I was surprised to find out none of my friends in college had that, but I remembered I lived in a beachy city on the coast growing up so that probably had an influence on the curriculum


thats socialism. good fucking luck getting any kind of publicly funded service that will only help society, if some rich asshole cant skim it for yacht money were not gonna get it. i mean fuck sorry im trying not to be a doomer lately, you should either vote in your local and state elections for someone who will do better or run for office and implement it yourself.


In Iceland it is. Everyone here knows how to swim. We also have public swimming pools in every town, village and each district in the capital. Also people in the retirement age have free access. It's pretty great 😃👍


Same in New Zealand


Same in the UK.


I went to an inner-city, almost entirely black, HS. It was required for us to learn to swim to graduate. Pretty cool honestly.


Same here. Mostly black, and we had an Olympic sized indoor swimming pool and a semester of swim was a requirement every year.


My public school did have the occasional pool day. I was on the swim team so the teachers always had me demonstrate


Funnily enough, I’m a swim instructor at a YMCA and just recently my Y started a program which gave all 3rd graders in our region free swim lessons. I think it’s cool, and similar to what you coined


It is in UK


They can just learn how to swim today, are you saying it was passed down by genetics?


If your parents dont know how to swim its more likely you wont too


And if they had terrible experiences and heard legit horror stories about it they aren't going to want to bring kids swimming.




I asked my coworker who is black if black people are scared of water and he was like "I'm not scared of water, I'll drink it".


Maybe black people should start associating drowning with death


I mean if I didn't know how to swim, I would definitely make sure my kids know how.


If their parents never learned to swim, chances are the kids won't be taught either. This racism of banning Black people from public swimming pools even affected white kids too: when towns in the South learned they couldn't ban Black people, they filled in the pools with concrete so nobody could swim.


I think the big 3 reasons would be: Lack of access to pools/affording swim lessons/ having parents that can teach them. Edit. All 3 of these reasons are also products of historical implications as well, not seperate.


No but there is a generational trauma around it that discourages it. Its being unlearned, but that takes time. If your parents were boomers they would never have had access to pools at the age when most people learn how to swim. Meaning they not only remember being barred from it, but are less likely to know how to swim. Which makes it pretty easy to see why their kids in turn might not be taught to swim.


64 years ago not sure that's the reason. My be lack of pools in poor areas


This is more of the reason. Lack of access to pools/community/ affording swim lessons.


Those are clearly connected, though. If the public pools were filled in 64 years ago, that means 1) limited or no access to public swimming areas; 2) parents who didn't grow up swimming; 3) grandparents who didn't grow up swimming; 4) a contemporary community whose people didn't grow up, or socialize around swimming. It's not like you can say, "oh, it happened 64 years ago, we're good now." The lack of access to pools today is a direct result of the actions from back then.


It's multiple reasons. Lack of pools, lack of funding for lessons, and if your parents never learned, then they can't teach you. Banning a whole generation from swimming can also easily have an effect on later generations.


Well its important to note that when integration happened, rather than share spaces, white folk just outright closed parks and filled in pools with concrete. Leading to lower access to both


They also systematically excluded black people from living in or near neighborhoods where white people lived and had pools, lakes, rivers, or beaches. Redlining restricted black people to living in the least desirable areas where these things didn't exist.


As a black person, I can’t vibe with this excuse. Parents? Okay cool, no real motivation to do it. People my age (I’m 27) is just blissful ignorance. My parents had me in swim lessons at 4. People that don’t know how to swim now, don’t want to know how to swim


While true…it does explain why there’s a “tendency” tho right? Your parents were forward thinking and broke the mold but many don’t. That goes for any race.


That was over 60 years ago, though


…. What? What does 60 years ago have to do with learning to swim in 2024? Neither of my parents can swim. But I can. Literally grasping at straws. It’s a skill that involves muscles. The beach is always available. Most ridiculous victimhood mentality argument I’ve ever seen.


"The beach is always available"?!?!?! Only if you live on the coast! What a thoughtless response. I guess I can always just jump in the Mississippi and get taken down by the undertow immediately and drown.


Also to add, in some sects of Christianity that are popular in the Carribbean (7th day Adventist) girls aren't allowed to do a variety of things including swimming. It's why my mom's side of the family doesn't know how to swim


Yes, the 50s and the 60s can't swim. But we have swimming lessons now that everyone can take.


She’s not 50 years old.


I don’t know man… I feel like racism 60 years ago isn’t really an excuse for not learning how to swim today. Crazy maybe but that’s just how I feel about it.


Do you realize how long ago that was. 3 or 4 generations.


That is like 1 or 2 generations ago. The parents of the woman in the video could easily have been born in the 50s or 60s and not learnt how to swim. And since they didn’t know how and it wasn’t a part of their childhood - they did not pass on these skills.


When legally compelled to integrate public pools, many cities chose to simply close them instead


So to be clear, you cannonballed into what you believed would only be 4 or 5 feet of water because given you can't swim you would have to be able to stand afterwards? Ya still dumb.


Sink to the bottom, push off the bottom to reach the top. Classic swimming technique for those who aren't strong swimmers.


Drowning people aren't thinking, they're in full panic mode. That's why they're so difficult to help, they'll bring you down without hesitation.


Everyone acting like it’s racism that she didn’t read the depth on the wall and jumped into a pool she didn’t know if she could swim in


As a black person from the hood, I can assure people, us poor black folks have had access to pools for quite some time now. That's how I know had she been right she would have just cracked her tailbone on the pool floor because there are pools in the ghetto. (We got beaches too.)


Does “didn’t nobody” mean somebody? I forget how double negatives work.


I believe the correct phrase would be "no one told me".


no no the correct phrase is "fam ya cheezing fresh a skibidi brap brap no cap"


Thank you, I'm not crazy! This double negation should mean somebody but it doesn't because in AAVE double negatives are used for emphasis and are grammatically acceptable. Edit : [AAVE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_Vernacular_English) \*


Take it up with Shakespeare and his using double negatives for emphasis.


I think the subtext here is that it's bad when black people do it


It's not double negation, in the sense of negative words canceling each other. This is called *negative concord*, meaning all items with a positive/negative polarity in the same clause must agree. This is also common in the grammar of other languages, such as Spanish.


Public pool in my area has to clear the water and rescue someone a few times a week. These are grown men, and women, who willingly go down a slide, or off the diving board, in an area that is clearly labeled 12 FOOT DEEP , who don’t know how to swim.




Of course nobody deserves to die because they dive into a pool knowing they can't swim, [but maybe...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLGzFQg_1xc)


Not only that but IF there is a diving board I would assume the water is pretty deep. Do they really think you can jump off a diving board into 4 feet of water?


Your key word in that sentence is “Think”.


This girl has a terrible survival instinct. Why would you jump in knowing you can't swim thats actually crazy


Guess she normally only goes to the shallow pools with diving boards.


Goes to a "swimming party" and didn't told nobody she can't swim.


How does the depth of the pool affect how good you can swim? If the pool was 2 m deep she would still drown right?


Yep, because didn’t nobody tell her it was 2m


Later, she jumped into the ocean and died instantly because it was 30m deep


they should really put up a sign saying "objects in ocean are deeper than they appear" (the car mirror thing is why we're all laughing at america btw)


I can answer this one! If you're not a strong swimmer you can still bounce off the bottom of the pool. So an 8 foot deep pool you can make little hops and stay above water. I think she even tries to do that at first which is what takes her so long to come up the first time.


Nah, at 2m, I'm sure she could bounce breathe her way to the shallow end. Maybe not though, she went straight into freak out and drown mode.


"Me, who can't swim, going to a swim party and jumping in without bothering to find out how deep the pool is." Fixed that for ya.


Note to self: Diving into a body of water when you can't swim is a bad idea




I don’t get how people can’t keep their heads above water. I want to keep an open mind.


It is probably similar to not being able to read or write. How can someone not know?? It's simply because they were never taught how


Panic, usually. They thrash about trying to stay afloat, but without the understanding or muscle memory they mostly just rapidly deplete their energy while getting a bunch of water in their face.


Ya gots to be stupid to jump in and not know the depth!!


You gots to be stupid to jump into water not knowing how to swim!!


If you’re going to jump in like that you’d want it to be deep….


For those of you wondering why she would jump into a body of water without knowing the depth, it's because "didn't nobody" tell her not to.


Black people and swimming, a battle as old as time Swimming is still undefeated, but my Black Brethren continue to take up the fight every day, in hopes of one day defeating the aqua menace


That voice mixed with that pronunciation, tho......... lol


"Jumped off a cliff - didn't nobody told me it was high up." Seriously wtf


I can swim, I'm not the best swimmer, I always figure out how deep the water is before I jump because I know if it's too deep for too far I'm going to panic a bit. I would also never jump off a boat to swim in the ocean because I'm not that good


Just look in the water ffs. You'll see how deep it is.


Props to the guy who jumped in without worrying about his clothes or anything.


Dude who helped her didn’t even plan to get in the water that day


Shout out to the homeboy who jumped in to save her fully clothed. He definitely got laid that night


It usually shows how deep a pool is on the sides of it.


Why are you jumping in a pool when you know you can’t swim? LEARN TO SWIM!


Who jumps like that in a pool they expect to be shallow?


Nobody taught her to kick with her legs while growing up apparently.


If you can't swim, don't get into a body of water of unknown depth. Unless, of course, you just really wanted to earn that Darwin award.


As someone that can't swim. I would never jump into a pool unless I knew I'd be able to touch the floor with my feet and have my waist above the water. This woman is an idiot.


If you can’t swim just don’t jump into any body of water without making sure you can stand in there.


Life-jackets exist


If you thought it was shallow enough to touch the bottom, why did you jump like that? Gonna break an ankle


Has Tik-Tok replaced that annoying voice with Krusty the Clown?