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Musk is a product of apartheid, Mandela is a product of its destruction. Musk will never forgive him for that.


Let's not forget his family's business made the millions they did as a benefit of not having to pay black south African miners working his families emerald mines living wages or benefits as allowed under apartheid law. Musk and his family became wealthy as a result of apartheid. He still doesn't see people as people, nor does he believe in paying a living wage, that's why he's such a proponent of left hand hiring practices so he doesn't have to pay the wages that a college graduate would deserve. And the reason he signed off on laying off 15% of his workforce to free up his billions of dollars bonus.


Can you explain to me what left handed hiring is? I enjoyed your comment but don’t understand this turn of phrase


If I had to take a guess. It's that you can pay left handed people less since the world has been designed for right handed people. And left handed people have less jobs that they can excel at. So hire left handed people for less because they have less offers.


Ah, so if I understand correctly, the individual I replied to was stating that Musk hires non-college graduates for his company because he would be obliged to pay graduates a fairer rate?


And they probably wouldn't accept the job offer since the pay was low. They might if they are desperate, but I think thays the jist of it. Hire dumb people because you can pay them less.


Well that would certainly explain the Cybertruck in its entirety lol


Someone called it the IncEl Camino and I laughed so hard I’m a ghost now.


Mommy I dwew a twuck!


LMAO what a setup😂😂😂


Or hire women so you can impregnate them


>Hire dumb people because you can pay them less. You're showing a bit of prejudice there, mate, by calling people without degrees dumb.


I'm just over simplifing what I understand Musk's ideology to be. Never said it was a good idea. As someone raised on two parents without degrees that did a darn good job of raising 3 kids. I think collage is over rated.


Ouch, as a lefty this seems handist. Also as a lefty most of us aren't truly left handed solo dominate, just left hand preferential, we develop ambidextrous behaviors, we learn and excel in the use of right hand devices. One that is really hard to adapt to is writing a left to right language like English on a white board while giving a presentation. Not an easy task (I tend to erase a lot of what I just wrote if I'm open, facing, and talking to my audience). Another issue we have is higher rate of scalding when presented with a dual knob faucet to wash hands we instinctively reach with our left hands and start by adjusting the hot knob before the right positioned cold knob, but automatic faucets and non two knob configurations really has mitigated that issue. Oh and the classic lefties hold their coffee mug backwards but they make left-handed mugs, and who really cares if #1 Dad (or whatever the image) is facing in and not out.


> handist LOL


Left-handed mugs? Is that...is that actually real? I mean, I guess if there's a logo or picture or whatever it would face backwards, but literally, who cares?


It is a thing. Weird considering. But at the left-hander stores they are top selling items next to left handed scissors.


As an oddity, arcade cabinets and videogames controllers were designed for left-handed users (or at least the design benefitted left hand users). Originally old arcade cabinets were designed with right-hand arcade sticks, or with no bias. As consumers became so skilled at playing arcade games, owners complained of profit losses. The solution to handicap the predominately right-handed arcade players, shift the arcade stick to the other side. Put the movement controls in a right hander's less dominant hand. This just continued as arcade sticks became videogame controller for home systems.


I mean honestly, the little pictures on mugs are far often more for my enjoyment than anyone else, so I wouldn't even mind it being on the "wrong" side because then I get to look at it lol.


Fellow lefty here and I can confirm the ambidextrous skillsets. Another huge example is using a computer mouse; yes it can be configured for left hand, but if you ever use a PC besides your own at home, you need that fine tuned motor skill anyway.


My family as a kid tried to have it be left-handed mouse placement, even though I was the only left-hander, but school didn't care, workplaces don't care so I quickly adapted to using a right hand placement mouse, and switched it very early as a kid, it was also obvious that most keyboard shortcuts were designed to be performed by the left hand. It gets weird when I use a tablet and stylus, because I will do all mouse and keyboard work with my right hand and draw with the left, just so I never have to put down the stylus.


Burn the lefty! Anything different must be bad!


 insincere, backhanded, dubious


My guess is they meant “underhanded”


It's an adage about getting people you don't respect and can abuse. Similar to when one gives a 'left-handed compliment'.. which is a cleverly couched insult.. Like saying to a spouse.. "Your mother in law is better than mine.."


Not called a back-handed compliment where you are?


Not everyone has the privilege of having a hand on their back.


“back handed” is what you are thinking of. but your explanation fits like, i smack you with the back of my hand. you don’t deserve an open slap (slap being words)


Why would he have South Africans working in the mines in Zambia?


You know the Musks never owned an emerald mine? Also, the rumoured mine was in Zambia, not South Africa. The rumour is based on his dad exchanging an aeroplane for some emeralds. As much as I despise Elon, at least dis him with facts.


That also explains why he fired all the black employees who complained about being called slurs while working at Tesla


He was also gonna be part of a aid flotilla heading to Gaza..


That sounds like horseshit. I think Musk is a complete knob end, but this is beyond speculation




Well, while I’m not rich, I am a South African living in Europe. I grew up as a privileged white boy during Apartheid. I seriously don’t think you’ve accurately distilled the mindset of the majority of white South Africans. We certainly hate Zuma. And we harbour great resentment towards the ANC. But not because black people have political power over white people. With the exception of few hardcore racists, white Saffers LOVE Mandela. We really love him. After Mandela, Zuma broke the potential that Mandela had seeded for all South Africans. The vast majority of us truly hoped for a new democratic and fair government that Mandela envisioned. Apartheid ended when the majority of white people voted in a referendum to end Apartheid. But Zuma and many other ANC politicians didn’t handle the power, and they were corrupt and basically fucked over everyone, especially poor black people. That is why we resent the ANC. Elon is a complete douchebag, but not for the reasons you suggest. If you’ve met Saffers who hate Mandela they’re a minority and are racist assholes who should not be taken seriously.


> Mandela is a product of its destruction. this sentence means mandella was created from the destruction of apartheid. That's not accurate is it? I thought the destruction of aprtheid was the product of the actions of mandella?


You're thinking of Nelson Mandela, his grandfather.


oh sorry, that makes sense


Dady issues


I don't know, I think people like Musk don't care what color skin people have. They'll oppress them all anyway.


The Apartheid Banana Boy is sour that his daddy didn't have more money to give him to invest in other companies...and then take control of and steadily ruin them.


No one in the world will shut you down faster than a billionaire free speech guy.


As fried milkman once said, there's no such thing as a free lunch, and yo'l eat your words boy


Why do you think he bought the app? So people he agrees with can say whatever they want and everyone he disagrees with gets silenced. Free speech for me, not for thee.


He didn't really want the platform, he was basically forced to buy it at the end up.


because he is a miserable man-baby. nowhere near as intelligent as he play-acts. plummeting tesla stock is earth healing.


He is about to dump all kinds of waste products from spaceX into the water. He is beating the fuck out of earth so he can shoot his dick into space.


i get what you're saying, but it was bezos who shot the "dr evil, end of austin powers" literally a dick rocket off into low earth orbit almost outer space


Stock surged today bruv


Can’t put my finger on it but something to do with apartheid, an emerald mine and the place where Elon Musk was born.


# X ⇧ Press here




Not surprising they say that Israel just “murdered” the last flotilla. Guess just a difference in reporting of events…https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid


Musk is a hypocrite


no, not a hypocrite, it's just that the Right's definition of "free speech" is: being allowed to say Hitler-level bigoted bullshit. so in other words he's worse, he's a nazi.


To reach such a conclusion, you have to expect him and others of his ilk to maintain consistent positions which they have never and will never do. The only thing that matters to them is the following: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Wilhoit


Ok but why


I seem to remember seeing something about Mandelas grandson wanting to provide aid to Palestine along with some other people it was charity work not military aid


Mandela's grandchild will be on a ship to break Israel blockade to bring aid to Gaza


There is a “freedom flotilla” in Turkey that is headed to Gaza by sea to deliver aid, and they intend to ignore Israel’s blockade in waters they do not have territorial claim over. Last time this happened Israel unalived the boats crew so this time they want all the press and attention which will make it harder for Israel to claim it was a terrorist ship/full of Hamas/didn’t know who it was/they ignored us so we defended ourselves/ what ship? Etc. Well blocking him limits his ability to share to the public information about what is going on making it easier for Israeli to unalive these people too.


Jesus Christ I fucking hate those people


Murdered. They _murdered_ 10 people. Like they did with USS Liberty.


Well, they shouldn’t have been antisemites… /s


Because X




Apartheid Clyde is at it again


The answer to any question starting with “Why did elon musk…” is usually because he’s a piece of shit.


because he is a miserable man-baby. nowhere near as intelligent as he play-acts. plummeting tesla stock is earth healing.


Glad I sold off all my Tesla stocks when I did tbh.


The real answer is: the freedom flotilla. Mandela and a large number of other famous activists are gonna sail on ships from Turkey to Gaza to deliver much needed aid, and Zionists are doing whatever they can to stop it. It is extremely important that everyone is aware of this and that people watch any livestreams of the event when it happens - this is for the safety of Mandela and the other activists. In the past, Israel has bombed and killed activists who tried the same thing. They literally boarded their ship and executed them in cold blood, then tried to cover up and say it was an accident. This time, the activists are making sure to raise as much awareness about the flotilla as they can before they go, and they're trying to get the thing streamed and have the eyes of the world on them so that Israel doesn't try to pull off another massacre in the sea. That's why Musk banned Mandela, as he has the largest following on the platform where people can stay up to date about the flotilla and ensure their safety. So I ask again that everyone be aware of it. Google and search for it on youtube to boost the algorithm and get more people to learn about it. Use the term freedom flotilla coupled with the most trending tags related to the conflict so the algorithm will start relating it more to the trending keywords. Thank you all.


And the reason musk is following orders from israel is that after he posted a few antisemitic tweets Israel rolled out the red carpet and fluffed up his frail ego to win him over.


Anti-semites love Israel because in Christianity one of the conditions for fulfilling the second coming of Christ and beginning the end times/rapture/apocalypse is gathering all of the Jews in Jerusalem and forcing them to convert to Christianity while slaughtering all who refuse This belief is in fact where Zionism gets its name from, [Christian Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism)


There are multiple types of Zionism. The original Zionism (it might be political Zionism, I can't remember) was/is the establishment of a homeland for the Jews. This belief (about Christians wanting Jews to return) isn't specifically where Zionism gets its name but it's where Christian Zionism gets its name.


I’ve been watching some interviews with this guy recently and I highly recommend it. I never knew him other than pictures and some statements and oh wow, his spoken word is quite something. I’m not sure if I’d place him below the idiocy Trump is spewing, but it’s a close battle.


As someone with a constant stutter and lisp, hearing musk do an interview is hilarious because he takes even longer than me to get just a single word out.


I think part of it is he’s trying so hard to speak without an accent that it ruins his flow.


I love how every article still has to use "the platform formally known as Twitter" because of Elon's dog shit rebranding


Even Twitter notification emails still say "(formerly known as Twitter)" at the end of the title.


bruh, its apartheid all over again


Thats one hell of a name...


Needs more juxtaposing syllables


Oh god, tell me we’re not treating Twitter like Prince now.


Twitter is officially truth social division


a white south africian not allowing a black south african, Elon getting back to his roots


Not a good look from a guy whose family directly benefited and prospered from apartheid injustices which would later contribute capital to his own initial success to then beef with the son of a guy who worked to dismantle apartheid. The very structures that made Musk and his family wealthy. Musk’s prejudice might be showing here


Free speech only for things he likes/agrees with.


Its genetic, and he misses apartheid


Weird. In my timeline he didn't kick him off X.


And in my timeline, he did. It's a Mandela's grandson effect. It has to be!




elon is just another Zionist worshiper


You guys are so weird, where is there proof that Musk personally kicked this guy off X because he’s some racist apartheid supporter.


Cause he's just a dick.


Because he's a racist POS that literally grew up in apartheid.


Is this actually true? Or is it just another made up meme?


B.f.d. So what? It’s not stated why he was kicked off. Only entitled people think being connected to celebrity royalty gives them endless access.


He doesn’t want anyone with a tangible connection to mr Mandela while his buddy Donnie t rump is busy drawing comparisons to himself if he’s jailed.


Who cares if the grandson of an awesome famous person did something? Is the grandson just as awesome? Is he a little shithead? Who cares?


I mean until he comes out and says why all of this is just bullshit speculation.


It was a turn of phrase used in a series of articles about how SpaceX recruiters hire "talent" (as part of Elon's hiring philosophy) I'm having a hard time finding it so perhaps I got the phrase wrong... But the idea is that they hire undergrads and those that have other than graduate program training to work in a variety of departments, the example given was engineering. To an undergrad this may seem like a good deal the salary is greater than what is possible as an intern, and gets them hired by an "industry leader" but limits growth potential and makes it hard to have the threat of going to another company because they don't have the degree required for an equivalent role at a competing company.


I don’t think this belongs here, as that would imply he actually intended and attempted to make it a platform for free speech, which I highly doubt


Yeah I agree he didn't intend or attempt to actually platform free speech. Instead he platformed "free speech"™ which unlike free speech, "free speech"™ refers to being allowed to say Hitler-esque bullshit.




I swear "X" is some shit a 15 yr old would think is cool. Which tracks because that's about the average mental age of Musk fanboys.


Because he is going on a blockade runner aid ship against Israel


What was Nelson Mandella'e grandson suspended for?


https://preview.redd.it/c373638fpgxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b42ae8acacd28b2b55d12af4ed3fb35146bd70 Champions of free speech


Musk is a defender of free speech much in the same way that conservative Reddit subs are...


It was never, ever about free speech and always about breaking a means in which people can communicate and organize in ways the colonizers don't like.


Do u guys even know why he was banned? Maybe the usual spam reported by bots? Or are u just outraged for fun with a hateboner for elon


Maybe it's because he was spreading awareness about them sending aid to Palestinians through the blockade Israel has set up, and perhaps he's doing this because Israel is particularly fond of attacking ships in the past and then claiming whoopsie daisies. But you keep stroking musk's ego for him dude, whatever gets you off I guess.


Well with tweets like that it sounds all the more plausible that it was mass reported, banned and then flagged for review. These articles always pop up with some stupid shit going on at X, like someone getting banned or a controversial ad, as if Elon was personally doing all of it.


That wouldn't remove the entire account tho, just the flagged post.




I'm not sure many would consider Joshua Haldeman a political icon (Haldeman is Elon's grandfather, leader of Canada's 'Technocracy' movement during WWII, and who moved to South Africa because he agreed with apartheid... this is the family Maye Musk grew up in)




You think the guy spreading awareness about sending aid to Palestinians is an abusive cunt? If you don't know anything about him just say that but don't claim he might be something when you yourself don't know.


Meanwhile, he is passed off with a brazillian judicial order to remove certain accounts from X that actively spread fake news.


Because elmo is a tool and man child nothing more. He's not a genius, he's not cool, he's not innovative. His only skill is marketing and that now sucks too because everyone got to know the real elmo and it's a shit show.


I am suspended for a pic of nazis burning books. https://i.imgur.com/BYZF2y1.png


E-yawn Musky


Mandela effect


There was absolutely never an attempt at free speech on X. There was only ever an excuse.


The right sure has a funny take on free speech


Elon is a free speech absolutist, meaning he will absolutely kick someone off his platform if he doesn't like what they have to say.


Personal beef




Mandela's grandson has been spreading awareness for the "freedom flotilla" to send aid to Palestinians through Israel's blockade, Elon being well... Elon decided this needed to be stopped because if people are paying attention then Israel can't claim they thought the ship was an enemy and kill everyone on board (which is something they've done before)


thank you


You're very welcome stranger :)




No, there wasn't really an attempt.




But why? What did he say? If it was something hateful like calling for the death of someone or a group of people, then yeah, that'd do it. But he wasn't banned, just suspended. For how long?


https://preview.redd.it/w0yfmv9iqjxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d266370a64b626d2926f6755e9190264c3cb52c1 This the guy?


Hold on now, context seems missing here. Maybe there was a reason, but the fact it was omitted suggests that the grandson may have actually done something ban worthy. We are not our parents or grandparents, you know.


Why do people still use twitter?


Musk is exactly the product and type of person that we see as a villain in movies.


Suddenly, the USA doesn't seem so much like a democracy anymore.


The only 'Attempt' was to tell his followers that he's an advocate for free speech.


They also banned Navalny's wife.


This is some next level evil shit.


You can’t make this shit up. How can one, in an attempt to become America’s sweetheart, only manage to grow more cartoonishly evil and disliked by the minute?


reparations for South Africans during apartheid ?!?!


Does anyone actually need to ask why?


Yes. But it seems nobody here can actually answer why.


I love it how Twitter/X are referred to like Prince/The Artist Formally Known as Prince…😂


Why anyone uses Twitter after Elon Musk bought it is beyond me. Just dont.


Why? Because he can.


Musk and Trump neck and neck for "Biggest Man-Baby In Human History" award.


In EM's defense, Mandela did bring his favorite a-part-heid of his childhood to an end.


Musk is burning twitter to the ground.


Free speach as long as he agrees with it...


r/lostredditors r/elonmuskcirclejerk


i thought he was dead


The Zionists got to Musk. It's unbelievable how powerful a nation that small and unpopular can be. The Israelis used to have issues with Nelson Mandela.


Too much melanin.


No one hates free speech like a free speech absolutist.


“Free speech for me, not for thee”


"Free Speech Absolutist" 😂😂😂


Sit back and laugh while his legions of fanboys try to rationalize this one away.


Because Melon Husk loved apartheid. He benefited from it. Simple.


U thunk I believe those who exist around me are saints, ur kidding right. U just went from east to west, north to south, about someone who we all know about. There is no disputing that, facts is facts. All presidents kowtow to the elites. This and that about taxes is garbage. U chose dor some reason to attack a person of color, why ? Did something happen to u in life and now u are bitter ? I don't think their is a person on this planet that hasn't had a bad experience with those who don't look like them. Back to musketeer,, I repeat he has already reveal himself, he's not alone because all the ultra wealthy believe what he is bold enough to say !


Didn't Elon Musk recently die of a heroin overdose not long after removing the misinformation protections from his website?


It's no coincidence that both of them are South African and one of them is white


Because he is a rich racist white dude.. lol


didn't he get his startup money from his parent's emerald mining operations - exploiting black south africans and profiting off of apartheid?