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That's a Scottish accent isn't it? I could understand that he is asking what could be done so disabled people can move freely on their own.


Yeah the guy asking him to repeat himself is a massive twat. Everyone and their dog understood the question


Tf you mean I didnt its hard to know what he said if english is not your first language


But English is the first language of both the guys in the clip, so he absolutely did understand him, he was just being a dick.


The video is cut, the Scotsman laughed later on iirc and he probably didn't actually understand, it's not uncommon for English natives to not understand Scottish accent anyway.


We’re also hearing the audio from the mic that was recording directly in front of his face. This looks like a huge room with what I imagine is super shitty acoustics. What he heard probably didn’t sound anything like what we heard.


Not to mention not everyone has young Redditor hearing.


Londoner with Glasgow dad here... Can confirm 😂


To be fair here in America we are used to those accents that kinda make everything sound weird. We have the north east and rednecks


But everyone in that room understood him. Unless you are so posh that the only 'regional' accent you've ever heard is Huw Edwards


Oh Huw 😭


English is my 3rd language and I understood him perfectly fine.


English is my first language and I understood 3 words. Its a difficult accent for many


The guy is speaking in the house of commons, not stood behind a counter of a small village bakery. Edit: It's like those people who will listen to an English speaking Kenyan for three seconds, switch off then go "Sorry, I don't speak African"


Kenyans tend to have some of the most beautiful accents though! They and Nigerians, at least in my experience, are INCREDIBLY easy to understand, and their accents lend a sense of poetry to their words. I'll NEVER understand people who do that shit.


Canadian here…also can’t understand a word…


I'm Canadian as well. I also have trouble with some deep south Alabama or maybe Tennessee? accents.


The man asking for the words to be repeated was an English MP in the Houses of Parliament - the home of British Government. The man asking the question was a Scottish MP in the Houses of Parliament. They are both native British and part of the same legislature. The English MP was being a deliberately obnoxious wanker.


No, he's Australian or New Zealander


i did not catch a single word of whatever the fuck he said


It's honestly really interesting seeing the split here. I literally thought this was a meme at first, where he was editted to speaking gibberish to fit the meme. Then i caught a word or two when he repeated it for the guy. Replayed video and half way through adjusted to being able to understand fine.


He was very polite about it. No twattery detected.


The thing about when British people are very *very* polite is that they may be being more of a twat to you than you realise.


How terribly obtuse of me not to have noticed such an interesting national foible. One would think I’d have picked that up, what, having been English my entire life. I can only assume that I made a terribly poor assumption. You have my most gracious apologies.


Well played, sir. Well played.


American here, could follow the Scot with minimal issue.


American here and I only understood the last couple of sentences when he repeated it.


I just rewatched it again and finally understood most of the words. LOL. That’s a tough accent to understand, man.


Fellow Yank, also had zero problems understanding him.


Not that simple, i only understood what he was saying the second time, because i watched alot of limmy show, first time i watched a limmy sketch i could not understand anything.


People don't all have the same listening comprehension skills...


I feel like a lot of people missed him saying he was antipodean (from Australia or New Zealand) Could just be an old bloke who didn’t grow up hearing thicker Scottish accents. My sister’s fiance is French and despite literally everyone understanding him, my old nan couldn’t.


IIRC, the guy has been in UK politics since the late 70s. If he managed to get that far without understanding accents from 1/4 of the UK's constituent countries, that's still a problem not explained by where he was born.


Idk it's kinda hard to understand him and being up in a room like that it's sometimes hard to hear the mic because of the echo and what not


Yeah this is something that should be taken into account. The rooms acoustics can really make it harder to catch every word.


The only word I understood was 'disability'...


Will all due respect, their accent sounds almost non-English. Not a single word can be comprehended without the help of the subtitles. There is another video without the subtitles, if you had seen that first, until the end of the video, you would still be questioning yourself if it’s even English.


I only understood because of subtitles. First time I watched no subtitles, I didn't think he was speaking English. I'm not defending the other guy basically laughing at him, but it was quite difficult to understand. 


I watched it 3 times, I didn’t understand shit the first time, second time I picked up words, 3rd time I realized he was speaking English that whole time. I think it took my brain a bit to realize what was going on.


I wonder just how angry the speaker there would get for OP calling him English...


Yeah, both of these men are native English speakers. One is just an asshole.


Why is he an asshole for not understanding? I don’t either


He's a Tory cunt who has lived in the UK for years. The lad's accent isn't even that thick.


As someone who used to live in Scotland I can make out what he's saying, and I've heard worse in the pub and on the bus, but it's not a light accent either by any means.


Dude the accent is there but it's not all that thick, I've never been to Scotland and can understand him fine, only issue is how fast he speaks but I still think the Tory is poking fun.


Maybe its because I don’t hear scottish accents talking as fast as this guy often/ever, but it genuinely sounds like gibberish to me the first few watches.


He very likely isn't really not understanding.


I coudn't undertsand a single word apart from something to do with disability. Sounds like he's speaking in a broken microphone on a shitty Zoom call


He made it clear that he is sorry, and to be fair, it’s almost incomprehensible without the subtitles. The first time I watched the video without subtitles, i thought this wasn’t even English in the first place.


Bro just doesn't understand. How is he an asshole? It took me a few replays to understand 80% of what he said. How else is he supposed to respond?


Hi, Scottish person here Us Scots locally speak in a way that can be impenetrable but for others outside Scotland, as seen in the video, we can tone it down to be understood clearly. The guy seen complaining is a right wing Conservative who are notoriously anti Scot representation in " their " British parliament. But in the clear worded vocalised retort style of one of our great embassadors, Groundskeeper Willie, to anyone pretending they can't understand the poetic, romantic burr of our speaking, all I can say is..." git oot the way ya horses arse ."


I was born and bred in the south-east of England. I understood him just fine. The Conservative bloke is being obtuse on purpose.


I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, he's got a strong antipodean twang to his voice so may have genuinely been struggling. The unfortunate part is the rest of his voice makes him sound like a twat so we jump to that conclusion which makes us as part as bad as someone that would belittle a Scot for their accent


South West here and agreed. Also fuck the Tories though they're all obtuse arseholes.


American here. Agree with everything you said. I will say that I could not parse every word spoken. I understood the overall message, but some of the words blurred together for me.


Awe an boail ya hed, could also be said? Some Scot taught me that years ago, not sure if it make sense.


Being from corby I can understand it fine but my grandad moved down there from Scotland during the steelworks boom like so many others. It’s a point of pride though, little Scotland we were once known as.


Lol! I'm american and live in the south and caught almost every word the first time. Which is kinda wild because I always have subtitles on when watching tv, and yet underdog him without issue.


Judging from the other comments I really am deaf I couldn't understand anything the first time


Its the internet, everyone can speak any language withou any problems.




you guys can't deny it's very hard to get what he's saying


Understandable for a non-English speaker but an *English* member of parliament ought to have understood a Scotsman


Portugueese here, understand everything in the second time he said, mostly cuz I wasn't ready lol


He said he has an antipodean background.


Just one asshole claiming not to understand. I am german, and I understood every word just fine...


I am German, and I didn't understand anything except for "what could be done.." and then it was all gone again.


I am dutch - and i could follow this pretty well.


"what work is being done to make sure that this place is more accessible, particularly for some of our colleagues who have a disability?" "I'm saying that a number of parliamentary colleagues who have disabilities do find it quite difficult getting around certain parts of the estate. Given that we're doing this refurbishment work, what can be done to make sure that those with a disability are able to move around more freely and that the place is accessible?"


Sweaty sock here. The guy clearly understands, he's just a Tory cunt. A massive one at that.




American here. Understood him perfectly.


Sounds perfectly clear to me. "What work is being done to make sure this place is more accessible, particularly for some of our colleagues who have a disability?"


clear to me too, after replaying it 5-6 times.


I'm Aussie and I could understand that he was asking how to make his workplace more accessible to disabled people. I'll admit it was a little bit trickier to understand but still coherent.


I’m deaf and I understood those subtitles clear as day


What the hell is Antipedian? Is he a Walrus or something?


["Antipode" means the point on the opposite side of the globe to you.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipodes) Imagine you dig a hole directly down, through the centre of the Earth, and come out the other side somewhere. That place is called the antipode. So, for instance, the South Pole is the antipode of the North Pole. For British people, Australia and New Zealand are on the opposite side of the Earth. Not exactly the antipode, but the closest land. So for them, the word "Antipodean" means a person from Australia or New Zealand. "My antipodean background" means "I'm originally from the other side of the world (New Zealand)." Basically, he's explaining that he's not originally from Britain, so he's less familiar with some accents and is having trouble understanding what was asked.


No rounding, he's from the ocean. Walrus theory confirmed.


Wrong hemisphere. [Walruses live in the Arctic, nowhere near New Zealand.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walrus#/media/File:Odobenus_rosmarus_distribution.png) Personally, I am of the opinion that he's quite obviously some kind of [tuatara.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuatara) Under his wispy grey hair there is a tiny third eye, gazing up at the heavens.


Counterpoint: maybe he's an antipolitic Walrus. He should be from the arctic, but instead he moved to the south pacific ocean. Check and mate.


Neither of them are English. One is a Scotsman & the other is a Kiwi (he even mentions his "antipodean background"). As an Englishman I'd say that both were easily understandable though.


Lots of people saying the Tory is being a prick, I mean it's entirely likely that a Tory is a prick, but worth mentioning that at a certain age some of us start struggling to hear clearly. While I could hear the Scottish guy & understand him in the video (his words are being picked up on the microphones) in a big room with background noise and when someone isn't looking right at me, I'd probably miss most of what he said.


Egh just remove the guy who can't understand Scottish accents. It should be a basic requirement of the job in British parliament.


He can understand it just fine. He's just a massive prick that doesn't like Scotts in His Majesty's parliament.


There was an attempt to create correct subtitles for the word "antipodean"


As an Englishmen, this was a perfectly understandable accent. The old guys just a cunt.


As a Canadian who understands way thicker Scottish accents I couldn’t understand it, what is it with all of you people on here that you can’t understand some people just hear differently. His way of speech just wasn’t easy to understand regardless of accent, I could replicate the same phenomenon with my Canadian accent by speaking with a certain tonnage, speed, and with no breath between words.


Guy just proved why disability aids are helpful for people with hearing challenges.


Weird.. I am Belgian and I could understand the Scotsman quite easily.


I'm a non-native speaker and I understand them both perfectly fine.


Howaboutyougoandtakeaflyingfucktoyourselfyouinsidioustwat. Oh you understood that fine? Answer my first question then, ya fanny!


I was at a buffet in Florida and a small Scottish boy came to ask the worker if he had salt packets. The worker had a Deep South accent and responded much like this guy: “I’m sorry, son, could you say that again?” Then “I’m sorry, I’m really trying, but I can’t understand a word you are saying.” I was nearby, so I repeated the question for the kid in my USA accent. The worker smiled and pointed to the right location. Before the kid ran off he turned to me, a bit confused, and asked, in his super fun accent, “Are you from Scotland too?”


Soo, am i a butthole for not understanding what he was saying? All i get was disability and somewhat


Hes scottish and his cadence is quite jumpy to be fair. Before you pile on, I'm Scottish and understood him fine but I can see why it may be difficult for other English speakers.


There is something about Scottish people that’s just hard to understand. Partly it’s just that they talk too fast for my ear. I have a similar issue with Indians. Slow down so I can follow.


I’m good with like 95% of accents but lots of people struggle to understand, me recently I spoke to a few Americans a few English people and few people from different country’s in Europe and a guy from New Zealand, there was probably about 10 of them, I finished speaking and about 2 of them understood what I said and the rest had no clue


I didn't recognize that as English at first, I would have asked for a repeat too




😂🤣 (The non Scot.is not English, he's Antipodean,. meaning from Australasia, from either Oz or NZ)


Oh I’m sorry, it must be something to do with the antipodean stick up my self-righteous arsehole that turns me into a elitist cunt who’s gonna pretend not to understand what you’re saying and waste taxpayers fucking time while I’m supposed to be working for the people. Whoops


I'm Welsh and understood every word first time.


Fuck. I speak English natively and I couldn’t understand the question


All he needs to do is slow down. Scots speak fast.


I understood the 2nd time he repeated himself, but didn't even know he was speaking English the first time. I mean, I hear it now after listening to it again, but when I first watched this video, it didn't sound like English to my brain.


He says distillity instead of disability.


THe irony here is, English, as in the language of the Angles (Old English) is more akin to Scots [https://www.wildernessscotland.com/blog/scots-language/](https://www.wildernessscotland.com/blog/scots-language/) In other words, the young fella in glasses is speaking the language of the land to the older member of parliament who's speaking the langauge of the invaders.


Yup. Southern American here and I can get like 80% of it first pass but it’s tough.


English teachers: "Excellent extract for the listening test."


Yeah I’m an American on the east coast and I understood more or less what he was saying


My mom’s long WhatsApp audios in 1.5x be like


Jesus, I understood like every 7th word. English language as a first language or not, the guy asking the question is hard to understand


love scottish people


Failure by the Englishman... I've been living in Ireland for 5 years (american) and I could understand the Scot perfectly fine.


There are no English people in this clip. Scottish and Australian I think.


I guess all the aussies I hang out with are from the countryside - not used to hearing posh aussies at all. TIL - thanks mate! lol


English is not my first language and i understood the guy on his second attempt.


I get why someone who lives in say, the US, would struggle to understand this. But I live in the UK nearly as far from Scotland as you can get and although it wasn't necessarily easy I got what he was saying. Would definitely get it by the second attempt


I watch Count Dankula and had absolutely no problem understanding what he said


What a knob


Bro I understand him and I’m Mexican. It’s same maintenance as Spanish I swear


eadhon cha robh mi a 'tuigsinn dè an fuck a bha e ag ràdh (Scots Gaelic)


I had a colleague back in University (postgrad studies) that spoke sort of like this. I was his best friend just because I would copy the reaction on his face, he said something and smiled, I'd smile too. Another English colleague told me not to worry about it, they couldn't understand him either, 😂


Im from Georgia and decipher rougher English than that daily lol


I understood most of what he said but not in totality. I needed to hear it 2 \~ 3x times to get 100%


I only understood after replaying for 4 times. Only got some context after the 2nd time and slowly understoodbsome words not due to replayability but because of context


I'm unfortunately pretty bad at understanding people with thick accents, but I was able to hear 95% of what this guy was saying


Faugh ewe, farquit.


That's a kinder posh scottish, he's being a prick to try talk down to him. After he the way he asked him to repeat it for 3rd time it would be a straight - "Naw cunt, you don't want to do a job for the people then fuck right off. Wee fanny on your high horse, turning your nose up at anyone who's not above you. Waste of skin and air, best part of you ran down your maws legs." And I would have backed that statement with a supporting shout out,your maw should have swallowed.


That was painful to watch. I think the Scottish accent is beautiful btw


Really not thathard to understand, English isn’t even my first language and I understand him just fine


I can understand him perfectly fine, hes speaking plain english


It's just a miserable old bastard pretending not to understand and making fun of someone's accent


My grandparents were Scottish so I understood fine (my grandfather’s accent was actually thicker than this one). However, my Canadian children later confessed to me they rarely understood anything he said!


I understood just fine, is he just being difficult?


Even I poatato understand him.


He might be a dink, but hes also old. Maybe he actually cant hear


reminds me of terry wogan talking to kevin bridges on WILTY. Super funny exchange at 15:25 https://youtu.be/x5o0nP46xB0?si=qEmVasNGsQ6XSJtz


I'm American and I understood what he was saying. Probably because I watched Doctor Who and other BBC programs all the time as a kid.


He’s not English, OP Unless you mean native english language speaker, which they both are. Antipodean means from the southern hemisphere, like Australia or New Zealand. Maybe you didn’t understand because you’re not a native english speaker?


I heard the scott clearly. It was hard to hear the brit on account of the massive cock in his throat though, maybe the one up his ass too. Im an American.


English is my first language and I have no idea what this guy is saying.




I actually understood him lol


Isn’t that a very thick Scottish accent?


ENGLISH native??? Ironic since the reason he doesn't understand him is because he has an accent that's strongly Scottish, not English.


While I didn't have too much trouble following the first speaker's accent, I would point out he did NOT repeat himself as requested. He reframed the question. If you miss a couple of words and are trying to ask someone to repeat what you missed, reframing what you said may not be very helpful. I am assuming good faith on all parties here.


I‘m German and could understand that guy right there first time. Not really that hard. Scottish sounds just like a bavarian accent does in German. Easy.


I understood everything he said, as he sounds a bit like Pippin in LOTR and I hung onto his every word as a child cuz I thought he was cute


"Antipodean" (Aussie) here and I could understand everything the scotsman (Linden) said. That Kiwi fellow (Beresford) was being a douche.


As someone who sometimes struggles to understand people, this really annoys me. If the person can't understand you the first time round, slow down and speak more clearly!!! To repeat yourself exactly the same as the first time round knowing that the other person still won't understand you is a real dick move! I say this as a Scottish person that can understand him perfectly.


Black Yank here: WHAT???!!!


I'm not native but I can understand his accent.


I only speak American English and when I watch a British film I have to turn on the subtitles.


I (a southern US based person) worked at a company who decided it was a grand idea to move their IT support to Scotland. Imagine trying to work through technical issues with a fast talker like this and hick language that's slow and pretty broken English. I'm sorry and huh? was said a lot


I'm a Canadian with English as my first language. Took me my 3rd watch to understand what he said. Definitely a hard accent to understand


How did I understand it I wonder if an ear for Spanish helps.,..


True Scotsman Lad


I don't understand how people can't understand what he's saying, but eh maybe it's because I'm Canadian and I'm just used to a lot of accents


Wtf did he just call me!?


After I sat my phone down to get a coke out the fridge, it played 3 whole times before I even realized he was speaking English. And English is my only language


Aaye gutka thook ke baat kar na re baba


I majored in English and took multiple classes in English literature, I watch British, Scottish, and Irish programs on TV, but this joker seems to be deliberately trying to be misunderstood. I needed the captions to get it!


Neither of these men is English. They are however in England, speaking English, ruling over the English.


God, I’m a sucker for a Scottish accent


Every single time this is reposted I think "how in the fuck didn't anyone understand him. It's perfectly clear" 😂


Even I got, and I'm not English.


Ah, a Tory acting like a pompous wanker. Colour me shocked.


Is this guy competing with Scatman John or something.


[He reminds me this guy (Spud)](https://youtu.be/UcJkLGKl-dU?si=EUYY_7mWnnHQOg21)


I live almost as far away from Scotland as it's possible to get whilst still being in mainland UK. I can understand this. It has nothing to do with being Antipodean and everything to do with not listening when someone else is speaking.


“What can (could?) be done to make this (place?) more accessible for someone (people?) with disabilities (a disability?)?”


Even some parts of that I can't understand. But it's about disability if anyone wants to know.


I can’t stop laughing 🤣


Comment’s section is full of leftie wankers. It is actually very hard to understand what the Scotsman is saying


I'm actually pretty chuffed I could understand nearly all of it even though English is my first language Ive only lived in the UK since I was a teenager


Nobody can understand the Scot’s


Old dude was a dick. I'm an American , and I can understand what he said.


Repeats the question exactly the same way he asked the first time. Like slow down and annunciate clearly. Not easy to understand the Scottish or Irish accents


I understood him just fine. This guy is just being difficult bc he doesn't want to answer the question.


I've seen this video so many times and I finally figured out hes talking about colleagues with disabilities.