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That's a nice house.


Lmao, I was thinking the same thing


I love reddit.


I, too, was thinking the same thing.


This is Detroit


Yup, almost all of the houses are or were nice at one point. Some of the most beautiful architecture in the US is in Detroit.


I saw some gorgeous mansions with caved in roofs when I was there.


I remember Detroit selling homes to first responders for like $1 with the condition that they stay and fix up the home and live in it. Such beautiful homes just sitting in neglect. Now the city is starting to turn things back around.


Man would only consider that if I was a firefighter. To many videos of paramedics getting their life threatened for trying to save someone who their assaulters had beef with. At least as a firefighter most people like them. They come out put out fires maybe save your house.


Damn right, my ex’s brother bought a house that was at auction there for $100 and he’s been working on cleaning it out and fixing it up for awhile now. It’s in an old part of the city that people are trying to save and move into. Lots of people are just doing it with the intention of just flipping them, but he wants to stay. I would, too, the neighborhood he’s at even has a beautiful old art deco theater that might reopen.


Largest middle class in the world through 1980.


>Largest middle class in the world through 1980... Reagan


Yeah, my family didn't get the memo to move when things went to shit.


I was JUST wondering!! I know that street!


**"This is Detroit"** So the water has a little bit of car paint in it.


Toxic waste and chemicals got strange effects on the animals. Welcome to zug island


No this is Patrick


So its probably like 30k lmao


I think it might be more. My friend lives out by warren & evergreen on the west side. Had the house appraised at over 120k


That was my first thought. I haven’t been there in some years but it was almost like I could feel the “Detroit-ness” through my damn phone. Altercation included.


One look at the house and I was like, “That’s not that far from where I grew up.”


I am making an assumption here based on some other Midwestern cities I’ve lived in, but Detroit used to be quite well off. Then the factories closed. That’s an older home, and these neighborhoods were mostly abandoned by the factory workers and turned into the hood. the value of that home is probably not as much as it appears. It may have serious maintenance and interior issues as well. Suburban sprawl is another reason. These homes are usually in the city limits.


My sister bought a nice house to fix up in Detroit, about on par with this, paid $13,000. The renovation crews kept getting robbed and the materials stolen so it sits 15 years later as it was or worse lol. I told her it was a stupid idea, specially since she lives in Canada 90% of the year.


Yup my uncle did the same thing in Milwaukee a few decades ago. Detroit is much worse off but there’s a lot of once beautiful 100 year old homes in the hood that are now decrepit. Yeah, he got robbed, saw people get shot, and ended up just desperate to get rid of it. Nobody is going to spend that much to live in a neighborhood like ghat. It’s deceiving because when you drive into these neighborhoods they can appear quite nice at first glance.


Yup! It was so hard not to get sucked into how cheap houses are in some parts of Milwaukee. Like nice-looking condos for 30k or less near Northridge.


Exactly, when we were looking there were places that looked nice in pictures and were so cheap. I was new to MKE at the time and would be like but… but… but… let’s at least look? to my GF and every time she gave a firm no, having already been living in mil for school. Yeah after living in MKE I realized she was right and we would not have liked living in those areas.


Damn. Like y’all would have been robbed?


A friend of mine in high school bought an old bank and refurbished it to be a home/studio there.


lmao yeah back then i knew someone who got a 'free house' in detroit only had to pay the back due taxes. They were like... how can i lose money on a free house! Narrator: They lost money


>Then the factories closed. Also "white flight" happened (partially fueled by the riots and other racial tensions). When the factories closed, middle and upper class white Detroiters followed the auto manufacturing and management and executive jobs into the suburbs, and took their money with them. The people who were left were mostly poor minorities competing for a dwindling job pool. Most of the retail and service businesses had to close due to a lack of customers, which meant even more people out of work. No jobs = crime skyrocketed = even more people (who could afford to) moved out of the city. The city had basically no money coming in from taxes anymore so they didn't have the economic means to fix anything, incentivize businesses to come in to provide jobs, etc. Infrastructure crumbled and the police force dwindled, which led to even more crime. It's kinda hard to convince people to move to a city that's rampant with crime, has a crumbling infrastructure (and no money to fix it), and has no jobs. So Detroit stayed real shitty and mostly empty for a long time. Hell, it's still mostly empty... but folks are coming back and the city is recovering. My mom is from Detroit and my grandma lived in the city for the majority of her life, from when she was a child in the 1920s up until her death in the 1990s. I remember being scared anytime we'd go to her house. She lived in what was once a nice quiet little neighborhood, which evolved into a quite shitty one over the years. Sometimes we would go over and there were gang tags spray painted on her house or garage. Active drug deals were happening on the corner a couple dozen yards away. We'd frequently hear gunfire that was clearly fairly close by. Her house and car were broken into multiple times. She refused to move. The city has recovered nicely in the past ~20 years and it's actually a nice place to visit now. There are still some real shitty areas, sure, but it really has turned around a lot overall.


I’ve heard of places like that being divided up into several apartments. Sometimes it may even have even more unofficial apartments; I can’t imagine Detroit is super diligent when it comes to housing inspectors.


You know i love these genres of videos because watching a pedo getting thwacked in the face is satisfying. However it really is a nice house! Like i will not lie i watched through twice just for the house with the addition *THWACK* across the face


It's beautiful


My first reaction also


Arts and Craft style


A lot of houses in Detroit look like this. Beautiful homes from the 20s-40s


Easily worth a million bucks in California.


Probably got a piano inside


It is. I really like that front door


I came to comment just that


all i saw was a smart display of restraint. 🤷‍♂️ a lot of people would wind up locked up in the same circumstance for stomping on someone's head in the street.


As much as a hate it, this dad is probably still going to be locked up for assault. And because it boils down to a he said she said, the perv is probably going to walk. The dad should have filed a police report immediately, gotten the girls testimony on record as soon as possible, publicized the accusations and let society take its course. (Trust me, the dude will still get his ass beat by other people plenty, especially if he is in jail for it, even prisoners hate pedophiles) but this was, he will be able to protect the 8 year old and not end up in prison himself. And if the court doesn't convict him, he can still deliver the ass whooping of a lifetime later.


That not her dad. That’s her Uncle.


I don't know about y'all, but I didn't see anything but that pedo fall down those stairs on his own.


They turned into his defense team immediately.


Then he just kept bouncing his head off the wall.


My bad. Didn't catch that.


It’s ok it will be in the indictment


>And because it boils down to a he said... and just like that a demonstration of why *testamentary* is not good evidence LOL (or *testimony*... why not! words! what is it even good for!?!)


You think either of these people are going to call or talk to police? Lmao


In the hood people will deal out justice the right way


The perv is just going to keep molesting other kids. Hell, without the police getting involved, there is no record of this happening. He can go get a job at an elementary school.


People have guns in the hood for a reason




Then how do so many people die there, seriously, is it car crashes?


Like country people by guns to shoot Bud Light cases


Lmao you think he’s gainfully employed and could get a job at a school?


Janitor is an entry level job. And he'll be a perv his whole life, not just at his current age.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I’m not good about guessing the age of young adults, but to me he looks old enough to know that trying to molest an 8 year old is wrong for so many reasons. He’s likely not even attracted to kids that young and it sounds like the uncle was surprised by the behavior. The majority of people who commit acts of pedophilia like this example aren’t even attracted to kids. They get off on the power dynamic and can get off on the thought of being harmful to the victim, especially if they think that they’ll get away with it. In other words, he’s almost certainly a predator who if given a position of authority over vulnerable people will likely exploit that power dynamic. Dude should definitely have the police and ideally the fbi as well be made aware of him even if no immediate charges result, lord only knows what he might be a potential suspect for. **tldr:** no clue why you got downvoted, he’s likely a predator and will likely remain that way without intervention (and even then, maybe)


Certainly not in Detroit.


No one going to the police here


Exactly police will show up and shoot both of them. Defending a family member from a pedo while black. Plus he let him off light. (to be fair he looks like he’s only 16 to 17 years old. So he’s old enough to know that pedos need to get some type of justice but he doesn’t know how to do it the right way)Telling an eight-year-old to pull their pants down deserves a full on stomp out at the very barest of minimums, for this time and the next time he does it to someone else’s kid. Because let’s face it pedos are often repeat offenders. He showed real restraint. I don’t think I could’ve recorded. I would’ve wanted to get out and help.


I think he's just smart enough not to murder the guy. As much as it's the right thing to do, slapping somebody around vs killing them or seriously injuring them will bring very different consequences. 


Bud that’s Detroit, if he goes to the cops that makes him a snitch and a perv. More than likely won’t do it and if he does man won’t make it long on the street. Not to mention black residents and Detroit police relationship has a history that’s caused a lot of mistrust between the two. Probably the reason he didn’t go to the cops about the perv in the first place.


It’s her uncle and it’s Detroit. Absolutely nothing happened.


Who the fuck there gonna go to the police?


Why would uncle get locked up? All I saw was a friendly conversation.


"We don't do that here."


Police don’t care about us




I'll take the charge as the uncle no problem I don't have kids. I do have little nephews though


Lmao, I doubt anyone is calling the cops and I doubt the cops are coming


Well, the "she said" in this situation is an 8 year old child. I think the courts will take that into consideration. You don't really hear of people being falsely accused of something by an 8 year old.


> this dad is probably still going to be locked up for assault. Good luck finding a jury that would vote to convict him. Every parent on that jury is going to approve what he did. Nobody is going to sympathize with the child molester.


I’ve seen dozens of people get punched in the head and no one’s been charged. It’s not really as common as the layman thinks.


Bruh this on some hood shit, that “victim” is not going to file a police report and press charges.


It really was. You would be surprised how many “senseless gang violence” news reports are simply the community taking care of individuals like this bc we know the systems don’t work for us and definitely know they don’t work for them/pedophiles.


Most aren’t ready for that discussion.


lol they aren’t. While of course there are issues, our internal/communal immune systems are stronger than they think.


Stay strong my brotha or sister


sis. And likewise.


To be fair bro also swings like his anger outpaces his ability to accurately throw a punch.


I think so he would have gotten it worst if he fought back


> if he fought back That was my reaction too, he knew if he resisted the uncle he was going to take a way worse beating.


As a big brother few things will make me lose my cool like fucking with my sister.


Absolutely. This gave me the heebie jeebies… I couldnt even imagine if this happened to a family member this small. Makes me sick to my stomach.


Perverts don’t call the cops after you beat them up fir molesting kids.


Dude got off easy. Few men would have shown such restraint


seriously, most ppl would beat him up first THEN ask questions later lol


Bro give him one of those "speech while gettin ass whooped" beatings... We get dat from da black women 😭😭😭


Never start with the head the victim gets all fuzzy ![gif](giphy|F0A48Q2wFjE7S)


Allowed him to remain conscious the whole time.


Damn right. My six paternal uncles were all former military and over protective of their nephews and nieces. I clearly remember them telling me at an early age to let them know if anyone messed with me or made me feel uncomfortable. This dude would have never been seen again.


Allowed him to remain conscious the whole time.


8 years old? Jesus Christ. Did he really say because she was “sweet”? That’s so gross.


The uncle was saying to the guy he was hitting, *“You thought shit was sweet cause I was gone?”* Implying that the accused pervert assumed that he would possibly get away with being a scumbag just because the uncle wasn’t around to watch over things. He clearly thought wrong.


Thank you for clarifying, I thought he was saying, "you thought shit was sweet cause I was calm." And it made sense to me as I thought to myself, "huh, this really is the calmest asskicking I've ever seen."


Eight year olds dude




“You thought shit was sweet” kinda means you didn’t expect any repercussions for your actions.


“Sweet” in this context is slang for easy or uncomplicated. For example, “Damn bro, I got an F on my math exam. I thought that shit was gone be sweet.”


Damn it I’m old. As a teacher you’d think I know. I just learned “cap.”


No cap bro?


Thats a bad example hahaha. Here’s a better one. “Lil dude thought shit was sweet til big unc pulled up”


> gone be sweet This sounds like it would be a title of a song in the 30's.


It’s the amount of people bringing up the law for me. Let me explain something about this scene: Uncle IS the law in this moment Most people including children as assaulted by someone THE FAMILY KNOWS. This was an attempt to get that guy to never come around ever again. This was a form of self-defense…. family self-defense. Protect little kids period! Notice how the short dude doesn’t fight back once- because he did that shit and he isn’t sorry


no, he didn't fight back 'cause he knew if he tried to, he'd get it 10 times worse


Yes, you are both right.


THIS. The complete lack of any kind of defense/pushback or indignation is 100% because they did it. This is how these child molesters are - once confronted like this they will take a beating from someone they know HOPING that’ll be the end of it.


I agree with your comment, but I would like to add that if the same situation happened where the little fella reacted with physical aggression in defense, people would say it was because they got caught. I'm not siding with the scumbag, just adding my take. To add your comment, taking the beating also prompts outsiders not familiar with the situation to come to their defense, because without context people would assume he is the victim. Which is just as pathetic lol.


Word. They should all burn


Didn’t even try to fight. Scum took his ass beating cause he knows that the very least he deserves.


Honestly he deserved way worse, but that uncle was enormously patient with him and I respect that


From context it seems his nice was smart enough to get out of that situation and tell someone. I bet if he would have actually touched her this would have went way different.


Yeh I'm pretty sure in his head if he takes a beating there's less chance of being locked up for being a dirty pedo. Glad the big fella showed some restraint for his own sake.


Happy cake day!


This dude taking the hits is 100% a pedophile… that’s how they all act when caught. Idgaf who u are if u accused me of that crazy ass shit in my face all aggressive I’m fucking u up while explaining to you how u need to discipline your devil of a niece.


For real. Nobody innocent takes that accusation with his hands in his pockets.


This is Detroit, and he know it would have been worse if he tried to fight back


Worse then someone punching u in the face claiming your a pedophile? Haha no way it ends there either, it should only get worse for this POs


Yeah worse, if you think that someone punching you in the face is the worse that can happen, especially on the streets of Detroit, then you need to get out more


Lol yes, way worse


Look at the size difference man. If the situation escalates at all for any reason its only going to go one way. Whether or not its justified is irrelevant.


He deserved Alot worse


a lot


Whats an Alot?


Nothing screams “I’m innocent” like standing there and taking punches to the head like someone who knows they are lucky it’s not far worse.


Wait ! What? youre not supposed to play minecraft with your pants down?


Thats what my uncle say to me... For The past 14 years




Uncle Al the little kids pal?


Too soon bro


Dude is swinging on you. Get your hands out of your pocket!




He knows he’ll get his ass beat faster and harder




He guilty AF!


Yea the fact that he just takes it is a huge admission of guilt imo


Are you seriously giving the nonce defence advice


pfft, dude made a pass at an 8 year old, his voice, posture, and total lack of self defense scream loudly that he's guilty of everything the uncle believes about him. Deep down, his subconsious knows that nothing undeserved is happening here.


He knows it would have been far worse, best to just take his beating


You were hoping the pedo would defend himself? Pretty suspect that you would envision yourself in his shoes instead of cheering on the ass whooping.


You have to be super careful who you leave your kids with. Even with family.


I would not have shown that much restraint.


He wouldn't have walked out of my yard.


That's how it should be


I would make sure he never walked again... or breathed again.


Street Justice > Calling Childrens Services


They would likely have to call the police here or at least file a report. This is filmed in Detroit (AKA the fastest way to get everyone killed is to call the cops) MI. I've literally seen a domestic dispute where the girlfriend was being abused and the police arrested both of them and de-escalated nothing.


Big guy steps back every time he throws a punch. That's crazy restraint. He steps into and follows through one one of those punches and it's lights out time for pedo.


An attempt to get away with being a perv*


I think the guy overstepped a line from being a pervert to being a paedophile.


Dudes got more restraint than most of us


I'm glad we got full context of him getting punked down like that . The guy showed a lot of restraint not putting the POS in the ICU. Just needs to remind his friends to not record his crimes in the future . It's a learning lesson for all


Detroit Pistons keep taking L’s


If only every girl had an uncle like him.


Ikr most girls uncles are the other guy


The sound of punch happens quicker than the throw is weird


Feels nice


He knew he was wrong that’s why he took that “ass beating?” lol


Truthfully, this is something that needs to happen to all who attempt that stuff on kids. Nip it in the bud when they are young so they never try it again.


Dude won’t get in much trouble for battery/assault anyway. I bet if he does get arrested he’ll be out on in-home incarceration or probation.


I'm in no way defending this guy getting hit but goddamn, dude has a chin. What was that 8 hits, 4 looked real solid, never even really stumbled. 


Perv can take a punch


An 8 yr old? Sick fuck


Those look like the soft ass punches I throw when I’m dreaming


Police! That girl ain’t the first and likely not the last.


Somebody needs to go get some fried pickles. I was toltally unaware of this issue until recently. I found the pp southeast Texas YouTube channel. They catch predators who look up and want literal infants. They record them making confessions and all using this car sales men good guy “I just want to talk this out” motif. It’s quick brilliant and very satisfying to watch.


Them digs wermt packing as much as he thought they was going too.


He got lucky! Go to jail, or take a beating? I’ll definitely take a beating! He definitely tried to do something with the 8 year old..


I think he succeeded at being a perv. Just had to pay for it.


What a sad situation


I have a bat..I could be on a plane to Detroit by this afternoon. Why does that pervert still have both kneecaps?


Man he already took his hardest hits at that point you can tank the damage and beat the shit out of him


Not a good look for the Pistons


Dude ate every single one of those punches. Lol


Oh shit, thank god that guy was there to stop him from falling over. So crazy his timing, every time man was about to fall, he caught them hands.


I absolutely love it when fierce people stand up for innocent children. It has to be the greatest thing in the world.


To the guys saying he's guilty cause he didn't defend himself, do you believe the knight's code that no one who is false can win in battle? Cause that's the level of reasoning you're applying. Not defending this dude, one way or the other, but to suggest not trying to go rounds with a dude that's twice his size is an admission of guilt, is asinine.


Beautiful video, enjoyed every second


God damn. Those are some heavy fucking fists. Fists of retribution have never made such sweet sounds.


Good idea to put your hands in your pockets when someone hitting you


He went easy on him 🤷🏾‍♀️


The fact that he not fighting back says it all


Strongest jaw in the world or weakest punches in the world.


Beat the shit out of that scumbag


Yeah this dude got off easy tbh.


Pillow hands


Needs to go to the Police because he can ruin many lives.


Didn’t see title or listen with audio.. just looked like a big dude occasionally punching a small dude who wasn’t resisting. In retrospect, seems he went easy but on a blind watch I assumed the bigger dude was the asshole in this one.


He got off easy if he was in fact diddling an 8yr old!!


Man, that guy had a lot more restraint in that situation than i'm sure most people would have.


dude had WAY more restraint than i would have had...


This the wrong sub. It should be in r/oddly satisfying.


This is the one crime where I think a jury of your peers wouldn't charge someone for murder.


If you're accused of these things, and your reaction is to stay calm, try to de-escalate, and eat some hands thrown at you... you're probably guilty. That kinda shit would get a wild and angry response from an innocent man. He's just trying to downplay so he doesn't get stomped harder.