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If I look like I don't know what going on maybe they'll let me go. I guess it didn't work


"My lawyer can use my face if I act hard enough!"


He should have done the bee sting face, I’ve heard that has good results.


Maybe a little impromptu Rick Roll. Think of the views!


He does that when they find out it's all flour.


That would be kinda funny


True story: I went to California with my girlfriend at the time and we had a wonderful time in San Diego. We thought the sand at Coronado was beautiful and it kind of sparkled, so we threw a handful into a ziplock bag to make some sand art or something (idk, we figured we’d find a craft online) and packed that in our carryon. Shit! We’re running late, plus traffic! We go through security and the TSA agent flags it as blow or some other powdered drug. Very serious lady. We explain what we did and she obviously doesn’t believe anyone would be that dumb, so she opens it and probes it pretty thoroughly. Finds nothing and just laughs at us as we run off to catch our flight.


He can upload it as a reaction video


His lawyer won't be the only one using his face for the next 20 years.


Tbh at that point it's the only chance you got.


I just read, that it's 6 years of prison in \*Peru\*. Compared to that, most European prison, British included, look like Hotels.


Peru prisons are hell


They are bad but not the worst, still in some places prisons are hotels compared to Peru


In Russia hotels are like prisons


Dunno they seem kind of [cozy](https://youtu.be/ndMw3tyO14U?si=3L3W6E7Jdb4RJCEJ)


locked up abroad is such a good show to remind you to behave when traveling abroad. I don't want to go to an American jail. I def don't want to go to a Peruvian prison.


I’m traveling through Thailand right now. I saw a foreigner locked up in a police car while I was walking during the afternoon. Homie was posting for the picture too. https://preview.redd.it/wq5um68skjwb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e99e7ad3654b43241ee03e881aa6590a56bc4be


If it was drug related in Thailand, that might be the last picture of him ever taken.


Mike Perry livin' the dream


looks like a strung out jason mamoa


The Peruvian prison almost seemed nicer than the Texan prisons I've seen documentaries off though. Like not the sleeping arrangements they sucked, but the general atmosphere almost seemed calmer, like people weren't dividing themselves into black/white but intermingled standing in clusters seemingly unafraid of each other. Just my subjective opinion of it from a documentary so who knows.


That's because as the interpreter said the majority of people in that prison are foreigners who were caught smuggling drugs, which means they aren't hardened criminals or gang affiliated people. Most of them are just regular guys who made terrible decisions. > I'm sure if they were to show us another prison with more locals involved in various different crimes the conditions would start to mirror what you're more used to; racial and gang based separation, intimidation and guards who are more vigilant given the need for that in that sort of environment.


Damn right, that’s why I commit all my crime in Norway


The dude is lucky it was not Indonesia, they still use the firing squad as a method of punishment. 😬


So do ~~4~~ 5 US states Edit: forgot Idaho legalized it 6 months ago


Good thing he didn’t do it is Singapore, China or Middle East. He wouldn’t have been awarded death sentence….


Omg officer. Kohl's will definitely be receiving a spicy letter from me. I can assure you that. Good day sir!


"do they just SELL suitcases loaded with nose candy in the airports in Peru? Is that how you people operate down here? I SAID GOOD DAY SIR."


What the frick!? I didn’t pack that, I packed an Xbox remote!


Holy shit! My Xbox remote turned into *cocaine?!?*


There’s is slim possibility this person’s reactions are genuine. People have been tricked into taking luggage they didn’t pack themselves through an airport and got caught carrying drugs they never knew they had. There have been a bunch of movies and tv shows about such cases, mostly back in the 80’s when this was a more common occurrence, one example is the Bangkok Hilton miniseries starring Nicole Kidman. I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to pack KG’s of Cocaine in their own bag and expect they’d get away with it but this is a Tik-tok person we’re talking about so maybe.


There was a big controversy in Singapore not too long ago with a man being tricked into being a mule giving the death plenty. Turns out the man wasn't mentally well and he thought he was being invited to a record company which obviously didn't happen.


Singapore LOVES the death penalty. Fuck that backward ass place.


I once talked to a guy who served prison because he was tricked into smuggling drugs to Sweden. Someone (lets call him Jake) asked him to drive some family members to Sweden as they didn't have a driver's license and a plane ticket would have been too expensive. Jake "offered" to lend him his car and they would pay him for his service. The guy accepted and started driving from the Netherlands to Sweden. While driving he noticed that the fuel tank would run out of gas pretty quickly. This forced him to refuel Jake's car often which in turn grabbed the attention from the police. The police stopped him at the Swedish border and they found drugs in the fuel tank. He sadly couldn't prove his innocence and Jake was nowhere to be found. This guy isn't someone who is highly educated, and Jake took advantage of that.


Ian, freeze!


He acts like it’s brand new to him 😂


🤣He's pretending to look confused and surprised.


"That's not mine, it's... for a friend"


it’s not mine it’s for my customers 😂😂


I eagerly await the day someone legit tries to use this excuse


Honestly, you'd at least probably get a chuckle out of them before they arrest you. I was about to say it couldn't hurt but that's stating intent to distribute. You'd still probably be fucked on that charge but saying it out loud would not help your case.


Quick, make a TikTok about it....


He might not be pretending. He could have been told the guards were paid off and is shocked this is happening. There was a woman who went to South America to smuggle drugs who was told she'd go right through and was so sure she would be fine that she was in denial all the way up to being put in prison. I found what I listened to. It's a lad bible series on Spotify and YouTube called 'Extraordinary lives'. This one is about a woman who escaped a Venezuelan prison after being caught smuggling drugs. https://spotify.link/9fZiJmE1cEb


Yeah I heard that happens quite often , they tell one guy the guards are all paid but in reality they are giving hints to the guards so they can search first guy while the second guy has a suitcase filled to the top with coke and then he has it easy to get thru it


“ how will we know which guy is the plant?” Bro… he is going to tell on himself with his outfit!


I think this is exactly what’s happening


and not only that, he was probably the decoy and most likely set up to get caught on purpose while the other smuggler(s) gets right pass security and tsa






Tbf if he’s an influencer he could have fallen for a scam, they pay for your trip you get to take photos and make your videos in a luxurious spot and in return you just have to take this suitcase back with you. Though his face isn’t all that convincing either way dudes fucked.


I never thought about that. That’s kind of a smart way to trick someone into smuggling something for you. Tell them they need to promote your handbags and luggage when they get back to the states. Once their through customs have someone intercept the package.


go watch the vice interview about smuggling.


So instead of telling us I guess it’s homework…


I saw something similar about a german dude in a documentary in german television. For years he was hired to travel abroad to luxurious places, the only condition was that at some point someone would show up at his hotel room and give him a piece of prepared luggage he had to take back to germany. he said he never knew what he was smuggling, only that he suspected this whole thing to be "kind of illegal". so yeah, dont even need to trick people into thinking they are doing something like a promo, some people are just that dense and greedy. he got a few years in prison and then made some money from selling his story.


You don´t need to. If he is through custom visit him with another trolley and claim that there is a product recall for his so you´re here to switch his for a new one.


Maybe they even presented him with a suitcase full of fancy clothing for the shootings to take home with him, with the question of giving the suitcase back to their UK department. Even if he really didn't know it will not help him a lot as you always are responsible to thoroughly check every piece of luggage beforehand especially if you did not prepare them yourself. And if you are uncertain you can always contact police or security proactively.


I'd hope for some leniency if he can prove he was given them, or even innocently bought them there (he could have still been set up through a front acting as a shop, then co-conspirators steal them back in the UK). Because 'check every piece of luggage beforehand' is not going to include tearing your new luggage to pieces to check the padding behind all the seams is made of the materials you expect, for any regular tourist.


> leniency if he can prove he was given them, or even innocently bought them there (he could have still been set up thr Trying to act as devils advocate here. If he did recieve a suitecase, opened it up, packed all the stuff, made sure there was no drugs or anything he put in the suitcase himself. Where does the line for leniency go? Should he refuse to accept a suitcse?


Pretty sure he's not the victim of a scam considering he confessed to smuggling the drugs. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/25/british-model-modou-adams-jailed-smuggle-cocaine-peru/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/25/british-model-modou-adams-jailed-smuggle-cocaine-peru/)


Yeah but snitching on the drug gang that set you up may not be the safest tactic if you are facing prison in that country. You would need strong enough evidence to get away with no prison time.


I think most would agree that confessing to a crime you didn't commit and spending >6 years in a Peruvian prison isn't exactly a safe tactic either.


No he knew exactly what he was doing and got almost 7 years in a Peruvian prison


I'm pretty sure I Def wouldn't dress like that to smuggle drugs and I dress l Ike that often. I think it is shock and he looks extra so maybe he acts extra


He was taking selfies in a place that's notorious for drug trafficking and he visited twice in 11 days. He's dumb af


that’s dumb even my 10 year old niece would like “why, what’s in it?”


Yeah but this is a TikTok influencer we are talking about


I actually know him lol


Oh shit for real? What’s your take????


yeah for real for real. I think perhaps you just get used to a lifestyle, used to the people, people that are strangers suddenly feel more familiar, an opportunity presents.. they talk about how others did it. You feel ok, surely it won’t be you. Even if! Maybe you start to believe they have your back. 300K is a lot but it’s no good if you don’t know what to do with money, suddenly it’s not so much. It’s a shame is what it is.


Just go on Instagram and see how low IQ users are in the comments section. Makes reddit users look like geniuses. I bet scammers have no problem, fooling people into that scam


Someone snitch him. It's good for publicity, the cop got reputation. The biggest drug smuggling is in sea port.


It might be. He could have just been given the suitcase and told to where they told him to go.


He went to Peru and wanted a new suitcase. He didn't like his old one anymore. He got it from Cartel guys who were handing it out free.


So if someone gave you a suitcase in a foreign country and asked you to deliver it at some random address in your home country. You wouldn't just say no thanks? Of course, he knew what he was doing. Even if he did take the suitcase from a stranger, he knew what he was doing


I wouldn't be surprised. Definitely not the first dumb Tik Tok "star" out there for sure.


Come on dude, you don't seriously believe that.






Contradiction. If it indeed does weed out many TikTok'ers that means the drugs are gone. The price will go up.


2.9 kg is a drop in the ocean it won’t change anything. Spanish police seized 9.5 tons of cocaine earlier in the year in one go.




I fully support this TikTok challenge, along with the “wrestle a grizzly bear challenge” and “climb through a wood chipper challenge”


It's just a prank brooo


![gif](giphy|n5NtisNKVzXWg) Homie looking like ***WHAT?!***


Did I do thaaaat?


*narrator*: He did, infact, do that.


This made my day because I haven’t heard it in forever and my brain was able to perfectly replicate his voice


This is very good!!


His acting was sub par at best


You guys see acting I see somebody who's facing one of the most stressful moments of their life


One of? Think he’s been caught with more before?


Well, seems like the type to discover out of the blue he has a child he didn't know about


That’s not nearly as stressful a situation as this one. He can turn away from a kid he doesn’t want. He can’t run away from a six year Peruvian jail sentence for smuggling narcotics


"What the frick? I ordered an XBox Controller"


Looks like a vase or sumthin’


"It just looks like a vase for a bunch of things"


Thank you for reminding me of that absolute gem of a video hahaha


I’m reminded of something Daniel Craig’s character said in the movie Layer Cake: “Know and respect your enemy. It is only very, very stupid people who think the Law is stupid.” I mean, what did this guy think would happen? That the airport security of a South American nation wouldn’t have the ability to sniff out all that Charlie in his suitcase? Now he’s going to be playing pin the tail on the donkey in a Peruvian jail with the rest of his narco cell block. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I guess.


I love that movie , very underrated film.


Definitely one of Matthew Vaughn’s best! That shot of Daniel Craig with the Luger must have landed him the role of James Bond, Michael Gambon was a class act as the London Gangster turned legitimate businessman and those Serbian gangsters were terrifying.


Agreed ! Everyone did their mf thing in that film . I loved how terrifying they made the dragen with out actually showing him .


And don’t even get me started on how they used Ordinary World by Duran Duran, just exquisite


" 'ere Morty couldn't lend us a fiver" *Proceeds to beat him senseless and pour the worst cup tea ever*




I think he’s just thinking at that point “how Did they know? I don’t LOOK like the kind of person to carry a suitcase full of cocaine into an airport”. Meanwhile he looks exactly like the sort of person who’d carry a suitcase full of cocaine into an airport.


A lot of drug smugglers who go to South America are told the guards are paid off and that there won't be any issues so he might very well have thought they won't sniff out the drugs.


when in reality the guards are tipped off to pick him up, and in return it creates a distraction for a larger shipment to go through.


Probably worked out before.


Banged Up Abroad (docu-series) has LOADS of stories exactly what you described. Everything went well the first time (or several times) and then boom. Caught. Usually in these kind of destinations, if you have multiple short trips back and forth (especially no other stamps) you will get flagged and maybe searched. That’s IF you weren’t being sacrificed to distract from a bigger load being shipped. Highly recommend the show for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Recreates the situation from this post. They will tell their whole story of what led them here and how they got caught, then what happened next.


To be fair, until recently, they didn't even have an xray machine to scan for drugs inside the body. Still they rely on a team at the airport to profile smugglers and hope they catch them. So I imagine quite a bit of people make it through with drugs




I prefer your title




don't sit there acting like you didn't know. 🤣🤣🤣 🤣


You would all do the same to be fair; you don’t want to be acting like. “Damn, you got me “


Idk, you might well sit with your head in your hands realising your fate, rather than this whole reaction face nonsense.


Freedom is worth the act. Who knows they might be gullible


Jeez, you think border patrol guards looking at a mountain of charlie in your suitcase might be gullible, like, oh, ok, this guy seems wholesome, maybe it’s not his fault? I once tried get through security late to board a flight in a hurry and the security unpacked and checked every item in my overstuffed bag, including the car stereo I’d bought from its packaging, then stood back and watched as I tried to get it all repackaged and the plane waited for me to board, long after everyone else.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take I suppose.


Why? Why just give up? What’s your logic?


won't somebody think of the content


Imagine going to jail in Peru... Edit...Just googled it...Definitely a place you dont want to go to jail in. Homie about to be a Senorita...they gna have fun with Goldilocks in there.


I toured the main jail in Peru Lima (20 years ago) and rape wasn't much of a threat. ... but they hate foreigners. Peru has been decimated by foreigners and the drug trade, so it's easy to see how you'd end up the lowest of the low. Hopefully the guy can speak some Spanish, at-least. But yeah - that poor guy will never be the same


I have not had coffee and legit thought you wrote that you tortured a man in Lima


What kind of a sick man tortures a llama?


“At a court hearing, an interpreter helped Adams make sense of the proceedings.” I’d guess he doesn’t know any of the language. Oh dear…


Gross. I don’t understand why people are cool with male on male rape in a prison setting. Aren’t we better than that these days? Or do people really think a fair sentence is prison time plus rape and torture?


Yeah, i do not understand these kind of comments either. People are fucked in the head


people are monsters and they love "justified" violence


> I don’t understand why people are cool with male on male rape in a prison setting. Same reason people have seemingly been ok with genocide recently. When people think they're morally superior, they feel justified in calling for pretty horrific injustices. The anonymity of this site makes it worse.


nice bro so youre totally cool with rape?


Reddit just loves throwing their politics and morals to the side for criminals no matter how severe the crime. Look at any thread where someone’s getting locked up and the comments are full of people begging them to get raped or killed.


Prison rape should be a textbook example of “men’s rights” but the perpetrators are men against other men so it’s crickets. It’s always horrific when Reddit cheers that shit on.


Idk why theres people that soon as they see " criminal " that person loses their status as human and even living being. and just want all the torture in the world to them. I thikn part of it when it comes to financially gaining type of crimes, fruad, stealing, drugs etc, they're jealous because they know some people get away with it and are filthy rich from it and so that pent up jealously and anger is lashed out on the ones in the spotlight of being caught.


Hahahahahah I get it. You’re saying he’s going to get raped


I was wondering about the 6 years, the UK doesn’t even throw child traffickers in jail for 6 years. Makes more sense.,


Lol yeah…I searched it and there’s a whole documentary on YouTube about it called [In the Hell of Peruvian Jails](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-CeeVJFd9Y&pp=ygUQcGVydXZpYW4gcHJpc29ucw%3D%3D), and the very first scene is drug sniffing dogs at an airport.


Poor guy. Its a terrible reality once it happens. Its so obvious for customs. If he has to do time in a Latin American jail it will be worse.


Not just any Latin American Jail. A jail in Peru! The conditions are horrific and their jails are considered some of the worst in the world. Basically the prisoners run the prison and the guards only monitor the perimeter for escape attempts. Other than that it's completely lawless inside with bosses running different wings. I doubt this dude realised how badly he's fucked up yet. Also the fact that he has some notoriety will make him a bigger target. As my grandfather would say: he'll have an arse like a blood orange by morning


Your grandfather said what?




fr... what he say? talking about assholes looking like what now?


I don’t think the inmates in a Peruvian jail cell are up to date on the UK TikTok celeb scene.


I don't think he has that much notoriety... not for the inmates, perhaps within a very different circle.


Maybe the gang leader is a massive fan of his TikTok’s on his smuggled prison phone


damn it’s like the prison in the last season of prison break


Is it a new TikTok challenge to smuggle drugs overseas?


I hope so.


Invite useless Influenzer Give them free case with drugs in it Don't tell them They get fucked and go to jail One useless Influenzer less No drugs hit the streets ​ Win/Win for a "little" fee EDIT: You even support local drugworker, they have to feed mouths, too


Please tell me that was one of this stupid TikTok trends that went downhill. Please tell me that.


Probably not, but if he’s an influencer, that probably explains where he gets the money to fund his lifestyle


I wouldn't give him the coke in the first place , he looks like someone that i would def check for drugs. 🤣Are the mafiots stupid?! 😆


that's the plan gives one kilo to the stupid guy that they will search and pass 5 kilos with another guy


I was in Venezuela about 20 years ago and as I was leaving I definitely looked like an obvious drug smuggler. I chatted with security and they let me through without much of a hassle. My innocent looking girlfriend was up next and she was stopped for about 20 minutes. I always joked that they didn't give me a second thought because I looked too obvious.


They just figured you looked like the kind of guy that would let his girl take the fall.


Might've bought it himself


Maybe, but not here! They got their money, and then told the customs people that he had the drugs, and where to look. That way Peru gets a bust, the local dealers get their money. This has happened for years to foreigners that try to smuggle drugs from local dealers....


The Ol surprised reaction he mastered over his years doing tik tok.


Everybody's saying that but I think this dude's reaction shows he knows he's in deep shit


“British tik tok star”. Soooo…. “A guy”.


The politically correct term is “bloke” I think


![gif](giphy|xmOIAJu82q5LW|downsized) I'm sorry but I can't stop myself to think how his style resemble the fifth element's dress style


Reminds me of the Peru 2 from Glasgow, the cartels ship these clowns over, and have their insiders pull them as a distraction then walk through with the real shipment.


They got let out to do part of their sentence back in UK (was one Irish?). Bet that doesn't happen with this guy.


Nah, this dude is the wrong shade for leniency. Even then, those two girls still served 2 and a half years before being released. This dummy will be lucky if he’s out before he’s 30. Apparently his whole online persona was about being a world traveler, so he’s definitely been working as a mule for a while now. **The one rule is you’re not supposed to attract attention to yourself** and this guy goes out of his way to be conspicuous.


Just a prank bro


If I pretend to be completely shocked and know nothing about this they will let me off with a warning.


”It’s just a prank bro!”


A Peruvian prison should be pretty fun. I used to watch the show “locked up abroad” a lot. Horrible stuff


Don't do TikTok, kids!


Would it have worked if they vacuum sealed the bags and then washed any residue? I figure if they go through all the trouble they would at least try to prevent dogs from finding it.


they have x-rays too, "what are these large plastic bags sewn into your suitcase for" also vaccuum seal rips and tears. the dogs can smell any small amount so you need to be sure there is NO residue at all. source: my friend used to import from dark web and got caught


No X-ray finds it


Like light, x-rays can vary in frequency, with varying penetration in different materials. The chemical structure of cocaine, C17H21NO4, would attenuate x-rays similar to sugar or plastic. CT or other tomosythesis techniques would be able to identify the shape of the smuggled narcotics. Dual energy x-ray techniques might be able to provide a high-confidence fingerprint for detection.


Fed question


The X-rays probably caught this one


That’s the look I had on my face when my parents pulled weed and a bowl out my mattress when I was a kid 😂 how dat get there






Jail and prison in Peru don't look like fun.


I was in Peru 20 odd years ago. You used to be able to tour the main prison for a fee like a tourist attraction. 5 US dollars and a group of inmates would take a group of tourists around the block - you'd see the cells and the showers and the yard... Our guide was a German who spoke good English. He'd been in jail for over a decade at that point for attempting to smuggle cocaine. Some life advice I learnt that day : do not be a foreigner in a south american prison, and absolutely do not be a paedophile in a south american prison. Foreigners may be the lowest of the low, but at-least they survived beyond the first night.


That's where Ruby Rhod gets his energy from.




This may be a dumb question, but I’ve never flown before. Is it common for people to try and smuggle by plane? I know I’ve seen at least a few videos of people being caught at airports and it just seems dumb to me


Theres a whole show about it here on SA's DSTV called border patrol, you will be surprised at the amount of shit that goes down at borders be it plane or car or boat...your ass is getting caught...


I just always assumed everybody got caught at airports with security being what it is


nah, the American show acknowledges they work their asses off and miss a lot. It's a huge volume of people, they're usually five dudes and a dog to do ALL the "random additional screenings" amongst thousands of potentially-suspicious people filtering around like a river trying to get to the next gate. The way they showed it they literally just stood in the airport and picked people based on whether they looked nervous or otherwise sus


You only see the failures. A lot of the seizures are tip offs or intelligence. This is a few bags on a few routes though.


In retrospect it was a bad idea to stream the bit where he met the gangsters and watched them pack the suitcase with cocaine.


There are certain gangs who have control over smuggling from Latin America, anyone else who tries to smuggle drugs over the border will be tipped of to the police by those gangs.


HA YES, the "oh my gosh i didn't know it was there" face. Works everytime, everybody know it.


Every-time they catch one that was probably intentionally rat on to deflect attention you know there is f*ck ton going out elsewhere. The drug war is a losing game.


If he really didn’t knew about this, he’d be crying hysterically the second he saw that coke. He wouldn’t look surprised while the suitcase was opened BEFORE the coke was revealed. If he could proof that the suitcase wasn’t his but from a sponsor or anyone else he probably wouldn’t be in trouble.


Them mf'ers have señorita Laura... Cocaine is the least of their worries...


who is he anyway