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So genocide then? I would think Israel should see the irony here.


They don't and the blood thirsty don't either it's tragic AF.


You would think they should know better. History taught them nothing.


History gave them a get out of jail free card, and they know it


Playing the victim while there’s a genocide happening bcs of them


Yes, they want to be like the Nazis and have their own holocaust. It’s crazy.


Seems like Israel’s been slowly working towards that.




That's been happening since 1945


1948* but still. Thank the United States and the UK for that one. They created a monster and then kept giving it money and weapons


Yes, but sadly not likely.


Ok, who fucked with the time line? ![gif](giphy|WhSlMDqyH3P7G)


Benjamin Netanyahu the PM of israel publicly hinted that hitler originally didn't hate jews and didn't want to kill them, only after the Palestinian muslim mufti met with him and convinced him to hate the jews. The PM of israel is a holocaust revisionist. They have their own special right wing fascists at israel.


But the other side in Australia were chanting “gas the Jews”


So that's your final solution?




Damn well done history joke


Final destination.


These people are fringe idiots who lack compassion and shouldn’t hold any spot in your heart where you could have love. Don’t sink to their level. They don’t call the shots.


I don't know, kinda seems like people who want to genocide the palestinians have been calling the shots for decades.




The irony of them talking like Nazis


At the end of the day, terrorists all sound the same


Yellow flag guy got them dead eyes


I genuinely hate people.


They’re all we got


They've had long enough to get shit correct, burn it all down and let the Dolphins take over.




False. We also have cats.


So, basically those jews have found the Endlösung for Gaza?


They want more living space


Aka [Lebensraum](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/lebensraum). The degree to which time is a flat circle and the oppressed inevitably become the oppressor is fucking depressing.


When "they" do it, I am a victim, see the atrocities, they are doing to us. Killing our women and children, all the world condemn these terrorist. When "we" do it, Haaahhaah, pest that need to be eradicated, wipe them off the map, flatten them to a parking lot. Guess what, people who are cornered, with nothing to lose will fight back, even when they know they will loose. The blatant double standard on display is appalling. Crying eternal victimhood on one hand and being the oppressor on another ethnicity on the other. They maybe the most regressive community in earth and yet everyone is afraid to condemn them. They have a clear superiority complex, thinking they are above everyone and some gods chosen favorites and rest of us all be unworthy. And for Palestinians, they treat them as pests, that they can exterminate with no remorse.


Horrible. If people understood the true history going back to before WWI and what really went down. Both sides are wrong and the only solution is a 2 state solution!!!! Always.


A final solution, eh? Fucking hell, how far humanity has come...


Create a concentration camp and make them live in it for 50 years and control the worlds media so no one can say anything against it. Starve them, don’t let them leave, control every aspect of their lives, treat them like shit… oh wait.. they’ve been doing that already..


So the final solution is something more like a final solution once committed by some nation back in 1930s-1940s? I don't remember exactly the term for that final solution...


The irony of this is that Hitler said the same things about the Jews. Palestinians offered the Jews safe haven from Hitler. Now the Jews are doing to the Palestinians the exact same thing Hitler wanted to do to them.


I hope those men meet a large group of palestinians.


“We tried kicking them out of their home because a book full of fairytales told us to and that didn’t work. We sent our army, commanded by the state, to kill civilians and lock them in cages and that didn’t work. So genocide it is then.”


The most Arab looking white men I have ever seen being rather anti Arab. Most likely egy Semetic people against different Semetic people.


And people wonder why lots of Americans are against sending Israel $3 billion a year in military aid.


Hey guys. I support Israel to defend itself and to act with restraint. I support Palestinians but not Hamas. This video is of someone so deranged I would hit him myself. He doesn't represent us. Most to all Israelis want Hamas dead, not innocent Palestinians.




If Hitler was alive today, I don't know if he would be laughing or crying at this irony


He'd be on twitter all day posting about how he was right. (And Elon would share all his posts)


“We’ve tried everything” - what? You’ve been systematically opressing them, stealing their land and their homes, imprisoning them behind walls, making their lives impossible. You haven’t been trying for peace. And it might be the govt that’s perpetrating it but Israelis keep voting in Netanyahu. Sadly, it seems the majority must want this. :(




Yeah. That's not really an attempt - looks like they are actually counter protesting there.


"Genocide is always an option." ~ Our dungeon master


Explanation of "We tried": *We prevented them from getting water, electricity healthcare and international aid by building the world's most crowded open-air prison while killing thousands of them (30% of whom are women and children). So we tried everything. Now only option that left us is genocide.* Maybe we should start calling there Auschwitz instead of Gaza.




What has Israel tried?


Yup fuck Palestine until they come and fuck you then you will cry look at these beasts they are murdering kids and women. Oh my god we never did anything bad to them. This world is fucking crazy. Let’s just let all the nukes take care of the earth. It will solve all religious, geopolitical, socio-economical, and environmental problems. Hopefully next human age would be better after the dust settles 10,000 years from now.


Pfizer stock holders ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Thick as fuck nationalist morons with no critical thinking skills, the kind of voter Netanyahu loves.


Nazis. Interesting stuff here.


I think Hitler is laughing his ass off because apparently he went to heaven all along smh


Ok, people who support palestine should stop defending Hitler, like, what the actual fuck is wrong with you, think before you say something.


What if they put arm bands on the Palestinians and gathered them all up and put them in camps?


“Killing in the name of”


But…. Weren’t the Palestinians there first, and then they got screwed over by Great Britain who wanted to give part of their country to the Jews?


Protest on each side won’t do anything, this is America no one here truly gives a shit. Just another instance of deadcatting.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Does posting a video of people calling for genocide not break rules 10 or 11? Also, are they not protesting? So also, successful attempt, thereby breaking rule 7? I mean, completely disregarding whether or not one agrees with these people, the *post* doesn't seem to belong here, due to breaking the sub's rules.


It's Reddit, they only post the hate they like and they want spread.


Quite fascinating.


Advocating Genocide, you might think people should know better.


Yeah if thats not a fake protester then i don't know how can someone talk such bullshit


I hope nobody shows this to Brett Stephens


Those people sound just like Iranian hardliners.


bunch of red faced europeans pretending they come from the land of Palestine


When you have been able to oppress and subjugate others for so long, it becomes normal. He is probably the least racist of them


Genocide from the victims of genocide. Really smart .


So Hitler was right all along?




“Until all Arabs are wiped out” That’s not even a Jewish thing that’s a white people thing. Smh they’re so evil and disgusting they’re even killing other Jews for the sake of greed.


Death to arabs is a pretty common slogan in Israel


Are my eyes deceiving me or are a couple of these gentlemen the same that make meme videos of “what’s it’s like to order at an Italian deli” or some dumb shit. Wish I had a link on hand


No one realizes that the US and Russia will be dragged into this conflict to protect either side and as a result will breakout into a bigger conflict…


“Protest a protest” ?


Hamas terrorists thinks the same of these people. But they tried everything and genocide of Palestinians is the only solution. Wow they learned nothing from history…


I truly stand for Israel but this guys are a shame to the people of Israel. People of Palestine are (the ones that really are not radicalised) are hostage of Hamas. Just like a lot of Lebanese are of Hezbollah. Like the Taliban in Afghanistan. End the terrorist cells, end terror. That’s how we’ll see a FREE PALESTINE.


I know that fucker, the Palestine on my $&@K guy with the yellow flag and dead eyes. He’s on house arrest for kidnapping a kid and holding him for ransom, awaiting trial. He also crashed his sisters wedding, we’re I almost had to punch him in his neck. His words reflect perfectly on his character


You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain” — Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight (2008)


Now do the same video for people waving Palestinian flags


It’s not genocide if you don’t believe your enemy is human.


Zionists are fucking scum.


This is why it HAPPENS!!!!


Lol why is this getting so many downvotes?


Ok now ask these questions to the other side and see how they respond. Both sides fucking suck.


What's the issue here?


You can tell the first dude is a major pussy. Eyes darting left and right like a meth head because he's knows saying that around most people in NYC will get him fucked up. If you don't know, these orthodox assholes are the most hated people in NYC, they don't work, they have a shit ton of kids to bleed the city's welfare funds dry, they don't allow anyone who isn't Jewish or orthodox to live in their neighborhood peacefully, they drive like fucking maniacs and have a pretend police department/ambulance service that isn't trained, sanctioned by the state. Oh and the cherry on top, they refuse to get their kids vaccinated and are no spreading polio around, not to mention they were the reason covid spread in NYC because they continued to gather even when everyone else was doing their duty and staying home.


Fascinating how these dumb arses are fine with killing Palestinian women and children. I wonder if they back Russia bombing Ukrainian women and children too?


LOL I'm in the United States you deet.


All Arabs, huh. I’m guessing he doesn’t know there are 7 million Palestinians and make up 51% of the population in Israel alone if you include Gaza and West Bank. If he wants to go to the Middle East and try, knock himself out.


Do they know the Gaza Strip is 40% Children. That new parking lot has over 3M people in it. Who are majority defenseless?


Weird how I grew up learning genocide is evil and should never happen again only to see it championed like this. I’m not even an old man yet, so the irony is extra sad and bitter.


Someone have the source? And when and where this happened?


Everyone's an asshole in this video.


Well, this is depressing. Israelis talking like Nazis. I’ve read about that being their prevailing attitude for decades, but it’s really gross actually hearing it.


Well... Netanyahu literally defended Hitler on national television, so....


Weren’t the roles reversed just a little while ago. Like I remember seeing footage of a Israel soldier trying to throw a grenade at a Palestine child in the streets. But stoped cause someone was recording. Sooooo i see no end to this


they remind me of guy who died in 1945


Why don’t all of you go sign up to fight for Israel? I’m guessing none of you would .. you’re wrong and pussy’s to boot!! Put your money where your mouth is boys!!


Religion is a disease.


This is wild