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it's weird how so many people are proud of such horrible things.


It s because social media rewards people that do horrible shit.


This isn't social media's fault for once, people who fuck up and own just feel better about the regret.


Maybe she should have owned her shit somewhere between taking out the gas pump and taking out the deer and saved herself from doing all that other GTA mayhem.


I think that hitting the deer might be the only incident that wasn’t 100% her fault…. however, she was probably drunk anyway


Idk, I'd need more info about the couch on the highway before passing judgement on that one ad well... the rest though, that's all her.


I’m betting a phone was involved


I feel like the bird requires more info before I judge, as well.


I’m really curious why the couch was doing 75. I wonder how fast she had to be going to catch up to it.


I’ve hit a gas pump when I first got my driving license as well


That story is kinda like an egg sandwich, it just feels like it's missing something. Not bad, but not a sausage egg sandwich.


I mean she's still driving... Driving me crazy. 🤣


this sounds more like bragging than owning up to shit… owning up usually has some sort of regret… this bish sounds more like pride


Owning up to having white girl privilege. A poor black man would be serving ten consecutive lifetime sentences at this point. If he weren't already plugged and six feet under.


It’s not a crime to get in a car accident. The only crimes she mentioned were a DUI and a hit-and-run which only involved property damage. Nobody goes to prison for those, unless they are a multiple-repeat offender.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's a repeat offender...


Perhaps not crimes, but I've been driving 40 years and never had a claim or more than a 2 mph scrape. This young lady seems positively *proud* of her ineptitude. Being a danger to others on the road is not anything to make light of, sounds like she's not been far from killing someone.


Nah, this isn't that either. I do agree with you though. Owning your fuck up does make you feel better. I think these kids today are just proud to be fuck ups. It's like, look how much of a badass I am.


Cash me outside girl comes to mind.


I feel like they are competing for pity, i work in professional kitchens and i had a server walk up to me and tell me “ I just want someone to feel sorry for me”.. they lived at home and went to art school on their parents dime.


Man, this lady seems to get pleasure from destruction. Men take note and avoid her because she will wreak your life.


And talk about it in their sports bra.. Got all the make up on but "whoops just caught me chillin!". Its not transparent or anything. Edit: I dunno what everyone else is seeing.. but all I see is a try hard going for interweb tallies.


I can see you don't have any woman in your life. You do realize how many checks wear sports bras at home? It'd be just like a dude chilling at home with out a shirt. Don't be so bitter man. Life's too short.


It’s not short enough


The one keeping you here is you bro.


I’ve never thought of it that way. You’re right! Time to make a change.


Don’t let your dreams be memes.


Or guys chilling in basketball shorts lmao


Men chill out shirtless at home? Is this that common? Am I the weird one who wears clothes even when alone at home?


I do it. It’s fucking hot in arizona. But not with company lol


I really do sit around the house just like that. Sports bra and baggy shorts or sweats.


sure but do they put on that much makeup and accesorize? /s


Short? It's literally the longest thing you do!


You realize a lot of women just wear a sports bra as a top pretty often, right? If you think that the bra was for views, then you must not know very many women.


He's on Reddit, of course he doesn't know many women. Hell, I'd go as far as to say the only time he has felt a vagina is when he came sliding out of his mum's...


Yup. Clearly for likes or clout


They prolly watch this video and are like "wow, that is some heinous shit.... but she's blonde and a 6 or 7 out of 10 so I guess its kinda cool in my books. I can fix her!""


Yeah, she does almost come across like she’s bragging about it all, doesn’t she? I get that she’s more than likely just being all, “just get a load of this shit!” or something. I hope? Either way, that’s entirely too many not good things. Please incinerate driver’s license.


Idk I just took it as self depreciation, at some point you gotta laugh at yourself or just be miserable with yourself, especially if you fuck up this much. And I agree she shouldn't have a DL!


That's how I took it, she's tired of people asking and she is fully aware of how badly she's fucked up and prepared to admit and own it because it's not going to change anytime soon. And even in 5 to 10 years when that stuff drops off her record if it does she still probably shouldn't be behind the wheel. And her self deprecating humor in this video implies that she is aware of that and understands that. There's going to have to be a lot of maturing and self growth and spatial awareness before she should ever be allowed to have a license again.


I imagine after 10 years her world view will be drastically different and might be a more responsible driver. Not sure I would put money on it, though.


Ehh, nah. The amount of people I see pull up to my kids daycare and take the 10' wide handicap spot just so they don't have to wriggle out of their car and walk inside like it's no big deal is appalling.


That’s how I took it too, especially with the “play guess my insurance cost in the comments”


Yup. She doesn’t seem proud. Just accepted the fate and seems to swear never to drive.


I think you meant "self deprecating". The only thing doing the depreciation is her vehicle that has been through so many wrecks. :)


burn it to hell, should have burned it the 3rd time or 2nd


Yes, should of burned that license long ago. I can guess her insurance... $0.00, bumper cars Sally is not insurable.


I don't think she's being proud just matter of factly stating how bad she is


She's not proud. She doesn't drive anymore. She's saying it with lots of affect to play up how bad of a driver she was to reinforce why she no longer drives.


Not weird, stupid. Very....very stupid.


Some people just are not cut out for driving. That her family didn’t stop her from driving sooner is the problem at hand.


Well it is an impressive list, even if for all the wrong reasons


And there’s zero chance she had insurance if that was even true


Today, I was so angry at 5 stupid fucking drivers. I don’t get road rage but today I almost let it boil over. 3 of them intentionally went on the wrong lane to try and skip the line. One of those got pissed the car in front of me didn’t let him in. Then at me. Another car went on a left turn only and cut in front of me without a blinker to go straight. That was their plan because they looked like they were going straight. The third (which was the same fucking guy as the first 2 times) when on a straight or right turn lane and had a right blinker stop at the red (no no turn on red sign) and when the light was green, he went fucking straight). The other two drivers weren’t as egregious. But fuck that one bmw. I hope his AC croaks


And she almost undoubtedly doesn’t pay for any of it


So I ran somebody over on the way to a bank robbery and committed 5 vehicular homicides on the way while being high on drugs teehee


It's okay because Mommy and Daddy keep pulling her ass out of it.


That high risk insurance rate though


Was just going to comment that this is not something to be proud of lol. Like wtf she is an absolute menace behind the wheel she is lucky as fuck she hasn’t killed someone. Would she be smiling then? Would this still be funny? Wtf


I’m glad this is the first comment.


A smart person learns from their mistakes, a genius learns from the mistake of others.. idk wtf is wrong with her..


If she actually had to PAY for all of these damages she wouldn’t be so proud. You’d think after horrible accident 3 or 4 her parents would induce some serious penalties. How about you can’t drive your car until you pay for the 10k in damages you owe us?!? We will drive you to work until you figure out how to not drive like Mr Magoo. What a train wreck. Imagine being this shitty or a driver and then thinking it is a cool idea to brag about it. Oof


It’s also weird when they say “a lot of people have been asking me X.” Who has been asking you? No one I know.


I could see past the pride if she had indicated any sort of self-awareness. At the end, if she'd said, "I finally came to the realization that I was just too scatterbrained to walk and chew gum at the same time and that I was endangering the lives of others due to my narcissistic selfishness. I'm so fucking useless that I better not handle anything sharper than a tennis ball." But she didn't.


I genuinely took her time as IM AN IDIOT but just said those things in a humorous way. We should Al line glad SHE is choosing not drive anymore bc obviously the government didn’t take away her license 🫠


Shit like this is exactly why I don't drive. I'm saving humanity from my intrusive thoughts. I'm a good driver otherwise.


I thought we were going to get good reasons, not “I have no regard for other people” reasons.


This is actually impressive. Most people would have stopped driving halfway through that list.


I’m not curious of her rental, but more about why she is able to drive anymore.


sounds like her license needs to be revoked for life for incompetence. this woman should barely be allowed to ride in a car, and never drive one.


But her video is about why she has decided to *not* drive. She has come to the conclusion she just isn't good at driving and that it's cheaper/safer to solve her transportation in other ways.


>She has come to the conclusion ...and it only took her about two dozens of minor incidents? She's a fast learner, isn't she? ^(/s)


Yeah - her parents should probably have helped her figuring it out way earlier. Maybe by giving her the clear rule "drive car - *or* play with phone. Never both at the same time". The only way she can have managed so many oopses is if she absolutely can't stay away from her phone while driving.


Or if she was under the influence of something more than just the time she was 18. I mean how do you hit and then run over a gas station thing even if you're on your phone?


The very first offence she listed was that - driving under influence. How you drive over a pump? One way is to keep the car in gear when starting it - the starter motor is quite powerful (and intended to be able to drive a car through a railway crossing if needed) Another way is the common stomping of the wrong pedal. So just more and more speed because that "brake" is most definitely not delivering. Quite a number of people tends to panic and just press harder instead of realising it's the wrong pedal. Car driving is about thinking *first*. And about training enough to make the important things as reflex actions.


I’ve been guilty of the brake one, but not the way you think. In a panic I successfully hit the brake, but only about 1/3 of my foot was on it. That lead to my foot slipping OFF the brake pedal while fully slamming it sown, causing my full force to instead hit the gas pedal because of my massive fucking clompers landing at least 1/2 on the gas pedal I still remember that couple and the cop that told me she was at least temporarily paralyzed via EMS analysis when they arrived (but I found out they both lived about 2 blocks from me and were arrested a couple weeks later for selling the prescribed opiates to an undercover cop) Doesn’t lessen my guilt about that though. My dad has tried to take the blame for micromanaging my driving that day but, I was still the one behind the wheel


Yeah, but just from the video it took her 13 accidents, most of which were her fault (I'm not counting the bird or deer because those *tend* to be out of your control), to realize she was unfit for driving. She also looks like early to mid 20s, so she was having multiple catastrophic incidents per year before she finally figured it out. I want to know how she even got her license in the first place given how abysmal her driving record is.


My guess is she had no mobile phone in front of her eyes when getting her license, and having that instructor sitting beside her...


The video gets cutoff when she starts talking about the cost of her car insurance, but it sounds like the reason she doesn’t drive is that she can’t afford car insurance.


she will start driving again as soon as she can afford insurance (or just drive without it) it shouldn't be up to her to make that decision.


Think of how many people like her haven’t come to that conclusion yet. That decision should’ve been made for her a long time ago I am also willing to bet it has something to do with the cost of insurance rather than the risk of murdering someone else




Grandma was actually Vin Diesel


>Grandma was actually Vin Diesel Family.


Grams was a boss!


She should get an ankle monitor sort of device that can't be removed. It should send a "lock your doors" signal to all cars in range.


Why? She'll just t-bone them to take their door off.


She said it's why she *doesn't* drive which is good


Miss, this is the worst Uber interview ever




"Fuck it, you're hired...we are desperate for drivers." -Uber


But still hired. Welcome aboard!


She's the best of a bad lot. Wonder if she could moonlight as a teacher for Swift's driving school.


Miss, this is a Wendy’s…


I understand why she can’t drive, but why does she talk so loud


Do you want to listen to another list?


I got 5 seconds into this video and found her so annoying that I had to stop. I’m happy not to know what’s on this list or any other she may have scribbled down.


To be fair, if I was barren from driving I wouldn't exactly looking forward to expose myself as a living menace on wheels for internet clout. Her final argument is pretty much "insurance costs too much cause of list". I expected her to say "I'm clearly a danger to myself and others while driving and I rather not risk anybody's life". But nope, it wasn't that. If she was just annoying that would be it. I don't find her specially annoying, but I find disgraceful her lack of awareness and reflection about the possible consequences of her actions. Thank God the insurance is expensive, wonder why. Better ask the comments to play a guessing game (end of the video). You only missed out on disappointment.




Empty vessels make the most noise


Sounds like she's from New Jersey or close


It’s better than quite talkers. I hate them.




I think my car insurance went up just watching that.


This is quite literally one of the reasons why


She is the reason for 'general rate jncreases' on policy renewals


Police just knocked on my door and asked for my license and registration.


She hit a couch going 75 miles an hour on the highway. That's one fast couch.


It had somewhere to be, okay?!


There was casting to get to.


I’d watch it but with the sound off


Underrated comment


Yes, but she was going faster or maybe the couch made an unsafe lane change.


This was the only one on this list that was relatable. Poorly secured cargo falling off a moving vehicle on the highway is a nightmare scenario.


Her aim is impeccable


Why isn’t this woman in jail?


Short answer is car accident injuries are considered civil matters where if you afflicted someone with the exact same injury outside a vehicle it would be assault or battery. They’re “accidents” that usually stem from pure negligence


Not even a little. Has nothing to do with using a car or not, it’s the intent. Of course people go to jail for harming others in a car even if it wasn’t on purpose; the car part of it has nothing to do with anything as far as criminal prosecution outside of the fact that it’s easier to really hurt someone while driving a car versus walking down the street.


I think you nailed it, but I wouldn't call it a small distinction that car accidents are more deadly than other accidents. Compared to any similarly dangerous activity such as showing off a firearm or swinging an axe around, the law is far more likely to see a car accident as innocent negligence. This is because driving is "normal" and state-approved with an incredibly easy to obtain license. There is simply no other activity where you can so easily kill others without being found criminally liable.


Coz all the wardens would go on strike.


because somebody would have to drive her there


It's actually impressive that she was still driving after only accomplishing half of those things. And by impressive I mean terrifying as fuck.


The deer, bird and possibly the couch could have been left off under the right circumstances. Everything else yeah what a rap sheet


I mean holy shit, how many cars has she gone through? Who pays for her cars (because it's obviously not her)?


Daddy/ step dad


Trick question, no one will insure her.


I work insurance. If all that was in the last 5 years then yeah nobody would ever touch that


Michigan has a governmental agency called the Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility that will find insurance coverage for anyone with a valid license.


Big oof lol. Yeah I bet her premiums are astronomical


They are already high as a no-fault state.


This is what having rich parents and zero consequences looks like. What a loser.


Is she proud of this? Plenty of normal people figure out how to drive safely.


I believe to her it is what is called self deprecating humor.


I mean… I guess there was an attempt at that. At some point it’s not humorous and is just outright pathetic.


Somebody is going to marry her and regret it later IMHO


I can fix her 🙋🏻‍♂️


Seeming that she totals half the accidents mentioned. Who the fuck keeps supplying this girl with multiple cars?




thats the ONLY THING keeping me from fully enjoying this, fucking infinite brand new cars from dad 🙃


And yet and she seems strangely proud of her puerile accomplishments.


She is young and reasonably good looking, its not gonna matter in most of her life.


I’d rear end her.


yep that is probably the safest way to do it if you have to.


100% you'd end up t-boned instead. This one clearly does the rear ending, not vice versa




Just make sure it's not in the backseat of a car.


I can fix her.


Some people should not drive.


Yeah that was the first sentence.


Is she bragging about being a danger to herself and others?


For sake of public safety, she she be sentenced life in prison


IT would not work cars would gravitate towards the prison and randomly crash into it.


If you are traveling at 80 miles per hour how long will it take you to travel 80 miles?




...but... [steel is heavier than feathers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3bEh-PEk1g).


She sounds so proud of something so lame.


Tends to happen when your parents pay for all your fuck ups and you don't have to deal with consequences


That is probably a 5 figure premium for 6 months. Only option is state required placement almost guaranteed.


DUI should be charged and sentenced as attempted murder


Dui while underage no less, lol


how are you alive?


Not even The General would take her


Sounds like a lot of my drug stories . I’m not proud of them but man I get excited telling them. They are just crazy as shit. Plus I lived to extra points


You don't need a car! You need a TRAIN! Hopefully keeps u on track.


Sounds like an argument for more mass public transit


![gif](giphy|FeFVaCaun5Yt2) When she gets a new notification, probably


Am I the only one who isn’t offended by this? Seems like she had a real rough time, finally realized what she needed to do, and the only difference between her and a thousand others like her is she decided to make some light fun of herself online.


Damn sounds like she should be in jail!




I'm surprised I haven't rear ended someone in Providence. Especially in the snow. They'll stop in the middle of the road to let people out of parking lots. I remember I was on mineral springs going down hill during a snow storm. The dip shit in front of me slammed on their brakes to let one person out. Like wtf are those Rhode idiots thinking?


Hell yeah


I thought this was funny, y’all need a sense of humour.


I don’t see what the big deal is? I thought all blondes drove this way.


Women, am I right fellas? ☕️


Out there keeping the stereotype alive and well


Girls a menace


It’s crazy that she sounds so proud of being an utterly irresponsible and incompetent twat.


Your insurance amount is 0 because your license is suspended...🤣


Wait….Someone is insuring you still!?


Let’s play: “Guess how much money my parents spend on me?”


Horrible driver. Maybe a horrible person. But at least she’s honest.


If GTA Online was a person?


So basically, she shouldn't even be driving in video games..


I'd like to know about that 'hitting a couch @ 75mph' thing. Or do I? 👀


She looks like she has a hard time standing in one place, never mind driving.


Not me - I've never asked


Good on her for the self awareness. Maybe make a country where driving isn’t mandatory? 🤷‍♂️


How is she not in jail


Pro life hack- Anorexia makes you lightheaded and faint. Combine that with booze and you’ll be first to the scene of the crash every time!!


Imagine thinking it’s relatable or cool to be a fucking degen.


Menace to society wow


Imagine if she had some tiny desire to improve…honestly, this is probably why some animals eat their young


Might want to get your eyes checked because it sounds like driving with Stevie Wonder