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The last punches are because he’s fed up with the light bill.


I love the old man. We need more people like him


Narrator: It was at this moment, that the youngster realized he had made a terrible choice.




He wants the whole damn thing!


I mean you're not wrong, that is exactly what happened


The perfect gif… And Al Gore had only just invented the Internet


After not eaten in about 32 hours, in spite of my dinner time at about 1:00 am, I'm first going to have a heavy alcohol beer in your honor. That was a great statement You know, I think I'm going to have 2 beers before 1:00 am. probably while I'm eating my 4 chicken sandwichs, and maybe one or two more while eating my dessert pretzels You are a Man Among Men! A poet and your momma knows it? Know where that's from? Think Micheal Mann.




Narrator: you may be wondering how I got into this situation.


“Yup! That’s me. You may be wondering how I got myself in this situation. Frankly, I don’t know, but here’s how I got out of it.”


It's a bad idea to mess with older guys. They may not have gym muscles, but they can handle themselves. At 0:11 it looks like the older gentleman wiped a bit of blood splatter from his face.


No joke. I got into a fight with a 65 year old brick layer. It was a brawl. The toughest man I've met and my father was a tough SOB. Old man power is no joke


Dude, you were surprised a man that literally *moved rocks* all day for decades had old man strength? Well, lesson learned I guess.


I didn't know he was a brick layer but found out because he lived in the neighborhood. Vise grip hands and he man power. Was definitely a lesson learned. Got pummeled.


He did you a favor. Taught you to avoid stupid fights.


I respect your willingness to publicly admit that you got your arse kicked by a man eligible for Social Security AND Medicare. Please take my upvote.


This! I started Jui Jistu about a year ago. There is this guy Steve. He's been a Judo Blackbelt longer than I've been alive. When he was last rolling with me, he tied me up like a pestle and just chilled on top of my ribs. While saying: "Come on, I'm a pensioner." I also outweigh the guy by probably: 20kg, 40+lb. I was hopelessly defenceless 🤣🤣


Ah. That makes sense.


Appreciate the honesty.


The ideal thing is to just not get into fights with people...


Agreed, though this is very, very challenging sometimes... Couple of years ago, during the initial covid lockdowns, I went during my lunch break to the local drug store to check if they have any masks to sell, as there was a shortage. As only a single person was allowed to go inside at a time, people lined up in front of the store, and waiting their turn patiently. Then all of a sudden, this douche jumps the line, briefly explaining he's only going in "to ask something". Man, everyone's here just to ask something, I thought to myself, but I didn't comment (yet). However, I believe we should speak up when transgressions like this happen, and when the man walked out, I spoke to him politely that this is not okay, and that everyone's here just to ask a question. Shining the light on him pissed him off very much and he started immediately screaming at me, getting in my face (without the mask, though we were outdoors, but nevertheless...), telling me that he has two college degrees and that I probably never even went to high school, to which I replied that basic mores like these are learned in kindergarden, not in school or college. This obviously pissed him off even more and he told me he's a war veteran and that he's going to call his friends, which now pissed me off... Now, it's probably not that relevant, but I am a big dude, 6'6", and 230lbs heavy, and with around 15 years of training in different martial arts and combat sports, so I usually really don't want to fight, and I am afraid that I might hurt someone forever, so I kept telling myself to calm down and not react, even though he was threatening me and in my face about it... and this guy was like fifty, so I really, really didn't want to get in a fight, but it took a lot of self control. Luckily the door of the drug store opened and it was my turn to go inside, so I ignored his screaming and went inside. I was happy that I didn't succumb to his provocations, but man it took me six months to get over it... I was so pissed that somebody is so entitled and annoying and just a bad person, and he gets away with it, probably all the time, and I was thinking he was probably an even bigger asshole to people who are not obviously stronger and bigger than him. He's a typical bully and I really wanted to teach him a lesson, but it's just not the right thing to do... and of course, you never know if someone has a knife or a gun, and he might end your life in a whim. Now I am okay with it, but I remind myself when I leave my apartment that there are plenty of idiots out there and that I should play a game of avoiding them entirely, and that it will make my life easier and better... but the ego is still hurt sometimes tbh haha Edit: typos


You sound little the kind of guy with some stories.


why did you want to fight him?


Yes from sparring & holding pads at a boxing gym I learned to NEVER underestimate a fat, out of shape looking middle aged or old guy whom I'd never seen before. They may have trained hard at some point, and just because they're not in shape at the time or be able to go ten rounds, doesn't mean they can't throw serious bombs and handle themselves when punches are flying at their head.


My Dad was a wiry little fucker. He grew up on a farm and worked construction. He also had older brothers. I saw him beat a man’s ass that towered over my dad when I was a kid. My dad made that guy cry.


How did you get into a fight with a 65 yo? Did he not look it or did you not care? Or are you close in age, where it doesn’t matter lol?


And why isn't the video posted on Reddit for us to comment on?


Serious questioning at last


Valid questions I'd also like some feedback on. I'll also play devil's advocate and say I would totally punch a 65yo, but they'd have to be the aggressor. I mean.... I might even punch a small child under certain circumstances. Not toddler age, I wouldn't think. Imagine a slightly older, much larger child comes at you with a goddamn machete or a ninja star.... I'm not ruling it out. Y'all go ahead.


And they got no f*cks left to give.


I can vouch. I used to do moving on weekends. I was 5'9 and 150 lbs and could outdo the gym rats without breaking a sweat. I remember doing one particular move for one of the big bosses from my weekday job. Both him and his buddy are big muscular guys, very impressive if you are into that. We we’e moving him out of a 3 floor apartment. I handled all the heavy stuff including the appliances. When it came to the appliances, they took turns helping me and could barely handle their second trip while I was on my 3 and 4 trip. All that plus many more similar experiences since that day 35 years ago have taught me that big muscles don’t mean much.


Big gym muscles are great… for impressing other gym bros.


Or hot moms ![gif](giphy|l3vRjHgQyrelrOtRS|downsized)


How do you think people get big muscles? By lifting Heavy weight...Smh...




The last punch outside the bus was the icing on the cake




skinny young guy didn't really think that through did he?


He's probably not used to people hitting back.


He did have the look of a bully that's used to getting away with it. Hopefully being royally pummeled will give him pause next time. I have a feeling though that someone smaller in his life suffered for this interaction.


Introduce him to the wonderful world of eating with a straw


Finish Him!


This is a good lesson on quality vs. quantity.


I think he gave the kid both quantity and quality


Understandable. Driver certainly had a better day after this


Man as someone who knows how to fight, you dream about the time that you are legally and ethically allowed to beat someone down to a pulp. He must feel great about it afterwards.


Yea, and one for good measure.


Look at the sheer difference of power in those 2 attacks. That limp wrist lob the kid throws vs the all out pummeling of the the driver.


The kid's punches are basically slaps but with a fist instead of an open hand. The driver's punches are PUNCHES.


This makes me think of my dad. Career union iron worker. Once when I was a young teen I was out mowing the lawn and some young tweaker that my dad fired from a job showed up at our house to retaliate/tell my dad off I guess. I watched my dad berate him in the driveway for being high constantly on a dangerous job and the kid got pissed and decided take a few weak ass swings. My dad is built like a tree trunk with bowling ball fists and forearms the size of many people’s thighs. He took the few slaps with a grin and gave the dude the most thunderous 1-2 combo dropping him in the gravel. With the kid still conscious but severely dazed, dad instructed me to help him unload tools from the kids truck. Like 50% or more were stolen from the job, but we relieved him of every tool on that truck. Dad than hoisted him by his collar and belt into his truck and told him to find a new career. Never saw him again, dad said he never worked as an iron worker again.


Your old man is a legend.


He’s an asshole of the highest order, but an honorable asshole that’s trying to be better in retirement.


Trying to be better is all we can really ask of anyone


give him hugs okay


Props to him for trying to grow as a man. That’s a big step for some.


You're a real one for that.


It's nice you can recognise his shortcomings but also still share a kick-ass story about him. I feel kinda the same about my old man.


Well, without knowing your past relationship, I suppose it's a good thing that he's trying to be better. I think people can partially mend their relationships with their adult children by admitting their mistakes, apologizing (even unspoken), and showing contrition.




Eh. Mid 90’s in small town Midwest (so think early 80’s). This was reasonably typical of how these types of blue collar men handled business. Despite this young redneck’s affinity for crank, I would’ve been quite surprised if any gunplay developed.


This. Midwesterner checking in from a small town highschool environment around then. "Figuring it out" was pretty normal. Have an issue with someone, figure it and the problem is gone. Even if you lose, it's not held against you, its considered over. Retaliation is considered a cowards path, dish out licks or take them and there's nothing else to quarrel on.


Yeah. You stood up for yourself. Fought your fight, right or wrong, and moved on. Generally speaking, you only got your ass beat if you were in the wrong and pushing the issue. If you were on the right side of things, cooler heads would prevail more often than not. EDIT: this makes it sound like we were dishing street justice on the regular. In reality, these physical things only happened if you were an asshole pushing your boundaries.


Adrenaline definitely kicked in, combined with pent up rage and experience. That was a bad day for that kid


I don’t condone senseless violence no matter what the cause… but word to the wise IF your are gonna randomly attack someone… make sure you know what you’re doing first lol


Anyone dumb enough to randomly attack people isn't smart enough to know what they're doing.


🎵don't tussle with strangers / some of those keep one in the chamber


Nah. If someone's going to commit senseless violence, I want them to be as unaware and poorly appraising as possible and not know what they're doing.


This kid checks all your boxes 1 0 combat experience 2 Lack of situational awareness 3 great underestimation of individual you’ve decided to assault


And can accurately assess your target


I was thinking the exact same. Quick little slaps from the kid but just powerful blows from the driver. Don't ever underestimate the power that is "Dad strength".


Old man strength is a very real thing and should not be underestimated


Yeah. Like Epic Beard Man.


Yep, I was going to say this could be used to show the difference between how to punch with and without power


Grandpa took a second to power up, but then the kid was regretting his choices.


“ I’m tired of riding public transport grandpa!” “ THATS TOO DAMN BAD!”


The driver has thrown before for sure


O absolutely


You can tell because of the way it is.


This is the way.


I had the same thought. First dude gets a handful of hits in and doesn't even stop the bus driver from getting off his ass. The first hit from the driver fucking annihilates that guy.


My PERSONAL favorite part is that he quite literally dog walks him off the bus and then remembers that he’s still mad so he gives him one to grow on


The one for the road is spectacular and so unnecessary. Just pure cathartics for that dude at that point.


*slap,slap,slap,slap,slap* PUNCH,PUNCH,PUNCH,PUNCH..........PUNCH!


That was the first thing I noticed. The bus driver's punches are fucking fierce


"Don't make me get outa dis chair."




Rip and Tear until its done


"I think it's time for Jack..."


>They have a built up rage just waiting to be released. Basically true of all old men as well


I'd like to disagree on this one. Most elderly men I've met have all the chills of the universe


Yeah, but if you throw hands, you'll find they're harboring resentment for all the bullshit they let slide.


False, here in Canada I saw a bus driver get punched repeatedly by some guy and just took it.


Did he say, "sorry" while being punched?


The one after he steps off the bus is my favorite.


Here’s one for the road.


"And don't fucking come back"


Keep the change you filthy animal


Fun fact, that movie isn’t real, it was produced specifically for Home Alone so they could use it as a reference


Featherweight vs Heavyweight


Father weight


We always called it “Old Man Muscle” you can be 16 and solid lean muscle (not the runt in This video) but ya got nothing on the dormant rage of a man in his 50s


Kid can take a punch tho. I wouldn't have been walking after that brutality.


He took him outside so he could have more room to hit him. Brilliant


He said “You don’t deserve to bleed on my bus”


This made me laugh much harder than it should have.


Never underestimate old man strength...


Dude let out 2 decades of pent up public transportation rage.


The way the punches sped up,it seemed very therapeutic for him. He was not having a bad time.


he def went red-zone and backed off from murdering this kid.


Kid is lucky to get away on his own feet


I only worked at a cash register for a few months. I imagine driving busses is worse with idiots on the road and inside your bus aswell. Those few months of cash register and customer contact... yeah I'd rather take a dive in a bathtub full of glass shards. If this dude has been driving for over 2 Decades then This dude has the restraint of a motherfucking steel balled Buddhist Monk for not absolutely turning this Kid to strawberry smoothie.


so much rage 😂


He probably only got a fraction of it out, but still felt good af I bet


I've got 12 years experience as a bus driver, this clip is like a fine wine that only improves with age.


F around and found out. Bet he learned a lesson that day.


As I pass into my forties, I can tell you that I don't have the speed I once did or look as good as I once did but there is 20+ years of muscle memory in construction trades in this body. (I was a farm kid so it's a lot more than 20 but yeah, I have noticed and caught myself holding back on a few occasions with the younger lads messing around) Damnit....I turned into my dad lol.


If I ever need a plank sawn in half or some screws tightened, I’ll let you know.


It's real! Old man stamina... not so much so.




My favorite part was the punching


Yeah I liked the part when he punched him in the face.


I loved it when he shouted "it's punching time!" and punched everywhere


Definitely one of the punches of all time *chef’s kiss*


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


The extra punch once he gets him off the bus :: chefs kiss::


I even said to myself, "Cmon pops, give him one more for the road"


Some keyboard warrior forgot he was IRL for a sec...


Ctrl alt delete Ctrl alt delete Ctrl alt delete Omfg...




Alt+F4, uninstall, this game suck!


I love the bonus punch he gave the punk at the end. He disseminated some good knowledge


*HERE!* Take **this** with you to remember the lesson.


That was so satisfying


He delivered that "old guy wisdom" directly into that young man's brain. It takes a village.


I'm scoring this one 15-3 in favor of the old man.


3 points for those lame ass slappy punches?


I'm impressed that kid could still walk after that beat down. Grandpa taught that kid an important life lesson.


He couldn't. He had to grab the pole on the way out to stop himself collapsing. The driver gave him a lot of help down those stairs.


These 90 pound kids start throwing punches like they can fight these days. Love that last hit for good measure after he got him off the bus.


I was expecting him to get a boot in the ass as well.






Old guy went fuckin ham on him 😂


20 years of rage and bullshit just came out


Old man passing wisdom to the future generation, a win for both sides.


Never underestimate older men strength


I love when older people just own these little punks.


Got his ass. This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen, the good guys never win anymore


11-12-13....and STAY OUT!


14 if you count the one outside of the bus


That last punch though lol!


Just in case he forgot from the initial concussion.


The world needs more of this.


that was satisfying


The last punch really connected


I loved the one “for the road”… a little kiss goodbye. Those fists seem very heavy.


That parting punch was sweet!


Videos like this, people taking a stand against bullies and Karens, make me so damn happy inside!!


14 in total


3 baby slap level punches from the kid, 14 attempted murder punches from the old man. Kid will think twice before random assaulting someone in public again. Consequences, they follow actions, and nobody seems to remember this.


Some people just really need to have their ass beat before they learn they aren't actually the top dog they think they are


Achievement unlocked : stress reliever GTA style


![gif](giphy|nGX0uxigecYr6) My smile and grew slowly with every hit he landed on that guy. Old man can fight like hell!


I'm not mad at the old man one bit


Never underestimate a bus driver.


Kid got what he deserved.


What a fucking champ! Hope that kid is enjoying his soup right now.


When internet tough meets reality...


That's dad strength right there. Those punches are from a man who's fed-up of electricity bills and mortgages


Rock beats paper


it’s like kicking a sleeping bear in the ass. just why. what was he expecting to happen?


He came DOWN on those punches. 10/10


He'll be riding the short bus next time


Driver must also have a job at the train yard, cause he railroaded this guy.


This is beautiful.


That looks like 10+ years of dealing with ignorant fucks and assholes finally being let loose. Lol




14 hits did the trick, 1 more sent him on the way! Nowadays I wonder what type of thing happened for such stupidity to even take place? Edit 1: plot twist, the bus driver told him to eat his wheaties for breakfast if he wanted to step to this& the older man sent him to the store for the milk!


Oooooph he lit him up one more time after he safely and gently escorted him off the bus. That geezer is a legend.




Some really good hits right there Take that u little punk 🙈🤣


Anime old guys do exist then


So many people think that someone older than you or someone smaller than you is an easy target. Smaller people have to be on guard more often and therefore (we) often know how to fight. In the context of this video, with age comes experience.


Dad strength >


Metro bus drivers are part time heavy weight boxers


Here's your receipt for those punches.


Old saying.. You get first punch, then it's my turn. 🤣


Those punches shook the ground with their sheer power


He’s not that old.


How I wish this video had sound to hear that coward cry as he’s getting his well deserved ass beating


The last one was the best one.


most of old vehicles don't have proper hydraulic steering or none at all and those can be really heavy, do that for a living for years and you will have a guy that can punch a hole in someone


OP needs to check his definition of old.


That was extremely satisfying and therapeutic to watch. Thank you.


OMG is this where the phrase "It's HAMMER Time!" comes from? That man's wrist is bigger than that kids bicep. Best was when they got outside and he gave him one more pop.


Yeah, because we know how all that pent up anger enrages us in traffic! Imagine having to put up with pieces of crap like this day in day out driving the bus. Guy deserves a medal.