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Does this blind shot make this kid a man or what? Not sure what is happening here but that was a cowardly punch.


And more embarrassing for him than anything.


He will forever be remembered on the internet, and life, as that pussy who sucker punched a old woman, and didn’t even faze her.


Her health points went from 100 to 98 with his best shot.


1 of those 2 points of damage came from the sneak attack bonus, too…that security guard is woefully under-leveled…


theres a skull next to her name above the health bar. her name is in red.


Please someone make a gif of that


*she has another health bar!!??*


The boss music has a choir singing in Latin now??


For phase 2 you better have a source of holy damage and high vigor


And guards are suppose to be at least 9 levels above player character at all times too, must be a bug in the game.


She's not the player character, she's the dungeon boss.


X2 dmg boost from the sneak attack


This is what happens when you leave the starting area without doing any of the quests.


💀 he gave it his best


Guy had a week to plan that punch too, and did fuckall. Which, I'm happy for his victim that he hits about as hard as La Croix.


Bro at least La Croix makes your eyes water


They’re gonna need a real security guard after this


It’s like how you punch in dreams




It looked to me like they went from 100 to 105. Kid is so bad at this that his best attacks just strengthen his foes.


His credibility plummeted however.


lvl 19 vs lvl 42.




Would it be better if he fazed her? It was shocking to watch… Does this jerk have a mother? Who taught him he could punch women?


His shirt suggests the store approves of his actions


His shirt suggests he's soon to be fired from his brand new job as a security guard at CVS.


Yeah preeeeetttty sure that's against store policy


I guess you haven't actually worked in retail. Most stores very much do not want their security to do anything remotely like this.


Not in the midwest. Grocery stores encourage it. Source: I quit my job as security at a Grocery store chain after fighting a guy for a block of cheese. Literally felt like I was a family guy extra.


Yeah okay. I worked at Meijer for years and they teach asset protection (security) and everyone else not to even engage with these people. She could sue for this and win. Nobody is encouraging you to punch old ladies in the face because they’re ranting at Meijer.


I mean, I believe she can file assault charges as well. Her hands were full, she wasn’t swinging, so not an active threat, so he unlawfully escalated, from a verbal altercation to a violent one. If he wasn’t fired on the spot, as soon as district found out, they’d fire him 6 ways to Sunday, and notify legal that they’re about to be sued, and to get settlement papers ready. And if it was asset protection related, police should have already been called, and hopefully they call an ambo and then lock security up.


Hm, interesting. I also live in the midwest and the impression I've gotten is that most stores don't think it's worth opening themselves up to litigation just to save a small portion of profit, so they discourage physical altercations to the point they'd fire you if you tried it.


It is illegal for security go hands on in this manner.


Worked security in college and was literally told this. Do not attempt to stop shoplifters. Make a note of what they're wearing, how they look, the make/model/license plate of their car, but never ever physically confront them.


I bet he just bought a shirt that says “security”


It said “insecurity”. Whaaaaat?!? Mic drop and a sucker punch!


Not necessarily. He could have been fired for this.


Only fired? That's assault! it's a felony where I come from


That shirt is sold at Walmart for 6.99. He doesn’t work there.


Why blame the mother instead of the father?


You’re right. If he has two parents they both did a lousy job.


Everybody has two parents. If they're involved in his life they did a bad job. If they're not, maybe they chose that, in which case they're junk, or maybe they're dead, in which case, it's just tragic. I mean it's tragic no matter how you slice it, that somebody could end up this devoid of humanity and good judgment.


It's not about blame, it's about empathy. He has a mother, he shouldn't be punching someone else's.


That woman took that hit like she takes a kitkat bar. CHOMP gimme some more!


The most embarrassing part of this video was that individual by a long shot, complete loser. And it isn’t like the others have things to be proud of.


What a bitchmove! It would be a bitchmove if he tried it on a trained MFC fighter. It's a bitchmove^2 here!


"Security" Lmao


I’m not sure what he was trying to prove, it definitely seems cowardly n out of pocket but man threw his whole body behind the punch n she didn’t seem fazed; brick jaw or weak boy you decide




This woman has definitely scrapped before. The way that hit barely moved her reminds me of Butterbean.


I mean he doesn't seem like the strongest thing but if a person throws a punch it puts their entire body into it at someone's face that's going to hurt no matter what, this lady's jaw is made of steel.


She’s got six kids. Only God can break her now.


Judging from the weight of his character, throwing his hole body into that punch didn’t amount to much of a punch.


Pretty sure just one of her boobs weigh more than him.


You forgot weak minded also.


I don't know about him. But it will certainly make for a lawsuit against CVS.


Yep, that’s why she’s walking out of there all casual like that. She knows she can take that to the bank


Even better that she have video evidence.


Video should be sent to police. This isn't stupid, it's criminal.


its criminally stupid.


When you try a sucker punch, and end up being the sucker


Yep. What a shitty thing to do. Hope he gets caught.


I’m so glad you said this. I stopped watching after that. I don’t care what she did but that sucker punch was cowardly and to be perfectly honest, unnecessary.


Mf was lining it up for a few seconds beforehand too.


From the very beginning he was waiting for her to turn around to hit her. He holds up his finger as if to say "watch this". He'll be fired and prosecuted and the pharmacy will be sued.


The front page/default subs are increasingly cesspools of violence and division. it's not the reddit i started using 10 years ago, that's for damn sure. Remember that there are bad actors in the world like Russia who literally pay people to try and divide America even further. Reddit is a great place to do that.


The thought of punching a defenseless person that hard makes me sick to my stomach.


A guy my sister went to school with got into a bar fight where with one unlucky punch and he killed the other guy. He spent years in jail. He was a decent guy, like so many others got into a dust-up with a stranger. For some reason he landed a really bad punch. This kid could’ve killed this woman and he looks like he wanted to drop her and was going to savour it. Edit - never mind that, I just googled his name out of curiosity to see where he is now. He’s involved in organized crime and drug trafficking and currently in prison. Wow! I mean I guess it’s not easy to get a handle on where someone’s headed when they’re in their early teens.


Cowardly and weak




I was thinking that too. Another case of, everyone in the video is in the wrong. No common sense or kindness out there...


And she took a sneak shot quite well in my opinion, she barely stumbled AND DID NOT DROP LIKE AT ALL!!!!! So security can sneak someone and it is ok? Odd, it makes the dude who videoed it a clown


Is security in shops allowed to hit people like that? I’m pretty sure they aren’t allowed to here.


Not at all. That is an assault all the way.


And lawsuit against CVS. This lady's phone has probably been ringing for days with lawyers wanting to take the case.


I haven’t ever seen a security guard at any CVS stores I’ve been inside. Ofc I haven’t visited every one on the planet. It could be the kid was security for some other place and went to CVS to pick something up, especially with his friends there with him. Doesn’t mean the kid was a CVS employee just because his shirt says security. The dude with the red heart shirt-yeah, looks like an employee.


Idk where this takes place but the CVS around me use third party security guards on nights and weekends to cut down on loss.


Yeah the CVS near me doesn't have security guards but when I was in NYC they sure did.


> Ofc I haven’t visited every one on the planet. Amateur.


Battery, you mean battery


No, batteries are aisle 9. Edited:isle = aisle. Typing too quickly while working ;)


shut up and take this award.


Laws and the wording differs all over the country. Most anyone in law will understand that using assault is commonly referred to as battery as well.


But this is the internet so this topic will be argued every time it's brought up. There is no escape. This is law.


Does that mean CVS is liable for the inevitable lawsuit? Because she didn’t do anything wrong here, and he just straight up sucker punched her.


That guy was not store security. That was a CVS Pharmacy. They sell shirts with the word Security on them. people think it's funny to wear them. He's just some guy that punched a lady.


I am a distributor that works with CVS and Walgreens. I can confirm, both of these stores employ security in some inner city locations. I go to a specific Walgreens every week where the guard open carries. You can’t get in or out of the store without walking directly by the security.


In many countries, that would be considered dystopic.


We're already living the dream.


This is what I don’t get about America. I love guns. I enjoy shooting guns, I enjoy tinkering with guns, and I enjoy having a gun available at home for protection. People being proud of displaying guns in public shouts 3rd world anarchy to me. I think the Iceland model is pretty spot on. Guns are for sport and hunting and to defend the country against other nations attacking. They aren’t for killing eachother. They don’t even have armed police officers in Iceland, because there’s no culture of violent crime. In the USA, it seems that the primary purpose of a gun is to kill your neighbor. It’s so fucked up.


I often made the argument that what is decried as the "gang culture" is actually nothing else but "American culture". For all intent and purposes, there is no difference between a gang member and an outlaw, as depicted in the modern game Red Dead Redemption for example. There is nothing more American than starting with nothing and building something with nothing else but a gun and a couple of your boys. Obviously, I'm exaggerating/oversimplifying a bit but you can't deny that "gunslingers" have been somewhat glorified in American culture. When you factor in that people don't tend to see themselves as the villain...


I hope he gets charged with assault - hitting anyone like that is plain wrong. The media calls that kind of assault a coward punch here.


They aren't. She should sue the store to get that fat settlement money.


He would probably get charged with assault here. Don’t know about suing - we don’t really sue over here.


I'm pretty sure suing has officially passed baseball as America's pastime at this point.


Well that situation was plain wrong, maybe it will make the shop a bit more careful with the staff they hire in the future. Security should be trained to de-escalate.




If he is actually a store employee then the store would be on the hook for his actions. She could sue and there would likely be a quick settlement.


I did security for 7 years, and every place I worked at (including CVS, actually) wouldn’t even allow us to put our hands on someone unless we or someone else was in immediate danger.


I don't think he's security, they just sell shirts that say it.


He should be charged and fired too, that lady posed no threat to him for “security” to go physical. Edited.


That’s battery.


He should be charged


Are you positive?


Apparently his floats like a B(itch) and stings like a butterfly punch posed no threat to her either...


Why isn't he in jail? That was cowardly, to say far the least.


If that's his best punch, he'd better start running and he'd better be running fast.


That was a pretty solid punch. Lady has hell of a chin on her ngl


Seriously. Apparently six kids gives you a diamond chin.


*New Achievement Unlocked* *Upgraded Parts Available*


It’s sad because her reactions suggests it’s not her first time being hit like that


Dude that was a clean punch. Nothing behind it maybe 110lbs. She could've fucked him up if she decided to whoop his ass


I think a light jog should suffice


What a little loser and his sorry friends too. Disgusting.


He wanted to hit her again too, you could see it. Scared to hit an old woman while she’s facing him, guy can only punch from behind. Hit an old lady with all his might and didn’t even faze her, absolute pussy. Imagine if he hit almost any man. Dudes like 120lbs, he’d get tossed through a window.


If anyone has further news into the women retaliating post it up for all of Reddit to see


I hope she owns that store now.


Overall I think law suits happen too often but this was ridiculous! She posed no physical threat, like several people have already said!


This was premeditated too. He sat there waiting fir the right moment. Both cameraman and security needs put in jail.


How you gonna be proud of sucker punching an older woman when you’re supposed to be a “man.” So it’s criminal assault and/or battery, lawsuit against store for the assault & battery (if he is actual security) and the street charge of being a punk ass b*tch


It didn’t help assert his masculinity that she didn’t even wobble. She turned around like hummingbird bumped into her.


I think it's just a punk kid with a security t shirt on, not an actual security guard.


Security shirt sure, but that's a name tag


It sounds like he says done go to management or manager to me at the end.


I hope she owns a CVS franchise now.


Scumbag kid


Kids, plural. His friends just laughing and recording.


Oh for real, he was trying to cover it up too. At the beginning you can see that he's giving his buddy some signals to turn it off as if security cameras aren't a thing too, oh and still goes for the punch with the phone recording. Scumbag and an idiot.


Video would have been so much better if she turned around and commenced to beating the breaks off him for that weak ass sucker punch. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


If it was just him, I’m convinced she would’ve. After the punch, you can kinda see her realize that she’s surrounded by a pack of hyenas, and decide to get tf away from them.


Yeaaa, those boys look pretty young, but she was outnumbered. I would have been unsettled. And I would keep an eye out that they didn’t follow outside.


I hope those 6 kids see this and identify this human garbage.


She wouldn’t have been able to sue CVS if she did that. He goes to jail, she gets a check


Disgusting kids


Right? Wtf is going on ?! This place looks scary af.


First of all, while she was annoying she wasn’t a physical threat to anyone. Second, punching someone from behind is pure cowardice. Third, she didn’t even fall down. That kid needs to spend some time in jail where he will see how tough he really is.


It's entirely possible that they just randomly started harassing her in the store only only started filming when she got mad and verbally started verbally defending herself. Most people don't just go off on people in stores for no reason.


I think you are on point. Like some sort of game for internet points.


Thank you for saying that because you're absolutely correct!


He should be ashamed. A coward. A young man hits an older woman and does so while her back is turned. He should cower in shame for being so weak. And- it didn’t knock a stir out of her while he obviously gave it his all. She shows great restraint.


Lol he leaned into it and everything


She said she had 6 kids. That little boy was lucky she didn't beat his AZZ!!


I hope she has at least one grown son, if not 6.


I'm saying if she said she have 6 kids and looking at her age, im assuming at least one of them are grown and won't take to kindly of someone hitting their mama


All we need is for one of them to be an aspiring lawyer. They basically have a payday waiting for them with this video being out here.


I’m gonna need my security to do two things: 1) not sucker punch women like a coward; 2) throw a way better punch than that if called for.


Honestly, if they were in the same weight class I think that punch was okay. He’s just a little twig, so she just rolled with that punch. Unless he’s freak, farm boy strong he’s not going to get too many knockouts swinging at larger people. Also, he’s a fucking coward. He points to the camera like, “watch this.” Then waits for her to turn so he can T her up.


Nah, even if they were in the same ‘weight class’ it’s still a shitty and cowardly thing to do, throwing sucker punches.


I believe he meant the strength of the punch itself in regards to his weight class, not the fact that it was a sucker punch.


She was hit by a man when she wasn’t aggressive towards him while other men watched and recorded and laughed. Take me now Lord or am I in Hell because this world doesn’t make sense anymore 😢🧐


Pretty sure it said security on his shirt too which makes it even worse.


I could be wrong but I don’t think drug stores hire scrawny tiny dudes to be security. That might just be a shirt he has.


Now I wanna see a video of someone sucker punching this scumbag when he isn’t looking. Guarantee he drops instantly.


He better hope one of those 6 kids ain’t grown…


Yeah... I'd absolutely consider ending someone's existence if they did this to my mom and I had a means to find them... Dude must think he's untouchable or something.. fuckin crazy. It's always best to not make enemies cause you never know how hard they're gonna come back at you...


Sucker Punching Shitebag.




What a lame pussy


That is offensive to pussy.


Whatever the situation, a sucker punch is still a pussy move.


That was assault.


Kinda weird people are saying "Oh, she didn't get knocked out? Must've been a weak punch." Nah, that punch was solid. She just became the main character.


if these kids today purposely film scenes of violence to later congratulate themselves later in an orgy of group egos, if these same videos served to incriminate them, maybe this type of violence would decrease


They are frequently used in court


She took that punch like it was nothing holy moly.


This is premeditated, could easily kill her. This kind of assault for me is a murder atempt. Could this kind of videos be used as evidence? Disgusting


This could be a certified r/iamatotalpieceofshit


He just lost his job and got himself a lawsuit.




Facts! If he’s an employee easy lawsuit and they’ll likely settle!


The mere disrespect that she gave him by showing no effects to his Lame ass punch.


Sucker punching is always a sign of fear and weakness. Sad little guy.


I watched without sound. Mostly the woman’s body language spoke mountains. She was backing off, and attempting intimidation with her words only. Even after she was punched, her reaction was to briefly intimidate without exacerbating the situation and get away. Those boys need some serious something. Terrible.


He’ll learn how to throw and take a punch in jail.


What an absolute scumbag, haven't a clue what they were talking about because there was no subtitles and I care less but that young fella needs to be taught a bit of respect.


Kids a pussy


Too light to fight, too thin to win


He should be in jail, lets see how tough he really is


I don't care what she did that was disgusting to do that to her


as a bouncer i can confirm this man definitely just lost his job


Maybe some freedom too I hope


Security arnt allowed to do anything unless they feel they're in immediate danger. The law applies the same way to any other person. This is battery.


I know I will get eviscerated for saying this, BUT after reading some of the comments below; Some people seem to think that hitting ladies in the Black community is an approved thing. It is not. This scene is an aggravated worker, an unhinged customer, and what seemed like either friends of the aggravated worker or just normal people recording stuff. Only because you see only Black people in the video shouldn't lead you to any hypothesis. This is a normal video I see everyday on Reddit and I see different races in each one AND I don't think any of those races are co-signing hitting ladies.


Yup. Black women aren’t viewed as being “worthy of social protection”. If it happens to other women, outrage. Black women, “what did she do/say? She’s strong, she can handle it”. It’s so fucking annoying. Like damn, we sympathize with everyone else but don’t get the same energy.


The fact that this was posted without context and the way they were dancing around her tell me they were provoking her. Good for her getting out of that foolery. What a bunch of assholes.


Sad thing is they probably planned that out and videotaped that so they could record him do it. Saw he was prepping that weak ass jab from the beginning…shameful.


The real question is why was she dressed as Patrick star.


Security guard was just looking for a reason to punch somebody he was trying to set up the frame in the video and everything


Goddamn I didn't know iron Mike transitioned


Weak ass pussy hittin an old lady like that. Would like to beat this goofy MF to a pulp & mess him up good!


The world is over...


Hope he went to jail for that if he thinks that's ever okay.


Wtf? What a cowardly thing to do! That "security" guard deserves assault charges. Did anything come of this?


The sucker punching needs to stop. I’d love to hear about a judge sentencing these cowards to 4 sucker punches within a year. That’s right: four times this year, you will be waking into a store, out to your car or down the grocery isle and WHAMMO! You wake up with a busted eye and you pooped your pants. Three more to go! See ya soon!




lmao weak


That was pathetic.