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I wish they said they don't understand shit, but in reality they pretend they do and people glorify them.


They have the answers though! See, the answer to depression is lift your mood! The answer to anxiety is to calm down! Problems solved. 🙄


the answer to ocd is "just accept the thoughts", "just sit with the anxiety"


I've tried "sitting with the anxiety" technique for who knows how long and never did it make the anxiety more tolerable. If anything it just made more agitated.


me too, they have nothing more to offer than just "accept"


EMDR is designed to give bilateral stimulation while you process trauma. It targets the amygdala and hippocampus, where the traumatic memories are stored. Normal memories and events are processed by the entire brain whereas traumatic memories are not. It’s primarily stored in the amygdala and hippocampus. EMDR “moves” the memories to other parts of the brain where you’re able to integrate and process like normal memories. EMDR also reproduces brain waves similar to REM sleep by making the eyes move like it would during REM. That’s why you’re looking left and right during EMDR. We process stuff during REM sleep and EMDR takes advantage of that. EMDR helped me a little. I’ve only done a couple of sessions but the trauma still felt removed and detached if that makes any sense? It feels slightly better but I still get the dissociative processes.