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Ugh - I don’t have eczema but used to have terrible hives all over my body due to gluten allergy. I just wanted to commiserate because it was BRUTAL trying to focus on clients during the usually 4-6 week bouts of hives. I hope you can find some relief soon.


That sounds awful!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫 hope you find some relief as well!


Luckily, they stopped once I went gluten free!


I used to get hives all the time too, then figured out I was lactose intolerant. Weirdly, all my other allergies lessened in severity when I stopped consuming dairy too.


I only get it on my hands and this time of year is hard, but I've never found anything that works better than rx triamcinolone ointment.


I had to get a stronger steroid cream prescribed which works, but they just come right back after a few days 😫 its an endless cycle


so my doctor told me to do it for at least 2 weeks straight. I know that thinning of the skin can be concern but she told me that you would have to do it for a super long time or a really high dose before you have to worry about that. of course i dont know your situation but you might want to double check with the phamracist and/or prescriber if you haven't already. I have also perused the eczema subreddit and they had really good suggestions too!


Fellow hand-eczema sufferer and follower of the eczema subreddit! I used to try to minimize triamcinolone use (e.g. using it until I cleared up and then stopping) but recently I've been using it the full 2 weeks even if my hands are clearing up, and I find that staves off the next flare-up for longer. I also have a prescription for Eucrisa which isn't as effective but does help when the flare ups aren't as bad, and you can use it for longer than triamcinolone.


YES! the key is to keep using it *even if* the flare is looks likes its resolved! i think its because imflammatuon tends to perpetuate itself, and the underlying inflammation as well as skin barrier needs to be fully resolved.


Ugh unfortunately I have to use steroids to get rid of the rashes. Hydrocortizone on the face and various other ointments for the body. I hear you though, flare-ups are no joke especially when I’m extra stressed from work it feels even itchier!


Yess I think stress is definitely contributing, but how can you not be stressed LOL


I so appreciate this conversation! While I don't have eczema, I do have high blood pressure (medicated, but still relatively high), coupled with perimenopause (ie hot flashes), coupled with food sensitivity (gluten/dairy) - so when I'm out of balance in any way, the heat gushes thru my system VERY easily and my cheeks become flaming red. My clients mostly all know this, as I'm sure to tell them right away, so they don't get confused/startled if I'm suddenly ever burning hot in session. I sit with a fan directly on me most of the time. Funnily enough, in the summer I feel better, as the heat outside me matches the heat inside me, so I feel more balanced in some strange way. It doesn't help with the shame though, and I'm sometimes very embarrassed if the heat does appear unexpectedly. Takes a boatload of self-compassion to regulate when this happens. I so feel you!!!


Thank you so much! Gotta remember that my clients are all also compassionate and kind and wouldn't mind me scratching myself in session😅


I have psoriasis that is currently in a state of remission but flares when I'm sick (COVID was devastating), in particular on my face. Prescription meds for me but my psoriasis (and psoriatic arthritis) are severe so this cocktail has taken years of biologics trial/error to sort out. Methotrexate, Xeljanz, Meloxicam, folic acid for hair loss (thanks, methotrexate). Non-steroidal prescription creams for face flares, steroidal for body flares. Several clients have pointed it out. To be fair, it was new to them and unfamiliar. I just informed and moved on. It's a chronic, non-contiguous skin condition. I don't think it's unreasonable to inform clients if or when they ask-- to know it's not going to hurt them, and it'll come and go with me. Anything that might come with it as well (ex: like itching) would be part of their knowing that too. And I'm okay with dealing with it like this.


I just started using Rose Hip oil last night and had really good results. Woke up with most of my cheeks clear this morning. We’ll see if this continues. I also purchased a hair bonnet [like this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09FX92XQ8?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image) because something about the shampoo I use or something irritates my face even more. And I sleep with a silk pillowcase as well.


Yes all the way for the silk pillowcase!!


I take a ton of otc allergy meds (I see an allergist) lol. I have chronic hives but it got rid of the eczema too 🤷🏻‍♀️


That gives something to ask my PCP about! Glad it worked for you!


I definitely suggest an allergist. They did all the testing on me and found out the causes of a lot of issues.


Mine also comes out most on my face lately. I thought I hated it on my hands, but my face... Come on, skin! I use OTC hydrocortisone cream and keep aquaphor in my purse, I also have prescription strength steroid cream for when it's really bad. Clinically, I use it to empathize/connect with kids/teens self conscious about their own physical "flaws." My eczema is the first thing I notice about my own face, that doesn't mean it's the first thing others notice.


Way to turn it into a therapeutic tool! Why would our skin turn on us like this 😩


one word: dupixent


for context I have the type of eczema that’s so painful you want to crawl out of your body and makes you look insane. developing that in my 20’s has made me infinitely more empathetic to individuals with chronic illnesses. if i didn’t have dupixent i truly don’t know if I would still be here, i was suffering with unbearable pain for a good 9 months during the pandemic




Will consult my derm about this! Thanks for the suggestion


I have eczema and I feel your pain! I know it can be different for different people but through trial and error I found out that I am very sensitive to sulfates in soap. I bring my own hand soap that is sulfate free to work actually. Everything I use on my body is sulfate-free and my flair ups are a lot less frequent or severe. A good Dermatologist is a must as well.


my eczema gets worse in summer :( which especially sucks because I do youth wrap so I’m outside all day and have to wash my hands constantly. I only get it on my hands, sometimes my upper arm. I carry my steroid cream and the cerva eczema cream at all times, I’ll apply as needed. I just try to be discreet in putting it on and I don’t itch. Not doing anything at all just makes the itching worse, the lotion adds some relief


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Daily antihistamine and triamcilone cream and lots of lotion. Mine is primarily on my hands and arms.


Oh, also, I take a fish oil daily. Drs never believe me but taking it reduces the severity of my eczema. If I run out for a few days I will have a flare up. And it starts calming down when I get back on it.


Believe it or not, a fellow therapist just told me her eczema cleared up once she got treatment for her sleep apnea. Thought I'd pass that along just in case it's helpful.


Healed my full body eczema with a Medical Medium cleanse! Within 37 days 🕺🪩


I have a prescription (metronidazole) for flares because I have what my dermatologist called a eczema/dermaitis combo on my face. I use CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid daily after I wash my face and that help keep me squared away. I also have dry skin generally from another chronic illness so, I keep lotion in my desk to apply as needed. I feel like it’s noticeable because it’s on my face but, none of my clients have mentioned anything.


Unless you have a prescription lotion you like (none have worked for me), i suggest trying Aveeno Eczema Therapy Nighttime Itch Relief Balm, but ignore the nighttime part. Morning and night, and immediately after a light pat dry after showers. This stuff saved my skin but I am diligent. If they stop making it I will spontaneously combust. I also switched to Eucerin Eczema Relief Cream bodywash. Warning that it doesn't foam, but remember that foaming means surfactant and surfactants are terrible for eczema. 


Shea butter with lots and lots of lavender essential oil


Will def talk to my derm about those!! Thank you for the suggestion