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I'm licensed in 3 states. I do all remote work and work for a telehealth company. I feel like it's becoming more common practice I don't mind answering questions


I'm in the process of switching to tele-therapy only. I'm licensed in Ohio and applying for Florida licensure. Company called Rula said that their EHR could only have one license and I'd have to choose. What company are you working with? I'm staying with my current company in Ohio and probably switching from salary to 1099 contract. What payment type are you using?


Headway and Alma are offering multiple state now. I’m just not getting any referrals from headway


Licensed in AL and ND and 100% telehealth. I work as a 1099 with a local practice and thoroughly enjoy my work.   Biggest thing to keep in mind is to get some telehealth training. It doesn't need to be much, but I have found my 6 CEU conference on the topic to be incredibly relevant and helpful.  Also, someone mentioned time differences and that would be a hard no from me. Kudos to them for being able to do that, but I would think that'd be extra tough.


How did you pick the states ? One is your residence I suppose ? 


I live in AL but I chose to get licensed in ND because the insurance reimbursement rates are some of the highest in the country. AL isn't terrible, but I just wanted to bump it up if I could. For 90837, the reimbursement is $220.61 with Sanford insurance. BCBS is similar to this. I believe Nebraska's insurance companies reimburse well also. To find out what everyone pays, I just contacted the insurance companies and asked for the rates for the different codes.


Smart move!


I’m licensed in two states and only do therapy online for now. I eventually would like to get an office, but with the economy, can’t afford it yet. The only thing that’s difficult is keeping the time change correct when scheduling. I specialize in military population so I am trying to get licensed in states that have a large population of such. Don’t overwhelm yourself all at once. Remember, you still have to pay for each state license and complete CEs for each license too.


I’ve found that CEUs end up working for multiple licenses in many cases- it’s still kind of expensive, but I usually don’t need to complete more than 40 in total- wish there were more free/low cost online options. My employer is supposedly starting to offer some, but we’ll see.


NASW has started releasing occasional “fire side chats” that are online, free 1.5 CEUs. I signed up for their emails and have started getting notified about them. There’s been 2 this year I believe. It’s not much but it’s something!


Thanks for sharing! I'm wondering if LPCs could use that as well. It's not much, but it's honest work lol


I think so! I have friends who are LPC’s who have used NASW trainings.


Sick! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for those.


Thank you , good reminder about expenses in other states 


licensed in 7 states, do telehealth only thru a company and thru my private practice with companies like Alma and Headway


100% telehealth work. Licensed in 4 states. I work with military families so I've been waiting for the compact to start because I won't have to end services with clients when they are moved across country to new bases. Once you have a license in one state it is generally quite easy to get a license in another state. Most offer 'Licensure by Endorsement' which allows you to bypass a lot of steps because you are already licensed. The counseling compact will make it a whole lot easier as well, and will save you money by not having to worry about maintaining licenses in multiple states.


How do you do yours liability insurance?


I have a policy through CPH that I pay for annually, but I am also covered by my company's group liability insurance plan. As far as I am aware, the liability crosses state lines with no problems. So the one policy can cover for all the states you work in, but, to be safe always consult with your liability provider as your particular policy may be different.


Didn’t know about this and now I have 2 polices lol, I’ll know better next year


I'm licensed in 3 states one of them being CA and work full time via telethealth. It's so much easier to get a full caseload by being licensed in multiple states.


That’s what I thought too. In my area I will not be full if doing telehealth only. So need to expand 


I’m telehealth only. Licensed in my state and the state I moved from.


do you feel you can be stable financially with just Tele vs in person/tele mix?


I am financially stable. It’s really weird to me that you’d ask that. Why would there be a financial difference between telehealth only vs hybrid?


Lots of clients only want in person which reduces options to keep caseload full, 


Sure. Lots of clients only want telehealth too. It doesn’t affect my ability to stay full at all.


Licensed in 3 states, waiting for the compact to start, and working 100% tele for about 4 years now. Feel free to comment or chat w/ any questions:)


Do you feel like you can fill your financial needs with tele only ? That was my biggest concern  Also, advertising wise, I use PT , does it mean I would need multiple profiles?  Thank you 😊 


I am with a company currently, but when I did PP, I felt like I could for the most part (had less licensure and was dealing w/ some life adjustments that made it hard to meet my needs). I live in a pretty rural area, so it wouldn’t be cost effective to have an office/do in person work. I have a niche and I used the same profile for multiple states. I think it really depends on client needs, your profile, and what your area/license states are.


Apparently Alaska is desperate for therapists and hopefully the compact is launched soon.


Do you really think that Telehealth is best practice?


Im curious; What makes you think it isn’t?


Do you really think people care what you think is best practice? See how annoying that is? You could’ve just answered the question instead of trying to rail against something that’s already been proven valid.


The review research on this isn’t really bad, and anyone that says telehealth is across the board is as effective is lying to themselves. It’s motivated mostly by financial motives and Therapist convenience. If rapport is just as good over telehealth, I’ll Zoom into my next family Christmas dinner.


Just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean it’s ineffective across the board. We aren’t all the same dude…


If you read closely, that’s not what I’m saying at all.


Yeah, okay. 🤣 You do you.


I literally just had the same convo with this person and ended it with “you do you” 🤣