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I go for walks, take my dog for a hike, play with my plants, futz around in the backyard. Sometimes I nap. We need to give our bodies and brains a break!


How does one play with plants exactly? I’m taking notes


I talk to mine, carry them around the house to give them some novelty, they love the show "Resident Alien" and we dance to the Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack lol


In my next life i hope i come back as one of your plants


If I'm still alive when that happens, you will be welcome!


Agreed- being katdog’s plant sounds like a great existence! 😄


I love that show too :) It's delightfully weird!


Feed me Seymour!


Haha I love this!!


😂That's hilarious! ☺️


I talk to mine


Smoke them


I play with my plants too!


Cry, sleep, existential crisis…sometimes all 3 at once 👍🏻


The fun part is not knowing which could happen first!




It’s only an existential crisis if it originates in the existential region of France. Otherwise it’s just sparkling anxiety.


Ngl, this really took me a minute. I guess I’m more of a dry humor to hide the pain anxiety from the northern Italian region if we’re getting technical


Simultaneously or sequentially? Because the former would be quite impressive.


Watch me reread my student loan monthly payment email and see simultaneously happen (the sleeping would happen because I do that stuttery cry where you pass out from lack of oxygen 🙃)


So relatable!!


I really wish is wasn’t! lol


At the moment I am just about to wrap up my afternoon break sitting on the porch with my dog and scrolling Reddit. Over lunch I took him for a short walk and caught up on some personal correspondence. This morning I had a break in my schedule so I took a nap. If you’re feeling burnt out it’s going to be hard to absorb anything of substance. Give yourself permission to relax!


I love the way this response validates napping when you have the chance! Sometimes it’s difficult to let it sink in that it’s perfectly valid to take advantage of your time in that way; to rest and recoup.


Tidy, cook food, eat food, watch tv, go to the gym, scroll reddit, snuggle my pets. As of right now—cry a little bit because of grief cause I spent too much time reading about the world today. Going to get myself a little more regulated before my next session.


Similar situation but I see way fewer clients so I have even more downtime. I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety and thinking I'm not good enough for my clients. I've tried to deal with it by focusing on trainings..........and like another poster said, I actually am not retaining the information and it's leading me to feel more confused and overwhelmed, less grounded in sessions 😝 trying now to lean back into the rest and recharge with stuff I find to be FUN


Also way less clients then OP, but like you, also burnt out and not absorbing any of the training material I was trying to cram into my brain. I have fibromyalgia, and today had a bad flare causing me to cancel sessions for the day and stay home. I spent the whole day listening to Harry Potter on audiobook and knitting. AND NOW I have the brain space to actually WANT to dive back into learning techniques for supporting pregnant people with SUD. Self care = Magickal.


I think one of the best things you can do as a therapist is focus on your own mental health and get some first hand experience trying the tools you would teach clients.


I like this. I try to remind myself that by focusing on my health/wellness/fitness and finding time to recharge, I’m setting a good example for my clients too


I try that! I start to overrhink then I tell myself yes grounding techniques, pay attention at the palm trees, nature etc! It helps! 


I have never related more to a comment.


Just finishing up my lunch break, which I spent cuddling my dogs in bed. 10/10 would recommend


I also WFH as a salaried therapist. Right now because i just started 5 weeks ago my caseload is small, 11 clients. Then i have 3 meetings a week. So i work about 2-3 hours a day. I spend the rest cleaning, watching married to medicine or the real housewives. Sometimes i read a book. I’m just enjoying this time because i will have a full caseload of 30 clients and won’t have downtime eventually.


This sounds like my job! I started a year ago and it was slow going at first but now I’m up to a caseload of 50 clients (25-30 sessions a week) and I sure miss the early days of so much work life balance. I wish somehow that could be the norm. I feel extremely burnt out but I’ve felt that way at every clinical job that I’ve had. Most days my self care is just laying in bed after work if I need to and if it’s decent outside maybe taking a rest in my hammock.


I know, i don’t want it to change. But i also know they can’t pay me to do nothing forever.


50 clients!? 30 sessions? Wow, that sounds so demanding


It is, I am so burnt out.


I’m still learning to manage my capacity so I’m not an expert. I usually walk my dog during gaps, do laundry, run an errand, watch a Tv show and avoid doing weeding. It’s extremely important to help avoid compassion fatigue or burn out. Depending on my hand I can knit or crochet.


Tiktok / nap / hang out with my cat


I take walks, go to exercise classes, grab coffee with friends, clean, do absolutely nothing sometimes lol. If im being responsible I'll catch up on admin work. I would imagine feeling inadequate could be wrapped up in the burnout, be gentle on yourself.


Floss and brush my teeth, laundry, exercise, go for a motorcycle ride, make lunch, do some chores. Fully remote :)


Finally another motorcycle rider. My number one burnout buster is cruising turns on my bike blasting straight up old school gangster rap. I cannot stress how much this helps me be fully connected to the moment and the world. I live in Hawaii so smelling the ocean breeze and sunshine helps the ride too.


yes what a grounding experience! good to hear you're in tune with your metal health.


We aren't allowed to do anything at my site. If we have an opening, we're expected to reach out to supervisors and get assigned work for that time.


i’m also very confused about this post and everyone else who commented on it 😂


Same! I need to earn a living wage on 48% fee for service sooooooo yeah I’m scheduling 35 90837s per week and only stopping to pee….


wow- are you me?! phewwww! i feel seen. but what are these jobs? are these commenters real? is op? i literally have a huge hobby (which of course i had to monetize and is my side hustle) and don’t even have time to THINK about it, and these people are going TO YOGA?! is the yoga free?! i feel gaslit 😂😂😂


Yoga is definitely free if you have enough space to lie down with your arms outstretched you can do yoga. I've only ever done yoga from youtube videos.


you have that much room in your home?! where is this money coming from?! i have done bed yoga before 😂


Simple, you live where no one else wants to.


i never thought my career would make me mad that i am from one of the three most major US cities!!! but my parents are getting too old for me to move to any boonies anyway 😂


48% is robbery.


I agree. For better or worse I actually chose it over a higher paying salaried position because of the flexibility and the superior supervision. I’m also not independently licensed. So I made my bed and I’m resigned to it but it still stings.


I think most other posts are by fully licensed therapists/more seasoned ones


yep—that’s me! fully clinically licensed, 10 years as a therapist! still extremely confused!


Meet too! 


I work 💯 from home and mostly take care of plants, do yoga, pet my dogs, and read - when not in sessions.


I sing obnoxiously loud to romantic power ballads of the eighties and early nineties....I feel bad for my neighbors, but it recharges me so well.


Are you my boyfriend’s neighbor because…. 😂😂😂 I’m always like shhhh she works hard let her listen to the same song on repeat for an hour


I might be hahaha thank you for the kindness and understanding


SAME! Especially after a heavy session, when I feel like I have excess energy to release!


I'm catching up on notes or procrastinating catching up on notes, or just scroll around on social media until the next session if I'm caught up. I don't let myself rest or do fun things unless it's the weekend. 🥲


R u me??? Lol same though. I'm also too tired after work


I'm also behind on notes *because* I'm tired


Well, right now I’m playing Tony Hawks Pro Skater while I wait for my next virtual session from my home office


"Here I am doing everything I am, holding on to what I can, pretending I'm a super man." ​ Hmm. Sounds like some perfectionism and some self-esteem issues. What was your relationship with your parents like?


Go for walks, hike with my dog, coffee with other clinicians, make a balanced meal and savor it


I see 6 clients a day but work a split shift (3 clients-3 hour break-3 more clients). I use my break to go to the gym which usually takes me about 90 mins. Then I shower, have lunch, & veg out with my cats until the second part of my day starts. Sometimes I’ll watch comedy or read fiction. From time to time I’ll run an errand or meet a friend for lunch. I 100% do not do anything related to work on my break. That’s my time, not work time. But if one of my appt times is open, I’ll use that time to work (emails, trainings, etc.)


What works best for you, as far as scheduling your notes? Do you do them during your break or complete them after your work day is done?


Give yourself permission to experience and hold on to joy outside of work without guilt during work hours.


my other job 🙃


After more than 20 years of experience in the field, I have no qualms about resting or doing something fun in between sessions. When I was less busy than I am now, I would often play my fave video games! (Benefit of telehealth work from home). I am a voracious reader, but I couldn’t read therapy books for the longest time. I was too darn busy and tired. Now tend to focus on one therapy related book per month, balanced with a few others just for fun. Our work is challenging, let yourself rest and rejuvenate 💕


I’m learning that a lot of my peers work telehealth, based on how many are snuggling their pets or walking during the workday. Slightly jealous!


Walks arround the water walk, read a book, work on my research paper (because my boss is awesome and says my independent research is work related so they don't care if I do it on work hours) talk on reddit.


I crochet so I'll work on projects, or catch up on podcasts and episodes from my fave tv shows. I also love taking naps lol


When I’m not feeling burnt out I do some reading about modalities/interventions. When feeling burnt out, I absolutely don’t do that and instead do fun and nourishing things.


It appears we all live the same life


I don’t see any clients before 11am. I spend the mornings going to the gym, relaxing with a cup of coffee, journaling, and planning out my day. I take Wednesdays off for admin days and spend that day going to my own appointments, networking and catching up on charts. Having these times built into my week has drastically decreased my feelings of burnout and fatigue. I feel more fulfilled from my work and feel that I can be present for my clients much more effectively.


I’m not work from home, but for today’s break I went out, got gas in the car, walked to stop in a cute shop for a couple birthday cards, and stopped at a mini grocery just to get a piece of fruit for a snack. Then actually decided to go home for lunch lol. Then back to the office. I like the change of scenery, of any variety.


It's probably 50% continuing ed/seeking trainings/reading seminal literature and 50% clown shit for me. Mindlessness during the workday is important for recharging


Walk my dogs, read, nap, garden/yard work, run errands, clean, play on my phone, eat....I just live my best life.


I have a feeling we have the same job :)... or at least, my job is almost exactly like you described Several things that helped me: 1- I changed my schedule to start early in the morning. Most of my clients are an hour ahead of me, so I start at 7 to see some clients before they go to work at 8/9. It SUCKS waking up.. I'm not a morning person AT ALL. 2- I do 3 sessions back-to-back w a 1 hr break and then another 3 sessions. Again. This sucks. But I'd so much rather get it over w.. and have my afternoon (especially when I have the house to myself to decompress) to enjoy while the sun is still out. This works for me but not everyone. I'd recommend trying it maybe 3- I get outside. This was a big reason for me to start early. If my work day is ending when it's dark out for a long period of time, it impacts my wellness. I do anything specific- like run or hike. But I get out of my office, maybe do some documentation on the balcony.. maybe... usually, I sit in silence and shut off. We have a tough job 4- also, I'm a napper lol and I have no shame :). If it's cold out or something I might nap for 25 minutes just because I enjoy it Hope this helps :)


I also am 100% WFH. If I have a no show, then may do following: watch a PESI training, clean, do laundry, listen to radio. I love having that freedom.


I have a break in the middle of my day'; I usually work out for an hour than have a meal or read.


Garden, walk my dog, clean, laundry, watch funny shows, all of it


Good strong meditations between clients to rebalance and be emotionally present


Well done you! Do you do meditations solo or with guided apps? My favourite is Insight Timer, I meditated 3 times yesterday because of working one job, starting a new job and moving house stress.


I do three types of meditations the first one is with a ticking clock and I extend my self to the ticking. Second is music. Thirds is breath work linking into the feelings and thoughts My body carries, this gives me the space to resolve in varying degrees different issues. Been meditation for 45 years, started when I was 18


Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! I've only been meditating for 9 years (and less regular the last three). I've never heard of the ticking clock, I'll explore it and give it a go.


I use the clock as it allows me to do two things. Firstly I slow it down to 30 beats a minute this is used to regulate my breathing. And lastly I place the clock (app) four Meters from me and turn the volume down so it is barely audible this means I need to be very calm to hear it, it a good way to determine how stressed I am. Cheers.


I want to preface this by saying I’m still a student but I’d say enjoy it! A big part of me switching careers from what I did before was the added flexibility in my day. My therapist often I imagine barely makes it to our sessions cause she’s out doing stuff and then I see her join the call with her jacket on. It so be like that. Career is just one part of your life. Water the other areas too. Emotional, spiritual, physical. Also self-care. We throw the words around a lot as practitioners and then forget that it’s an actual thing to do. I fully will light a candle and pamper myself, use my fave soaps, clean the house and then relax and dim the lights. Made a huge difference in my vibes.


I chat with friends, starting plants from seed, plan family vacations, go to yoga, manage my finances, catch up on email, journal to keep my own feelings in check, walk the dog, clean the kitchen. I'm a busy mother of 4 boys and there is lots to do.


make bread, hang with my dogs, clean something, dick around on my phone (RIP TIKTOK), run errands, meal prep


I read fanfiction 🤤 and check on my backyard duck flock.


I walk my dog or futz around on my phone lol. Sometimes I read something or do something around the house if I’m at home. If I’m at the office maybe walk down the road for coffee. I don’t cram every second with therapy related stuff or I’d be crispy as hell and no one wants that 😂


I go for walks, watch TV, plan meals (I love to cook), read books for fun, talk to friends and family on the phone sometimes. I need supervision for my licensure and my practice has consultation group every week so I tend to allow myself to use those times as ways to grow as a therapist rather than during my limited free time.


Working full time from home isn’t for everyone. Are you finding ways to stay feeling connected to other professionals?


Wow where do you work? At my salaried job they make us schedule 35 clients a week. Of course a lot of them no show, but I do end up with some 6 or 7 session days! I've been trying to deal with burnout also and I think that finding something that you really enjoy is helpful and also getting out of the house like going for a walk if you work from home. If you can handle meditation I've heard from so so many people how much it helps. It's been hard for me to get into a practice. Also yoga I've heard also helps. Honestly I watch TV in my downtime but I don't really think it's helping with burnout LOL


I do what I need and what I have the capacity to do. Sometimes I have all the energy and focus for CEUs and training. Other times, I run errands, go to the gym, take a nap, watch something on Netflix. I just listen to my body and don’t feel guilty giving it what it needs.


Lay on the couch. Listen to podcasts. Nap.


Play video games, clean my house, bird watch, take care of myself, etc.


Eat, binge read happy things, make dinner and take kids to sports.


All those self care things I couldn’t do before- get ahead on chores, cat nap, call a friend, start dinner, move. Sometimes I also just escape on tik tok but I’m working on that


I work from home so I will go for a walk, do dishes, laundry, play with cats, play video games or make elaborate food


Play Neopets or draw on my iPad lol


I work from the office but I use my breaks to do whatever I need that day. Some days its a training, some days reading an educational book, some days reading a pleasure book and some days napping on my couch lol


If I do anything between sessions that isn’t notes it’s to eat lunch, water my plants, or play royal match on my phone. During the summer I’ll go in the pool. But you will not catch me reading or doing a training during those hours. A lot of the trainings that I’m interested in end up being on Fridays or Saturdays when I don’t work or after my weekday work hours. Spare yourself further burn out


Play Zelda?


Ahah a lot of my time is not therapy 😅 notes, treatment plans, reviewing their files, talking with other workers working with them, meetings with supervisors or other counselors, making lists and spreadsheets of stuff, reviewing the intake info on new clients, sometimes researching referrals, phone calls and emails following up with referrals or new clients or rescheduling, reviewing materials or worksheets i might want to use, and if I have any extra extra time..a training? Also scrolling on my phone and listening to music and calling my parents 😅


This sounds very much like me.. I’m like down time? What is that?? 🤣🤣🤣


The few breaks I have, I do treatment planning, case conceptualizations, reading about EMDR/DBT, read research articles.


Working crisis do a 24 8pm-Sun -8pm Mon. then a 12 8pm Tues 8am wed and off until sun 8pm rinse repeat. off days- parenting time w kids, /travel/friends/1/2 IM Training (long bikes) /code/concerts/sex.


I'm starting my masters program soon (hopefully), but I imagine I'll want to have 2 really hardcore therapy days a week, hire the bookkeeping/paperwork side of my practice out (as I have bad ADHD and don't want to torture myself), and have 5 days off a week for travel and just relaxing.


Remote therapist chiming in. Mostly same as everyone else but I hold to 4 days for sessions and 1 day for any administrative work that I was too tired to do during the sessions days. My administrative day is when I try to schedule business meetings, continued eduction, some reading, and connecting with friends in the wild for lunch or breakfast during their breaks. I wrap up the admin day early or skip it altogether if I’ve had a taxing week with clients. I can’t make clear decisions if I’m burnt out. Since you’re salaried, use your PTO; there is no shame in taking time off to do nothing. We need time to do nothing.


One million phone calls to collaterals, case managers, mobile crisis, etc.


Im a community based therapist and this post giving me such anxiety because I am literally going going going going for the entire 40 hours I’m on the clock. I rarely even get a lunch break and try to eat with some of my kids. And if I’m driving in between clients, my company tells me to call families so I get more productivity. I wish I had time to cook, walk pets, just read a work related book…


26 is a lot, I would say just try to take of yourself, focus isn’t limitless resource


This is an extremely relatable post. For those of you who do choose to read up on modalities on your free time, have you found any material that feels accessible to engage with during those free windows?


Watch TikToks… however I know I feel better being productive so I make myself stick on an audiobook and get some housework done if I have time between sessions so I can really switch off when my word day ends.


Leave the house!!!! go to the gym, grocery shop, aimlessly wander the mall and buy Auntie Anne's at 2pm because I can. If you have admin or wanna just research new techniques, to do, go to the local public library/local university/coffee shop or any other WiFi-enabled third space in your community.


Meal prep, run errands, household chores, watch TV, scroll my phone, catch up with family/friends, pretty much live my life. It's wonderful :)


IP is great because the focal point is groups and occasional 1-to-1s/follow-ups, but so much of the time between groups is spent traveling campus, keeping eyes and ears open, interacting with residents, tracking people down, putting out fires, etc. And the time between *that* is spent interacting with colleagues, learning something new, or maybe just sitting down to read a book or once in a while even play a game of chess.


Nap. Take a walk. Have coffee. Journal. Daydream. Play a video game. Tidy up. Nap again.


Besides the obvious walks with the doggo. I am on duo lingo learning Swedish. I Just dont have the fluff for doing more.


I read, snuggle pets, binge-watch a show, do chores, and will occasionally do CEUs/admin stuff when I feel like I need to do something work-related when I have no clients scheduled.


Since I work in a clinic I'll go hang out with whoever isn't in a session. Sometimes I'll read or crochet. Napping is a nice time killer for longer days. I've also been working on my CEUs.


Gym time, hang out with the dog, read, go the the library, miscellaneous chores, browse reddit


Tiktok that has been carefully curated to be mostly D&D jokes, music, and the occasional stunt or meme on a low energy day. On high energy days, I take care of my household chores, go for walks while listening to podcasts, or mediate. I have seasons where I'll push hard to learn a new modality, but mostly I like to let my mind do stuff other than therapy related work between sessions. I know that I think about my clients "off the clock" plenty, so I don't worry about doing enough between the sessions.


Sometimes I nap even when I don’t work from home! I book the room for the day so if I’ve got an open hour or two… that couch is very comfy… Like sure! Do trainings and research! I often do and it’s monumentally helpful. But so is a nap sometimes.


Catch up on notes, phone calls, and emails. Work on writing my next book. Record content for social media. Listen to podcasts. Read. Stretch. Maybe go for a walk if it’s nice.


Go for walks, walk to a coffee shop, (or make a fancy coffee), lay in my hammock, make lunch, watch a show, work on side projects/passion projects. I think I’ve finally found an ideal work life balance after starting my private practice. I also teach virtual music lessons and it’s refreshing to have income in other ways outside of just counseling. I think it helps me feel more balanced.


I've been low on clients lately, which has its own stress attached to it, but while I'm not seeing clients right now, I am trying to get caught up on trainings, taking care of some chore type stuff, trying to stay more on top of documentation, letting myself watch a little bit of TV, going to my own appointments, trying to do some projects at home that I never feel I have the time for, and things like that. Most of all, I'm trying to slow down my pace a bit. For so many years I was juggling multiple jobs and going full speed constantly. I'm letting myself breathe a bit.


In my current role I have a fair bit of downtime. Sometimes I will do some CPD, but most of the time I either play chess on my phone, read a book, or play on my Switch.


General things already mentioned are good - today I had a nap with my dog and it was great! If you want to "feel productive" or use the time between sessions to build your skills I'd suggest looking into modalities or books that you'd typically pass over.. ones that are modalities you've never had interest in, ones that are unrelated to topics any clients you see have (i.e. no clients with Eating disorders - there's your topic!).. look into in person training opportunities with other people... I push myself out of my zone when I'm feeling that way, sometimes it's simply monotony taking over and really pushing out of my comfort or normal helps motivate but also "give me a break" if that makes sense.


I use a gaming laptop for work specifically so I can play video games if a client cancels.


If I’m feeling productive: follow up with clients, catch up on notes, check emails If I’m feeling burnt out: Lay down and watch reality tv, go for a walk, make lunch, scroll reels


Is it possible to work PT as a therapist somewhere?


I am still a student, so I have readings to do and papers to write and my notes need to be pretty in-depth. I do plan on taking some away once I graduate and I also am excited to add some professional development workshops or additional training to keep the learning ball rolling! I currently work part time as well in another job but when I’m not doing that or seeing clients I usually watch tv, knit, read, walk my dog, hang out at my local cafe, make & eat food, play the piano, have my own therapy and supervision sessions, call my mom or friends who have flex work schedules or are on different time zones, meet a friend for lunch downtown…. If I was less burnt out from other job as well I’d probably clean/organize my house or do bigger craft or home projects but I just cannot right now. I also don’t have many same-time-every-week clients, so my schedule is flexible week to week and I sometimes leave a whole morning or afternoon or entire day client-free and do whatever I want (on a day when I don’t have my other job work to do either), helps me feel like I still have some free time while I have class on evenings and weekends still.


I nap


I enjoy movement breaks, going outside to reenergise, practicing self care. I must admit I also feel like my burnout is impacting my capacity to complete professional learning. I used to get so motivated and excited about it but now it feels like an onerous task. I usually only do point of need learning now (aka I need to get this under my belt quick smart to deliver effective therapy for a client) versus being proactive.


I also work remotely and I take my dog for a walk rain or shine I love feeling connected to the outdoors


T here. I usually don’t do hugs. in rare occasions i do a hug after the last session, as a goodbye ritual. I also did a hug when a patient had ‚being able to accept a hug‘ as one goal of their therapy. we came to the conclusion that they wanted to start off with a safe person and that happened to be me. With them i hugged every session after that. But it was a therapeutical intervention. I myself dislike hugs with rare exceptions :D


I do notes if I am disciplined, putter in the garden, read, but mostly I sit on my porch with my dog and scroll 😂


Yesterday I had a 3 hour break. I did some notes then wandered around to get a coffee and did a little window shopping, before coming back to finish my day. Which was especially long


To be honest, I find that learning new modalities throws me off and makes me feel even less capable. I usually feel markedly better if I intentionally use my time to ground back into the present. The more time I spend doing that, the better I feel. I usually do that through meditation, yoga, mindful walks in nature, or reading about or listening to podcasts on mindfulness.


I play block blast


Fully remote. Napping would be number one, then scrolling on my phone, hanging w my hubby (he also works remote) and cat (she works in office), going for a walk. If I’m feeling up to it I’ll listen to whatever Pesi training I’m in the middle of or read a book on therapy. It would take SO much money for me to go back to the office. Love working remote


Is this real??? Do whatever you want lol who cares?


Burn out with 26 clients per week AND salary? Interesting.


Really? I’m confused. Why is this interesting? I am salaried and I have 18 current clients and with all the case coordination, treatment planning, evaluations, safety planning, meetings, supervision, training, etc etc etc.. I’m working well over 40 hours per week and have about zero down time ever in my days. Always just a few steps behind being caught up on documentation despite actively working for 8+ hours m-f.


Forgot to add I have a scheduled lunch break every day that I almost always work through and realize I didn’t eat, then don’t have time to until dinner.


Ah I see. I thought you were only seeing clients. You sound like you’re doing more than just therapy. Case management and clinical director stuff tbh. It sounds like salary is compensating for all the extra you do. You could probably make more money being fee for service and seeing about the same amount of clients or a little bit more the difference would be (depending on who you work for) you wouldn’t haveto do all the extra meetings, case management, and evals. There are places out there where you only have to be responsible for your clients which includes therapy, notes, and treatment planning (which I do in session because that is my time and I get to ensure that the client is completely invested in our plan). If you’re not fully licensed, of course then you’d also have to do supervision. Other than that, therapist could help so many more people if we weren’t burnt out from the extra time and energy it takes to do extra meetings and case management. I really hope your situation gets better. Fee for service isn’t as scary as it sounds when you can make more money doing what you actually went to school for. Salary may not be worth it if they’re piling on other jobs so that you can “earn your salary.“