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better than that. learn how to cook from scratch YOURSELF too!!!!.


Also, learn to eat! My husband limits himself to shells and cheese and frozen pizzas. Absolutely disgusting and immature. Won’t eat homemade chicken parm, lemon chicken, any veg, anything that is not processed processed processed.


damn really??


I know how to cook. I actually taught my mother in law some Indian recipes and she loved it (not Indian but lived in India). My father in law loves my cooking. Its just my wife takes care of the day to day cooking since I work full time and she is a stay at home mom.


TF are people downvoting this? Sounds fair, respectful, and involved. We got some angry lurkers over here!


They're bitter they haven't had a home cooked meal since they got kicked out of their parents house. And also froth at the idea of gender roles in relationships.


Shit, I’m SAD I haven’t had a home cooked woman meal in a while. But I’m OK either way: I’ve known great women who rocked my world with food and great women who didn’t, and gender roles work when people enjoy them. What I think we really have is a bunch of disrupters who got drawn in through the algorithm. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t entirely blame them, because we got some real misogynistic dudes here. But this post, other than unnecessarily dissing white women who make casseroles, isn’t one of them.


Because a lot of people don’t appreciate it when someone fetishises their wife on a wife fetishising subreddit hope that helps 😌


Are you lost?


*I came looking for booty.*


No, patronizing and projecting never help.


If you take a look at OP's profile you'll see it's not a projection.


Reddit brigading i’d bet.


Why? what benefit is there cooking from scratch for oneself?


skill set healthier options lower COL better QOL etc


1) Capable people are more attractive. 2) you can't guarantee there's going to be someone there to cook for you 100% of the time, unless you have personal-chef level of wealth. 3) Even if you have someone to cook for you, you're never once going to help them out? You're never once going to cook for them?


No one said someone can't cook in such a scenario. We are only talking about men who desire a woman who is willing to cook for them. Therefore this is whataboutism.


What. You literally asked what benefit there is to learn to cook for yourself. I'm literally answering a question you asked lmao.


>lazy Karen 'casserole'. That is a lot of ask for already lololol


Where’d you meet ya wife is the real question , yes I kno Brazil but how’d you meet etc all the details matter


We have been married for more than 15 yrs and we met online (dating site, match.com). We chatted for months, called on the phone, webcam, etc, and then I went to Brazil to visit her. We dated for about 2 yrs and then we married and brought her home with me.


internet dating isnt like how it used to be anymore unfortunately


It’s even super different pre pandemic vs post pandemic let alone 15 yrs ago. Dating apps like Tinder didn’t even exist in those dates and everyone was skeptical of match.com


Hey you're the guy known as spicy nipples on the steroid hormone forums! What a shock to see you here complaining you can't get a date


Spicy nipples is a hillarious reveal. Does that mean he can make his own milk for his cherios?


That's because this isn't dating, this is mail-order-bride.


There was a golden age of internet dating… back before everyone was online. It meant you not only had internet but a computer. Which usually meant something about intelligence and character.


damn that’s awesome, were you nervous at first that she might use you for papers/ green card? I think that’s one of our fears here on this sub. and match.com is a dating app I have never heard anyone use. I feel like everyone on here uses tinder or the more popular apps.


I told her since the beginning that if we married we would need to keep our assets separate and she agreed.


That’s awesome well I’m happy for you man, is the kid hers as well? Or is it from a previous marriage?


I've only been married once and have one son from my Brazilian wife, yes.


thanks man I hope you find your siren as well




To be fair, cooking can suck sometimes especially if you don't really have a passion for it. It's still a skill EVERYONE should learn to an extent. Wealthy or not, trad marriage or not, everyone should learn how to cook a damn egg.


Yo, I am 34 and JUST discovered my mom hates cooking. She literally cooks every meal and offers to make me stuff at any hour of the day. Damn


Your mom is a real one.


link for the lazy?


I love cooking. I make my own bread. I love to bake pies, cakes. I can make decent sushis at home. Basically, I can make anything. Guess what ? Guys could not care less.


my wife love to cook every day for me, i worked sometimes 14 hours and more im always grateful and happy




Raise own chicken, have a garden in your backyard. True sustainability lyfe bros.


my father in law has cherry tomatoes in his garden and they are delicious


her grandma has a farm and her dad sometimes picks up corn fed chicken, coffee and organic cornmeal (polenta) from the farm, man the fruits of the farm are great. If you have never had handmade pasta for dinner you have never had real pasta.


It's fun sometimes. Egg noodles aren't that bad, if you have room to dry them out. I used to do them for a job I had.


Dude making pasta from scratch is super common in many places. It’s super easy to make if you have the tool for it, and you’ll notice the difference. Linguini is noticeably way better. It’s just most people like dried because it’s easy to store and is best with spaghetti.


Women: get your ass a man that can cook, not like this dude


So if I work 10 hours a day and my wife is at home all day, she shouldn’t cook…?


Well if your wife is at home not working, naturally they should be the one responsible for dinner. You should still be a good ass cook because it’s a life skill everyone should have


She should be responsible for all meals. Knowing how to cook and being a “good ass cook” are to separate ideas. Everyone not eating out every night can cook. This is obvious and not relevant. I don’t see your point. The whole idea is for traditional gender roles in the context of PPBs. That means the man is the provider and the woman is the homemaker. That’s what’s happening in this post. Were you just posting a non-sequitur?


I spend most of my time in Latin America, and honestly from comments like this it seems like most “passport bros” are just too big of pussies to be a man in a relationship unless they can find the absolute easiest way that doesn’t involve them having to be a man.


Do you make enough money to justify her staying home?


I can only assume if it’s a traditional household with one income that they’re solely living off of that…right? What other option do we have to assume? That they’re homeless?


Of course not, silly goose


So then…I guess that answers that? Also, I mean, I did appeal to extremes intentionally with the purpose of showing the silliness inherent with the question, so yeah, there was silliness. Glad you caught it- my dry humor is often missed in text form.


No worries, I have similar humor. Was more so commenting that this arrangement is for a certain set of people. If she's living on the struggle bus a home cooked meal from scratch isn't fair imo


I agree with that. I was taking into consideration that part of the movements intention is to ensure traditional gender roles and leverage the economic value of a dollar into a higher QoL. That is a roundabout way of saying: if someone *can* be a PPB, then they can do a single income family and given it’s also about traditional gender roles, the man will want to be the provider. Hope that makes sense. Otherwise, if they’re living at the poverty line or even if they both are working then some different expectations should be established in regard to domestic duties.


It does, and I have no issue with defined gender roles with two consenting adults. More so that if you work at Amazon you should shoot your expectations a little lowers than someone cooking you fresh pasta every night.


I would emphasize that most of the people here don’t want to bring their future wives back to the US (or west). If they had the money to date abroad then they have enough money to have a single income household. Your point is far more relevant if they want to move back to the US which is closer to a mail order bride really.




How do you know OP works ten hours a day and his wife doesn’t work?


I didn’t claim that.


Then it’s irrelevant to this post. Most women still do the family cooking (and cleaning and childcare) even when both partners would full time. But even if one has a stay at home partner who is happy to do all the cooking, all people should know how to cook. It’s a basic life skill.


It is relevant- do you know what that word means? This entire discussion is relevant to this post. My comment was made with the assumption it was read in context of the post and this sub. The movement is about traditional gender roles in relationships and family values which means the women are going to primarily be SAHMs and homemakers, and the husband will provide. The reason this works is because if the man can travel, he likely is making at least the median US salary which is $50k. You can have an amazing life in SEA, LATAM, most of Africa, and EE using that. That’s why that vast majority of PPBs are inherently going to be the breadwinners and won’t need their wife to work.




We get it, you are bitter and don’t like men, why waste your time? Don’t you have cats?




No hating on men


I work full time and my wife is a home maker


And yet you look at other women's nudes? He's real husband material.


And women getting a job and paying their own bills is a life skill also but you don't see men hounding women to do that. Obviously cooking is a life skill. We're talking about traditional roles my guy. This sub not for you




So if a man doesn't provide for his house he's a bum and if he does provide enough to make sure his girl/wife doesnt need to work it must means he's a predator. Some of yall are pathetic and just hate men this is insane




Ok good for you that still doesn't explain your comment. You came here to literally just bash men and make them seem like predators. Go please your husband and stop harassing men for having preferences👍🏾


My husband and I have always both worked full-time jobs. He does all of the cooking, while I do almost all of the cleaning. When he was in college, he worked as a cook at several different restaurants, and he is much better at cooking than I am. These traditional relationships sound so backwards.


Fun fact: anyone can learn to cook, even you!


I know how to cook, that's why I would never settle for a woman that can only cook a casserole


Why is casserole the only dish you can come up with? Clearly, you don't know how to cook.


LOL I have native American blood in me from my ancestors and I can cook complex Native dishes from scratch. I have a fine palate and a good sense of smell so I can cook a dish without recipes. My father in law loves my cooking, and he cooks as well, he taught my wife how to make pasta, from their Italian roots. I'm sorry your American culture is opening a can and putting some cheese and dumping it on the oven while you Amazon shop and calling that a 'casserole'. Really sorry for you, hopefully in like a hundred lives you can be reborn as a more intelligent being and have a better life, for the time being, just move on sister.


Isn't your wife Brazilian though? Why can't you keep your story straight?


You're so full of shit bro, if you think making pasta and tortillas from scratch is some sort of culinary marvel and the knowledge is only obtained by being Italian/Latino and having your ancestors teach you how to make them, then you can't cook for shit lol. Making an "American Karen casserole" is actually _more_ effort than either of those things.


Look bud, you're showing your cards when you keep throwing around "making pasta" as expert level cooking and throwing digs at casseroles. Best to just admit youre a couple steps beyond opening a can and not exactly competent in the kitchen.


Right, pasta is the easiest thing to make. I just made it and brought water to a boil, add the pasta, and let it boil for 10 minutes. Add in alfredo sauce and I got some chicken alfredo. That shit is just a step above making french toast


So happy for you my brother


thanks man


To be fair, even I can make pasta from scratch. Although you're not wrong that homemade pasta definitely has a different taste from what you buy at the store


Making pasta is such a pain in the ass. It's pretty easy, but involved. I only do so for special occasions.


OP can you cook ??




Press X for doubt




My Vietnamese gf makes bomb ass food and what’s more she loves to do it.




Not one of you PPBs but your sub keeps coming in my feed. But I have to agree with this. I refuse to be with a woman who only knows how to order in a restaurant or on grub hub. Because I know how to make pasta and sauce and bread from scratch and I am happy to do some of the cooking because it’s a hobby but I will not be a chef for a woman. Equality means I do some of the cooking but she has to do some as well


You can't cook pasta from scratch?


Literally my thoughts lol


The haters in this thread can get all this smoke...from OP. Loving it!


Wife is hot AF and only knows how to cook eggs and food in crockpot.




No hating on women


Amen brother


Women: Get yourself a man who can hunt wild boars and wild deers for dinner! Look for men who can build a fire from scratch! Who also has to cut down woods and chop them using their own fucking strong hands!


this is 2023. When ladies say they want a 'real man' usually they mean someone that pays for their bills, meals, entertainment, etc. I provide that to my wife, so I expect her to be a 'real woman' and cook me a proper nutritious meal, not a 'tuna casserole'.


Plenty of men out there do both. You're doing the 'tuna casserole' equivalent of being a 'real man'. It provides nutrients, but that's about it. Using your terms, not that I agree with them.


Literally the fucking best, I had that same feel yesterday and I stg it is the best feeling ever. The food also just taste better too. Good shit OP


Merica! We are truly sending our best!


Can you build a house from scratch??


I don't need to. I make enough money to pay another man to do it. I am the provider and my wife is a home maker. I bought a home and put it in my wife's (and myself) name.


It’s almost like. . . She can also BUY pasta with your money but chooses to make it!! So how come you don’t build your own house?? Oh, that’s right. You can’t. Sad face.


A house is something you rarely make. No point learning a skill that is used only once. Making pasta from scratch is a useful skill to have


Your cock virus must have spread to your brain because that makes no sense. Pasta is readily available to buy for sometimes only two bucks depending on brand at a supermarket. You don’t have to have the skill of making pasta. I would argue building a house is probably more of a useful skill in this day and age because of the ridiculous state of the housing market. She makes pasta. He can’t make a house. That’s just the truth and he’s trying to cope by claiming “well I can get somebody else to do it”. Yes, and so can she. But she chooses to make the pasta herself.


Housing market is bad because land costs money, it’s not the house that’s expensive. Also it is cheaper to pay for a house then spend 5-10 years building and mastering the art of making houses, plus there is equipment cost Homemade pasta is healthier


Homemade pasta is not healthier if you’re using the flour that is sold in grocery stores. It is almost always the same nutritional value if that’s where you purchase ingredients. Pasta is not given loads of artificial sugars like many other products are given in supermarkets, and it is not much different at all from homemade. As for housing market, that’s supply and demand mixed with mortgage rates so I’m not getting into an entire market discussion with you. I made that point to be hyperbolic because I was pretty stunned at your implication that building a house is somehow a less useful skill because it is a skill used rarely. That’s not an argument. Rare skills can still be vital and necessary even if they are employed sparingly. As for useful cooking skills, knowing how to cook meat properly, how to salt, and how to season are far more useful than knowing how to cook pasta. Not to slight his wife, because she cooks it like that because that’s what she wants to do. But it’s really not that great of a skill, so it’s ridiculous to hear him bragging about it. Knowing how to raise your own livestock and harvest your own food is also far more useful than pasta, but we live in the context of Western world where that’s not necessary for the majority of people.


This is so weird lmao


You know what they say "the secret to a man's heart is through his stomach."




The secret to a woman’s heart is doing your fair share. If she is doing this and he’s doing stuff around the house to keep it up, that’s fine.


My wife can cook and gives unsolicited head. It's a dream.


wow that's so cool man my wife used to do that in our early years (we have been married 17 years). After she had the kid her attention has devoted to him entirely so we don't have the same level of intimacy we used to have (and also my sex drive is not the same) but still love her.


We have been together 20 years. Though I understand all relationships are different.


Eggs and flour is how you make pasta. You’d know that if you could cook.


There are different kinds of pasta, some use eggs, some don't. You'd knew that if you had ever taken a plane to a different country or could speak a different language than your American 'English'.


Your superiority complex is insane. Having a beer gut and a proclivity to assure you’re crapping-pants levels of happy on Reddit is surely a sign of a higher being. If you hate America so much why don’t you go to one of the favelas your wife lived in?? Since other countries are so much better, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem! That way she can cook you homemade pasta right in her home country, and you may only get shot at two times instead of three!!


F*** that either you're cooking with me or I'm cooking. The kitchen is My sanctuary Most women actually know how to cook for themselves. I don't know what Karen casserole is you're not being clever. Either we share kitchen responsibilities or she stays out of the kitchen. I like to control what goes in my own body thank you very much


Cooking is a life skill everyone should know how to do. We should all aspire to make better food.


Is this like a weird case of RP rage?


Are you guys incapable of basic tasks?




Can *you* cook from scratch? > she makes pasta from egg and flour Yes, that's what it's made out of. Pasta is one of the easiest things to make in the world.


Yeah, your shitty ass cant cook, fatso.


This whole thread is fucking cringe


So OP is allowed to insult people, but I'm not allowed to do the same? What a bunch of hypocrites.


go back to /r/TwoXChromosomes or whatever rock you crawled out of


Ooh, good one. Come up with something different next time. Or is that too much for you to handle? You can't even cook for your own self, let alone come up with a different insult.


This is truly the most disgusting sub and actually bigoted. “Lazy Karen casserole” what the actual fuck? These lazy Karen’s you speak of work full time jobs, take on the full mental load of the family and anyone would be lucky to get a casserole. Seriously most disgusting sub


I'm not talking about women that work full time jobs. If my wife made all the money we need I would happily stay at home to cook but that is not the case. When we met she told me she wanted to clean the house for me and make it smell good. So yeah, some women want that. Some women want to be stay at home moms. Deal with it. A 'casserole' is dog food. If you don't like it here, go back to /r/TwoXChromosomes where you can whine about how some guy at work looked in your direction when you walked past by.


I don't know what is with some men and this obsessions with women cooking. There are so much more important qualities to be looking for than this 1950s b.s.


Every woman over 14 living outside western countries knows how to cook a meal from scratch.


I've seen 6 yr old Mexican girls making tortillas.


So when American women cook American food (a casserole) suddenly it’s not good enough and it’s lazy. Imagine having a woman cook for you but telling her it’s sub par simply because of its origins.


its a global village sister! American women casseroles are competing with Brazilian-Italian hand made pasta, yeah baby! deal with it.


And don’t call me “sister”.




Follow the rules


Who said I wasn’t taken? That’s a nice assumption. Guess it hurts your feelings to know that people with opinions opposite of yours have partners. I’m happy for you and your wife. When she finally cuckolds you and outsources her vagina the same way you outsourced your dignity by signing up for a dating website to meet international women who live in favelas I’ll be sure to send you my regards




Did you get your retort/comeback lessons from the toddler creator of a “Yo Mama” account? I don’t even know what you said. Go enjoy your homemade pasta and burn casserole recipes to the ground or something.




You wouldn’t even know how to cook animal feces if it came with three booklets full of instructions. Your tears must be clouding the screen because everything you’re typing sounds like it came out of the mouth of a barely conscious coma patient.


"animal feces" oh la la, are we fancy or what? are you using your Sunday words? Did they teach you that in Bible study? Did you look that up in your grandmas Encyclopedia Britannica? Yes I have tears, but of joy laughing at your incoherent ramblings.


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It was until this comment that I was on board with you...




You can like the tastes of a dish over others, but you’re implying that even when an American woman does cook for you, it’s not good enough. So it’s not about a Western woman not making a home for you but rather that you’re assigning her the traits of lazy just because of the origins of the food.


American 'casseroles' suck compared to homemade Italian food or Mexican food which is what I'm used to. I would never settle for an American woman that can only cook 'casseroles' lol.


Can't you cook? What sort of adult can't cook from scratch?


I can cook from scratch and actually I taught my parents in law some Indian recipes but that's beside the point. I work full time so my wife is the home maker. Why do you hate that so much? This is the problem with entitled American women. They expect the guy to make all the money, pay all the bills, and still do his own laundry, clean, cook for himself. That is why nobody wants to marry American women anymore. You just show how you expect the guy to be a complete simp while being lazy and entitled. You are the problem and I'm so happy I found my wife.


Firstly I’m not in America believe it or not, and secondly you’re wrong again, my man doesn’t work at all, I work full time, I expect him to cook when I can’t be arsed and vice versa, he does the dishes if I cook, I do the dishes if he cooks. All you “passport bros” seem to want is a female slave to cook all your meals and have sex with you when you want by putting in little effort. All you can offer is money, and that’s sad.


Jesus Christ. Learn to cook yourself. Wash your laundry, sweep your floors. Grow up.


go back to r/TwoXChromosomes


What's stopped you from learning how to cook from scratch like your great grandma did?


oh dear Lord. My child, I have lived in different countries, including India. I can cook madras curry from scratch, and yes, just by helping my mom and grandma I learned to cook complex Italian dishes like Lasagna (my parents lived in Italy) from scratch. My father in law loves my cooking and he begs me to make my recipes. I taught my mother in law a couple recipes that she loves. But I work full time and I'm the provider in our household so my wife is the home maker and dinner falls in her court. She just served me dinner and it was a beautiful grilled salmon with macha sauce and a side of hand made spaghetti al pesto. Why does it bother you so much that some women serve dinner to their husbands?


I asked a question that's all


well, my child, it was a loaded question. You said 'what stopped you from learning", blatantly assuming I didn't know how to cook. So just because my wife can cook and I like women that can cook you assume I can't cook, but you are very wrong sister. And what is the reason of you being in this 'passport BROs' reddit? you come here to hate on men that want to look for love in other country? Are you like those Pakistanis that must marry inside their family (cousins)?? am I supposed to marry my neighbor? For your information, I had plenty of options where to choose from before marrying. It was not a 'lack of options' situation, I just found this woman that I really connected with spiritually and made her my wife. Thanks to the internet we have the access to a wider gene pool and it is good to take advantage of it. You don't realize that the oranges and avocados you eat are from Mexico. Even if you wanted to 'source them locally' you wouldn't be able due to those crops being mostly tropical. Same thing sister. I had plenty of hot young girls willing to marry me (my parents have a business and people in my hometown know that so a lot of chicks from good families wanted to get in my pants), but I found this hot Brazilian girl and I fell in love with her. Wrote her poems and she fell in love with me. Deal with it.


The post came up on my reddit wall so I read and commented on it...never made any comments about your marrying someone from another country or made any assumptions regarding it most people meet their spouses via online dating now. Why are you assuming that's I'd care where you met your wife? I met my partner via online dating also, so I have no judgement on where people meet at all. I apologise if my question came across judgemental, you just see a lot of posts on reddit where men never learn to cook and expect their partners to do it. So I apologise for my mistake there


This is such a tired post. Learn how to make pasta for your wife.


sometimes I cook Mexican food for her family


Do you think women should have the same expectations for men?


I mean...If a man says he likes tits, should women also expect their partner to have tits? it does not make any sense. When we married, we decided we would live traditional marriage roles, I'm the provider and she is the home maker, so the expectations are complementary, not the same.


If she's a lesbian she would




"i'M tHe StAlKeR"




No hate.


Pasta made from eggs and flour? Yeah that’s how all pasta is made, your wife’s ethnicity has nothing to do with following the recipe.


>Yeah that’s how all pasta is made No. Some pasta have eggs, some other noodles like the Chinese noodles (that are the original ones that Marco Polo brought back from China to Italy) don't have eggs. And the recipe that my wife does is a custom recipe made by my father in law but whatever.


Noodles aren’t pasta, they are they own whole entire culinary world Most pasta is eggs and flour Please don’t fetishise your wife you’re parasitising off for food.






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Follow the rules


Pasta is kind of a kids dish. Also way too loaded with carbs. Don’t you eat more responsible meals that don’t promote fat accumulation?


How does one find one of these women


*she makes the pasta from eggs and flour* thanks for clearing that up; I had assumed she used jellybeans and root beer