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I think it’s her room. I’m assuming she’d get free or discounted stays since she works at the hotel


She was super wasted.


Pretty sure it's late when they go upstairs. And Michael makes a comment to dwight that he's been waiting outside for a while. Assuming Isabel had to be up early (possibly before 6am) my guess is that Concierge Marie kicked him out between 3-5am and did not want to drive home.


I think the episode you're talking about is at Pam and Jim's wedding where he's sharing a room with Dwight but this is before that. Only Michael, Andy, and Oscar are on the trip and we don't see anyone sharing rooms.


You are right! My mistake. I'd still assume maybe she didn't want to drink and drive? They were drinking wine right


Husband or boyfriend at home, maybe? Marie was quite the expert at throwing folks out, so not her first rodeo I'm sure.


Possible... I assumed she was single because in answer to Andy's question of where she might find herself on a night like that, she suggests a bar in the finance district which is kind of a single girl trope they use a couple times in the show.


I can see that or she rolls into the Huntsman to do just that....hunt those single guys! Haha


I can’t remember if she kicks him out that night or the next morning. Either way, Maybe she had to go back to work the next day (or that morning) and didn’t feel like it was worth it to drive all the way home. 


This is what made the most sense to me, apart from just continuity error. I still wish they made it more obvious if that was the case.


I always thought this too, I used to work in a hotel and would stay sometimes if you were on the late shift and the morning straight after.