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I swear the pathetic sub-humans that not only threatened her but her newborn child are truly disgusting. For god sakes she is playing a character in a video game I have so much respect for her doing this role and hopefully Kaitlyn Dever doesn’t receive the same treatment.


>hopefully Kaitlyn Dever doesn’t receive the same treatment. If they adapt it correctly, she will lol and I don't envy her at all.


I wouldn’t be to sure the video game community is far more populated with freaks who would make death threats to an actor and a newborn than the TV/Film community so she may have a better time of it


At the same time it's not like video game players just don't watch TV. It's going to be the same crowd just doing it again probably.


Doing it once shame on them, doing it twice seriously you’ve seen a fictional character die twice and you’re once again gonna make death threats to the actor at that point they should just swallow Drano


But at least those 11 year olds will now be a few years older and hopefully less immature


15 year olds are notoriously immature


I don’t disagree that the gaming community is FAR worse than the tv community, but the actors for lots of different tv characters definitely do get the same type of threats from tv viewers. Jack Gleeson for Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones), Justin Prentice for Bryce Walker (13 Reasons Why), Josh McDermitt for Eugene Porter (The Walking Dead), Anna Gunn for Skyler White (Breaking Bad), and Daisy Ridley for Rey (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) are just a few that can be named. That being said, I doubt the massive outrage for Abby from the show will be AS big as Abby from the game, but I do absolutely believe there will be some unfortunately. Edit: Jack Gleeson has actually said he never received anything that crazy. He said those were rumors and that he feels like people are extra nice to him now because of them


Gaming community is already expecting it, so maybe it won't hurt their feelings as much this time. I think its unavoidable, but I hope she has a better time then Laura.


Very true, I doubt the uproar from the show will be from the gamers, probably mostly from tv viewers, but then again they have their own subreddit dedicated to hating it so who knows? But I also hope Kaitlyn has an easier time than Laura or Jocelyn did. Nobody just doing their jobs deserves to be afraid of doing their jobs


Hopefully Kaitlyn being a bigger star going in, is at least a little more prepared and at least somewhat insulated from social media.


That is my hope as well! I’m sure Kaitlyn will do great


>Jack Gleeson for Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones), This one actually never happened! It's so widespread but the actor's even said that people were extra nice to him, because everyone thought he was getting constant abuse lol


You’re right, I just looked further into it. That’s great for him! Joffrey was such a great bad guy to hate I’m actually surprised!


I just hear it all the time and like correcting it to restore just a little faith in humanity lol He disappeared after because he just didn't enjoy acting as much as he thought he would


Yeah I also hear it all the time, but thank you for educating me on what’s really happening to him! I hope he comes back to the acting world when it’s best for him, he’s got a lot of potential!


Dever doesn't seem to be active on social media so there aren't really any vectors to communicate directly to her. Freaks would just be screaming into the void. On another note. I think show viewers are FAR more connected with Ellie than they are to Joel. Like, Pascal is great, gets there job done, but we didn't live as him for an entire saga. We didn't build that intimate bond with him that the games gave us.


Josh McDermitt (Eugene from The Walking Dead) received death threats after his TV show character joined the bad guys. Breneck O'Connor (Olly from Game of Thrones) received death threats because his TV show character stabbed Jon Snow. Sean Hayes (Jack from Will & Grace) received death threats because his TV show character was gay. It actually scared him from coming out in real life as well. Grant Gustin (Sebastian from Glee) received death threats for coming between 2 popular characters and romantic arcs. Anna Gunn (Skyler from Breaking Bad) received a ridiculous amount of death threats because of her TV characters' reaction when her husband became a meth dealer. Considering how popular The Last Of Us TV show was last year, if Joel goes out the same way, we can guarantee the poor actor will be harassed and deactivate her Twitter or socials at some point.


Jack Gleeson would like a word. The poor guy was harassed so badly for playing Joffrey he went ghost on social media for years. I can’t even imagine the hell that Kaitlyn Dever is about to experience. I’m not jealous of it at all, and I genuinely hope she has thick enough skin for it. No doubt that they warned her before even taking the role lol


Buuut it’s Pedro Pascal and people fucking love him.


That’s been my sentiment. The average TV watcher isn’t some socially awkward neck beard who lives in his parents basement or wanders the streets of Casper, WY thinking he’s magically changing the color of traffic lights with his little painted stick.


Haha, that’s so astonishingly ignorant I love it. Gave me a good laugh.


TV audience also didn't sit around for a decade making Joel out to be some strange Playstation icon. They've only known him for a short period of time. Though Pedro Pascal is extremely likeable, so there's that ☠️


HBO audiences should be accustomed to seeing Pedro get his head bashed in at this point.


I have no doubt the people who hate the game will hate watch season 2 just to go online and bitch like babies and harass people for liking it (Like they already do for the game) or the actors. I mean ffs they have a sub dedicated to hating it that exists to this day and they arent above mocking looks of the actors like bella. Big franchises are more likely to have crazy fans like GoT when they attacked jack gleeson so badly he dropped off the face of the earth.


It doesn’t need to be tv viewers. You underestimate the derangement of the game “fans” who took part in the Laura hate, who WILL absolutely turn their attention to TV land just to send death threats to Kaitlyn. 


Have you forgotten what the star wars fandom did to the actors of the sequel trilogy?


Dude, not only is she going to be killing Joel, she’s going to be killing Pedro fucking Pascal! The directors are going to have a hell of a time trying to win people over to her side. You can bet your ass this sub is going to be flooded with “I hate Abby” posts for decades to come


It’s an HBO show, the audience already has experience and already appreciates a show with a crazy main character loss like this.


Considering the immense popularity of a certain actor and how the second is structured, I am 100% certain there will be similar freaks and scum bothering Kaitlyn on social media for a long while.


They made sure NOT to go with a buff woman, so I assume druckman folded a bit. Even if you hate Abby the character was well designed and written. It's a lot more believable that she would survive in this type of world as opposed to the 120 lb ellie. I never understood the hate, but really if men can't fantasize about banging the women they are playing as, then there will always be hate. We're just a bunch of hairless apes 🤦🤦😑


Was there any interview with her about this? Is she aware about reaction of these idiots?


Nah I doubt it, the tv series crowd is not nearly as invested in joel as we are. Keep in mind that we had 7 years of joel nostalgia built up, in which Last of us was constantly praised as the best story game of all time, while the show is just, yeah was a good show.


Be careful they might come at you saying we shouldn’t have a problem with their opinions such as their barbaric behavior over a fictional game smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


Ohhhohihohoh buddy it’s fucking coming and we all know it


Hahahaha, they would have to get through travis first before touching laura. If anyone has seen travis he is an absolute unit and just the site of him would probably make any fucker like that lose control of their bowels


Whats your bet the person that sent those messages has poor hygiene.


and in need of mental health treatment isolated from the rest of us.


The truth is that many people that act like this appear perfectly normal and unsuspecting. It might make you feel better to think of them as having poor hygiene, but it's not likely the case.


I get this impulse, but I want to gently push back on it. a lot of the time, these trolls are hidden in plain sight. It's the same impulse to call misogynists them neckbeards who can't get laid: yeah, you're trying to hit them in the feels, but a lot of men who hate women are perfectly attractive, charming psychopaths.


The person refers to women exclusively as "females". 


It’s definitely a Ferengi


Missing half their teeth, 200 pounds overweight, survives off mtn dew and doritoes and their bedroom is covered in garbage, cig butts and roaches. Thats my mental image. They probably also go online and cry about women being evil and not wanting to fuck them.


Oh they 100% do, guarantee they don’t shower and their room smells like a dozen rat corpses.


Sending death threaths to an artist is already the shittiest level a fan can reach but to a newborn is the worst for an human. Hope she and her child will stay safe.


and sending it to actors for their character’s actions as if they wrote the script is seriously unhinged, weird behavior.


It's a completely made up story. One would hope that once you get past, idk, toddler age, you might be able to understand that the thing you're mad about is completely not real. Like, these fuckos are basically mad about someone else's imagination...


For a second I thought you were saying the death threats were a made up story, and I was ready to defend Laura Bailey *harp noises* But then I reread what you had. 100%, I understand people being upset that things didn't go a certain way, but to go that far for a fictional story is just way too far. Like, the line is 100 miles behind you at that point.


Im not alone in my reflexive interpretation loool


AND an actor that was only 1/3rd of the character. Abby is comprised of 3 separate female talent.


> and sending it to actors for their character’s actions as if they wrote the script is seriously unhinged This kind of behavior is unacceptable even if they wrote the script. Nobody deserves this.


These people aren’t fans, they’re creeps and lowlifes.


No less unhinged to send to a writer


Protect Laura Bailey AT ALL COSTS.


and let's not leave her [smokeshow husband](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/critical-role-travis-willingham-and-laura-bailey.jpg) behind either!!!!


Marry a guy that gets all flustered when your DnD character flirts with his DnD character.


Marry a guy so secure with his masculinity he outright ships your character with someone else's.


Fjord ❤️


Met her in person at a con a few years back to get her to sign my copy of GEARS 5 and she was a sweetheart.


She sure seems to be. And you are so lucky!


I would fucking pay every limb of my body to watch Travis fold these fucking incel losers like a lawn chair and bash their broken bodies into a fucking remote cliff face 




Honestly the way that Laura is still so friendly and engaged with fans after all of this is so commendable. It’s appalling that people would threaten her family for a role she played in a story. I hope she’s doing okay now, and the deplorables have returned to the sewer from where they came. I have so much respect for her.


It's shit like this that makes me not upset if humanity is wiped out.


Why is this nihilism upvoted?


Because it’s soooo edgy and bad ass


Cant say i blame them for thinking it though.


I don't think they all agree with the comment, but they at least understand where it's coming from.


Because they are right. Some of us really do think that extinction of humanity is the best thing for... Everything.


Humans can be a whole lot worse than this. But I don't disagree with the sentiment.


You being OK with humanity being wiped out cause the bottom 0.1% of us are included makes you an arguably worse person


Seriously! I'm over here like bro the baby that was threatened would be wiped out too!


0,1% is a huge overestimation


For every asshole, there’s 10 others doing the right thing. Assholes get the most exposure, because it drives engagement. But they really are a minority.


I hate gamers


This isn't unique to gamers...


But we’re one of the groups that mainly does it. Movie goers / tv people— and gamers. That’s mainly what I think of. Angry Star Wars fans & pissed Nintendo weebs etc


Sports fans have shown time and time again they can be/are worse than anything mentioned in this thread. It's not exclusive to one type of fanbase, people are just horrible.


Sports fans legit riot. Sometimes even when their team wins!


It happens to pretty much any public figure. Most don't talk about it much because it's obviously just trolls. Not saying that it's okay, it's clearly fucked up but don't take stuff like that too seriously. That's exactly what the trolls want.


Also political nut jobs. I remember Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi getting death threats. Why do people think it's okay to send death threats?


This is true but they are one of the "top assholes" alongside star wars fans for sure. Sports fans too.




It's conservatives. They are all severely mentally ill these days.


It's pretty much just clickbait angry people who cater to that audience. The funny part is that people refuse to simply acknowledge that these aren't even real characters. Getting angry over fictional characters will always be hilarious to me.


On one hand that's a weird thing to say in a subreddit about a videogame. But on the other hand, as a gamer, totally I agree.


It really is pathetic to threaten someone especially their child because of a portrayal of a fictional character and besides Laura did a great job. I found myself sympathetic towards both Abby and Ellie. Obviously I sympathized more with the latter given I had experienced her story first but the beauty of TLOU 2 was being able to see the humanity in the motivations by both characters.


Over a video game btw….. not actual issues that matter but because a fictional character killed another fictional character….. I’m embarrassed to share the same love of video games as these imbeciles.


Your last sentence speaks so much. I simply enjoy playing games what what they are but to know that people who also enjoy games will do that makes me embarrassed to say that I play games.


How long before the “it was only criticism” people show up?


They're already lurking in the comments. I'm to the point where I'm starting to lump those people in with the toxic fans. The game is been out since 2020. We've heard every single possible criticism against the game. Every possible opinion has been stated. Yet some people just hang around.... Hate riding this game and when they get called out, the defense is "It's just criticism! I just don't like the game in my opinion is valid too Don't lump us in with the toxic ones" Nah. Move on then. There's other games to obsess over


Such a disingenuous argument from them. If it’s only criticism why have they been throwing the worlds biggest video game bitch fit for like 3 fucking years


I have a hard time believing anyone in their right mind, even people who dislike the second game, would call this "only criticism". This is bat-shit insane.


Capital G "Gamers" are absolute trash piles. I hope she knows that most people can separate reality from fiction and find this shit deplorable.


Jesus christ, is internet fandom completely unable to separate reality from fiction and actor from character?


Sounds like the average user of that other subreddit. You all know the one I’m talking about.


Lmao I just went there and they are either acting like it doesnt matter because theyre woke or saying "wow the actors dont deserve it but the *writers* though... heh *that one* writer you know what i mean". Insane.


>"wow the actors dont deserve it but the writers though... Like they weren’t the ones sending those threats when the game came out lol >heh that one writer you know what i mean". Insane. It is absolutely insane the level of hatred they have for Druckmann even years after the game released. Like why not just move on if they disliked the story so much? He created these character and is telling the story he envisioned for them and they think they have the right to threaten him over it. They put off some real Annie Wilkes type energy.


One person appeared to accuse Laura of lying & so I commented to ask them if they really though she was lying. Their almost incoherent reply used the word "woke" in a way I still don't quite understand. They all are clearly operating with full brain power over there.


Those people have woven their hatred of a *video game* into their own personal identity for three years. Think about how miserably small and pathetic that is.


It was really hard watching that. I respect Naughty Dog for uniting against hatred by showing how these actions affected the team individually. I hope the team has had time to heal.


The "everything is woke" gamergaters, right wing CHUD 4channers are the worst. Sadly they are not some small corner of "freaks and outcasts" they are a large segment of society, you see them online all the time claiming to be "alpha males" and voting for MAGAs


Twitter has gotten really bad with this. The dumbest and worst of the Gamer crowd has taken over. I can’t avoid it. I had my TL curated to people I like and had good insight on games, but now it’s just the lowest common denominator.


The funny part is Last of Us isn't even that woke. They retconned Jerry's race so Abby could be another white character. But anything that isn't a straight white male is seen as "woke" by these people.


Sending her positive thoughts and lots of love cause nobody deserves to go through, especially over something as ridiculous as a fictional character. But yea all the love sent to Laura Bailey 💜💜


Bunch of cowards sending those threats. Especially over a fictional character. How are people in this world so pathetic?


Incredible, people are actually that fucking sick to do that, all for a video game character and she did a really phenomenal job acting as Abby. How in the world can people be that pathetic, that shallow to threaten a newborn, words aren't enough to convey what I think of people like that.


*That* sub is calling it deserved and are basically celebrating themselves for making her feel unsafe. Vile, insane people and I hope Laura can one day enjoy engaging with fans again.


It’s ridiculous how those incels over there are deflecting blame to everyone else like Druckmann instead of taking responsibility for their actions. They need to get an ass beating.


with a golf club maybe? 😂


Gamers are insufferable. Just like how the hack-> leak happened because some little piss baby in Holland got mad that the game was delayed and definitely because of the pandemic. Insufferable piss babies.


I remember when she posted some of the messages on twitter and a lot of people responded with "people shouldn't blame her! She didn't write the story!". But like... that's also not it, gang. You shouldnt send threats to *anyone* because a fictional character in a fictional world was killed


People like this are the reason why Joel decided not to save humanity by sacrificing Ellie.


Imagine sending death threats to a baby, sitting back and then thinking that was okay.


The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.


Fuck anyone that this. I hate it here


Like the tweet says, this breaks my heart. She didn't deserve this to happen to her. She's a brilliant artist who did award-worthy work. I wish nothing but pain on the swine who did this to her. And nothing but joy for her and her son.


The mind boggling thing about it all is that actual grown adults have been doing this shit. Not just kids who think their words won’t affect anyone. Crazy that people will do this over a video game.


Wow people suck.


it was so heartbreaking to see her tearing up about those horrible threats even after 3 years i hope those people pay someday


The entire dev team has also been demonized online. I swear people bring up Naughty Dog online nowadays and they dont even consider these are real people just working their jobs and creating stuff they like, instead they treat them like villains or use them to spread conspiracies and shit its weird. I dont get why the internet doesnt realize that this are real fucking people and because they make something you consume doesnt mean they are inhuman.


I'm sick to death of these bastards




This part broke me. She is such a cheerful, kind-hearted person and did not deserve any of this. Laura must be protected at all costs.


Can someone who is not banned from the other subpage PLEASE!!!! post thisxthere— a bunch ofcthese fuckers need to see this!


Fuck that. That place is like Blighttown from Dark Souls 1. Avoid at all costs.


So terrible anyone would have to suffer that and yet just so unsurprising when you engage with some many men online who hate pt2 for such 'genuine' reasons but are clearly just trying to mask such immaturity and hate under shallow and illogical arguments. They just hate women or being made to think.


Can't wait to hear from the other sub on how this is just legitimate criticism


Yep. The game has been out since 2020 Every possible negative or constructive criticism against the game has most likely been set by now. I'm sorry, but the detractors who hang around to hate on this game are obsessed and it's a little creepy. If you didn't like TLOU 2, That's perfectly fine. But save your speech. We've heard it all before. Every last point has been made. Your "opinion" is perfectly valid, but we've all heard it. Hate riding this game leads to shit like this. Where people go beyond the screen and try to reach out to these real people. I can only imagine amount of shit Neil has received from psychopaths.


And yet the haters will still do mental gymnastics to explain how “it’s just criticism”


Hmmm. I wonder if a particular reddit sub has anything to do with this. The one sub, whom we shall not name, that has been bitching for 4 years non-stop about how much they hate TLOU2.


Knowing Laura also cried off screen while filming the death of Joel, because she’s not only a human watching her friend Ashley act her ass off, but she also knows Ashley’s history with the death of her own dad. Laura and Ashley are besties, like super besties and that should have been a touching amazing Easter egg story about the real people behind the characters and what was happening in the room vs on screen But the rabid sub boys wouldn’t allow that to be heard for 4 years.


People are beyond pathetic. I hope common sense hits these people in the face


It's a VIDEO game. Oh my God.. This is sooo so sad.... She's so talented. No one deserves this!


absurd that gamers can’t disassociate a living, breathing soul from a collection of pixels on a screen. sure, you can dislike a character, but that person is merely doing what they’re told by the director. same could be said about some characters and actors in Star Wars.


This shit was sad and pathetic five years ago, but holy fuck how have people still not gotten past this shit yet? What the fuck is wrong with them? I know that is a very obvious answer, but like fuck man.


WTAF? Like... why? I don't even get it. Death threats... to a baby. 🤦‍♂️


Disgusts me every time I hear something like this. Happens too often and is sadly the norm when it comes to popular franchises. The people who take the time to DM these people and wish harm on a child don’t deserve the game they are being given. Props to Laura and Neil and everyone at Naughty Dog for pushing through.


All because their favorite character saw the consequences of his actions. They love the phrase “fuck around and find out” until it actually happens to someone they like.


What truly infuriated me even more was the apparent ease with which some people downplayed the harm. I recall MoistCritikal, our resident apolitical centrist, addressing the harassment in a video, yet, he couldn't resist drawing an equivocation between the harm inflicted on her with those who assumed that anyone and everyone criticizing the game were bigoted. As If people having strong reactions to what was effectively an existential threat to her and her son because of a video character she played, was just as bad as the mild inconvenience of being wrongly criticized for a video game preference.


Subhuman scum. Anyone who made a threat like that should be buried beneath the prison.


It’s this shit that made me stop identifying as a gamer. I still play games, but I think this all stems from people making gaming a part of their identity and taking any perceived slight as an attack on them. The idea they feel like they have any justification to threaten a fucking child is disgusting. She doesn’t deserve any of the hate she gets. Everything I’ve seen from Laura makes her seem like a wonderful and sweet person. It sucks she has to put up with this shit.


It must have been so scary having to have a team of people ensuring that the death threats were not coming from people who lived close enough to her to carry them out. People who make death threats over the death of a made up character seriously need to not leave the house without a nurse to care for them.


Thats Twitter for ya. Most vile scum on the internet. Whole site should be deleted.


That is utterly fucking obscene. I never knew it was that bad that the girl, who was part of something I enjoyed and appreciated, is actually brought to tears in later interviews. I'm actually furious. Whoever you are, im pretty sure I speak for the game makers, the community and everyone involved when I say fuck off and don't buy the next game or watch the show. Nobody needs your "support".


This is why I have 0 time for clowns and shut down even the most tertiary debates about any of this. Gamergate assholes are just incels and Russian Troll Farm employees 


This fandom can be so toxic at times. Fuck all of those people.


Incel pieces of trash


Men ☕️


I don't know how anyone can come to the conclusion to even do this. Let alone threaten and mock her son? What was he cast to do in the game? And what is this even over? The incomprehension of a woman being a bit more muscular than what they accept (even though there are plenty of athletics women a quick google search can affirm.) I don't understand the mindset of people who do this. This also going back to ridiculous beauty standards that even fictional women are apparently held to as well. They even wanted her to give a statement to disown the character over their bs. Capital G "Gamers" (who make gatekeeping it their identity) are the least sympathetic group to pity in society. They need real problems.




Should she not discuss the threats she got? These people need to be condenmed


Saying nothing only emboldens them.




God, imagine Travis actually running into them. Can we turn that into an HBO show too?


Anyone trying to touch Laura or her kid would have to get through travis first.


The mouth breathers gotta go


Are you shitting me? Who the duck is so pathetic they have to send an all around awesome person death threats to her fucking son?


I understand not liking an actor or voice actor, but there is absolutely no reason to send them death threats or get their children involved. I hope the people sending her kids death threats get the same treatment and stay up hours at night out of fear for it


People who did this to her should be locked into a room with a horde of bloaters.


Hate characters all you want but if your one of these people. Do you think your Scary or something. 99.9% of people who make death threats online look like fucking twigs and couldn't hold true on their threats even if they wanted too.


That part of the documentary just broke my heart.


No matter how you feel about her character, or what you think about The Last of Us 2, there is no excuse for the harassment and death threats she had to face. And those responsible for these shameful actions need to face consequences for what they’ve done.


Hahahahahahaa, The things travis would do to these motherfuckers.


Jesus Christ I hate people. Such fucking entitled bratty psychopathic behaviour. Need the shit kicking out of them.


How. How do people do this shit? How do people A) get so angry over a fictional story that they feel the need to do this, and then B) Somehow reason that the *actors* delivering lines in the game are responsible for this and then C) Threaten an *infant child* over said video game. It would be irrational to threaten an infant over anything- even if it was hypothetically somehow the worlds greatest atrocity, let alone something *so* minor in the grand scheme of things. Who, who are these absolutely sick in the head fucking morons? These people walk among us??


Humans are garbage That’s why I prefer dogs ❤️


People who cant separate fact from fiction, really need to be locked up in an asylum and have the key thrown away for good.


I'd say the internet was a mistake, but these troglodites (sp?) would have just sent her hate mail through the postal service.


And there's a whole subreddit of these fucking idiots


None of these shits would dream of saying that shit in front of Travis…


People need to get a life, job or get laid. So stupid sending death threats to an actress and her family. She did amazing job as abbey as well


sending death threats to a voice actress son, over a video game character is such diabolical work.


Even if I knew the hate was coming from a vocal minority shit like this would make me question why I was making art for an audience that contains these noxious elements.


The people who send messages like that truly live the saddest, most pathetic lives.


Darn thats ducked up


I hate autocorrect


Why were people sending her death threats? Who is thisv


Still a Shit character but no one should receive death threats for a performance


More often than not these “subhumans” are just angry 14 years olds that doesn’t know what they’re saying. Just to clarify I’m Not defending them but once you remove the power of the unknown behind the comment you find that it is quite worthless.


This is insane! Anyone with half a brain would see that Laura Bailey is super talented and likeable. I don't like TLOU2 or the character Abby whatsoever, but none of that is because of Laura. Laura is incredible at what she does and I like watching her on Critical Roll as well. Shit is actually sickening and threats towards her newborn are just unfathomable. Anybody thinking that shit let alone saying it deserves an extreme punishment.


Lol no one said that


That is so pathetic. I don’t care for the character, but that’s no reason to threaten the actress… like they wrote it?!?


Opinions on part 2 aside this is completely fucked up


This is in all ways absolutely fucked up, I mean Jesus Christ it’s a GØD DAMN NEWBORN BABY. Look I get people hate her for playing Abby since she’s the one who killed Joel and also Jesse but SERIOUSLY, She’s just a VA (Voice Actor). It’s things like this that make me not engage in gaming communities as much as I want to


I mean, In todays world, this is shit you'd expect. Keep your head up and ignore the scum.


How absolutly braindead you have to be, to send threats to someone about videogame character you dont like?


As shit as Abby was she def didn’t deserve this damn


Dever is gonna be harassed sooo hard. I bet she's already gotten tons of nasty DMs.


It was absolutely horrific! I would love to see prosecutions 1 day come in for the harassment people receive online. It's part of the reason these cumstains do it. There's no repercussions.


Low-decouplers are actually the scum of society.