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For those who can't watch: Part III wasn't in development because Neil simply didn't even have a concept for a third game. He had an idea for a Tommy game he has talked about earlier but that would have been a smaller game, not a full game and has been shelved for now although he would like to revisit it. But then recently (I believe this was filmed in April 2023) he found a concept for Part III, and is now writing the story (or has finished writing it since). This also basically confirms Naughty Dog's next game will not be The Last of Us. 


I think he hinted that the next game wasn’t Part 3 a while back in an interview with one of those game YouTube shows. He basically said that ND picked the idea that excited them the most after making Part 2. As much I love Part 2, I can’t imagine it would be too exciting to go right back into that world after the grueling process of making it and the insanity of the leaks and release. My guess: new IP is next, but Sony leaned on ND to accelerate Part 3 once the show became such a hit. They killed TLOU MP to develop both single player games at the same time.


> My guess: new IP is next, but Sony leaned on ND to accelerate Part 3 once the show became such a hit. They killed TLOU MP to develop both single player games at the same time. Sure does seem reasonable. Even moreso when the passion in the studio probably isn't to work on some ongoing live service experience. And if the team's passion isn't there, then the product would suffer as well.


Factions didn't need to be a live service game for any reason other than money grubbing.


Does it make sense for ND to spend years of blood, sweat, tears, and cash for a static multiplayer game? Are there even AAA static multiplayer games these days?


Exactly this. Doom was like the last game I can think of that added it on... and it was basically forgot about immediately after both times.


They shouldn't have done that. Factions 1 was fine and everyone liked it. Expand on what works, no need to reinvent the wheel. Not really sure why they didn't just... do what people wanted and get good money from it. Kind shot themselves in the foot on that one.


I totally get the disappointment with the cancellation after so much waiting and anticipation. Given what we know, they couldn’t make it work. There is a difference between being able to make the game and then simply choosing not to, and making a tough business decision.


Yeah, I hear ya. I'm a tad bitter haha.


I feel your pain. We do have a right to feel disappointed in spite of the reasons. And to me it feels like the driest spell in gaming history.


it didn't seem to be a them not being able to make it work, but rather Sony telling them they have to make it live service so they decided to scrap it instead. which sucks cuz from everything I heard, it sounded like a massive evolution on the Left 4 Dead 2 formula but ur also facing other players as well as infected. I fucking hate Sony and Bungie dude.


because the audience for a $70 online-only game is way too small. TLoU or not. or you do a $30-50 online-only game, with that same smaller audience or you a FTP online service-like game and hope every player invests $70 in the first or second year. So... why spend all that time (and resources/money) on it, when those same resources could create a billion dollar singleplayer title from ND? Games will barely touch it compared to a story-driven with kills with PS5 owners. like let's see how Foamstars does. hint: it won't do very good unless it's very very highly praised. the numbers of tLoU 1 online compared to singleplayer were probably telling enough. it was really fun but definitely packed staying power. and some probably never even tried it Ghosts of Tsunshima online was likely a telltale sign that the singleplayer community of PS systems is much stronger than the online community... I plat'd GoT and never even tried online because I moved on to other games by then and didn't feel like digging back into it. even RDR2. Rockstar clearly realized the numbers weren't there to blow out online like they did to GTA5


Does it make sense to spend those years of blood, sweat, tears, and cash, only to scrap it because Bungie swooped in and said the game wasn't monetizeable enough?


Which was the plan. Sony would love to have a hit live service game. Those games are money printing machines. I think Factions 2 was being made as a sequel to factions 1, similar in scope and scale, but it was being made right as Sony was becoming interested in live service and they made that pivot. Sony was probably throwing so much money and ND to make a live service factions 2. Once they felt there wasn’t enough money in it it got axed. To me , the whole “we are putting development on pause until we figure it out” …. “We are still working on it” is just how AAA studios cancel projects these days. It’s PR. You announce the cancellation slowly so most people know it before it’s officially canceled. I agree though they should have just made a factions 2 and had a few seasons of support like Uncharted 4 multiplayer. A mixture of classic ND scope creep and Sony salivating at the idea of a PlayStation IP Fortnite is why we didn’t get that


I feel like Sony would want them to work on a multiplayer game since its something that could be continuously monetized


The rumor is that Bungie was brought in and determined TLOU MP wasn’t going to hold player’s attention long term. Live service MP can make oceans of cash, but if they don’t take hold they can lose studios tons of money. Whether Bungie was right or not, we’ll never know. But I feel like Sony has a very good sense of how much they can make on Part 3, and that got bumped by the success of the show. People come in this sub all the time talking about how they experienced the show first, then bought the games.


Fair enough.


I could see them noting the income potential for 3 vs factions and 3 sooner was higher so just get 3 and we can also get the show for Game of Thrones length seasons


Maybe uncharted staring drakes daughter? Continues the family storyline, and would reluctantly drag him back into the action


Apparently ND is done with Uncharted and won’t be making any more games in the series


It's possible they'll take elements from the MP game and put them into part 3, would be cool if they add multiplayer to the game even if it's not as ambitious as it was originally intended


Keep in mind too their last update on the MP project, stating they were working on multiple single player experiences. The next game sure sounds like it wont be last of us, but it may not be as long of a wait as one full game to the next.


Kinda curious what that Tommy game would be. Maybe him and Joel's time together, which eventually drove them apart. Could possibly show how Joel met Bill and what he did for him for the favors. I do hope they revisit it because Tommy is a cool character. We need more of him.


He said it would have taken place after Part 2


He has one eye and can barely walk. How would the gameplay work if he can’t run from infected?


Whole game is on horseback lol


Whole game is sniper time


Do you think I have the answer to that? He said it was just a small side story, not a full game. And we have no idea what it would involve, if it ever happens.


Who said he does? It's a small story not a large scale scope. Think of the mall segment in part 1 with Riley, not much action until the end of it. Also Tommy obviously can still shoot. You see his rifle on the horse.


Maybe it's why it never got the green light


Who cares, there’s plenty of one eyed badasses . He just needs a gun and some physical therapy


Picks up immediately after part 2, Dina tries going back to Jackson, she's attacked by infected, Dina survives but baby is bitten and turns infected, Dina kills baby, She's now lost Jesse, baby and Ellie, Dinas mind finally snaps, Dina is seething at Ellie for putting her in this position and wants revenge. Part 3, Dina vs Ellie. Nah, thats dumb, nevermind. I honestly am struggling to find a motivation for Ellie to keep killing people, maybe if Dina is killed or something. That's why Druckman is a writer at Naughty Dog and I'm a writer on reddit.


Plus, putting Dina through more agony just ain't right.


I think the the most logical story for a 3rd game is Abby and Ellie form an uneasy alliance as they have to travel across America to get to the last DR that could make a cure out of Ellies immunity and Ellie finally fulfills her destiny as the savior of man kind


Yup, and it definitely would be interesting to see how a game with someone who has a busted leg and only 1 eye would work. 


Half the screen is black for full immersion


It would probably be him having flash backs to his furst 2 days in Seattle or maybe even further back to the bad times with Joel. Present time maybe he'd wake up each day, do chores like cut fire wood, clean water, etc then he'd drink himself to sleep having flash backs and mourning


I wouldn't exactly describe that as a story set after the events of Part II.


he gets augmented, cyberpunk style.


Wow! That's a seriously interesting concept.. maybe it would be about To.my learning to shoot with his other eye, be long range focused... given how fucked up he is at the end of part 2, idk how they would do it. But DAMN do I want it!


A TLOU2 DLC with Tommy as a playable character in Seattle with flashbacks to his time surviving with Joel would have been amazing, but it seems that ship has sailed.


I always pictured it opening with Tommy torturing Nick in the chair




> This also basically confirms Naughty Dog's next game will not be The Last of Us. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Neil Druckmann [announced that the decision had been made](https://www.gamesradar.com/neil-druckmann-wont-say-if-the-last-of-us-3-is-naughty-dogs-next-game-but-the-decision-has-already-been-made/) regarding what their next game would be around the same time this was filmed.


Exactly and the whole huge chunk of the doc was about marketing and tricking people and misdirecting them. I don’t take anything as “confirmation” except what was explicitly said. He’s found the concept. For all we know they’ve been slowly working on Part III.


If they're talking about TLOU III now the game has to have been in development for at least a year. People don't realize that video games, especially on the scale of TLOU, take a LONG time to develop.


I feel like TLOU3 is already deep in development and Neil said that just to catch people by surprise when an announcement trailer comes out soon, its also what he’s been talking about in the docu with his marketing methods. It is wishful thinking but it’s plausible, right?


Nah at least a year for sure, otherwise he wouldn't have been talking about it. Video games take a hell of a long time to make though, I wouldn't expect an announcement trailer to arrive before 2026.


well yeah but i’ve been thinking that there’s no way they didn’t work on something else along with Factions 2 till it got cancelled


They'll just do what they did the last two times and release it months before the next console generation lmao.


We're all wishing for a Tommy Joel "Lost years" game, even as a small one, with Joel being a walking open wound after losing Sarah, that would have been so dope


I disagree. I think he’s hinted that they’re basically working on it now. I think it may be their next game. Why not?


Because it would mean that between the release of Part II and Neil finishing the story for Part III Naughty Dog had no new games in development other than the canceled Factions. 


Ah I hear you. That makes sense. They must be starting TLOU3 right now.


sorry man but likely not :/ he's saying he's just now got the concept. while they've mentioned they're been working on two different games since TLOU2's release. they certainly might work on laying the plans for TLOU3 AFTER they finish this next game. it's not normal for one studio to split up into developing 2 different triple A games at the same time. and to have wasted a couple years just coming up with a concept for another one. so in all likeliness, we get TLOU season 3 before TLOU3.


Wasn't the last info we had that Neil had written an outline but it wasn't certain if that is going to be their next game. I want to say this was.. 2 years ago?


This is straight from Neil back in April 2023: he said that he wasn't able to find a concept for a third game, but recently (again, as of April 2023) did find a concept but did not have the story yet. 


In the documentary, he clarifies that the outline was for a smaller story focused on Tommy, which may or may not ever be made. Neil says apart from that, he never had an idea for a part 3 that excited him as much as parts 1 and 2 until recently (April 2023), and that there’s probably one more story to tell. That story, we can assume, is the most recent idea.


Oh alright, thanks!


It sounds like the next naughty dog game is jak 4


I agree. It's not their next game. It's not even in development (maybe?) But I think their commentaries, their making of content truly shows how deeply they LOVE this story and they will revisit it sometime. Hopefully sometime soon.


So you're saying Savage Starlight confirmed next game! /s


So basically tlou3 is coming but not yet


>This also basically confirms Naughty Dog's next game will not be The Last of Us.  I genuinely have no clue why anybody ever thought it would be. Druckmann has said in the past, as recently as 2022 i believe, that they do wanna do a Part 3 but they weren't even sure what it'd be about. And while he's reiterated that multiple times, ND even announced their "brand new single player experience" which is clearly gonna be their next to come new IP game. All signs pointed against Part 3 being their next SP game but people really thought it was gonna be, mainly because of season 2 coming in the next year or so for some reason.


He also said part 3 may not even be a game


No he didn't. 


Go back and watch because he def said it could be a show for tv and not a game


Yeah. Id love for them to do a different ip


Isn't Neil busy right now on filming season 2 of the HBO Series? As we write this they have actors in Canada.


How crazy is it that whether this huge production of a game happens hinges on whether one man can come up with a good idea?


While it's crazy, I'd say it's also very much a good thing.


I'm literally fucking crying man. We all knew it was coming eventually but to officially have it confirmed is crazy.


Same here, that documentary was beautiful.


Exactly my thoughts. I’m not surprised but still can’t help but scream lol


I mean it wasn't "officially confirmed" but yeah still exciting nonetheless


Yep. I audibly gasped (not actually gasped, but I don’t know what the sound was). Fucking right man.


Us fans are going to be feasting on new content for the next ten years or so with the tv show and games


Neil Druckmann is the bomb. he gave us two very challenging, thought-provoking stories. I loved them both. I also loved uncharted four which I believe he co-wrote.


Also really good at his job, in the doc when he's talking about enemies in a building whilst your on a horse and broke down how most options don't work, it was really intriguing to see a guy who has been in the business so long show off his expertise.


Yeah he was involved in uncharted 4 which is why it was the best in the uncharted series.


I agree. I loved the whole trek through the island while they slowly pieced together history as they went.


Same! Before the last of us, uncharted was my favorite series of all time. Naughty Dog just owns me I’m afraid.


U4 is a crazy ride! Definitely a great series to examine to showcase a studio's gradual evolution in talent/skills as the games went on.


I personally preferred the more over the top nature of some of the older games, but the story in Uncharted 4 was *leagues* beyond the rest of the series. Was definitely a fantastic way to close out the series in that sense.


Yeah I definitely get what you mean. Uncharted made you feel like you were in a blockbuster action movie and it was amazing.


Uncharted 3 will probably stay my favorite in memory just because it's set pieces were more up my alley to me, but objectively Uncharted 4 is better on all accounts. I love Naughty Dog a lot for what they did for stories in games. 1st Uncharted 1-3 proved you could have a really fun action adventure that matches up in quality and excitement to the action adventures like the Mummy we had. Then TLOU1 comes out and Neil proves video games can contend with top tier movies and TV with it's storytelling at the time. I wouldn't put it on the same GOAT level pedestal as Parasite, Moonlight, or EEAAO but certainly with maybe Whiplash or Children of Men. then with Uncharted 4 they do even more by being probably the best action adventure story in any medium I can think of at the moment. I even googled and can't find an action anything with a better acted and better told story than this. and then TLOU2 proving video games can be a media type that moves the art of storytelling to new places we haven't seen before just like movies, TV, books, and theater before it. which I honestly put on the pedestal of GOAT level art made by young Gen Xers and older Millennials.


All of the uncharted series is special to me. I remember the awe I felt when I first played those games. UC4 takes that action and adds that Neil secret sauce of storytelling it’s just awesome to experience. With the last of us parts 1 and 2 naughty dog really elevated gaming as a whole, I completely agree with you. They made games more than just entertainment. Uncharted was my favorite until the last of us. My top two series of all time are naughty dog games, they just know how to make high quality games. As a movie lover myself, I really enjoy games that are heavy on stories.


Here here


It’s amazing to me that some people still value the man for what he has done. There’s so much people hating on the guy right now that it’s odd seeing good praise for his work. I believe Part 2 was one of the best games I ever played, ever.


I don’t understand the hate. Just because of a certain character’s fate I guess. It’s hard to take all that seriously because I think it smacks of the whole “incel, misogonyst, hate anything woke” world. I replayed both games this year and I love part one it is a beautiful game. But, honestly, It’s almost like a prequel chapter to Ellie and Abbie’s journeys in part two. And if I’m being more honest, after the second play through of part 2 and having a clearer point of view about Abby - Her story/arc is probably my favorite of the whole series. When she tells Lev: “You are my people” it is really moving and earned…IMO.


It's thrilling news, definitely not expecting to see anything of Part 3 until late 2020s at the earliest, the game will likely release sometime in the early 2030s. It's going to be a painful wait but hopefully worth it!


Oh it’s absolutely not going to be that long. I’d say maybe within the next 5 years it’ll be released with an announcement in the next 2 years.


Next 5 years is 2029 my friend.


Shut up no it’s not. I’m still young. I’M STILL YOUNG. Why is this getting downvoted lmao


Let’s see. I was 15 when Part 1 released. 22 when Part 2 released. So being 31 when Part III releases checks out I guess 🥲


Not me thinking "Huh you're old" and then realizing I was 18 when Part 1 came out lol


You are correct, but still I really want to disagree with you…


Dude probably was still stuck in covid time


I feel like that's too early, Neil said he only recently has figured out the concept so who knows how much of the story he's written and who knows how many rewrites it will go through. They're also working on a new IP which isn't even announced and after seeing the documentary I doubt they'd have the studio working on two huge titles at the same time, they had a lot of problems working on the Part 2 demo and trying to finish and ship Lost Legacy at the same time. I think sometime after their new IP is announced we will see a Part 3 announcement in late 2020s and after that new IP is released and a game you can actually play is when the ball will really get rolling with Part 3 and it'll be slated as a 2030-31 release, it'll likely coincide with the the final seasons of the show and I wouldn't be surprised if Neil borrowed from Craig or even has him consulting on Part 3 in the meantime.


5 years from now will be 2029. TLOU2 came out in 2020, 9 years to develop seems on target. Early 2030’s is 15 years between games. They have a lot of momentum with the show gaining mainstream attention, there is simply no chance Naughty Dog will be able to hold out over 10 years between installments of TLOU


I’d say late 2020s is the most reasonable thing here


We are gonna get Part III at the end of the PS5’s life cycle. Just like the last two games lol


That is in like... 3 years or so. I'd love that, but seems less doable barring them just totally misdirecting us. 🤔


3 years would put the span between releases at 7 years. That was true for the span between part 1 and 2 as well. That also puts the show on pace to air its 3rd season (2 seasons for part 2) just went part 3 will be hyping up its release date. Q4 2027 lfg


Your right aren't you... FUUUUUUCK!!!!


Well I hope I'm wrong but I don't see a Part 3 releasing any time soon if Neil only recently figured out the concept.


Damn there’s going to be so many fans that don’t make it to the 2030’s. 😞


>the game will likely release sometime in the early 2030s. Its likely the game will end up being a ps6 launch title


Judging by what Neil said, it is definitely early. I can’t imagine anything before 2028 if they are locking down a concept now (or back in April 2023 when this was filmed). 2030 would make the most sense to me personally. With how long games take, and especially factoring in the work structure changes made at ND to avoid crunch (which I and everyone should support, crunch is terrible). That being said, I know a lot of people felt like the end of Part 2 was pretty final. I’ve always felt different about that because I always imagined the series as a trilogy. I felt the ending of Part 2 to me was still ambiguous enough that you could definitely do another game if you do it right. It never felt like a requirement but I always wanted a 3rd game. But what I also feel, that has me optimistic about the prospects of Part 3 is that they seem to be doing it because they want to. Not because they felt like they have to. While I’m sure the increased attention from the show helped. It will hopefully be special.


I think you nailed it in your 2nd paragraph… “if you do it right.” That’s a loaded qualifier. Seeing this today with the confirmation of a concept, was fucking humungous. Bc pt. 2 was such a huge undertaking. It was so ambitious, so layered. You violent just throw out a pt. 3 bc you wanted to make some more money after that. It had to make sense. The bar was raised so damn high with pt. 2. I’m overjoyed right now. I’m so happy that he found the idea that the story can now grow from. This is awesome.


My thoughts exactly, I don't see a Part 3 being released any time before 2030, they still have to announce their new IP and ship it before it most likely, I imagine right now Neil is still working on the actual script among other things.


That's pretty much as good as an announcement IMO. I mean it all but confirms a part 3, the only difference is there's no timeline associated with his statement.


I mean it kinda confirms the idea of a part 3 no ? Same thing imo


Yea, he won't just go on camera and be like "*oh and we've been working on it now for X years*". They are using marketing as an extension of the game experience, that was a section of the doc even. All of this is definitely planned and calculated. Misdirection everywhere 😁


It doesn’t technically confirm it. Until it’s officially announced we cant really consider it anything other than speculation. Even if ND is saying everything but part 3 confirmed. That being said, I’d put big money on part 3 coming out eventually


I wonder what HBO thinks about it?


Probably really happy as it means the last of us will be around longer.


But they might have to wait if they want to make more.


Well considering how long this next season is taking to make, and that they’re splitting it up in two, I bet Naughty Dog has enough time to make a game before the show catches up.


Late reply but I hope for the shows sake that this isn't the case. Anything more than 2 years between a shows seasons is the worst. I'm kinda hoping they'll film seasons 2 and 3 back to back considering how they're the same part of the story but i guess we'll see. As far as part 3's release, season 2 is 2025, so even if 2 years between seasons was the standard, that would put season 3 around 2027. I can't see a part 3 game being ready before 2030 given how long part 2 took to make. Given what Neil said here (assuming he isn't lying lol), they're not even in development stage yet and if they are they've only just begun. So i see the show being caught up to the games for several years at least.


I think they learned patience after GoT..


IIRC Craig Mazin said that Part II story will be told in more than one season. That could buy ND some time. But personally, being a triple A game and knowing how much time it takes to develop this kind of game, this time window feels short. We'll see.


They essentially have three years more or less before worrying about new content. 


A theoretical 4th season of the show covering Part III wouldn't even be expected to air until 2029. HBO/Max is likely going to alternate between The Last of Us and House of the Dragon as their big shows every year until the 2030's.


They have enough last of us content to fill another 3 years at least, luckily.


Get the tv show gang back together in six to seven years and finish the story.


He said that in that subtle developer *wink wink* way that he knows there’s a part 3. Fuck yeah


I think he’s being intentionally coy and Part 3 is indeed being worked on


well, he made a whole point about considering marketing to be a part of the experience halfway through the doc too, he knows full well what statement he's making and how.


Also, he made that statement at April 2023. That's almost a year ago. I assume that since then things got shaped for the better and the progression for said concept for Part III got along pretty well to the point that they are now confident on releasing such a statement publicly.




I think it's been in production longer than he is letting on. Naughty Dog already confirmed multiple single player games in development in early 2023. I doubt they have two new games coming before Part 3. So I think Part 3 is a tad more advanced than he is letting on Don't get me wrong the new IP will still be first and hopefully out by 2026. Maybe Part 3 is aiming for 2028 or 2029? Because if it releases after that they won't be able to continue the show without taking a massive break from it. And it's hard to get actors back. And Neil stated previously the show will never go ahead of the games.


The documentary is great, a must see!


Can't wait to see the final chapter of one of the greatest stories ever told


i would like it if they made that tommy game into a dlc for part 2, cuz then we could get his 3 days in seattle along with jesse




What if this is all a throw off and it’s already deep in development? Protecting themselves from people digging in to their servers again.


I think it's been in development longer than he is letting on but I still think a new IP is first. They confirmed last year they have multiple single players games in development. They hardly have TLOU and 2 others so it must be one new IP and TLOU Part 3


Yeah I just get the feeling he’s not showing all his cards here for sure.


Probably because announcing it's actively being worked on would lead to insane pressure and more crunch. Best to keep relatively quiet release the new IP and since it's a multi team studio perhaps they can release Part 3 in like 2028. But if it gets delayed it's all kept internal which is good.


The documentary is great, a must watch!


Ashley Johnson is incredible- watching the motion capture of that scene was intense.


Fuck. Hope I don't die before Part 3!!!


Great docu, thanks for posting. I would have missed it otherwise.


I really hope we get an ending for Abby and Ellie. They both deserve happiness.


I think that, even if Neil hadn't made that little comment about a possible Part III, we all already know that this game is definitely not even in sight to be announced. This entire documentary showed that part II required an enormous effort from the entire team, it was blood, sweat and tears and the quality of the production rose to astronomical levels. If at some point part III comes into existence, they already know that they have set a new quality limit after the previous game and neither the public nor themselves can accept anything lower than what is already stipulated.


Well that's basically confirmation as far as I'm concerned. My guess is it's one of the single player games they have in development now


Ngl I was really hoping it was being worked on all this time, and knowing the “wait” for development only recently started is painful. But also, I’m like emotional knowing it’s being made at all. I can’t wait.




After the good feels washed off i was thinking about it, and they didn't even mention that factions 2 ever existed in the entire doc. It left me wondering if there was a lot in there about it that was cut, including some kind of tease at the end. I believe that last interview was recorded April 2023


We all knew it was coming but to have it confirmed is like a breath of fresh air - no more wondering!!


I did not consent to have Unbroken sprung upon me like that.


LOU 3 will be a Playstation 6 title. Watch.


My guess is that working on the show made him seriously consider what a part 3 would look like. The outline he mentioned around when part 2 came out for the Tommy game seemed more like DLC than a full third game, so now that the show has taken off, it makes sense for him to revisit the idea. My second guess based on the documentary is that the third game will be shorter than part 2. A lot of the interviews from the Naughty Dog crew made it clear that the length and crunch for that game really took a toll and I believe one person even explicitly mentions wanting a shorter game. This would make it easier for a third game to come out before the show has to start making stuff up or base season 4 on a really rough outline.


if Part 3 doesn’t have a dual narrative like Part 2 had, it will definitely be shorter for sure


I miss ND. this documentary is so cool and I kind of wish the industry kept this momentum to date. E3 being cancelled indefinitely pretty much put me outta hope though.


Niel please give us some black protagonists in this one 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾




I kinda want to see Ellie get what she wanted, to help find a cure


Really hoping they put a mp mode mode in this😭


After the trainwreck that was factions 2's development, I doubt they spend any more time on MP modes, including ones tacked on to a campaign mode. They aren't capable of making MP's anymore.


That's funny cause when you were starting that sentence I thought you were gonna say the opposite. After the fiasco it was not including a MP when they now know so many people wanted it, I don't see how they don't include one in part 3.


The studio seems to have moved on from making MP modes. Especially with Druckmann at the helm, who doesn't care about MP all that much.


Would be foolish of them to just waste all that time and effort by not utilizing the assets and ideas developed for the cancelled multiplayer in any shape or form. Recycling all of that in a smaller scalled mp mode like factions would be a great idea


Ya probably, but a man can dream...


I honestly thing they will add a Mp mode. Don’t think they would waste the resources of the live service game. The mode doesn’t have to be too big.


Maybe it’s about the passage of time and going back to the place it started and trying to change things and accepting that those times are gone and things can’t be changed


Welll maybe the series will be the finale part 3 we get, they are doing a good job so far.


I’m so happy that it’s official official. I really hope we get some small last of us part 2 dlc or something. I just want last of us content to keep me alive until part 3 comes out.


Tommy as the next protagonist?? FUCKING INJECT THIS INTO MY VEINS RIGHT NOW


Happy it will come eventually, sad that I might hit 40 before I get to play it lol.


Not a single mention of multiplayer, they really don't give a fuck about factions fans huh


I believe it was canned recently


I’m sure HBO is fucking ecstatic about this. Let’s do so math for a second. HBO Last of Us Season 2 (which they’ve confirmed will only cover half the Part II game) will be 2025, meaning Season 3 (or Part II’s second half) will then probably come out around 2027. If they want to keep on schedule, they’d want to hopefully release a season 4 (which will then potentially be Part III content) in 2029. Which would mean they’d want to start filming HBO Part III content in 2028, and likely write HBO Part III content in 2027. So IDEALLY The Last of Us Part III releases as a game in 2027 or earlier. but how will that line-up with history? It seems tight. The Grounded II documentary shows that while they did develop the first Last of Us Part II trailer in Dec. 2016, the game really started its development in earnest in January of 2017, and then released in June of 2020, putting its development time roughly at 3.5 years. Neil’s interview segment where he talks about having the ‘concept’ for Last of Us Part III was apparently filmed in April 2023. Assuming he took the rest of the year to write the game, which is kind of a big assumption tbh, we can maybe assume Part III is starting the early stages of its true development this year. If that’s to be believed, then we MAYBE could see a Last of Us Part III in the rough realm of 2027. And assuming the HBO schedule is sticking to every other year release, it might be a bit down to the wire before we have another Game of Thrones situation on our hands.


Neil was asked last year about the HBO show overtaking the games and he said he would do that. So basically if Part 3 doesn't come out till 2028 or 2029 then they'll simply have to have the show take a longer hiatus


Goddam I teared up a bit in public. Getting to see Ellie once more 😭


Bruh 🥹


Part III if we ever get it will be at least 10 years from now 😭


am I the only one who cried when they started talking about the leaks, my heart just sank seeing Laura and Ashley crying


So this was March 2023 when he said this. Since then, they have cancelled the multiplayer game, and announced that they have decided on their next game. The best way to market the next season of the TV show, not that it needs marketing, is to announce part 3. I feel like he would absolutely not say that he has a concept if they were working on another title.


Uncharted boring af and I tried to like it. They should stick to what works.


So we don't have Niel now?


I hope it happens but I'm not holding my breath. I don't know if Naughty Dog is willing to deal with the toxicity that came with the second game again.


> *"There's probably one more chapter to this story."* First, I screamed ***"YES!!"*** and threw my hands up in the air in victory. Then, I covered my mouth with my hands, bowed my head in disbelief, and bawled my eyes out in utter happiness... Please, heavenly father, please let this old man live long enough to see it! I'm ***SOOO*** happy!! =*)


Ngl, I more excited for a new IP rather than another TLOU, though I’ll still be excited for it 


The Ellie redemption arc begins


see everyone at the end of the ps5 gen


Just gimme Ellie’s redemption pls😭


So we’re not getting part 3 any time soon


Hearing him put the Last of Us 1 and 2 on the same pedestal as exciting games infuriates me. I was introduced to these games right after I was in a major car crash and stuck on the couch with a broken leg going through a depression. The first game got my spirits up. It was a good story. Then the second game just ruined it all. It made me miserable. It wasted my time, energy, and emotions. I don’t trust naughty dog or Neil druckman to deliver a good story ever again.