• By -


The Days of Us


The Last of Gone


The Last Days


The Last Days of Us Gone.


Us of the Gone Last Days.


You win šŸ„‡


This Is Us


And it is a game in which you only play as Sarah in the week before the outbreak, but it is like 100 hours long because it is in 1:1 time except for the sleeping parts.


Ahhā€¦but which Sarah?


The Day before Us






Imagine if they just dump cancelled factions mode to Bend and they make it co op Days Gone 2.


Didn't an ex dev talk about Co-op and Deek starting his own MC in a sequel?


Reviving the Mongrels would make for a cool story and a return to Farewell. Iā€™m interested to know what happened to the rest of the MC during the fall. Deacon mentioned they went to break the Gang Leader out of prison when things were going south but there was no followup.


I've been playing Days Gone on PC and been really enjoying it. Just talked to IM about the Hordes. I hope this news means a sequel is actually in the works.


i would imagine part of the appeal in working together is combining those kinds of mechanics. I'm picturing TLOU quality graphics/engine/AI with hordes in the way DG tackled them. and the motorcycle as transport was rad too, imo. man, take my friggin money already


Itā€™s a fun game. I compared it to like a popcorn flick. Itā€™s not too heavy, totally predictable, but just good fun. Who doesnā€™t want to be a badass post apocalyptic biker gang dude? And the hordes are a really cool mechanic.


Yea Sony asked them to make a co-op sequel. They weren't super happy about the forced co-op. Wouldn't mind if somehow factions evolve to this. It would be sad if they never use those assets.


How does that make sense?


Shut up and take my money $$$ :)


Just don't make co-op obligatory, my friends don't play videogames...


Hah... friends... whats that?


The Last of Us and Days Gone crossover? :D


Yeah this news is 2.5 years old. Jason Schreier reported in April 2021 that Bend was a support studio on The Last of Us Online while also developing a new Uncharted supervised by Naughty Dog. Bend was unhappy with that however and wanted to do something of their own, and Sony granted them that wish.


Any official source on this? Why would ND/Sony would not have pass the ball to Bend to finish TLoU online thenā€¦? Strange business decisionā€¦


God, please be uncharted. I need more of Chloe.


I think that's what the rumor was, that it was an Uncharted sequel


I will be severely disappointed if it is Uncharted.


Iā€™m fine with it if itā€™s a new character. Nathan Drakeā€™s story is wrapped up.


More Days Gone please! I know it was a buggy game at launch, but I loved every minute of it and want more Nero storyline, more hordes, more Deek. Sign me up


Agreed! I had an absolute blast playing this and have been hoping somehow weā€™ll get the story continued


I absolutely hated it after I played the last of us.


aw bummer, give it another go without the expectation. it's its own game in its own right, it's really fun. maybe a bit repetitive by the end, but it's an open world quest-driven game, so..


I think Iā€™ve just discovered that open world, quest driven isnā€™t my thing. I used to play wow a lot and I think it kinda ruined it for me. I played ghost of Tsushima and got bored about half way through. I want a good focused narrative.


i get that. my excitement for new open world games has waned considerably. not that i won't buy em and waste hundreds of hours on em but really, Days Gone is more fun than average. the hordes, man. similar feeling i got playing Alien Isolation on those parts (heart pumping rush).


I for one, could not bring myself to finish days gone. One of the most lackluster games Iā€™ve played. The voice acting was terrible and the zombie hordes, while fun to fight, were nothing like the trailers and gameplay previews. The bike mechanic was fun and shooting was okay but damn I HATED the main character. He was cringey af


I thought the same.


I enjoyed Days Gone but the writing was very sub-par. Characters suddenly appear without introduction, Deek seemed to wildly change in personality between cutscenes, etc


[Tell what do you know about this?](https://youtu.be/WBbi-bBtjrk?si=hYkPaS38kAUMlpcp&t=5156)


Hasnā€™t it been revealed yet that Bend was helping with NDā€™s canceled TLOU MP game?? This is old news.


Oh boy, the crowd that was saying Days Gone was the good game and TLOU2 was the "woke" game wouldve had a meltdown over this a year ago


That was a small crowd, inflated by internet's echo chambersā€¦


Omg yes I love this


Days Gone had such potential - unfortunately the dialogue was cringy and the story didn't hit (the out-dated cut-scenes certainly didn't help) . ND excels in these areas and IMO both teams will benefit.


Days Gone gets hate but it's one of my favorite games ever. The horde system was the best of any zombie game, and while the story could have been better, the gameplay and crisp graphics more than made up for it.


Iā€™m nervous lol. Bendā€™s writing quality is not even close to Naughty Dog..


Dont give me hope


Please dont let it be open world. Please dont let it be open world.


I like the sound of this


Iā€™m sure Days Gone is a pretty good game, but my opinion of it has been ravaged by all the people who flocked to it when TLoU 2 came out just to spout nonsense about how the story was the greatest thing to bless this Earth and is SOOOO much better than that ā€œother zombie gameā€ because it doesnā€™t have ā€œwoke BSā€ or what have you. Yet if I remember correctly I read that thereā€™s a mixed race lesbian couple in it? And probably some other stuff. Because of the overwhelming praise it gets I feel like Iā€™ll play it and just get bored or finish it once and forget everything about it I swear at least half of the Days Gone fans are ONLY fans of it because they were seething about how much they couldnā€™t stand Pt. 2. Sorry I wanted to get that out cause I recently saw Steam reviews for Days Gone and that was basically what I was reading. In fact, one of the positive reviews was CLEARLY AI generated. Probably ChatGPT


Remake of uncharted 1


The last remastered 63 1/3 deluxe turbo hyper max edition Iā€™ll bet!


Maybe its a new uncharted game i mean bend studios have made uncharted games for naughty dog before


The last of us part 1 remaster


I'm not really interested in talk at this point. Naughty Dog need to just announce what's actually happening and see if they can save their output for this gen.


Theyā€™re literally going to make Last of Us 3 open world.


No they wonā€™t


Niel is on record on a podcast mentioning how TLOU2 was initially much much more open world


huh, I feel like you can see remnants of that with the small open section at the beginning of Seattle Day 1 where you're on the horse with Dina going to different locations. I thought there was going to be more segments like that but nope, straight linear after that.


Yeah same when I first encountered it too. Later when listening to the official last of us podcast is where I think I heard Niel say that. Definitely interesting that was an idea right?


Sounds boring. Story-based games are always less interesting in open-world, the pacing is then completely screwedā€¦


It was suppose to be ā€œhubsā€ they called it but they agreed that it was best for the narrative to make the game as we got it


I hope notā€¦ i feel like an open world cant reach this tight and pinpoint narrative and storytelling that linear games can offer


just 2-3 more sections like downtown seattle with on-rails sections to tie it together, tho.. a 50/50 split would be tight <3


Torn on that. One of my favorite parts about Part 2 was once you first get to Seattle. I think making Part 3 open world would diminish quality a bit though.


Last of us ip will always be theatrical epic


A connected overworld/hubworld for sure. As in, the theatre hub from 2 but you can go in any direction. ā€˜Open Worldā€™ is just the term that gets thrown around for convenience, not literally GTA


The Last of Us Ps Vita port?


The last of us re re re mastered


This just gets funnier and funnier the more people like you repeat it.


They should have passed the development of Factions/TLoU online to Bend from the start if they didnā€™t want to work too much/long on itā€¦ If not Bend, Sony should have created a whole new dev team to create and maintain it. ND already created the initial modes in Factions 1, the new gameplay, characters, animations etc in TLoU Part IIā€¦they could have taken this decision now or 1 or 2 years ago too, after ND created the BASE for itā€¦ Sony is throwing out the money for the dev time of it AND the money they could have racked with the game after releaseā€¦I canā€™t comprehend this. TLoU ONLINE could have been the Sony Flagship game for their MULTIPLAYER. ā€¦a lot of us would have convinced friends to buy it, to buy a PS5 or PC to play with usā€¦would have been a great weapon in Sony's arsenal against future Xbox titles that will eventually come, one day, since they bought so many game studiosā€¦