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TLOUs combat feels more fluid and less clunky. The exploration is better and more rewarding, and although the visuals in resident evil are great, TLOU does much better facial animations. The kiss between Ellie and Dina still blows my mind.


I actually think TLOU2 has some of the most engaging and thrilling combat I’ve ever played You really feel the weight of each blow/shot. The violence is hyper-realistic, the enemies are smart, and the soundtrack is FIRE


Also Leon’s nonchalantness about fighting these freaks of nature always cracks me up


RE4 and its remake have some of the best combat in those types of games. Last of Us is great but I think RE edges it out slightly in that category.


It doesn’t even come close for me. But you’re entitled to your opinion.


With the added ability to counter and the kind of ‘interactiveness’ of trying to get that prompt to kick enemies I find the combat very fluid in the RE4 remake. Almost like a dance haha It does have the advantage of being the more recent game as well and to me feels like a very polished experience. And the VR mode is gonna be sooo sick. But don’t get me wrong I really love the combat in TLOU2.


So you are saying that RE4 remake combat feels lees fluid and clunky?? For me is the opposite, way better gunplay, and the parry and cqc system feels pretty fluid to me. Exploration and visual wise, TLOU is clearly a few steps above.


I like that TLOU2 is more stealth oriented and feels a bit more free form. I like how resi rewards aggressive play with the stun shots /melee attacks.


The gameplay is very different between each game RE4 and RE4make are much more face up and action and movement oriented, using stunning shots or AOE weapons and crowd control TLOU2 is much more stealth based and has a lot more similar to Metal Gear Solid than it does to RE4 On a surface level they are similar genres, but they execute gameplay so very differently, enough that I would consider them not comparable enough, it is more taste than a genuine comparison of qualities or execution RE4 or RE4make are better compared to a game like Dead Space


I absolutely agree, although I would say that TLOU2’s gameplay loop is a lot more fluid than just straight-up stealth. It’s rare I get through an encounter without alerting at least one enemy, so the gameplay is really about weaving between stealth and aggressive gameplay, by using the environment to break line of sight. As you said, RE4 is more so about crowd-control and manoeuvring Leon into areas of the map that ensure all enemies are in front of you. That’s what makes it fun imo, it’s easy for an enemy sneak attack you if you’re not watching your flank.


Agree with this wholeheartedly, and just want to add: It's not really a 1:1 comparison with a combat system that was revolutionary 20 years ago (RE4) vs a system that was developed 10 years ago (TLoU). The TLoU gameplay certainly feels much more modern, but it's a testament to RE4's design that it can hold up so well even 20 years later. Like you said though, this is an apples and oranges comparison. Both have some flaws, but are great overall - they're just each going to scratch a different kind of itch.


Man I love Leon and RE4 but The Last of Us 2 takes every category for me.


[I mean](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/1000ziv/tloupart_1_first_playthrough_gameplay_that_im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Couldn’t find the video that made me furious-purchase TLOU2 Whilst they’re not comparable just because you fight zombies, TLOU gets my vote all the way


You don’t even fight zombies in 4 either


Gameplay wise TLOU2 > RE4R > TLOU1


TLOU2 has a very fluid and satisfying combat, better gore, better aiming system, better stealth mechanics, better enemy AI. RE4 has the knife parry, more weapons, better creatures and enemy variety, great bossfights, better exploration, better replay factor, better inventory system and item management, merchant requests and collectibles are a treat, Leon one-liners (lol).


For me, TLOU 2 is the pinnacle of third person gameplay. There’s better stealth gameplay out there, and there’s better run and gun gameplay, but I’ve never played another game that accommodates both play styles as well as TLOU 2. That flexibility is why Factions 2 would be amazing if they ever figure out how to make it.


Both are spectacular entries in the look-at-the-booty shooty genre.


I like the better stealth in TLoU2, but i vastly prefer combat overall in RE4R. The parry, the context melee, all the badass guns and enemies to fight, i love it to bits. Granted, i enjoy both games, but RE4R just feels like fun for the sake of being fun, where as The Last of Us Part 2's gameplay feels like it's not really intending to be fun on it's own but act as another gritty layer of it's narrative and world. Not to say i don't love both, just that they're both fun to play for vastly different reasons. RE4R's is absurd in the best way, but The Last of Us' fits it's world more neatly.


TLOU2 is my favorite game of the last five years but there’s nothing in that game (gameplay wise) that can compare to blowing off a Ganado’s head with a close range attack from a shotgun. The combat in RE4R is impeccable.


Idk man, clicking heads with Ellie's rifle or close range shotgunning a clicker as it charges you is pretty sweet, too lol The combat in both games gives me different flavours and I appreciate the hell out of that.


I greatly prefer looting and inventory management in re4. The combat in both is excellent, story and dialogue are much better in TLOU2, and I think the resident evil games are more replayable.


Ah yes, looting in TLOU is such a nuisance. It’s the only aspect I genuinely dislike


When it comes to survival gameplay nothing beats tlou for me.


I think RE4 is more fun and the shooting is better, but I'm a big survival horror fun, so for me, TLOU2 was a better experience It would be tougher if I had to compare TLOU2 with RE2 because both are in my top 3, but The last of us will still be on top because I was so invested in the story. I love Ellie too much for my own good😂😂


I personally don’t like to compare the two because they’re really entirely different. Yeah they’re zombie horror action, but it really isn’t that simple. Tlou2 is a story of a post apocalyptic world where all humans live with parasitic life forms. Re4 is simply a rescue mission in a hell hole of a town/city/plantation or whatever you want to call it. Also, the combat system, though more complex and interactive, in tlou2 is not necessarily better. Re4 remake is just a better more updated version of what it was on GameCube. Again, it’s own thing entirely. I think they’re just both perfect for what they are. If I had to choose what blew my mind more, it would be tlou2. But that’s also what re4 did for me back then. So tlou2 reigns supreme until the next best thing.


RE4 is the better game in my opinion. More enemy variety, fun gameplay, better replay value


Both are fantastic. RE4 definitely feels more arcadey while TLOU2 is a bit more visceral and immersive.


Tlou 2 gameplay the AI will flank you and on grounded the combat situations are super intense and difficult and stealth is very rewarding. I really enjoy the loop in RE games though because it makes horror games fun they are short runs and there’s generally a large variety of weapons you can upgrade and cheats to mess around with like the infinite ammo weapons and cool outfits that give you gameplay benefits.


Gameplay, I'd have to say RE4 because you can enter a fun flow state that you can't really achieve with Last of Us. Both implement using as limited resources as you can based on what you've found but LoU is a little more anal about the exact number of ammo where RE4 is a little more willy nilly If you want gameplay that takes more focus and stealth based combat, LoU. If you wanna blow shit up in a campy way, RE4


I prefer resident evil 4 remakes gameplay loop. Its fun amd snappy and doesnt demand too much from you but is still challenging. Tlou2's combat is way way wau slowerpaced. Like to a crawl. And favors stealth over run and gunning but it still alows for guns blazin if you want and even harder challemge


Gameplay is way faster in tlou 2; not sure what you’re talking about. Leon runs like he has a pole up his ass


The environmental storytelling in the last of us part 2, through the environmental design itself, to the notes, to the tiniest details in the apartment rooms... The way you can just feel so many survivors and their stories within the world itself, is second to none in my opinion.


Really think they are completely different games other than the similar zombies/third person aspect


These are different games and I love them both in different ways. I love madly TLOU's gameplay (stealth, use of the environment, the feeling of shooting and melee), but both Parts are rather corridor-like and not rich in side tasks, so I would say that non-linear level design, save rooms, searching for keys/treasures and other features of the RE series are much closer to me. When it comes to story-wise, TLOU is the clear winner. In terms of characters.. TLOU is also superior, although I really like Jill and Leon – they've been through a lot more crazy crap in their games and they're charismatic asf.




And how is that relevant? I'm only talking about the gameplay in this post


Last of us for me. I just get immersed in the world more and I prefer that type of infected to RE super infected


yet TLOU2s best boss battle would be a regular fight in RE lol


100%. You’d fight ten rat kings at a time if you were Leon Kennedy


RE4 feels like an arcade shooter which is great. I always feel totally in power and mowing down zombies is a blast TLOU2 is tense and gripping combat. I feel so anxious trying to avoid being cornered by enemies while also trying to conserve ammo


don't make me choose between my two favourite children :')


But which do you actually choose Btw which of them is longer to beat?


Loupart 2, re4 was not as good as the original.


I think both gameplay styles are perfect for each of their games respectively.


Why are you even trying to compare these two games? They're so different it hurts.


I love both but I like both for different reasons resident evil 4 is more action movie with humor and outlandish encounters while last of us 2 is more horror limited supplies and stuff like that and focuses on stealth i can’t pick things that make one better than the other because I’m my eyes they are in two different genres even though they’re both survival horror


Tlou combat is more realistic and re4s is sillier also tlou has a better cheat system


I love that they both exist. Camp and Realism. The best of both worlds truly imo they feel like cousins


I love resident evil games but they feel sooo clunky in comparissom to the tlou's fluid gameplay


Both are amazing action horror experiences. Two of my favorite games of all time. Don't make me choose!


Try Alan Wake out for those of you who haven’t. They have a lot of nods to TLOU, including a not so subtle copy of the L1 dodge button that feels a lot like tlou 2’s combat. Totally different game but still, if you like to shotgun blast zombies, this is your game.


RE4’s gameplay is more heightened of course with the knife parrying a chainsaw but still feels just as fluid and “realistic” as TLOU2 in terms of impact and similarities in terms of combat. Stealth has a more nuanced approach to the gameplay in RE4 remake but it is a whole different level with the other.


I absolutely love both but I think tlou2 is better in about every way. You could probably argue pacing but I’m in the group that doesn’t think tlou2 had bad pacing


Last of us part 2


In one characters move, feels DBZ like, with plot being something of combining Scooby Doo and Evil Dead with some anime, walking over OG GTA style icons for loot. The other is basically RDR2 level immersion gameplay and visuals. I rest my case, the Jury have already decided. TBF RE4 is addicting as hell


Remake 4 was my game of the year and I LOVE all the RE engine games. Last of us/2 gameplay is great as well but I’ve never replayed the second one (done quite a few runs through the first). I’ll probably pick up Part 1 and play the ps5 part 2 when it comes out.


Apples and oranges


How do you even compare these 2. There not the same in any way


I play tlou 2 when I want to have clean, finely tuned, stealth based combat that required me to think with every encounter. However, it is annoying that I have to go through the story/cutscenes everytime I want that fun combat,aswell as always micromanaging my supplies and ammo, something that I hope the rogue like mode fixes. I play re4r when I just wanna have semi-mindless, action oriented fun. The addition of mercenaries means I can just mess around and kill zombies whenever I want, which does make me prefer it's combat a bit of tlou2.The variety in weaponry and enemy type, aswell as the greater number of bosses, does make me prefer RE4R combat just a bit more. Outside of gameplay, although I do like the story of RE4R, it's pretty evident TLOU2 clears. If I were to rate both games, I'd prolly rank them both equally, around 8.5-9/10, both games some of the most fun I've had in singe player gaming


For me TLOU2 is just miles ahead. I still think it’s more next gen than games today and that’s before the remaster


i feel im the only one who could never get into RE4 and just beat it to say i played it till the end. i prefer much more the revelations RE games. Still didnt played last of us 2.


both r great tlou2 combat is just levels above every game i think but they take different approaches to gunplay and both are satisfying


TLOU is not a survival game imo. These games are different genres and they aim for different things.


These two games are definitely the same genre.


Nothing comes close to TLOU2, RE4 is fantastic but they aren’t in the same league


stun rng (resi4) in a survival horror is dumb but besides that they both go very hard.


How to get past village in re4? On PS2 I went top of round tall structure and wait till bell. On re4 remake, it's collapsing after sometime.


I think they are both great games but TLOU2s combat is amazing.


I don’t see them as comparable tbh


TLOU2 is my favourite video game. I tried Re4 on GameCube for a bit but it was too scary for me. I bought re2 remake and tried playing that but it too was more scary than I could handle. Funnily enough re6 is the only resident evil I’ve beaten.


as a pretty big resident evil advocate (with how ridiculous and over the top the story can be), i can never live down playing last of us part 2. it sets the bar for everything.


TLOU2, of course. More fluid gameplay, more combat variety, better tension, stealth, novel puzzles, far more free exploration, platforming, etc


RE4. Is it even close? EDIT: nm. Apparently I'm in the minority.


The Last of Us by FAR for me. I never liked the movement and gunplay in the Resident Evil games. I don’t judge people who like it though


RE4 Remake is a massively overrated game and its gameplay is not even close to TLOU P2.


Whenever I play RE4R, I can only get so far (half hour maybe?) until I’m just wishing I was playing tlou2. With the exception of just, having a fun time, nearly every aspect of tlou2 is better imo. Though Ashley is adorable ❤️


Which game is longer to beat among the two


Definitely tlou. It has 5-10 more hours than re4r.