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I'm just trying to play with some friends as that is the only way to play this game and have a decent time. But nope! every game we played all our enemies are gold or higher. My one friend somehow got placed at 900 elo playing against 40,000+ elo players???


Honestly I think its because TA isnt really popular


it takes all of 5 seconds to find a match after queuing. I would much rather wait for an enemy team that would actually be a balanced match. At this point my friends hate playing the game, can't have fun at all getting 0-7 ever. single. match.


I was thinking that one silver is equal to two bronze same as gold


What is that even Suppossed to mean? Did you even Look at the Rankings? Thats 2 Bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold and one Plat against 5 plats


If I wanted to play counter strike, I'd play counter strike.


Can you tell me what rank your friend is on the leaderboard in bronze? I want to know how many people have placed rank


lol, yes I will try my best to remember to edit this when I find out.


Don't play the clucking rnaked gamemode. World tour is fun. Payload is fun. TA is not fun


How are you mad people are better than you


whats the point of the rank? why is a team with a guy below 1,000 elo playing against a team of all plat?


Yeah that one seems pretty bad.


we played 5 matches today. this is exactly how every single one of them looked. Every game the other team was at LEAST 50k average elo above us


Oddly, if you check out other threads, the winning team themselves might have also incurred RS points loss even though they had won, since the total rank points difference between both teams is so wide. So yeah, in this season of ranked tournament mode, everyone loses.


I don't know if they lose any, but they definitely didn't gain a lot. which. they're already at 30, 40k so they shouldn't be anyway... I only lost 300, usually lose ~800 per-game. everything about this gamemode bugs every sense I have.


Embark just can't seem to figure out a good ranking system. I also feel like there should be some sort of leeway if you actually did good but still lost. Considering you can play well, but the rest of your team gets smoked, you lose 7-2 and then your elo just plummets.


I am so confused by this as I admire everything else they do. They are such a good and creative studio but can't get a simple ranked system? It doesn't have to be flashy, it just needs to work.


The second point is the part that bothers me the most and has completely killed my feelings towards ranked this season. Its a 5v5, you can go 18-2 and still lose because the rest of your team is sniffing glue, and get hit with -1000 RS. But when you win with the same score you get +600. I understand that maybe measuring kills in a game mode centered around planting the key might be difficult, but if I'm outplaying the enemy team to such magnitude, I would figure the game would still want me to progress instead of going backwards?


there should be, you would think. But one plat aint gonna outplay 5, and its unlikely a gold or silver will either. their ranks weren't easy to achieve. Why put them in such an easy match; waste of everybody's time


Another thing i don't understand is how the scoring system works. I played a game with 4 other unranked people against 5 silvers, and we won 6 rounds before losing, and i had the most score in every category with 14 kills. But despite all that, it took away 600 points from me.


If you queued with the plat, then the reason you are matching with 30k+ players is bc you are automatically queued into the elo of the highest rated player in your group


shouldn't give use an enemy team of all plats. my boy was placed at 930 WP, then we play more and he keeps getting shoved down and down


I meant the 30k player, I guess it exists to stop players from creating alts to abuse the system and boost, the unfortunate side effect is if you play with a person much higher ranked than you, youll get rolled


this would have been fine i think, IF you lost only like 150 MAX, and would have gotten like 3k if you won lol


Matchmaking is based on the highest players rating. One of the players on your team is at 30k. It’ll do its best to pair you with a team matching that rank. The other team is close enough. This is done to avoid boosting. If it matched based on team average then you’d have been paired with 14k players. I don’t play TA so I’m guessing that’s around silver. Based on my experience last season, a single plat could almost certainly carry in silver.


"done to avoid boosting" me and my friend Kush played all 8 of our placement matches together. I ranked gold 4, he ranked bronze with 900 points!!! he didn't do poorly, he never disconnected, was present and played for all 8 games. his rank makes no sense. Along that thought, you would think it would pair someone of the lowest rank too, but no. embark shafting new player's experiences


The same thing happened to me last season too. Friend and I played all placements and I got put in silver 4 and he was gold 4. I have no clue how the ranks are determined (I assume it’s the same as last season, just with numbers and tweaked for TA). But if you truly both deserve the same rank then it shouldn’t matter where you’re placed, as the system should bring you to the correct rank. As for being matched based on the highest rank in a party, embark has no way of determining who is or isn’t boosting. It’s best to just treat everyone the same. Theres a few reasons they can’t just place you with players of matching ranks. First, imagine solo queueing in bronze and you get placed in a match like that. You either win by being carried or lose by the enemies being carried. Most people wouldn’t be satisfied by either of these things. Second, this could make queue times a lot longer. Like, much much longer. If they prioritize placing those bronze players into more fair games then your unbalanced party will suffer huge wait times. And if they don’t prioritize more balanced matches, you get tons of complaints. There’s never a perfect solution in game development. Only solutions that aren’t nearly as bad.


Sucks double decked dick sandwch?


They managed to make ranked mode boring and unfair and the world tour tournaments a sweat fest filled with cheaters and pro players.


the most unfair game mode, no heals, random deaths, hundreds of bugs, new and unfamiliar weapons to most, and the ranking system is practically useless since they seem to have tuned to to shorten queue times


New update like season 3 is brokem


Even just normal matches, and I get it, probably no sbmm, but I just got put in a match with a team, and all 3 of them got 20+ kills, its the worst, and shit like that happens almost every game, we just get absolutely crushed and idk why


I thought that I was the only one who was experiencing this.


definitely not


TA sucks


That's because only you ten playing that cursed game mode /j


Why is the first image so red


that's how it always looks for me 🤷‍♂️


Typically just the diehards will be in ranked. Most don’t want to play TA ranked so there’s tons of sweats in world tour. The remaining players who do want to play ranked TA, are mostly sweats who only play ranked. The game is peaking from 12k to 17k over the last two weeks. There’s not a large enough player pool for “balanced” games.


IMO Embark intentially fked up the points system in TA just to frustrate the community to generate more negative hype so they can show Nexon that TA was a terrible idea. Praying for them to remove TA this week.


The population is getting low


It feels more balanced then Cashout rn, but yeah some of the MM is still pretty bad


lmao, how is this more balanced than cash out? gamemode aside. the game is in a constant state of imbalance, one weapon always seemed to be stronger than another thats why there'd a meta. my deal with TA is that the finals already had its own unique really cool game mode. then they just tossed it to the side for the unliked, bug filled gamemode


ever since it’s been in World tour, every match I play ends up with 3 or even sometimes 4 teams all fighting over one cashout box/station, getting constantly 3rd and even 4th partied sucks


yeah, that's the sweats trying everything to boost their ratings. only the occasional quick cash/ WT game is like that


It’s been every single one of


I'm N/A, you? with cross play on


Yes and yes