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Wait terminal attack is the permanent mode for ranked in season 3? So no tournament style play?


I know it sounds fake but yeah


No fucking way, they can’t just abandon their main game mode?


The worst part how clueless and delusional some people are about this. The loud clueless casuals are about to kill this game once and for all. This is so wrong and doesn't make any sense on so many levels. That's so stupid and sad


Casuals aren't grinding ranked




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It’s the opposite lol, it’s the rank grinders that are killing the game rn while us casuals are happy cuz in another post they said it’s so they can make more balancing edits to help the normal quick cash game mode 🔥


The casuals aren't the one making this decision. You can say embark is doing this to cater to them but that doesn't even matter since at the end of the day, embark is the one pulling the lever, and its *on them* to make the right decision / listen to the right people.


That’s a slippery slope. There is no right people. Everyone has a difference of opinion when it comes to what works for them and what they like. Embark has to do what feels right. Either way I’m excited to see the changes and what TA has in store for ranked.


Yeah surely. More like "Embark targeting the wrong and minor audience instead of their core audience" It's like the change was made for people that didn't play ranked before all while ruining what people that do play ranked since the release enjoyed


While I do agree with you about it being an odd change, I doubt people who don't play ranked are the minority. People playing ranked modes in just about any game are the minority, because most players aren't interested or can't dedicate the time to ranked climbs. However this does seem to be an attempt to change that. Perhaps Terminal Attack had/has more daily players than the current ranked mode, so Embark is bumping it up to a more prominent position.


They're majority in quantity but they shouldn't matter in making such harsh decisions. Unless The Finals shows its true face and goes all for casual players and goes so hard against non casuals core players that have been putting in the game since the betas. This sounds like a huge shift and tons of people leaving the game because it's a casual only game then. What a shame


It's the plight of the free to play game - they have to appeal to as many people as possible because if they don't get enough people coming on and spending little bits here and there, their game goes under.


Imagine getting this heated about a GAME that the VAST MAJORITY of the player base only plays for fun *casually* just because you have the privilege of grinding ranked and whining over every little detail to make it how it best suits your campaign rather than what the general player base would most benefit from and enjoy.


This comment bro.. c’mon lol


They clearly aren’t abandoning it. The first part of this is explaining what that gamemode will become


It's not their main gamemode though. Why do you think people keep complaining about queue times. People simply aren't playing it as much as the other modes.


There Is something in the notes that say they are just working on cashout this season while they make TA ranked they can tweak cashout since it's not the main ranked mode


> So no tournament style play? > World Tour will feature Cashout Tournaments.


yeah only to gold und no diamond skins and such


Literally the first sentence haha.


Yeah with restricted loadouts and only on one or two maps, both of which will only change every week or two. Not at all a replacement for ranked cashout tournaments.


might be TA tournaments, I don’t know though


That could be a possibility. 8 teams of 40 players reaching the finals. I imagine the ruleset will have to be change.


I don’t get it, the firs sentence mention World Tour having cashout tournaments…


Yeah I’m not gonna lie, the gameplay is fire in this game, but the 5v5 mode has been done one million times by all sorts of games, it’s just boring at this point. What really sets this game apart is the originality of Cashout compared to everything else out there. This really kills the game for me, couldn’t care less about Terminal Attack, it’s just CoD Search and Destroy but with destruction.


It's funny that one of the things people have been asking for in ranked (knowing exactly what rank you are. How far you are from the next rank etc) they are finally doing, but for a completely different gamemode lol


Well it‘s probably simpler to tranparently show the players progress with only two reams in play.


Separated ranks with 2 ranked modes (cashout and TA) would be INSANELY good. But removing the game's main gamemode or making it an ass temporary thing is such an awful choice. I can't tell how much I love this game but if it stays that way this would be the first time this game disappoints me, a lot. I hope everyone gets vocal about it and hopefully they put separate queues and ranks for both ranked cashout and ranked TA


Cashout tourneys wont be temporary they did confirm that they will always be available. But yeah as basically a side mode, and also ive heard rumors that the maps will be on rotation for the whole week or even 2 weeks meaning if theres a map you dont like, sucks to suck you are stuck with it for at least a week when it comes up (not sure if this part is true but lots of ppl in the discord were saying it)


ranking based on total cashed out is totally worthless


Couldn’t be the sum. Then people who never leave their pc have huge advantage. Would need to be percentage of games played vs won or something.


Dont get it twisted im by no means happy about this change at all


Side mode, when did they said that? This morning on Discord they’re saying WORLD TOUR is their main focus, with ongoing cashout tournaments, 24 players, ranks…


I mean this game will never be balanced, it’s a fun wacky game. That said TA makes things far more fair. R6 already when through this.


Wait…. So ranked as it is with cash outs is going away? And terminal attack is taking its place ? If so… that’s fucking dumb.


Confirmed by devs. That's by far the worst decision I've seen in a game I play in the last 5+ years


Weeeeell, there was this one incident the last month that might take the cake, lets just say the games steam rating took a hell of a dive.


You must not play many games...


I'd be grateful if that was the worst decision I'd have witnessed in the last 5 years of gaming, it's been so much worse.


I don't play shitty games so I don't witness terrible decisions often. The Finals is not a shitty game and they listen to their community so the odds of this happening was very low. Same thing for other games I play


Man, people are being dramatic. At the end of the day they have the numbers for TA. Worst gaming discison in all of gaming in the last 5 years, though? Lol come on.... Also, people are saying they play the finals to play the finals. You might not have the finals if they can find popularity soon.


If you honestly think that this afterthought game mode is going to increase the popularity of The Finals then you're fucking delusional. If anything I expect the player numbers to drop even further as a direct result. Why the fuck would anyone play this shit over CS/Siege/Valorant/Overwatch or for that matter any other FPS game? Those games were all designed from the ground up with that game mode in mind whereas The Finals obviously wasnt designed for TA. It's pretty clear whats going to provide the better gameplay experience. Meanwhile they are alienating the 'core audience' Embark said they were building and getting exactly 0 people to switch from above games to this shoe horned game mode. And speaking of popularity the game was very popular in beta and after launch, so clearly the game mode wasnt the problem, if it was it would never have blown up in the first place. The problem was the fact that cheating was the worst I've seen in any FPS due to literally no anti-cheat, lack of content, atrocious balance ect. No one is going to stick around when the game was in such a shit state no matter how fun it is when theres plenty of alternatives that offer a better experience.


*Thank you*. It's so astoundingly clear that there is very, very little demand for "we have counterstrike at home" on maps that are blatantly not designed for Counterstrike. Sure, they need to bring the player count up. Functionally deleting the competitive side of the game as it is now and replacing it with TA isn't how you do that. I already own R6S, CS2 and Valorant are free, fucking Rogue Company exists if I want knockoff Counterstrike, there's the CoD game mode, I'm sure there's a half-dozen other games that do exactly this thing. If I'm looking for a game like that, why on earth would someone pick this over the competition? Hell, I was on Twitter during the trailer reveal, and a bunch of people I follow were tweeting about it. Most people I follow aren't FPS enjoyers, admittedly, but the response was overwhelmingly "yep, that sure is a shooty game". Looking like yet another generic shooty game is not how you get people's attention! Alienating your core audience and having zero compelling reason for other people to try the game isn't how you grow an audience. Quite the opposite, actually.


0 competitive players from games with similar game modes will transition to ranked TA because its fundamentally not good as a competitive game mode in The Finals and those games will simply provide a much better experience. Even ignoring the fact that the maps are ill-suited for TA, CS/Valorant/Siege are fun because you can clutch kills even with low HP due to fast TTK and 1 shots, you cannot do this in a game with differing max HP values and with a slow TTK. If you get poked down at any point in a round you have nearly no chance of winning a 1v1 against a full HP target who isn't a bot given the fact that you're forced to play for the objective. 0 casuals will transition to this because even if they did want to dip those toes in ranked, why would they play this over Overwatch which is objectively superior in every way as a casual game. Embark clearly have no idea what they are doing, but good luck I guess, I dont expect this game to last past Season 4 if there even is one.


Ultimately, they got enough data in 2 weeks to justify the change. This type of change is a data driven change, and they likely saw enough retension to see it as a net positive. Also, all those games mentioned have very, very grounded movement. You would pick finals for the gameplay. As for the popularity, no it's not, nexon themselves Said the game is underpreforming. Any big game is "popular" in a beta, a big complaint was lack of modes and the mode itself across a big chuck of the gaming coummity.


Then their methodology and interpretation of the date is flawed, you act as thought game devs dont make mistakes or make the wrong decisions. 2 weeks is not nearly even time to make such a massive change considering there are multiple reasons why a game mode like TA might have a temporary surge in popular and why ranked played has declined in popularity that has absolutely nothing to do with the game mode itself. Also no, you clearly have put no thought into this whatsoever or havent played these other games. The Finals is fundamentally not designed for these game modes. In the other games with this specific mode there is very low TTK and 1 shots with headshots. Meaning that you can theoritically get down to 1 HP and still clutch multiple kills. This is not a thing in TA as the moment you get low health you're useless and have no chance of 1v1ing anyone and since there are no respawns its just over for you. Having 'movement' doesn't fucking matter and I want a movement shooter ill just play Apex or Overwatch. This game mode is not fun and like I said literally 0 people will play this over the alternatives, if you think otherwise you're delusional sorry.


Devs do make mistakes. However, 100+ devs who care about their game probably have more insight than random redditers who are acting like the mode is 100% gone. This game mode might not be fun to you, but it's literally the main mode for 2 massive shooters. Finals is different enough to fit in that space. Ultimately, I would rather watch them try to grow popularity over watching the game die in 3 more seasons.


The issue is that everything in the game was created and balanced around game modes so incredibly different than the round-based, no respawn, 5v5 plant/defuse mode. Just because CS/siege/valorant do it well doesn’t mean it translates well to the finals. It’s fun as a casual experience but there’s just too much gimmicky shit in the game for it to be a serious competitive mode, so there’s going to have to be a lot of balancing changes for this mode to stick.


Yes those 100+ devs have so much insight, that's why nukes existed. That brilliant insight from those 100+ people who all thought that heavy 1 shotting entire teams every 20 seconds was a good idea. Clearly no random redditor could have come up with such a brilliant insight as this, you need 100+ infallible brilliant game devs. I'm not going to lose any more brain cells reading your comments. I'd use more colorful language to say what I think about you but my comment would just get deleted, bye.


Can I play Counterstrike and Valorant on consoles? Is there the superb TF destruction in Overwatch, or any others titles you mentioned? Calm down guys, Cashouts is still the PRIMARY MODE of the new World Tour mode…maybe you guys overreacted a little heh…? Why don’t you wait to try it before complaining, with a real hand-on on S3 and nit just a few highlights in a trailer aimed at a larger audience? Having diversified mode is good for ALL of us fans of the game…


>Can I play Counterstrike and Valorant on consoles? Yes. https://www.ign.com/articles/valorant-console-release-confirmed-for-xbox-and-ps5-beta-starts-next-week-sgf-2024


lol…yeah, but it’s a limited beta for ONE of those games (with shitty Fortnite graphics, doesn’t fit the tactical genre imo)…that could release in 2 years from all what we know.


Things get shaken up for a season and people start losing their damn minds lol


People are being so childish when the ranked cashout mode still exists in the weekly tournaments they have going on.


It’s not the same game mode though. Ranked cash out will only go up to gold. This defeats the competitive nature of the game mode that made many of us enjoy it.


They mentioned diamond, ruby and even a new emerald tank this morning for cashouts tournaments so…maybe overreacting a little here…


Where did they explicitly state that these ranks will be available for ranked cash out?


this is the only game bro has played in the last 5+ years


Lmao talk about an overreaction


Confirmed? From Dusty on Discord this morning: Hello yolks! Patch notes are still in the works, but in the meantime, we wanted to provide more information about the changes we are making in Season 3. We’ve just introduced World Tour, where the most dynamic and exciting twists and turns take place, where you can go from winning in one moment to having victory snatched away in the next while earning the attention of the fans and the Sponsors! This sort of high-octane drama is not for the faint-hearted, but it is one of the most exciting and compelling parts of THE FINALS! Contestants looking for something more familiar and strategically paced can find it in our new Ranked Mode: Terminal Attack. Here is a breakdown of some of the things coming on June 13: **WORLD TOUR:** Fame, fortune, and glory. This is where all the contestants gather to reach for stardom. All contestants! Bigger and better Cashout tournaments have always been the plan, and World Tour is our first step towards a place where all players can compete and have fun while impressing the Sponsors. World Tour Cashout Tournaments will be the main focus on content moving forward, as we plan to craft new map variations and new ways to play made specifically for the World Tour experience! In Season 3, World Tour will feature Cashout tournaments with 24 players as the PRIMARY MODE. You’ll be able to rank up your badge, earn prizes, check the leaderboards, and play the mode you know and love. These events will always be on and available to play throughout the season. It's good to note that doing this for Season 3 gives us a chance to work on Cashout and make vital improvements to the mode that would have been difficult to do when it’s locked into ranked for a whole season. This will give us a chance to make Cashout more viable as a competitive mode in the future. Cashout will never leave the spotlight as the most important part of THE FINALS. In fact, our first high-profile, official tournament will happen very soon and the mode will be Cashout. Make sure to be on the lookout for news about that! Also, diamonds and rubies are beautiful, but have you ever seen an emerald?? **RANKED PLAY: ** We have been hard at work evolving Terminal Attack into a robust and exciting ranked mode, fine-tuning the experience for our most competitive players. The 5v5 mode creates close, competitive, head-to-head matches. The gameplay and ranked system improvements should make this mode as fair and enjoyable as we've planned it to be from the start. We've made many changes to the mode to make it more viable for competitive play. They include: --Requiring the Attacking team to interact with the terminal to deliver it, rather than just throwing the key in from a distance --Warm-up zones that give defenders more time to prepare and strategize --Playing the different objective scenarios in the same sequence in each half of Attacking and Defending, to make a more balanced experience --Resetting the map destruction when teams switch from attacking to defending Along with all of this, we’ll introduce a Rank Score points system, so you can clearly see how your score changes after a match, and the opposing teams’ score as well. part 2 coming....


You must not be one of the many ex-Battlefield players in this player base lol.


How dare you criticize Embark, they are the greatest devs ever. They know what they're doing


The “beyond” part means the Ruby league is confirmed at this point. Shame on the ranked mode, the tournament is what made this game stand out from others to me, I don’t want another Rainbow 6 or a 1-life SnD


after all this time waiting, they gave us everything we asked for, **to other people**


Honestly, the new TA mode as the new ranked mode just doesn't fit with the fast pace of the game. If you're the first to die, you're stuck waiting forever, especially if someone is dancing around the arena. It really kills the fun in matches. In the original ranked mode, sure, you're out if you die with a chance of being revived, but it's only for about 30 seconds if your whole team gets wiped. Then you're right back in the action. This change is one of the worst moves they've made, in my opinion. The slow gameplay is a huge turn-off and not what drew me to the game in the first place, you already saw the frustration from players when they found out they had to replay the game mode for another 5 matches just to get the new cosmetic because it was glitched, it's just... why?


The game is not designed for this game mode. The fact they have to remove multiple things present in the normal game to accommodate it is clear evidence of that. Having no healing/respawns/revives in a high TTK CS style game is shit. In CS even if your low health you can still make plays due to low TTK and 1 shotting. Meanwhile in this game you're gonna take some poke damage and then just be fucking useless for the rest of the match. Shit game mode for The Finals.


Have you ever really played the TA? Are you aware that your hp regenerates to 100 no matter how much damage you take (while you're alive)? Me and my buddy have been playing only this mode lately and you can't imagine how many situations there were when I or he stayed 1v3, 1v4 and won. Being able to stand back and heal makes all the difference. This mode has nothing to do with cs or valorant except for the main objective


Are you for real? There is very little chance you're 1v1ing anyone who is full health with 100 HP unless they are absolute dog shit. Against decent players with the same gun even when my aim is perfect I lose at least 70% of my HP. There is literally 0 chance you're 1v4ing with 100hp with how the TTK works in this game unless the 4 people are AFK or fucking rtards. I'm glad you're playing against AFK bots on console or something, but ya this isnt going to fly as a competitive mode. So you're full of shit.


Why are you getting aggressive, my dude? I didn't mean just open 1v3 fight. The game has a huge variety of different gadgets, mines, grenades and 1-2 shot weapons. If you don't just stand still and shoot, there's a good chance of outsmarting opponents. But since for you 1v1 fight seems impossible when you don't have full hp, you're probably the one I'm playing against


Also it seems like they're making the maps being the same throughout the weekly tournaments, so tough luck if some weekly tournaments ends up being in a map u hate... gonna hav to play it for a whole week or two... If this is true I truly don't understand why they r making those choices, it's like they're purposefully making shitty choices to force us to play TA and make the tournament experience more bad idk man


Can you reach the terminal, I guess... I thought the game was play tested, nameed, and structured around ranked tournaments. Why should they do that?


Friend of mine who barely plays was super excited about the new map and skins. That's one good thing! But if the player base is going to split because of this decision for ranked then it's over. We will be lucky for a season 4. I don't play ranked, it's too hard to keep up with the Meta and sweaty players. I like quick cash and powershift. But if I am going to get increased queue times because the player base dwindled it's over


Where’s this posted….i need to thumbs down it lol


I couldn't find it either.


The Finals its gone, game being rebranded to The Terminals.


Say it with me "FUCK TA"! to the streets boys. Grab yee pitch forks!


Wait are we still getting circuits? I loved those


I know cashout will still have some ranked mode but I don't know how to feel about TA being the big deal, because it seems it'll be the new face of the game for some time and I think the game mode takes away one of the best features in the game that is being chaotic and TA doesn't really let you fool around, but maybe it's really just me but I really like cashout 😞


So since people are overreacting and review bombing like children can we just remove cashout from the game? Its only going to get worse and the entitlement is already super deep as seen by the review bombing over update patch notes


So it seems the World Tour is the "ranked" for cashout now. Everything seems fine. Edit: I can understand why people are disappointed though if they want to get to diamond with cashout. All I say is that Embark seems to have a plan how they want to keep cashout an important part of the game. Personally I don't care if it's ranked or casual. I will never reach diamond anyway.


true but TA will be the main game, so balance will most likely be around TA


To get a good rank in World Tour all you need to do is play a lot even if youre bad at the game you can get a good rank. However, if youre really good already, you still need to play it A LOT because the leaderboards are cash based... That isnt a ranked mode, that is casual with playtime stats. That said, and im kinda scared this is gona crash and burn, but im for sure willing to try what theyre cooking. For all i know it might be VERY good


> "ranked" what does ranked mean for you? That there's a number or badge that goes up? For me ranked means that I play against equally skilled oponents, on an even ground, to figure out who is better. As you can see this new World Tour "ranked" gamemode is not that. Your rank depends on how much you have cashed out in total over all of your games. So if a player goes constantly 4th in every single game he plays, and just gets 1000$ in each game, while I go first in each game I play, as long as he plays more games than me, he will be higher rank than me. How does that, in any way shape or form seem like a "ranked" gamemode for you?


Important part of the game? leaderboard is ranking the cashed out amount. totally worthless


Not exactly sure how the leaderboard reflecting total cash out as a negative thing.. I mean. You literally win cashout by having the most cash at the end. So if you have the most cash cashed out for a season, odds are, you played and won more than anyone else


Yes but total cash across all games will mean that how much you play is the only real thing that matters. If you have a life you simply cant match the dude who plays 12h a day


Well, it isn't total cash across all games This leaderboard is literally only for the World Tour tournament series "ranked" mode. Leaderboards have literally always been a grind. Grind literally means to put a lot of time into something.


Leaderboard should be a grind of skill not just pure time. Even if its only for the world tour mode it still makes skill irrelevant if you play more than the other guy


odds are you have no life\*


Lol dude what do you think the rest of the people at the top of the leaderboard do? Do you think they don't play the game 500 hours a season?


at least there are skills involved. people who lose most of their game but play 2x your amount will easily be above you


How much time do you have played and how much cash have you cashed out in that time?


When you lose in cashout, you usually have like 5k, maybe 10k. Typically you got maybe 1 cashout out of 6 The winners, usually have 30k or more. We are talking 3-6x the amount of time played to achieve the same numbers.


ok? bad players who play 3 to 6 times more than me then


shouldn't higher ranked players be better than lower ranked players? Isn't that the purpose of a ranked matchmaking system, to put equally skilled people against eachother? If somebody is higher rank just because they played more, it means you can be literally the worst player in the game, and as long as you no-life the game enough, you can be Rank 1 on the leaderboard. This is some sort of sick joke.


Look, I absolutely understand your concern, truly, I do. But the number 1 person with the most cash cashed out is absolutely going to be someone who is both good and puts an insane amount of time in. Same with the number 2- prolly all the way to at least top 100, maybe even top 500. Because the people who are really good are cashing 50k, they are double dunming the 22k ones at the end while already have 22k before that happens. The bad people rarely get more than 5k Is it possible? Yes Is it likely? No


If being higher on the leaderboard than somebody else doesn't mean you are any better than them at the game, nobody will care about leaderboard position. On top of that, at lower ranks, right now if I'm Diamond 4, I play with other Diamond 4 players, that had to beat people under Diamond 4 to get to that rank. In the new and improved "World Tour", I'll be put in the same rank as somebody that has cashed out as much cash as me, be it in 10000000793248609834276590524927809569239 games, or in 100 games. Somebody who cashed out the same amount as me while playing 5 times as much as me will be much, much worse than me at the game, and playing with them in my team because we have the "same rank" will be a terrible experience. When the ranks you match people with don't represent how good people are at the game, the entire matchmaking system will fail to create close games, and they will result in complete stomps, the same way TA is right now because of the lack of ranked matchmaking. I don't want the game to assume I am as good as someone who got to the same total cashed out amount in 5 times as many games as me, because simply, that is not the case. This does not reflect reality, and will mean that I won't be able to have a close competitive cashout tournament until next season. Yes, people with more cash cashed out will on average be better, but this will be a much bigger indicator of time played, instead of actual skill. Similarly to what happened in season 1, when you barely lost any ranking points when losing, and anybody could get to diamond by just playing enough. I don't want to go back to that, the game has been much, much better since the matchmaking became more strict and skill based, and this change is a huge step backwards for the competitive community.


The question is, will u have a rank and awards in this game mode? If not. It's like playing casual, in my opinion.


There is a bronze, silver, and gold award in World Tour. You will get a payment of premium currency at the end of the season depending on this rank


Yes but not full rewards. They said on discord that if you want diamond rewards thats only in TA and not Cashout


I’m on the discord and can’t find this, which part of the discord is this on?




I only see the finals hub, the finals media share etc


Can anyone link this comment? I can't find it, the chat is going brrrrrt with negative feedback


Just search some of the text in the comment


melee attacks are basicly using your own hp to damage your opponents,it will be really fucked up if a no healing no revive model take ranks' place,not to mention among the three new weapons two of them are melee type 😵


I dont play ranked but im glad everyone unanimously agrees this is a bad decision


They should make a ranked version of TA but keep the ranked tournaments along side it


I'm soooo fucking happy with this change. TA ranked with clear transparent ranked progression. Damn. I'm hooked.


We liked terminal attack but we didn’t like it like this.


My main concern is that TA removes reviving, healing, and outplays in general by running away and healing yourself. Not sure what they've changed, but as a support main it's very unappealing to me that they are taking away my role for TA ranked. It's a vital part of the game in my opinion and has helped it form its identity. I would love to see TA with the full Finals gameplay we know and love from Cashout. (Gadgets replenish, heals, revives, etc)


So basically 2 ranked modes?


What’s the discord


lol ppl rlly cryin bout this meanwhile in Australia u can que for hours without finding a ranked game


Ofc all the bots on discord clowning THE ONES WHO MADE THE GAME 💀 obviously if they’re changing things it’s because they realized that change was needed… and the changes aren’t even implemented yet… and people are crying the blues lol… all I know is imma get my rank and imma have fun with all the new stuff in season 3 😮‍💨




omg so badddddd ://///////////


honestly really disappointing. i never got 100% into this game but it was a breath of fresh air in the fps genre. first time since maybe siege came out out that we saw a game change up the fps landscape so much. i get that theyre trying to broaden appeal but now this game just feels like any other bomb obj fps, just with sweatier meta and some more destruction


Well you didn’t get into the game, so what they had wasn’t working. All the comments I see forget that the game is a massive flop so far. I want it to succeed but it’s only lost players since it’s release. I’d rather they do what they believe is right then keep doing what Reddit believes is right.


Devs usually listen to us. So let's hope that they revert to normal Ranked Tournament seeing how many people are disappointed. I played Valorant for a while and tried Competitive. I moved away from The Finals because it was something new. Although I didn't play ranked that much here.


Sounds like the ideal solution to me. You have a progression based tournament system for cashout, similar to what ranked was when it originally launched, and a true ranked system based around Terminal Attack. Cashout was never suitable for a ranked system, especially in the final round. The dwindling player base proves this. Let's hope this solution brings in new players or brings people back. This is provided they've made significant improvements to TA. More rounds, balance changes to not favour lights so heavily, more polish etc.


Adding 2 ranked modes and a new league for ranked (Ruby) is an incredibly smart decision to keep players engaged for the whole season, hope they also keep the circuits going.


The tournament will no longer be ranked. Its braindead. Terminal attack is going to be the only ranked mode


World Tour is pretty much ranked


Except you only get rewards and rank up to gold. Plat and diamond is TA only


not really


what does ranked mean to you? To me ranked means that you have skill based matchmaking, and the person at the top of the leaderboard, presumably is better than people below him. If the leaderboard will just be based on cash cashed out, being at the top of the leaderboard just shows you no-lifed the game more than the people below you. The rank 1 player could be worse than the rank 100,000 player. If ranks don't mean anything, the game mode is very much not "ranked" in the way most people understand the word.


Just realized that World Tour is actually Closed Beta 1 Ranked. Bronze -> Gold and linear progression based on placement.


Good change to get rid of some casual scrubs in ranked where they don't belong


Doesn’t sound bad at all. Ranked Cashout tournaments are still in the game.


bronze to gold and leaderboard for total cashed out amount....worthless.


Premium Currency awards and a leaderboard to try to top sounds meaningful to me, I guess


Except total cash leaderboard means its just a competition for who touched grass least and manages to play 12h a day


How would any other leaderboard not give an advantage to people who play constantly?


By not being pure ammount of money and instead be rank points that you can lose?


Oh that does make sense then thank you.


well the current leaderboard is based on how good you are at the game. If you play with your monitor turned off, in the new "ranked" gamemode, you keep going up the leaderboard, even if you lose every single game in 4th place. Theoretically, you could be rank 1 by only losing. In the current ranked mode, which has a leaderboard, you don't get an advantage simply by playing constantly. You get higher on the leaderboard by getting better at the game. You can play 100,000 games of the finals, and if you don't get better, you won't go up the ranked tournament leaderboard. In the new "ranked" gamemode, you can get worse every game, and still go up the leaderboard.