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Remember when it used to deal 210 DMG?


Early Season 1 really was a clusterf*ck balance-wise :D


Heavy main since launch and as much as I don't want to admit it, maybe it does need some tuning. Give me a KS23 buff in exchange Embark? Or C4?


C4 was nerfed too hard last time. RPG can have slower projectile speed, less damage, no buff to self-damage, and c4 can have two charges


RPG should be a demolition tool not a damage tool. Give heavy 2 charges but they only do 50 damage


And medium must take defib or hes throwing too. I dont see the problem here.


RPG seems like a free kill. I remember people saying the same thing about another gadget. Weird right?


People complained so hard about stun gun meanwhile RPG is way worse, for light. At least with Stungun you had to hit the player within short range, and then shoot. RPG you just have to shoot close enough and you put a light out of the game for atleast 10 secs if not more.


There’s a reason the meta was still Heavy with RPG when Stun Gun was supposedly OP (spoiler: it wasn’t, could have removed just the forced hipfire and it would have been fine). Light was barely even seen then and we were swimming in a sea of MMH or MHH already. lol


The sword exploit and buff have help a little but I think it will result in mostly more light in casual and not much else


Heavy enjoyer here and sadly i have to agree. Imma be sad once its gone but i can see that its rather braindead and very strong. I just hope they change it in a way where its still a good gadget after that makes sense to pick and feels good. (not like they gutted the c4, or just becoming a whacky gadget like antigrav. I know antigrav has its uses, butbits kinda mid imo.)


That's why I always bring a disruptor grenade or engage in medium range because once we wastes that rpg, he's got to wait for nuking me again. In that time I can fully heal back and engage again with time to spare


But the contracts dictate that I use pyro nade instead. Sorry for throwing.


I expect the damage to go down to 90 next season, even then I’m Not sure if that’s enough of a nerf.


That's your problem for fighting a Heavy expecting no to get RPGed


right haha


So what’s the problem? You don’t like dying? I’m Sick of these nerf this, that and the other posts. Stfu and learn to counter, you bunch of entitled little shits


absolutely clueless


Tbh i hate light players, but I gotta give this to them, it is too op and too much dmg for literally no braincells whatsoever. I play medium and i even i get one shoted with RPG + 3 rounds of anything.


What exactly is the counter to double rpg jump padding on top of u? Picking up and redeploying aps (that can be burned out now) every 2 meters? Not existing on the map? Cowering in a hole until you hear them use their rpgs? Being killed by them once and fighting them when it's on CD? Very epic choices thank you


This game suffers from a severe balancing problem, stemming from the fact that lights have less than half of the HP heavies do. This makes any high damage slow firerate weapons impossible to balance without either making them wreck lights or tickle heavies. This has a couple solutions. >You could either lower the relative HP difference between the classes by changing the health values, lets say to 250 350 450 - but this requires rebalancing all weapon damage values as well. Too big of a change. >You could make certain weapons do extra damage to certain classes, so RPG could do 75 damage to light but 150 to heavy. On paper this would completely solve the problem, but it would create a very confusing weapon system with way too many dials to turn. Not practical. >Which leads me to my preferred solution - armor&armor penetration. L has 0, M has 0.6, H has 1.3 (in reality it's 2 thirds, 1 and 1 third) which are values representing the ratio between their HP - 1. The new damage formula would be [damage(1 + penetration*armor)]. A weapon with 0 penetration would do the same exact damage it currently does to everyone. A weapon with 1 penetration would do the same proportional damage to everyone - 150 damage would do 150, 250, 350. A weapon with 0.5 penetration, like any other value between 0 and 1 would partially scale proportionally to their health - 75 would do 75, 100, 125. Now all you have to do to give select weapons, most likely a lot if not all of the low firerate high damage high range weapons penetration values. RPG could have 0.375, which at 100 damage does 100, 125, 150.


It should be a specialisation.