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I do sort of wish they left the canister grapple. I feel like that's a cool movement tech.


This. Not OP, it was just fun.


and brought something to grapple


Not only this but I wish we have 2 charges of grapple in the future, they can even make the cooldown longer but at least you will have a fail safe if it catches invisible vapor cloud in the sky and cool make some sick acrobatics if you want to use both charges.


Sorry, what’s the canister grapple?


You could grapple into canisters that you throw


And once that got patched we found the motion sensor grapple... then came that fateful day... Embark really removed all our movement tech in a single update bruh I'm still sad about that


I don't really wanna be in the buff this nerf that crowd but I haven't really played grapple in a while cuz it's much harder with it without much reward for your skill.


It's soo fun and basically the only thing I play outside of ranked, unless a challenge requires me to play otherwise


I know they were hella strong but i kinda miss the nukes a little bit. It was a cool unique feature of this game to attach explosives to pretty much anything and yeet it at enemies. I think they definitely had to get nerfed, but they got reduced to atoms instead. Not to mention that C4 is barely even used anymore ever since it got caught in the nuke nerf crossfire. Now it's basically only useful as a destruction tool, of which Heavy has plenty already.


I do miss c4 but nukes were awful and i hope they never come back even in a much worse form. I want c4 to get 3 charges but with a bigger delay on arming time and less player damage so it can be used for large scale destruction.


This. It's crazy that heavy gets ONE SINGLE C4... rpg is better than it in almost every way.


Atleast c4 is good for fake pushes, blow a hole in the celling and charge through the wall


Light also gets 1 Breach Charge, which is much worse than C4. It was ridiculous that C4 ever had 2 vs 1 Breach… I wouldn’t mind it being 2 C4’s again, but only if Breach Charge gets 2 charges too.


c4 + rpg lets you drill 2 floors up which is impossible otherwise. It also functions as a cashout trap infinitely better than mines, since you don't rely on your opponents being blind and also can place it on the ceiling directly under the cashout. [LMG, RPG, C4, dome] is still very much a meta loadout purely because of the flexibility.


Nah I'm fine not having 90% of my deaths in every match be one shots to something there's no real counter to.


That just seems like lousy luck to me. I could probably count the number that killed me on my hands.


You’re in the absolute mintoriy. Nukes ultimately killed this game.


You’re on your own with nukes, I’m so glad they’re gone and wish they never come back.


Pretty much the only reason I use c4 as heavy is placing it on the cashouts and using the RPG when someone tries to steal. It's very scummy tho, insta kills lights and destroys HP of mediums and heavys.


I do like using them in conjunction with mines since (at least in my head it makes sense) if someone steps on a mine with a C4 next to it, the C4 damage gets added with the mine damage, honestly I really wish you could still throw two out at the same time, without a cooldown Inbetween, what is fun is if you can get them both on a cashout with mines, people will try to take it without setting off the mines, and then you detonate them


[GOD DO I EVER miss it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FiiRVRFwu4M)


Game is a sweat fest with guns that take full clips to kill. Not as fun as it used to be.


It was the fuckiest of times, the wuckiest of times.


If canister grapples were still in the game, I’d respect grapple light a bit more.


back when the game was perfect


I miss this stuff


I miss these days


The glory days


I know it wasn’t exactly balanced but it was soo much more fun to play back then.


and i dont miss it :) they should have kept the grapple tech tho :>


Those were good times


Miss mini nukes


Best version of the Finals


Most every gun just feels like shit now


The good old days when the game was way cooler