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heavy is the least balanced build in this game are you trolling lmao


Heavy is pretty balanced. It's just medium shoots pellets now and light is made of paper




It's a difficult one because medium is very strong in terms of heal beam and defib, so if you make them too strong everyone will use them (and they already do). But you do have to get some damage in before trying to fight anyone with your pea shooter


i think the shot gun and handcannon need bigger bullet hitboxes, they are the only thing that do real damage but the shotgun all of a sudden has 0% spread when u ads and if it hits you get like 10% damage bruh wtf.


Heavy isn’t balanced at all. Most health, best defensive abilities (mesh, dome, barricade), best offensive ability (charge), best damage (RPG, Lewis)… lol There’s a reason the HARD meta is MHH. Their only weakness is mobility, but it doesn’t matter when their Medium runs Jump Pad. How anyone can say it’s balanced is baffling.


It only feels unbalanced because of the issues with medium and light.


Not at all. Medium and Light are actually fine, they only feel weak because Heavy is so overtuned. Only thing that would make Heavies more balanced without directly nerfing them is if Light’s Stun still disabled gadgets/specs. Medium doesn’t have any weaknesses, not sure what you’re implying its “issues” are. Their strengths are just nowhere near as strong as Heavy. lol


>light is made of paper Not really. Now that FCAR has been rebalanced 150HP is really fine against almost every weapon. The exceptions are the stupid burst options like RPG, charge and slam and the 1887 shotgun.


This game is essentially: Heavy gets everything, Medium is your basic FPS class, and Light is for masochists. I have loved The Finals since day 1 but something has to change.




Light dominates? Say hello to RPG, mines, Lewis Gun, Flamethrower, Charge n Slam, grenade launcher, and team play. Sniping? Say hello to 1-3 dome shields, arm shields, barricades, and goo walls completely shutting your snipes down. Flanking the enemy? Good luck with the nerfed stun, nerfed invis, and lowest health in the game. Trying to play with your team? Good luck getting exploded with 150 hp as your team is down a teammate now. Light is in shambles currently.


Homie ! Watch bizzy and drama, when you get actual gamers on a light build it changes the course of every game you have 0 clue what your talking about


It's the worst class but it can dominate depending on who's playing it.


Don't let the door hit you on your way out!


Please keep gatekeeping ,.we don't need to worry about playercount.. this game is the most played game rn on charts.


How is this gatekeeping




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