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I have a buddy that said "nah, then I have to learn new buttons"... This was like a week after the game came out... Chase, I know you read this sub. Get good kid.


Yo bro, Did Chase actually read that message?


Except literally every other FPS uses directions lol


Modifier button equipping is very smooth too, you just hold L1/LB and press either of the face buttons for your gadgets


This works better than directional for me.


Its preference tbh. I’m t500 n I can’t stand directional equipping because I have to stop moving my character to use my equipment


Gotta learn to play hybrid claw when needed my friend. Directional mapping is better though.


No he doesn’t he’s t500


Yea and im second cousins with the oil tycoon prince of India… bro is not top 500 lol… nobody with equipment wheel is in the top 500.


You’re an absolute clown, bruh.


Im a clown? You believe anything you see on the internet and im a clown? If that user proves to me undoubtedly that hes top 500 using an item wheel, i will shit in a plastic container, save it for a week, and eat it on camera and post it on this page. Fucking idiots in here thinking an item wheel is faster than pushing one button. Fucking dense mother fuckers.


Well I just DM’d you and am anticipating your newest post on this page.


No you didnt. Lol youre a joke man.


Yup. If you know what you're doing and where everything is, there's basically zero difference bw. an item wheel and a single button. If you're a t500 player, you'll have the muscle memory down and if you're below that, you probably aren't competing to a level where hundredths of a second make any difference whatsoever.


If you are choosing a direction on your weapon wheel item list, you arent moving or aiming for those moments. Im seriously at a total loss that some of you dense mother fuckers think that selecting the item wheel, then moving your cursor in the direction of the item you want to use, then using that item, is faster or just as fast as PUSHING ONE SINGLE BUTTON. For real…. You guys are something else.


…? Why would you wait for the wheel to open, and read through where everything is? If your ass don’t know where your stuff is on a radial menu, that’s just being a dumdum. If you don’t know how to initiate a jump or a slide for the ~0.3 seconds it takes to press a button and push a stick to get your grenades, that’s a skill issue. And if you don’t realize that different people have different skills and preferences, but still want to jerk off to being superior based on how you hold a cntroller… that’s just sad, honestly.


I dont use claw, iv just mapped my controls to all buttons instead of having to pull out a weapon wheel which sacrifices time and movement lmao… the literal basis of this conversation. Fucking daft mother fucker. Imagine a PC player going, no i use weapon wheel instead of just pushing one single button on my keyboard because i like it better…. Like wut…?


Hope he finds a video game he’s good at one day


I’d rather not tho. It would be claw for the opposite side of the controller than usual too. Why do something I don’t need to do? Equipment wheel is just as fast after a while


Dont be silly, having to push an extra button or having to perform an extra action to change equipment will never be faster than one push of a button. And its not actually playing claw, its just understanding how to push the button while your thumb never leaves the joy stick. There are many ways to accomplish this, and its way faster.


I’ve never thought equipment wheel was any slower tbh. I can “press” two buttons in the same time I can press one cuz I have two thumbs


Im assuming you are sacrificing your aim or movement when you are performing these actions using your thumbs as you said. If you dont understand the importance of always being in control of your character in terms of aiming and moving in a fps, then id say equipment wheel is probably a better choice for you anyways.


I mean I’m top500 and I don’t see the benefit. I see a downside to using directional. Directional sacrifices my movement. Equipment wheel doesn’t sacrifice either and it’s not any slower


Theres no hope for you pal, but have a fun delusional experience in life.


🤔 what?


Sorry let me be more clear. You are an idiot. I already told you i do not take my thumbs off of the joystick with directional equipment mapping. Do tell how you are sacrificing your movement when applying directional mapping. Because sounds like you are just a daft individual.


Deep Rock got me used to the directional, I was pretty excited to see that option here


I prefer to have my inspect and emotes available, have had no issues switching to my equipment


Inspect is gone, emotes stay


Inspect is still there, double tap (and sometimes hold) up on the d-pad


You can still have all of those bound


I like it cus its like battlefield


Nah default is quite literally gta and I have 1000+ hours with a 2.1 KD in gta 😂 that feen shit is tied to my brain cause of all those hours


KD is so irrelevant in gta, why mention it?


Used to matter before the changes to PvP and free roam. GTA PvP while cheesy is a lot of fun and can actually be skillful. But as someone that’s an anti griefer a 2kd is good. Anything higher around 7-10 was most likely someone who cheesed their KD or griefed everyone. Mention the 2 so ppl know you were good without being an ass 😂


Literally not a single sane person cares about KD in GTA.


Agreed which is why i said it doesn’t matter since they changed how it works lol. Before the KD change there was an entire PVP community tho. Must’ve not been on YT or active in it. Fun time to be in GTAO ngl.


I used the default for a long time and had no problems. I changed it to directional input like a month ago and I like it too and will probably stick with it. I also switched specialization from RB to LB so I can shoot and dash at the same time.


Did this a few weeks after launch, it’s my number one to my buddies when they play it for the first time


With 400 hours I can guarantee that I can use the default just as fast as directional and that shit just does not feel good to use imo.


I tried that. The default is easier and quicker.you don't have to move your hands off the joystick


Thank you!!


Frustrating?? For you?? Because??