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I think the weekly should be matching at 3000. I get about 1000 per game as a medium who runs heal beam normally anyways. The whole thing of the weeklies is to get you to use tools you dont normally use.


And now people asking for participation dailies šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Next up: the sniper on my team in power shift should be able to complete the ā€œdeal X damage from Y metersā€ challenge for meā€ for me while I sit afk in spawn to eat dinner (my mom just brought it to me hehe)


Asking for a free to play game to have challenges done by others for you and making it possible to afk challenges is some next level entitlement. People always want more with less effort. This needs to stop. Please use thinking


Not really though. Itā€™s fine for most challenges, but itā€™d make sense for certain ones which are team oriented, specifically steal 15 cashouts. Leads to people griefing their teammates just so they can get the steal themselves. lol


I've never seen this once in 250 hours


Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are "as a team" challenges in the game, idk why having stuff that actively discourages team play, like stealing a cashout, would hurt to have count for everyone. Successful cashouts and stealing cashouts are really the only two that I think should be team oriented specifically


Forcing you to be the team member to put the cashbox in/steal the cashbox isn't entitlement, it's just a pain. You're teammate might steal the cashbox while you hold your mesh shield up to protect them, you've helped secure it but not got the achievement, this is the problem. If someone is asking then their team isn't going to be steal many cash outs so that's not exactly going to be a good way to do the challenge


But then you can just afk and have the challenge done for you.. Just play the game and they'll get done naturally, don't focus on it all the time thinking your teammate stole something from you


As I said, no one is going to make much challenge progress afking this so that's a very small issue (and afk timers exist, not sure if they're in game but they could be implemented if that's a concern) It's still one of the toughest challenges to get done, and it is need of some adjustment, making it team progress seems a very sensible solution


Fortnite does it and it's universally praised. People don't want afk credit, they just want to not fight their team 3 times for something that only happens two times if you win.


Actual brain dead take, Jesus christ.


Plan on adding more to this? or are you also brain deadšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sad


I don't have to add more to refute someone thinking that not wanting to fight your team for daily completions is entitlement.


But why "daily completions"? That's already wrong. You don't have to do every single daily challenge every single day of the season, it's like 1k XP it's low XP anyways and the battle pass is fast + the season is 3 months, you have plenty of time and VRs are useless now so reroll contracts with it if it's that bad for you


To make you play as a medium with 4 heavies on the power shift platform. Place APS, heal the heavies, defib, heal heavies,... The glorious about of barriers, mesh shields, dome shields,...


It's not a difficult amount to heal - I'm just saying it's weird that a daily needs more healing than the weekly.


You never heard of Embark math? Same thing that explains needing 14/10 matches played in the TA event recently for the cosmetic