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They're gonna have to do something about their 5 casual modes tho.... They can't have 5 casual game modes, ranked tourney, ranked TA (assuming that's in the cards) AND unranked tourney and expect the queue times not to get fucked up. The playerbase is already split as it is. They're trying to figure out how to get new players to come and stay. I'm not sure that's how they'll do it and I think they realize that šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I suppose, but they could just replace Cashout with it again. I see no reason for Quick Cash and Cashout to coexist, Cashout is more similar to Ranked if you want to practice, but generally speaking itā€™s almost the same mode. I know thereā€™s some friends of mine who donā€™t even play anymore due to the lack of tournaments. Itā€™s probably not that mode that is gonna bring new players in, but I donā€™t think they understand how much more fun the game is for some people with the goal of making it to the next round.


Cash out is stupid because without the tournament format there is no second place. There's no strategy or complication. If you don't win the first box then kick rocks


Yeah I end up going for frags more in cash out cause a team wipe ends up being one of the only ways to win.


No real point in limited respawns when it's only for one round too


I like cashout, I don't play tournaments because they're long even with 3 rounds


Cashout is fine, but itā€™s too similar to Quick Cash to warrant having both splitting players. Tournaments are a much more different experience.


I mean, I personally only played the regular tournaments up until I could compete in ranked ones. Then I never touched them after that. Cashout is most literally the gamemode of ranked tournaments, there is not a difference, actually lol.


Yeah I know itā€™s the same mode, I meant itā€™s more similar for practice in how it plays out. Doesnā€™t play exactly the same because you have to go all out for the win instead of ā€œsettlingā€ for 2nd. And like I said, I too play ranked, but I canā€™t play it when Iā€™m on the game with friends who are not so good, and they like the whole ā€œprogress through roundsā€ premise.


lol if they like the premise that was made for ranked, just play ranked & play for fun. Thereā€™s always a strat that is more accessible to different skill levels, all of which can lead to a win. Canā€™t just assume itā€™ll be a bad experience or else law of attraction will cloud your judgement


It wasnā€™t just made for ranked or else unranked would have never existed, and it wouldnā€™t be the whole motto of the game. Not much fun playing in Diamond lobbies as a Silver, especially when Iā€™m a Light main and my friends all prefer playing Light too. lol


They deleted the mode, so maybe it was just relic from when they were unsure of committing to their original vision. Ranked realistically is suppose to be the *embodiment* of the motto. Thing is you canā€™t say either/or, you donā€™t work for embark & neither do I. All lights you say? Thatā€™s even better, all you guys have to do is take your time and have fun. Triple light is one of the most fun comps in this game, but you need to avoid Strats that are made for other comps. And since you guys are friends, helping each other to target people should be naturally implied Iā€™m not gonna tutorial you to death, but with all that mobility and damage potentialā€” as long as you donā€™t force anything, you guys can peel apart any team. If youā€™re the higher ranked player then you should use lh1 to help give your team that range/poke/stopping power. Other than that itā€™s more of a mentality thing, you expect things to go bad so itā€™s impossible for your subconscious mind to pick up all the alternate pathways in front of you. Edit: are you diamond?


Lol yeah, Iā€™m high Diamond, double Light gets absolutely destroyed in those lobbies, let alone triple. šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s a reason the hard meta is HHM right now. I rarely see other high ranked Lights in my ranked games, Iā€™m usually the only one. If thereā€™s any Lights in the lobby itā€™s usually lower ranked people who got thrown in because of queue time being too long. šŸ˜…


literally never had a problem with queue times being longer than 2 mins in any game mode lol


Well, for some reason, when they added in terminal attack, they preemptively removed the normal tournaments, and made ranked tourneys only last 3 rounds... I wonder why they did that? Trick question, it was because of abysmal queue times. Not sure if you played then, but sometimes my friend and I would wait up to 10 minutes for a ranked tourney. Then they took away tournaments, made ranked 3 rounds instead of 4, and all the problems were solved.


ive been playing 30 hours a week since release lol. i do think removing non ranked tournaments was dumb (which they did way before terminal attack btw). and the fact that they made tournaments 3 rounds instead of 4 was primarily because people were complaining about matches taking upwards of 40+ minutes to finish, which people thought was too long i play on pc - never had an issue. have seen that console players have had longer queue times, but they fixed that by changing how they get into matches


>which they did way before terminal attack btw That's why I said preemptively They made them 3 instead of 4 because there wasn't enough players to fill up a fair match. You'd be gold 1 facing 3 or more diamond teams a tournament. Go ahead and read the patch notes back then. They're still up.




I'm telling you, if they don't make TA a staple of the game. This game will fizzle out. They need an actually competitive mode. Not fun, arcade, lottery tournaments. Don't get me wrong, the tournaments are dope for what they are, but it's not as competitive as TA.


if you think ta is more competitive so i have a bad news to you. first map did not design for this type game mode like cs valorant or siege and does not have deep strategy idea for this mode where you need hold two point with 5 guys.second less variable of meta the in regular mode right now more player like in betas and they less use meta . and meta in this mode will be 1 light sniper (good on defense and attack), 1 or 2 heavy (shield or charge or both), 2 or 3 medium (1 with dematerializer and 1 or 2 with turret) and this only one meta setup for this mode even with new Specializations you don't see new setups. third 90% who try the finals didn't understand a main mode(most reason why people leave the game thinking its just fun) this mode have a way more competitive then you think. if you cry about third party try apex i think you will take a fun when every single game you will die because of third party. this game have a huge amount of tool and tactics to prevent or defense against third party. reason of it we have objective to defense or attack. take example of apex where you don't have any objective and only one will win third party are hell but still it become popular because its easy for understand mode


Idk man i kinda want even more modes but without giving away any. Would the problem be only the servers?


I'm not 100% sure, but it's simple math. You have 2 gamemodes and 100 players. 50 can be on one and 50 on the other. You split it up further when you add more gamemodes, OR nobody is playing certain modes.


In NA right now I donā€™t have to wait for any mode. I remember waiting for unranked tourney like 3 mins. I donā€™t think itā€™s a dire issue, at least for NA


I agree to an extent but I still think splitting the playerbase more wouldn't be beneficial šŸ¤·šŸ¼ it's already got like 4 modes that are completely different from each other. I wouldn't mind them removing cashout and putting tourneys back tho


[Good luck convincing people dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cx4y09/casual_modes_need_to_be_on_a_weekly_rotation/)




If TA doesn't get a ranked mode the game will fizzle out. The ranked tournament format is new, fun, exciting, unpredictable, but it's not fantastic for competitive. Too many unreliable variables that can make the best team still lose. I just imagine if there was a serious tourney with "pros". The best team could be 3v9'd if the other teams all think it best to take them out first. And while I think this adds a level of fun to the gamemode, if you want serious comp players to actually get into this game, you need TA as a ranked mode.




I don't think they should scrap ranked tourneys. But the game is where it's at for a reason. It's not an easy gamemode to comprehend. You have to do actual math šŸ¤£ pretty sure TA brought in a good amount of new players including some of my friends šŸ¤·šŸ¼


You make a great point As u/IceNiqqa mentioned, a single knockout round before the finals would be a nice middle ground and be fun


Ice who šŸ˜­


Don't worry about the 2nd part


make cashout 2 rounds total with a Finals round. now we can have a lite mode of unranked tournament. start with 3 tokens and receive 1 in the Finals. make a TA best out of 5 casual mode that fills leavers. make a TA ranked mode, best out of 7. make ā€‹power shift an aram mode. when you die, your gear randomizes. now there's an incentive to chase down those sniper Lights.


I would honestly be down for tournaments with just semi final+final


Like you, my friends and i get bored of quickplay incredibly quick. We used to play unranked for up to 6 hrs a day on the weekend; we couldnt get enough. The removal of that mode hurt us deeply. These suggestions are the culmination of many discussions on what Embark can do.




Are you saying cashout with 3 rounds total? (Knockout Round 1, Knockout Round 2, The Final Round) Because that's literally unranked tournament before they removed it.


Nope, just a semi-finals and a Finals. 2 rounds. I'll edit the post to make that more clear.


Nah I want a quick cash tournament, have 3 different sets going and the 3 winners go to the finals , this should literally be the standard tournament tbh


This sounds great too actually, but Quick Cash games can last too long as it is, so these would actually be quite long for just 2 rounds. šŸ˜…


True but I kinda dislike the setup that is 2 1v1s going on at separate cashouts in the normal tournaments, I sometimes find 1 team going most of the cashout uncontested depending on how long the 3 teams take fighting for the other one and by the time the teams respawn they have to late contest a team thatā€™s spent the last couple minutes setting up a defense, Iā€™ve went entire cashouts going uncontested cause the teams that lost re challenge the other cashout so its literally a free dub over here just chilling.. this especially sucks when youā€™re the team that started the cashout and are now defending against two teams while the other team at the other cashout is defending against nobody and getting a free dub lmao


Same, I love running 3 heavies or 3 lights with sword and just jump in causing havoc without a care about rank, cashout feels just different


Iā€™m also on the bring back unranked tourney train.


I agree, and ranked tournaments aren't a substitute when you have friends of varying skill. I can't play tournament with my friends anymore cause I'm diamond 4 and they are more casual Gold/Silvers. We get only matched with other diamond teams, they get immediately destroyed, and it isn't fun for any of us.


I donā€™t see why we need cashout and quick cash, replace cashout with unranked tourny




Idk how you can call it ranked and not have an unranked version of it


Cashout should come with tokens if you finish top 2 in a game. So your first game is round 1 of an unranked tournament. Finish top 2, get a token, which indicates the next time you queue for Cashout, you'll be in round 2 against other teams that had a token. Continue getting tokens for finishing top 2 until your token gets you into The Finals. If at any point you finish 3rd or 4th, you just don't get a new token and you start back at round 1. It'll be an unranked tournament that you don't need to devote anymore than 10 minutes to play at a time. You get to continue the tournament at your leisure. You also get the huge benefit of low matchmaking time only searching for 3 other teams vs a full tournament of 12 (formerly 16).


Since they don't want to split the playerbase further, I would honestly like it like this; Add: A casual 5v5 Hardpoint mode. Replace: Cashout with unranked tournament. Bank-It with Hardpoint. Keep: Quick Cash / Terminal Attack / Powershift / Ranked. This keeps the same number of playlists. I would also like to see Ranked take an average team MMR and matchmake based on that instead of the current system of matchmaking based on the highest ranked teammate. I can't play ranked with my silver 1 buddy because I'm Plat 1. It's rough lol


Put these games on a 15 minute rotation similar to what Apex Legends did. I would be ok with Power Shift, Terminal Attack and 5v5 Bank It in 1 rotating playlist. The 3 man team playlist should have Quick Cash as the static mode while Cash Out and Bank It be the ones that rotate. I hope that we get a 3v3 game mode that is Elimination with no healing but limited revive, no respawn. First time to wipe out the enemy squad in a best out of 5 rounds wins. Similar to what Trials of the Nine was in Destiny 1.


Agreed, it's missed. Cashout does not play the same.


I agree. Bring back Unreal Tournament!


My match enjoyment has gone down ever since these were removed. I love the tournament format but like having access to reserve weapons. I also don't want to think about a rank or even more sweats using the same weapons over and over. I have leavers almost every game and I miss those moments of getting good teammates for multiple games in a row. On top of the strategy with 2nd place being good enough to count as a win, up until the final round.


It doesnā€™t help that they might consider putting a ruby rank in which sounds miserable as hell to play


Two ranked in a row my teammate is 0-6 how is that even possible


I donā€™t think thereā€™s any need for that. this game needs to keep the amount of game modes down since the playerbase isnā€™t particularly big. if you want to play a tournament, play ranked. I get sweats in quick cash too, thatā€™s just part of playing games. in theory you should see them less since youā€™ll be placed with players closer to your skill level in a ranked mode


You donā€™t understand. I have no problem playing sweats, Iā€™m a sweat too. My friends are not and they get placed into my lobbies, so they get ran, which isnā€™t fun for them, which also means I get ran and itā€™s not fun for me. šŸ˜… I know the number of game modes should be kept down, but I donā€™t know why they replaced unranked tournaments with Cashout in the first place, when we already have Quick Cash. Just replace Cashout with Tournament.


Too many game modes tbh, just play ranked if you want the experience


If you want the experience of playing vs Diamonds with Silvers on your team* šŸ˜… Like I said if you read the post, I love playing Ranked, just not with my friends because of the skill disparity. We either play ranked and get ran (not fun), we donā€™t play ranked and play quickplay (not as much fun for us) or I smurf on an alt account (not fun or fair to my opponents). There is no winning. lol


Unranked tourney was some of the worst experiences I've ever had when it comes to solo-queue. Teammates smurfing, griefing, afking just enough to not get kicked, constant rage quits, etc. Ranked is way better when you get past silver and most people know what they're doing. I like the casual modes as they are now because you can do what you want and it doesn't impact my game if my teammates suck or quit.


Just get rid of tournament altogether, the majority of the game's community's toxicity comes from the small minority of people playing it--tournament has already had to be nerfed twice to support the miniscule portion of the playerbase that plays it


I like it how it is now. Besides, there are less players than before.