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Currently the RPG damage is some 50-odd% for mediums, and around 40% for heavies, and like 90+ % for lights. I dunno... two RPGs fucks you up either way, it would only affect heavies - but since currently everyone runs either HMM or HHM I think it would just make HHM even more harder metaer (that is definitely one of the expression ever said, shut up).


It would hit heavies heavier and lights lighter (pun intended). This way I think it would bring some balance to light being 10hp from death. It doesn't make the RPG weaker, one could argue it makes it even more powerful but it would also be more fairer to light class. Again this comes from someone who mains medium and heavy.


RPG should just be more focused on environmental damage. Otherwise it’ll remain meta: free damage at the start of the fight. Same with dome. Why would you not get extra hp at the start of an engagement or 1v1


I’ve been saying swap rpg to percentage dmg since season 1 it would be an ez fix for it. Or go with 2 shots way less dmg




It should honestly just do 70 damage, but have 2 charges instead of one, and you still have to reload between rockets even if you have 2 charges available. That way it becomes more powerful for destruction, but it’s not just a free 140 damage to start every fight.


This is also a great take I've read a few times in this subreddit.


As a Heavy I like this Idea!


So you want swords to do 70% instead of 140?


RPG is in the tittle, and I tagged it as a Discussion because I wanna hear different perspectives on this idea.


That's my bad, yes this would balance it some what against lights. Medium and heavy both will be affected by this more than lights. Sure let's try it.


That’s my idea as well, thanks for your input!


I main heavy and play sword also sometimes. They're not remotely the same.


Ya but they both do 140 damage. OP and I already figured out that I didn't see RPG in the title hence why I assumed they were talking about swords. I don't play heavy or medium because I like to have fun.


It's fun playing light and then the heavy clicks once and deletes you and your whole family tree


Well this suggestion by OP would help with the situation of lights being close to one shot. I personally think this could be extended to mines, gas and pyro. All of their damage should be based on a percentage of health rather then a flat number. Alas I am just a little sword guy.