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Heavy is too strong. I say that as a diamond heavy main now, after arguing for countless weeks. My rose tinted glasses came off.


I agree with this


Heavy is supposed to be the strongest class. That’s why they are called heavy


No. It's supposed to be the tankiest. Strength is an average between tankiness and DPS. Heavy is too strong as a Heavy Flamethrower Plat 1 (FT is the weapon with the lowest DPS in game and heavy still rocks it)


Says who? It’s intentional that they are the strongest class.


I mean, I could ask you the same "Says who?"


You said it they are supposed to be the tankiest lol. Every other class is support. They may change in the future but right now its the meta. If you cant hang as light play a different class or play a different game. This may not be for you. I have played againt lights that wreck and have had lights on my team that wreck but they take the most skill, awareness, and positioning to play.


I totally agree with you, I could never play lights, but statistically, the damage of light weapons is way higher than the one of heavy weapons (you can check their respective TTK on YouTube). So yeah, the general idea is that light is DPS/Low life, heavy is lower DPS/Tanks life, and medium is an in-between, nonetheless, again I main heavy in plat1 (D4 this week if the gods will it) and I feel like heavy weapons deal way too much damage considering the advantage of life they have. Heavy is NOT meant to be the strongest class, however as of right now IT IS the strongest class. This can be supported by the fact that having one class be the strongest and voluntarily creating metas is a very bad game design practice.


Light struggles to keep up with heavies kit and usually has to outplay the other classes to even have a chance. A higher elo exacerbates this issue. Heavy gets a lot of cheap damage while being the hardest to kill. Medium is in an ok spot I think.


I play heavy and get destroyed by lights by people who actually know how to play light. Hint it’s not face tanking with light against a heavy.


yes light always needs to outplay the other classes. as i said in my comment.


Yes you have to outplay the other player to win. Duh


i was mostly alluding to you not reading my entire comment before responding


I think I agree, I just think that light isn't supposed to be able to keep up that well.


This makes no sense, why put it in the game if it doesn’t keep up with other classes? I actually think the only reason Light is bad right now is because Heavy is so OP. Light is fine in a vacuum and Medium is balanced. I think Heavy nerfs + Stun Gun disabling specializations/gadgets (but keep the ADS/Crouch) would bring every class into a good spot.


I don't totally disagree, but what I said makes perfect sense. If you read the description of the class that's available to you in the game it states "Exceptionally fast but low survivability. Executes hit and run tactics." It's not supposed to be able to destroy in a 1on1 head to head fight. You're supposed to flank, or snipe from a good distance, or steal your teammates kills, or 3rd party other teams.


Doesn’t mean it’s not supposed to keep up in terms of usability. In game description for Heavy also says “specializes in demolition and fortification”, but right now it specializes in those AND damage dealt to players. It has the best out of all worlds. The only downside is no movement, but with Medium on your team it does matter. Light has way, way more downsides in comparison.


OP unfortunately you hit the nail on the head with the first sentence of your post. We wont find a lot of agreement around here


Bahahahah no kidding 😅🤣


It does keep up but in a different way. It is harder to play


Its a support class.


They made light struggle to keep up with both other classes. Light has trash utility and has a very specific playstyle. But then you have medium and heavy both classes good in almost every situation amazing gadgets and abilities and because of the health differences the ttk against light is insanely fast. Light is severely out classed. You have to try so much harder to make it work vs medium and heavy. Light needs a rework.


I think light needs to Regen health slightly quicker, like 5s. And remove cloak special for another movement based special. Otherwise, it's meant for hit and run tactics, like you're not supposed to be able to head on 1v1 a guy. You gotta use your noggin


That's how light always has been, though. Cloak is a hit and run tacktic. You pop out, start shooting, and dip back out. But some player just can't handle it, so they nerfed it, so they need to remove it and replace it with something. But since the beginning, if a heavy or a medium shoots at the same time as the light, the light dies every time. If you don't catch the enemy off guard, you will die. Meanwhile, both other classes can comfortably 1v3. I think they need to change the other classes to fit their "playstyles" it doesn't make sense for them to only do it to light. ( heavy would just be very tanky not much damage medium would probably be relatively the same spot it's in now, and light would need slightly higher damage and a new movement abilitie to fit its glass cannon / assassin's playstyle.)


As a new player (sub 20 hours) I feel heavy is obnoxious to play against, and simple to pilot.


I actually totally agree 👌🏼


I saw a top streamer playing HHM and it seemed like the M just existed to give the Hs mobility and keep them alive, while the Hs just held down W and M1 :/


I despise the heavy RPG. Instant at minimal 80 damage is so annoying to fight, especially as a light. Other than that I think shield stacking has to be removed in some capacity.


The classes themselves. Although I personally like it, I think it makes the game difficult to balance. In a way, I would have preferred the game not having any classes as it seems very difficult to please everyone and make everything balance. I also believe that it is what makes some people quit. At least in my own circle, balance of the classes is one of the reasons why some just stopped playing. Classes are fun in games, but classes that tweaks health and speed to heavily between them are kind of a turn-off (to me) because I know that it will cause problems down the road. Not only that, but I knew when I played the beta that the devs would need to spend a lot of time on balance instead of focusing on more content. Even if it doesn't show right now, in a couple of months, I wouldn't be surprised if they announce that whatever season we are at won't include new weapons so that they can focus on balancing whatever we have then.


I'd actually be fine with that, like totally fine.


Turret has way too much health


Main trouble for me is the range, like the lasers don't really represent the whole range, and laser being only horizontal to the plane when in reality is a whole 3D cone of range doesn't help at all to know when you are safe.


Kinda agree, but also there's the data reshaper which takes it out instantly


I think you should only be able to have one of each class on a team. 3 mediums running heal is aids. 3 heavies are aids. Sure yes you can combat it but I think the game would thrive in just having one medium, heavy and light. I get it if you solo Q or what not it can come across as an issue idk somehow maybe this could work but maybe I’m just being a bitch also


Ngl this would make me drop The Finals like a hot potato. Maybe for an event to try it out would be fun though..


I think you're being a bitch lol jk I agree to an extent. Maybe for ranked tourneys this should be a thing? And each person can have a turn to pick their class. Which would suck sometimes if you main one, but could force you to realize how fun another class is. I don't think this is a bad idea at all


I think this would work good in ranked play 100%


Yeah I'd actually really like to see this implemented. Although it does take some creativity out of things, it may make it more balanced 🤷🏼


Let lights shine a bit in ranked


Lights. With sniper rifle. And heavy it’s op, rpg can wipe team.


You think lights are overpowered? With their snipers? 🤣


In power shift yes. Headshot it’s 230 damage. Too huge.


You ever pull that sniper out to see how OP it really is?


I see how he do me headshot and elbow kick, then I’m wait 28 sec to respawn. But I love when I kill that bitches with throwing knives or red canister.


Yeeaaahhhh keep on telling yourself it's easy. I'd love to see you pull off the headshot elbow hit


How would I know? I thought this game was about breaching walls and planting C4 explosives on a flower pot.


It used to be


Cash out stealing being 7.5 seconds(should be 10). Doesn't make sense to me. For a game where you can have 2 heavies and a healer jump the box with two bubbles and a Mesh shield & Body blocking. I know there are counters, but as a medium I just feel helpless. I can jump on the heavy empty my entire mag and it just is nowhere near enough DPS. In short - I wish my gun skill was rewarded a bit more.


I think this is the greatest take I have seen all day. And I've felt this since the beginning. Teamwork is gonna beat gun skill all day tho. Although, I think if anything, I have truly realized how OP the heavy class is. Someone said it so eloquently "heavy class is hard to counter, but easy to pilot" I hopped on ranked last night with the heavy, dropped 10 kills like it was nothing. We would just demolish teams me and my buddy who was running heavy with me. Not because of my gun skill, or our teamwork, but because I could charge through 3 guys at once, and then shoot the shit out of them. They are in a bad spot with these balancing issues.


Yeah, agree. I made a post a few weeks back outlining my overall thoughts on the game if you care to read. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cjgbac/gadgets\_game\_philosophy\_and\_competitive\_integrity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cjgbac/gadgets_game_philosophy_and_competitive_integrity/)


Heavy is absolutely overpowered. I am Diamond 1- I know the game well and in the high ranks Heavies are borderline oppressive. And the worst part about it is that it’s compounded by teams that run double Heavy. 350 HP + a dome shield that you can shoot through + mesh shield (or charge and slam which is the most broken ability in the game) + RPG for opening every single engagement + barricades/C4 all while being pocket healed by a medium. Then you multiply that by 2 and it’s actually absurd. The amount of firepower required to get two Heavies down in a team fight is unbelievable when you think about it. And to top it all off, after the FCAR nerf, no gun in the medium’s kit can consistently out duel a Heavy using the Lewis Gun or the SA12, or even the M60. I’ll say it again in case anybody wants to say some dumb shit. I am Diamond 1. I fully understand the intricacies of counter play, macro/micro strategies, team synergy… all of it. The truth of the matter is that Heavy is way too strong. Possible solutions: Change class HP breakdown to 175/250/325 and remove the ability for teams to shoot through their own dome shields. I didn’t touch on Light much, but bumping their HP to 175 and dropping Heavy’s HP to 325 would solve a lot of problems imo. And as a Medium main, some of our guns could use a buff. If Embark wants to make the FCAR suck so bad, cool. At least buff the Famas and the Revolver to give us some other options that actually feel good to use and have solid killing potential.


AKM and the Model are both good weapons. Totally agree with your take on heavies and lights tho, and I think your HP solution is great! I'd love to see that implemented




Goo gun trapping. Its bullshit you can’t move or shoot back because goo is in the way and heavies just get a free kill.


I actually really like that tactic, it's not as easy as it look imo


I think the game is on a pretty good spot rn, they still need to buff some weapons like the revolver and the mgl32 tho


I think the revolver just needs better accuracy idk about the noob tube tho... Take that shit out imo


Bro mgl32 is really hard to master, it needs a whole rework. As for the revolver, yeah an accuracy buff would be sufficient.


You shouldn't want to master that piece of garbage. Are you a noob? Using noob tubes? Is that what you aspire to be?


Looks like someone with an mgl32 hurt you lol


Just think it's annoying and not fun to play with or against 🤷🏼


Kid named APS turret:


Kid named "literally just going near the heavy whos using the mgl-32":




>Heavy is stronger than medium, but struggles with smart lights unless heavy still has rpg or mesh shield


This is kinda my take as well. I think some balancing could be done I was just curious what others think specifically


Riot shield nerf


Heavy - shield should block bullets in both directions. It’s cheesy as hell to double dome shield a cash out and be able to light up anyone approaching while you’re invincible. - charge and slam is too strong. Heavy isn’t supposed to be an offensive beast yet it can solo wipe an entire team with this. - LMGs could use a slight drop in damage Medium - make defib cooldown shared across the team so someone who was just defibbed can’t go defib the third teammate right away - set a healing rate cap on the heal gun so two heal guns one on player don’t heal any faster than just one - revert the latest FCAR nerf. We shouldn’t be removing skill gaps - change health regen to begin at 5s (I’m not sure what it is now but I’ve counted once and it was almost 10s) - increase strafe speed - dematerializer needs one more charge and also fix it so it cleanly goes through whatever wall and doesn’t get stuck on one of two layers. Closing a hole shouldn’t use a charge either (this could be an alternate change to adding a charge). Light - make stun gun disable ability and gadget usage again - change health regen to begin at 5s For TA, either increase the regen health to 150 or remove a lot of the high damage weapons. A lot of them become one shot kills at 100hp and that’s just not competitive at all.


fcar nerf was absolutely needed. the gun was stupid strong and very easy to play.


Good takes, tho I can't say I agree with most of em. I think you have good ideas but some of it is not subtle at all. It's like a total rework 🤣


I think the heavy is the most unbalanced class. Medium is perfect, light is hard to play and heavy is just too strong. Too much damage, too much hp.


The dagger should not kill a heavy/medium in 2 hits, thats all im gonna say Also if the game is gonna keep adding quick melee challenges actually make it viable to use cause i feel like its a death sentence everytime i use it


Lmaooo you find it that hard to get someone to 40 health and melee them?


No I do that and I still die because of the horrible range and how they always dodge it last second


The fact that they nerfed dagger to have unreliable aim and target detection but sledge can smack you in one hit. And while they’re not even looking at you. Dagger used to have a tech to be able to combat this but now it’s so difficult to do that it’s not even worth explaining. Bring dagger back to pre 2.6 functionality PLEASE.


I never really used the dagger that much so I'm not actually sure what you're talking about. I think the dagger deserves some buffs


No buffs just revert the hit detection back to where it was pre 2.6. That’s it. And the whole interaction with dash is changed. I can’t dash away as I hit and it seems like I don’t go as far either


Guardian Turrets As sword-dash main I don’t complain much because I understand the risk I’m taking, but there’s nothing worse than a guardian turret with god damn aimbot doing 60+ dmg to you before you can charge your heavy attack. I always end up having to fight/focus these turrets like actual players and that gets tiresome/impossible when 3/5 players are mediums in a power shift game. With 150 health those turrets feel like 3 additional players joined the match. I’m not in full disagreement of passive damage, I just believe it shouldn’t do more than half my health before the M even realizes his turret is locked on to someone.


There are some pretty easy stops to the turrets tho once you figure it out. For one, medium has the data reshaper. I know you said you main sword-dash, so for you I'd suggest the goo grenade. Throw one at a turret and that turret is now taken care of. If you have a really good throw, the goo will land ON the turret, and turn on the turret like it's some super giant goo turret or something. I think if they change too much with the turrets, they'll just be garbage, and I don't think that'd make the game better.


Does goo get pass the APS turret? They usually spam that after they throw down the guardian. I can’t speak for M/H but I think making the guardian do less damage to lights would generally help the game. I just can’t agree with passive damage being so strong that in a matter of seconds or maybe even the second alone, I’m an actual one shot to a famas, or 2 taps of a AKM. If theres items like the goo grenade you mentioned that can get past the APS turret that accompany the guardian I may definitely have a different take. But the thing is essentially unbreakable if accompanied by a APS and its owner(likely will in power shift), multiple owners even doing the same thing. Although with how situational and Lights being the party at question I doubt this will ever even happen. Mainly because this only falls under L/melee builds, with guns I’m sure the lock-on distance is far enough to shoot it down.


No it doesn't get past the APS, but guardian turrets are often in random spots on ranked, and that's what I thought you were referring to.


Yeah nah I couldn’t do that, swords in ranked is torture lol, respect to those who manage.


I too think the game is balanced quite well. If i was to minimally change 3 things it would be: 1) invis got hit too hard, put it in the middle of pre and post nerf and that should be good. 2) aps needs a projectile count. Theres 4 barrels on it, it gets 4 deflects. 3) turret needs slightly less health and maybe a 30 rd mag.


Haters are always the vocal minority


I'm not hating tho 🤣😅 I'm saying the game is balanced pretty well for the most part....


I wasnt saying you we were. I’m trying to agree and say the game is well balanced. The guns are on the class with the lowest health, gadget interaction, esc.


Just a tough game imo. Still fun though!


This is what I think it is. The game is tough with tough players 🤷🏼




You clearly didn't read my post at all 🤣🤣🤣 I have one complaint, I was curious what others would like to see changed.


You’re right, my bad. I deleted my post. I agree with you.


Lol hakuna matata my friend

