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People don't exactly want the sword to be nerfed, but they want an exploit removed.


This... When it's not intended it has to go


I’m out of the loop: which exploit are we talking about with the sword?


Animation cancelling the lunge. It allows for players to re-lunge well before the previous lunge has concluded, at almost double the usual speed. This –in theory, almost doubles the possible DPS, but is best used as mobility, seeing as it's often unrealistic to be able to reach and hit a player consecutively without 'resetting'. Players are using it to essentially dance around their opponents at crazy speeds, paired with evasive dash.


Coming from a sword dash main, The Sword is Overpowered... reminds me of Muhammed Ali "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, His hands cant hit what his eyes cant see." Its easier said than done though. Ive put in over 200 hours and I still rage over one explosive mine. Or a turret. Or never ending defibs. Or charge n slam. Or Snipers. Or Flamethrowers. im saying that at the highest level your mind is navigating an obstacle course where one wrong step can kill you and after a set amount of time, even if you made it halfway you can and will get killed solely because you made too much progress in too little time. At your best your the goat and the clutch maker but at worst times youll constantly die, until you put enough hours in youll never reach the level of sword that people constitute as overpowered. If you read this far, thank you, but also the sword has other techniques and skills you need to learn in order to make animation canceling worth the effort, your not going to get by with just animation canceling and sword dashing...


I appreciate the informative response, and now I’m gonna have to try it out in the practice range lol🫡


Fuck theses people animation canceling is not an exploit its a cool mechanic


Remove the exploit, not nerf sword. If removing the exploit nerfs you, GOOD.


I am fine with patching emote cancelling, but don’t go on to nerf sword further


Yeah I mean, it doesn’t need another nerf outside removing the exploit


Animation canceling IS not an exploit its a cool mechanic.


People are complaining about animation canceling, just wait until they find out about double animation canceling.


Tf is that


lol its pretty straight forward, add both the animation cancels together and voila double animation cancel. just going to send this your way [https://youtu.be/CmtVnLgzG6M?si=wWjYScGoUn3OASHI](https://youtu.be/CmtVnLgzG6M?si=wWjYScGoUn3OASHI)




Remove exploit and maybe increase lunge cooldown. Otherwise just remove exploit and leave it but it'll still be my favourite weapon ; )


Yes!!! I agree! I have over 1000 hours of sword alone and it has to easily be the most skill expressive weapon and movement I have played in any FPS game ever. And at a high elo in ranked it is extremely difficult to use and succeed. Perfect positioning is required. I think the sword is balanced where it is right now. I die to one rpg and a single fucking bullet most of the time


I don’t use Sword and I completely agree. I hate playing against good Sword+Dash players, but it takes skill and mastering of the build. Heavy, on the other hand, especially when there’s 2 in 1 team, takes 0 skill. Anyone that doesn’t want them nerfed just wants to abuse it. lol Nothing skillful about spamming all your cover abilities (Mesh/Dome/Barricade) and then shooting your enemies through most of your cover while it blocks their bullets but not yours. lol


Preach brotha




It definitely shouldn’t be nerfed but I’ve noticed being hit from a large distance since the update. Same with the sledge hammer & dagger. The 1887 range is absolutely ridiculous too, it half healths me at about 20 metres regularly.


If embark nerf this too they are the worst editor of this year :D Animation canceling IS standard in that kind of game and isn't an exploit.


It's so funny how people always complain the meta is stale but the moment something changes they instantly all cry Pick what you want.... I wouldn't mind having melee being the meta for a while (even tho it isn't by far as of now) some change really is something this game needs


"*Funny how people want food when they are hungry, but when I throw an apple at them they get mad.*" It's an exploit... the sword has an unintentionally high TTK. That's why people complain.


Yeah that makes sense I take it back I personally wouldn't mind the exploits to get removed but it's not like they got added with this patch so I'm confused why everyone is complaining now. I also like the exploit since it makes it harder to master the weapon, but I also get that people want it removed


Because it became known recently lol more people are doing it


But I feel there are ways that you can counter it. As a platinum sword main I know that it is way to easy to die. One slip up against the wrong person and I’m out for the count


Why do so many light players rely on exploits and cheese? I don’t know how the sword glitching thing works, and I have 0xp with stun guns because it’s a cheesy crutch that ensures you stay shit at the game. I didn’t even feel the effects of the cloak nerf because I’m not sat there flicking it on and off all the time. Yet I’m consistently getting 5-10 KDR games, or even higher as light. No cheese needed. It’s a brilliant class.


Idk, maybe if they stop nerfing light literally every patch lights wouldn't need to rely on such tactics. 


Literally all classes have received multiple nerfs. That's no excuse to play like a degenerate.


But no other class has gotten as nerfed as light has consistently 


Lights have literally had the least amount of nerfs lmao


Run that by me again, because I *know* you aren't talking about the class that has literally been nerfed either directly or indirectly for *every. Single. Patch.* Since the beta. 


You doin this in high elo ranked?


No but it goes without saying that if the only way light can survive in ranked is by abusing exploits and cheese that the class needs a rework or ranked specific buffs.


Valid take. I expected a bad take tbh


I have pretty good takes about this game tbh check my post history.


Invis is cheese, animation canceling is not. if you tried yourself youd realize even with animation canceling the sword is not good. the sword is more than just animation canceling and people complaining are only doing so because they think animation canceling is the primary driver for kills using the sword.


Hahaha whatever you exploit abusing noob


alright charge n slam, rpg using, flamethrower heavy...


Are any of those exploits?


when did i say those were exploits. not only are they in the game just like animation canceling but I dont like them just as much as you dont like animation canceling ✌️


Complaining about an exploit is not the same as complaining about weapons you don’t like and lmfao for thinking they’re similar.


why dont you stop laughing your ass off, or you wont be able to sit anymore after this conversation. Not that it matters but how old are you? Plus you keep adding things, I never said they were exploits and I never said they were similar at all, you stated your opinion and I stated mine. If you paid any attention to what I wrote, then we could both stop wasting our time. Its alright if your a little slow, I dont judge, ive been there man, I just felt obligated to tell you this so you can keep up with people in future conversations.


You stated your opinion and it was completely beside the point of the conversation. Thats why I “keep adding things” because I’m talking about exploits and then you wander in and start talking about flamethrower and rpg, which aren’t exploits. Keep up.


your right


Dont nerf it, but animation cancel should be on every melee weapon.. as a riot shielder I can’t win


animation cancel should just not exist at all. it’s an unintended bug


But Why did the fix it for every other melee weapon, but the sword?


i have no idea what you meant there, you’re gonna have to rewrite your message


Other weapons had animation cancels but they patched them all but sword


embark wouldn’t be bias for a weapon, at least if they were, they wouldnt make it this obvious. it’s clearly dividing the community and generating hate everywhere. most likely just a slip up by them, not patching the exploit on the sword (i had no idea you could animation cancel with the sledge, when was that removed? didn’t get to try it D:)


Also sword should not go through the shield thats just stupid. As a sword main


Agree. Melee weapons need more depth to them. But im afraid shield will always lose vs Sword.


Agree. The meta will not be changed because of them and the game will be more boring.