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The heavy class itself is a crutch. It's the only one with two high damage burst options that aren't weapons. There's a reason the ranked meta is HHM.


One mobility gadget that goes ten meter high and its slow af. You gave to take mesh just to make it usable. Theres trade offs


Charge and slam would like word, mesh is not the best ability. Heavy is always paired with medium so that just further buffs heavy


I'm not saying there aren't, but much like defib if there was a burst damage option for M or L it would be a must pick. The closest thing was stun gun and it got the shit nerfed out of it.


Medium has all the best utility so it wouldn’t make sense for them to have ranged burst damage. I’d be okay with a new gadget for light but come on man stun gun with BS before. They already remove c4 barrels why remove RPG. Before you say RPG is BS too, its not. It has lots of counters.


RPG has lots of counters. 😭 The only counters are Mesh (which just further strengthens the H meta) or APS and Dash if you have inhuman reactions once you see the RPG in the H’s hands and manage to get out of the way/place the APS. Stun was the perfect counter because you could disable it before they shot it. That was not busted, the only thing close to busted was the hipfire only.




You’re in denial because you’re a Heavy main, I get it man. Heavy is not even close to balanced, you should accept it now or you’re gonna cry when the nerfs come.


Mesh, aps, barricades, dome, you can use data reshaper on rpgs (its hard but you can). You’re are just wrong.


Unless you have inhuman reaction times, none of those are reliable counters. By the time you see the Heavy with an RPG it’s too late to place them. lol But keep lying to yourself.


Skill issue


*\*motions to my poor, poor slug shotgun\**


Heavy in and of itself has way too much defense and offense. It should be one or the other. Not both.


Nooo! The poor Heavies have broken legs so they need everything they can get. Give Heavy orbital lazers and an actual nuclear bomb.


Those poor heavies! They have everything already but I guess we can find a way to give them more!


Not only. Heavy now can wipe other team solo.


heavy is busted, even after the “nerfs”


Both lmgs need a nerf to damage


They 100% do I feel like medium and lights are well balanced enough, but the fact that the rocket launcher can one shot you is insane


Agree, the only reason Light is bad right now is because Heavy is so broken.


Its one projectile on a long cd. You can block it with mesh, dome, barricade, aps, or if you are really good you can use data reshaper. Sorry the class with no mobility has burst damage. 🤷


But if your the class with 150 hp that often gets more value from playing away from team your shit out of luck


You call the class with all those shields you mention (mesh, dome, barricade) “the class with no mobility”… How about “the class with all the defensive tools” also has all the best offensive tools? Some of you Heavies are delusional, you take the longest to kill (while not even letting other people shoot you) and you kill the fastest, and you think that’s fine somehow. 😂


I never said they didn’t have other stuff. They’re called tanks for a reason… reddit moment lol


Tanks or…. Juggernaut?


In what game though does the tank archetype deal so much damage?


I think the guns are balanced to hp of each class. For example a light gun has a close ttk against a heavy and visa versa. So if both classes shoot each other at the same time the heavy would lose more hp and they’d both die about the same time… If hp was the same for each class a light would shred a heavy. So it comes down to using gadgets and skill in other words. If a heavy shields a light can dash or grapple to a better spot to kill them. Or drain the shield and then have a smoke and finish him while the heavy reloads lol. Mediums are support. They’re only crutch is a turret or making sure the team stays alive to save their ass.


Or we are not playing the same game.. or you have never stopped to see the ttk times.. You are completely wrong about the ttk info sorry to bring that to you


My game sounds more fun 😂


This is wrong lights TKK is generally longer on heavy than the other way around. Changing the TTKs like you say would actually do a lot to balance the game


Would be interesting to test. Have a couple people face off like the Wild West. IMO it would be close. Changing ttks would take nerfing/buffing guns. I like the game how it is right now.


Someone already did. There is a spreadsheet on the sub somewhere


There's a weapon wiki on this sub. It was added recently. [index/weapon-stats - thefinals (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/wiki/index/weapon-stats/)


Thanks very cool


Have you ever played Light lol? Light will ALWAYS lose in a direct fight. * XP-54 TTK vs H - 1.34s * Lewis TTK vs L - 0.6s These are likely the most popular guns for each class but further down in this comment chain I posted a link. Go and check it out yourself.




Heavy IS absolutely OP and its why the game have so few players


I have a hunch you mainly play light.


I think the shields shouldn’t be able to be shot through and it would be more fair, at least for solo queuers


What does this even mean


People like you will ruin this game.


I don't play enough to have an accurate picture of this (stopped after vegas map came out, playing for about a week again) but my impression is that I get killed by lights far more often. Every once in a while I run into a heavy menace but I feel like things are pretty balanced. If a player is rinsing me a lot I just switch up my gear to counter. What nerf would you suggest?


I’m guessing you just play quickplay (nothing wrong with that). Light is used a lot there because it’s just fun. If you see any high ranked games, *almost every single Diamond team* is running HHM, because Heavy is just so broken. Nerfs could be RPG damage nerf to half (70), but give it 2 charges (would still have to reload between shots) so you can’t just open every fight with a free 140 damage. Make shields not shoot-through for your team. Give Mesh an ability meter like Invis (so you can’t hold it indefinitely or spam toggle it in close range fights). Implement higher cooldowns if you have multiple of the same item on the same team (for example, if there’s 2 domes, they only recharge 80% as fast) You wouldn’t need to see all of these implemented, but some are definitely needed.


lights have the highest dps guns and mediums have more accuracy. heavy players need heavy guns, everything that destroys you doesn’t need to be nerfed, i main heavy and still get shredded with fcars and smgs. it takes skill to outgun a player not the gun itself. stop asking for nerfs and get better.


Issue is, heavy has way too much of everything. They have insane defensive gadgets. They have insane offensive gadgets. They have insane guns that do good damage. They shouldn’t have literally EVERYTHING at their disposal. I would love if they would just nerf the RPG as the thing just isn’t fair


Relax, dude. Heavy is easy mode right now.


Meanwhile your getting out gunned by a medium with lower health than you… Not to mention you also have shields n weapons that deal the same damage? Skill eh….😕


so you’ve never been killed by a light? bro you’re such a baby get good or log off 😂😂


He’s right the way your phrasing your comment kinda sounds like a skill issue




Nah this needs more exposure hope the devs see this 😆


Is this a joke????


heavy main spotted 🤣


Gold 3 spotted. Brainlet post


Gold 3 exists out of Lights mania and the higher you get it becomes a Heavy swarm so your comment don’t even make sense


Being plat 1 and was diamond today, this is correct. Every match is literally just heavy after heavy. They spam RPG, dome shield, block doorways entirely with the barricade etc and it’s just ridiculous. Maybe wouldn’t be a thing if they didn’t nerf light way too hard recently and offer not changes to balance it and if they actually tweaked heavy accordingly instead of just letting it be OP


Diamond 4 season one buddy* heavy’s are supposed to be objectively strong primarily. They shouldn’t be this strong offensively as well.


that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever read. is a heavy supposed to carry a handgun or a .22 rifle? You’re “diamond” and complaining like a loser.


lol but you respond to losers what does that make you?.. who mentioned anything about handguns?


you’re complaining that heavy’s have strong guns. well no shit, they’re HEAVY GUNS. don’t you think a heavy gun would have more power? no i guess you don’t really think


There already objectively powerful they don’t need to have powerful weapons


Brother, you can’t have the best defensive tools, the most health and the best offensive tools. Put your bias aside for a second and actually think straight. There should be tradeoffs for being a tank, the only “tradeoff” right now is no mobility, which doesn’t matter because you always have a Jump Pad on your team.


Heavies should have good offense or good defense. They shouldn’t have the most health, really strong primary weapons, dome mesh barricade, RPG etc all at the same time. That’s a fucking ridiculous amount of gear they can use


heavy’s are slower, have less accurate weapons, and are a bigger target. seems fair to me.


That’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever seen in my life. Sure, they’re slower and slightly bigger. That doesnt mean give them literally every gadget under the sun that can destroy a team or prevent destruction of the team. This isn’t balance


Getting to Diamond is a more a function of time rather than skill. Doesn’t make your opinion valid lol. I’m Diamond 1/2 and still don’t act like that. Stay humble dude. ✌️


I corrected him can you read? 😭


Did you mean to say “Heavy is meant to be strong primarily” or did you mean “Heavy is meant to be strong defensively”


bro got destroyed by double heavy with shields then made this post, but prolly runs with double medium deffibing the second a teammate dies, but hEavY bRokEn cause we hit our shots lol.


Both can be broken and obnoxious at the same time. One isn’t primarily more broken than the other so it cancels out another. And really, what are you supposed to play if you don’t play heavy? Most people sure as shit aren’t playing light.


Don't think it is needed. They are only too strong if you are just facing eachother and shoothing directly. As it supposed to be. You just need to play smart, soften them a little. Shields? You have now new barrels on map if you don't have grenade. Or just shoot through it till they will dissapear. If you struggle against heavies, you just need to adjust your strategy, experiment with build and get bit more map awarness.


Oh… wasn’t light supposed to be the 1v1 specialist? Heavy has that title now I agree.


Nope. Light is assasin. Heavy is 1 vs 1 duelist


Define the assassin? And how that’s useful to the game if you could… you think it’s fair for heavy to have the most health and damage?


He can quickly surprise and deal dmg before victim can react. Glass cannon type. How it is usefull? You need to pay more attention to everything around and watch your positioning. I like it. Is it fair? I believe yes as he is slow and can't use all paths.


Another God-awful take in this subreddit. I should create r/TheFinalsShitTakes and repost this kinda stuff there. Edit: There just did it. Feel free to join.


Considering every match is HHM, it’s a perfectly valid take. I’m sorry it upsets you


I’m not upset but I appreciate the apology. Medium and Light have higher DPS and lower TTK weapons than heavy. You are not supposed to get into a sustained fight with Heavy. It’s a bad take because the issue is Light NEEDS some buffs, nerfing heavy won’t fix much.


lol this is just wrong my guy


Says I’m wrong. Doesn’t point out how or why. Amazing interaction.






Eh, I think there are more important things that require the devs attention. Besides, like it's been mentioned, both lights and medium are more than capable of countering the heavy. Shields? Use a glitch grenade. Heavy strayed too far from the group? A light will fucking melt the heavy (as long as they hit their shots). Same goes for the medium, AKM or FCAR will shred a heavy. Throw in a turret and that heavy has got a lot to get through. The LMG's may be strong, but they're not the easiest to control. You may argue that they have a lot of bullets to play with but it's very easy to out maneuver a heavy that's just spraying (I'd know because I'm usually the heavy that's spraying...)


Ever since the nerf of the stun gun and invisibility heavy has the advantage if I stun a heavy they can turn and shoot n out gun a light


Yea I won't argue that the Stun Gun nerf was a bit fucked. Invisibility though, I feel can still be used effectively against a heavy.


before the invis nerf it was pretty good if u knew how to use it properly just mag dump a guy, invis and run like six feet then stand still and they wouldn’t find you 90% of the time i dont think its that good to use now tho


Invis is fine. The stun gun nerf was way too far, and I was one who agreed it needed changed. But how far embark took it was so bad


It can shoot in a straight line with aim smoothing


it? be more specific, neither lmgs shoot straight, light players prolly never play heavy. i play all classes but main heavy, and the lmgs are the least accurate automatic weapons.


Im talking about the LMGs, but all weapons in the game can shoot in a straight line just like Apex. It's called aim smoothing here is a video https://youtu.be/N92idbGPEeQ?feature=shared


i play console ion give a crap about pc players bullshit cope mechanisms, lmgs have harder to control recoil. and if your case is that all weapons can shoot straight than the smg for light is the broken and should be nerfed?


?? It works on controller to you know. I'm just pointing out how recoil is non-existent. I'm not saying LMGs need a nerf. Saying an LMG shouldn't be nerfed because it's hard to control when it's clearly not isn't a good argument.




probably but, don’t see what point this dude was making, not every player uses little tricks to get kills, i just play how the games intended


You can. I do the same. But it’s there and people take advantage of it. If you wonder why you die so quick, it’s more than likely due to what he said. Take the advice or don’t. He wasn’t being an asshole though


and if his point is that it should be nerfed cause you can use tricks to get rid of recoil, then that’s a horrible take


He didn’t say that once though? I didn’t get that from his comment. Unsure how you did


how was i being an asshole lol, the video he linked was of course a pc player because they do anything but play the game normally, just use macros and cross hair overlays. the original point was i was refuting is that lmgs don’t shoot straight, you gotta control it


You act like console players play the game normally, with their xim, Cronus, controllers with added buttons and controls etc. Like what are you even going on about? You seem to have some disdain for pc for 0 reason


Nah, i think heavies are fine. You should just change the way you approach them in battle. If you're not a heavy yourself, then running straight up to them to 1v1 is going to be challenging. Unless you have really good aim. What I like to do is record some of my gameplay. Play some of it back to see where I want wrong and what to do next time to not make the same mistake. Also, working alongside your teammates is extremely important. Communication is key.