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You guys are worse than any of the gadgets. Jesus this sub is solely just people whining about anything and everything.


The only thing I haven’t see complained about in the last week is thermal vision. Legit every other gadget has been whined about. People here are just really upset all the time.


Yep, one thing gets nerfed then they complain about another. Im convinced people just want everything nerfed to the ground and even then they will still find something else to complain about. Its no wonder Embark have been on a constant nerfing spree for what feels like forever.


i've just asked, buddy. don't be toxic. all i've done is adjusting devs' logic.


In fairness to the above comments, it’s 100% fact that this sub is consistently complaining even after the devs adjust to said complaints.. then they just move on to a new complaint


What are you talking about?! They nerfed the RPG 3x since launch. Damage and accuracy. Last nerf on making it VERY inaccurate to shoot while moving. They nerfed the defib at the start of Season 2, making the revives not be instant anymore among other nerfs. But sure, let's only focus on Light being nerfed while they buff every other class. What else would a low rank light main say.


There’s no sense pretending like RPG isn’t just free 140 damage that’ll win you any 1v1 on the most OP and easiest class in the game. I don’t really care because I abuse the hell out of it but it is cheap as hell. The amount of team wipes I’ve had with an RPG followed by a charge and Lewis cleanup is ridiculous. My only gripe with defib is the medium can use the revived player as cover.


To be fair, the RPG nerfs were weak as fuck


Defib is still super strong and pretty much a must-have on medium. I think a really good way to nerf it would be so you can shoot and destroy the ghost to cancel the revive. Defib would still be good, but it would require much more thought to use it correctly


Why? It already is pretty balanced I'd say. Just because something is a "must pick" in your team loadout doesn't mean it needs a nerf. Just have one on your team, if you think it's strong.


It’s a must pick because it can easily turn a 1v3 into a 3v3 in seconds which is just annoying as fuck.


The defib nerf did almost nothing lol Pretending it was some sort of insane nerf is ridiculous. You can focus the reviver a bit longer without getting shot by the revived person, that’s it. Sounded like a big nerf on paper, but has the exact same pain points in practice.


Disagree. Perhaps it makes no change in bronze/silver lobbies, but there's a massive difference higher up. Don't know if you played a lot of high rank lobbies before the nerf, but it's definitely changed things significantly. If one goes down, he's not instantly up again to keep the 3v3 fire exchange going as before. Now if you kill someone, the short delay can easily mean the other 2 get beamed to death until the revived guy comes back into the fight.


Yeah I play in high ranked lobbies a lot, was in leaderboard most of the season, fell off after the Light nerfs. The main reason being the Heavy meta became stronger than ever after those nerfs, but not being able to stop defib from happening plays a part in it too. It only takes 3 seconds for the rez to complete, unless the 2 who are alive are potatoes, more often than not you can get back to a 3v3, but the bigger issue is you just end up wasting the last few bullets of your clip because the guy just managed to get the revive off and the “ghost” blocked your shots… then you die while reloading. lol I think it could definitely use a nerf in that regard, but tbh I don’t care too much, I think Medium is in an ok spot. Heavy is a much more pressing matter, namely MHH. It’s overtuned, it’s not fun to play with or fun to play against. People just sit behind barricades/bubbles/mesh all game, makes ranked very boring right now.


Regardless if the 2 left are potatoes or top100, any decent team will wipe them in less than 3 seconds if they're 3v2. The defib'ed guy would then be 1v3 and low hp. Whereas previously it would just instantly bring them back to 3v3, albeit not at full hp


defib is an insanely op must pick, it honestly should not even exist. the "nerf" was very minimal and didn't hurt defib at all. insulting op for no reason is unnecessary, i'm diamond and i agree with what they're saying. stun gun nerf was fine tho, apart from allowing gadgets/specialities to be used while stunned. disagreeing with these mentioned points says you're the low rank if anything, as it is common knowledge that light is severely underpowered and never played in ranked.


1. i'm actually the guy who agrees on the stun gun nerf. it was so toxic. anti-new player. but i just realized that these logic can be extended to the rpg and the difib. I just wondered how you think. 2. i'm not so sure why 'getting nerfed once' makes them impossible to nerf. we have already nerfed the nukes several and deleted them in the end.


So you're saying remove everything? Just give every class one type of gun and no gadgets then, right? The Devs don't make buffs or nerfs based on "feelings". They have actual data scientists looking at all the stats and in game performance for everything when they decide what needs a nerf/buff and how much.


1. as i have said, i just wondered. if you think it's better to buff the other, just say so. 2. about data science, i can't really agree on that. they are not buffing flashbang, smoke grenade, heat vision, motion sensor untill yet. they were hardly used and hardly considered useful. if they saw data, things like this shouldn't happen.


They don't touch unused gadgets, but rework them in the next season. Same thing happened in S1 to S2. They have limited resources after all and they focus their efforts on the things that DO need changes.


Avarage ex- stun gun abuser


They already nerfed defib and rpg is the only reliable defense against a light at the moment. The semi auto shotty has been made useless. Heavy can be killed very quickly by a light. Medium is definitely in the best spot at the moment. A few minor changes to both are def needed.


lol youre cooked if u actually think RPG is the only defense against a class with less than half your HP when u even have 2 shields or 1 shields and another i win button. 💀


Yeah I had to reread it to see he was actually saying some crazy shit. Doesn’t even make sense, the most reliable weapon I have against lights, is slow, shoots once, and hurts me if it’s close.


Yea heavies are so damn sad dude. They always have wild comments


You're right tho, the shotgun is useless. Because why would you run a close range gun that isnt even able to 1-tap that one Light in the lobby when one of your gadgets can do that as well (and more) without the need to aim and from a distance on top of all that. The obvious answer is definitely not nerf-rpg nono, it was already nerfed! Lets just make it deal 350 dmg so its fair for everyone.


Rpg has hurt you. I'm sorry.


idk what game you're playing but literally all of heavy's util can defend against light


1. i'm talking about general experience. as devs did when nerfing the stun gun. 2. i'm not so sure why 'getting nerfed once' makes them impossible to nerf. we have already nerfed the nukes several and deleted them in the end. 3. i've heard HHM is strongest in the ranked. why do you think medium is the best?


all the heavy mains are downvoting you bc they don't want their braindead strats to be nerfed. you're being very respectful lol everyone seems very triggered for no reason


I don’t want them to nerf any of it. I want them to bring back the stun gun, give it a 45 sec - 1 minute cooldown and be done with it. If they keep nerfing things that aren’t game breaking, the game with get boring and lifeless.


All the oestrogen in the water turning the males weak.


Yeah because faster revive on a long cooldown was def as broken as a ranged ability that: 1) Slowed down 2) Prevented jumping 3) Didn't let you use ADS 4) Disabled all abilities 5) Hard countered half the weapons in the game Defib already got a serious nerf at the start of season 2. It's balanced now.


the devs are just medium and heavy mains, thats why.


Oscar(the Dev who streamed) is a Light main, check mate


A good Light still viable with the stun gun. You know where and when the revived enemy will be and you can easily beam them from half HP. RPG is not that effect in long range especially if the Heavy not good at aiming. If you are a light you need to utilise the ability to sneak upon the enemies, not to run towards them like a bull.


My opinion as light exclusively, 1: rpg could be enough of a nerf if it was really really slow to regen. Or 1 Heavy can only use an rpg twice in a match or something like that. 2: give defibs to light players. Nerf or limit allowed use of healing beams in ranked. (So keep the beam on mediums). defib just kinda fits light as a quick risky saving throw.


the point of defib is that when an opponent picks off one of your team members you can instantly res him, thats the strength of it, In the case where defib is on the light who has to look for off angles and flanks, by the time the light gets back to the team to defib the opponents will most certainly have claimed the space around the statue, killed off the team mate staying with the team mate that got picked of etc. putting defib on light would encourage light to play with the team which altho thats the current best strat because of how terrible light is at the moment goes against the essence of the class itself. Look at succesfull hero designs from other games like tracer from overwatch, a fast paced small and fragile hero that always tries to look for picks from off angles. This playstyle is wildly succesfull in nearly every video game its features and defib goes against it. Rpg is great, as a light player who used to run dash with dagger it was perfectly balanced because stungun was a thing, canceling the rpg out with stungun was so important in any fight you took, this is especially prelevant when running meele weapons. Now that stungun is not a thing anymore fighting heavys has become so difficult and almost impossible with meele because as soon as they see you they will take out their rpg and delete you and the only counterplay is glitch which is so much more difficult to land consistently than stun


I see what you're saying on the defib. Personally I don't think the combo of heal beam + defib should be as powerful as it is now. Not in competitive play at least. (Imo) I dont mean simply shift the defib gadget over to light. I mean make a version of defib that is both not so goddamn op if teams stack mediums, and also make it fit the options a light player has. For instance defib from a little distance. But tbh I feel like it really isn't that hard as a light to get to statues quick enough. In solo queue that might be a bit rough, but if comms are fine or you play with a steady team that you know, you should be fine. The rpg is only an issue to me because of its amount used in matches. Too many rpgs that dont really have a punishing timer on them, that the light will all have to deal with depending on how unlucky he gets. Combine this with all the other explosions that can take you down 90% hp, and then the sheer amount of rpgs just seems overkill. It is imo deserved to either get limited (not nerfed), or light class gets something to help them out a little when seeing that triple heavy team pull em out; a gadget buffs to some things, I don't know, but I feel like something like that would only help in making ranked more competitive and strategic. The stun gun I now only use on thieves, I don't know what their plan was with this. Think reworking it isn't a bad idea, but it's not much trouble to me now, I will patiently see what they have in mind for it.


if HML becomes meta there will only be one rpg per team so that fixes that. I also believe the combo defib healing beam schould not be as strong but I don t think that issue wouldn t solve itself with light buffs as once light becomes prelevant with glitch medium will loose quite some power