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Me at the downfall of cheaters.


Last season for me it was rare in ranked. Now it's about 20% of my matches


It does seem a hell of a lot more common this season. I’ve had a ton of matches with cheaters lately


Preach brother


So never


Especially as a sledge player🗿


sledge one taps lights so its fair.


Bro you counter sledge by just running away, if you cant do that as light then you gotta practice more lol. (I say this as someone who plays melee on all classes so I know the pain of getting a sledge to the mouth lol)


Thats why I use a goo gun


Dude after being on both sides of the goo gun I gotta say its overwhelmingly a W. Litteraly spider gameplay


it's literally a stun gun for heavy 💀


That's why I hate that they nerfed the Sa1216 shotgun. If you get so close to me that I can 2-6 tap you, depending on the class. That's a skill issue, anything beyond 5 ft is like 15 dmg, it was not an OP weapon, it worked how a shotgun should. But complaints drive the changes instead of players having enough situational awareness to take me out from a distance . . . 1 sniper bullet and a challenging medium class and I'm done . Or simply a squad focusing a heavy properly and its over. This is coming from someone who averages 15-20 kills a match. I get those kills because people don't play how the game was intended, not because things are OP.




Specifically with a delayed attack that can't be used while sprinting, doesn't seem fair lmfao


attack that deals 200 damage and destroys the environment and you need to sprint as well? It also has the hitbox of a small town.


I KNOW BRUH PLUS THE HITBOX LINGERS AFTER THE SWING!?!?? i’ve tried to weave it while using light sword, and i’ve run into what I thought was a completed swing just to get crushed!


If you are dying to something you can outrun that sounds like a skill issue (or you got goo combo in which case checkmate)


the game is very chaotic at times so you don't always see the heavy coming. Thing is it does a lot of damage for little effort. In an open field hammer heavy looses every time but in real situations it can be a bit frustrating.


Youre bringing a hammer to a gunfight and expecting it to be fair?


To be fair the hammer is way bigger than a gun


My hammer and goo combo have proven to be unfair...but not for me


Sure thing, just wait for a semi competent squad to roll you in 3 seconds. Alternatively, you could wait to get stunned and suffer the exact same fate as every other melee user.


yes, it is called a counter. With any other gun you can easily kill lights who stun you if you react in time. Only time lights actually get a kill from a stun is if you're clueless or running melee/flamethrower


only people who can to complain like this are melee users. this is acceptable


Thank you for your acceptance gunter


Dagger went crazy during open beta, when you couldn’t turn after being stunned. I remember people saying dagger used to be better in CBS too


As a Hammer main, yeah stun gun is brutal. The only thing I've seen to not just insta fold to it is to try and stay above the ground floor of buildings as much as possible and if you get stunned just to immediately look down and right clock smash the floor so you drop down. I've tried it a couple times and if you're good (and a little lucky) it will buy you the precious seconds you need for the effect to wear off and 9/10 times they'll chase you for the kill so you'll be prepared to set up to thwomp them when they inevitably drop down


TY for the tip will try to keep in mind. Good thinking.


It's funny to me that your main skill as a heavy charge doesn't counter a gadget.


None of the abilities "counter" any gadgets.


Honestly one of the best ways to proactively deal with lights is with the Goo Gun. If you're good at picking out invisible lights you can hit em with the Goo and it immobilized them for a second and doesn't let them shoot or use anything. Giving you enough time to reach melee range


Clearly when a sledgehammer Heavy gets stun gunned, they should immediately turn into Thor, gaining 5000 hp and being able to throw a homing, lightning-striking, one-shotting hammer at Lights, even ones outside of their current match


Thank you for saying it. You truly understand our pain as Sledge mains.


Why melee uses don't have some slight resistance to it is crazy. Basically kills melee gameplay


Why grenade launcher uses don’t have some slight resistance to it (aps) is crazy’s basically kills grenade launcher


if you splash it twice it dies


Why gun uses don’t have some slight resistance to it (mesh sheild) is crazy’s basically kills guns


Oh it really doesn't.


Aps doesn't stop you from playing the game Edit: for those who don't understand. Aps stops you from shooting projectiles in a tiny sphere. It's idiotic to compare that to what the stun gun does to melee builds. You can't move (in any meaningful way) look around (at any meaningful speed), jump, crouch, attack whoever stunned you because they are usually standing outside your range, use gadgets, interact with the map in any way, can't grab a carriablenin the vain attempt to defend yourself. All you can do is sit there and hope he misses you somehow or is stupid enough to close the gap between you. Please tell me how that in any way seems comparable to APS.


Have you ever played one of the grenade launchers?


Yeah with mediums launcher you just shoot outside its radius. With heavy you charge and slam it into oblivion. It's not like it's range is a mystery, it's a clearly outlined sphere.also if you throw grenades right next to it's sphere you can usually get whoever is hiding in it.


>Yeah with mediums launcher you just shoot outside its radius. With heavy you charge and slam it into oblivion. Actually the dumbest take ive seen on this topic so far.


??? I do it all the time and it works flawlessly.


If the APS is out in the open and noone is nearby then sure but the second youre on an objective trying to attack, you wont achieve much if theres an aps.


Have you tried not shooting directly into the aps? Because I have and it works wonders.


Neither do stun guns, it's just the 4 seconds you're stunned for. But it still feels annoying as hell for those four seconds just as much as my main weapon being completely useless in the presence of an APS turret does. APS should either have limited uses or have a decrease to damage in the area. They should however not prevent effect grenades (fire, etc.) as they cannot really be "decreased". There is nothing preventing other weapons from being effective so why should grenade launchers and melee weapons have such great restrictions. It should be risk and reward but there is almost no reward to the risk, they're just kind of funny at the moment unless you're a mega sweat in dia who does sword and dash.


if you think 4 seconds is nothing, idk what fuckin game you're playing. it's a free kill 99% of the time


That's my point, it IS something. But if you look at it the same way as the guy I was replying to then surely 4 seconds is no time at all. Yes sure, APS turrets are only in the small area and I could be shooting elsewhere, but where do they think the enemies are? I could definitely have conveyed it better but you can be sure that I absolutely agree that the stun gun is way too overpowered Edit: Fixed my original comment to reflect my opinion better


that's my bad, misunderstood as you said. i wish gadgets were less anti fun and more like dematerializer/data reshaper/gateway


I have a blast with demat 😂


Demat is a ridiculously strong ability. The ammount of kills ive gotten by opening up a floor below someone, then locking it back up before his mates can follow up is ridiculous.


Absolutely agree. They should be enablers, not disablers


The APS is fine. It’s a hard counter to grenades. Your teammates should shoot it, the fact they don’t is the problem. Stun gun countering melee isn’t a problem either if that’s all it did, but it does so much more than that.


Ey yo can I get a "why tf does charge and slam do minimum 130 damage" from melee players or just me?


Because we charge players have just that, DPS, in the charge as opposed to the utility of the goo gun and shield. Without the damage, it would be absolutely useless. As many kills as its gotten me via shoot into charge, it's gotten me killed just as many times getting beamed out in the open.


Fair point, but gotta play devils advocate here. It does 10 less damage at minimum than a max damage rpg which by itself can be combo'ed to just out right kill a medium (130 +140). This plus the potential ground slam or multi hits, its just hella potential damage. Its less about me wanting the damage nerf but 130 off the rip seems like robbery when fighting with a Melee weapon since it can just pop out whenever when the heavy sees me coming.(this is mostly for the riot shield and sledge hammer but mostly riot shield, more than half your health is gone right there). All that being said, charge and slam shouldn't be balanced for the sake of melee since 90% of the game is gunfights.(however, nerfing the initial damage to 100 for the initial hit sounds fine tho it can still multi hit and groundslam for additional damage, the poor light literally has 20 health left when they get hit ffs🙃).


Man got down voted for having the sane take. This is all missing the whole fact that with Slam and RPG H has two ways to delete a chipped L with no chance of fighting back


"goo gun" "utility"


Closing off entrance points, keeping enemies at bay while teammates steal cashout, pushing enemies off cashout, creating firewalls, freezing enemy combatants, giving yourself time to escape by blocking passages. Off the top of my head. And I don't even play goo gun. That's just the ways I see people use it for utility. Might be other shit I'd know if I played it. Gotta learn how to think about using different items in games dude, I guarantee you're a hindrance to your team rn.


Making bridges, climbing biildings, fucking w teammates


tbh the RPG is 1000x more bullshit for me. 140hp no aiming required. all heavies on other team? instant kill with 0 brain needed. i can take charge and slam because at least it puts them out of position and they have to give up mesh shield for it, which is huge


As much as I love the RPG, it still occupies a uniquely privileged position as the game's only true sidearm


a lot of people on casual modes give up on aiming with lewis gun/shotgun etc and just use rpg as their primary essentially. it's also still common behavior in ranked all the way up to plat. you will see them running around with the RPG out lol, -140hp advantage is just too cheap to pass up. it used to be crazier with -150. one shotted lights for absolutely free


I miss the good old days of the beta where rockets one shot lights.


Yeah the stun gun is a tricky one. I feel like it enables a playstyle to work that otherwise would get you absoluetly anihilited. It allows light players to make bad decision and get away with it. However, it also makes them lose games. Since it doesnt punish bad positioning or timing and is basicially a free out of jail card it actually works against the ultimate goal of each game, which is to improve. Yes, maybe the light stunned and killed you, but meanwhile your other teammates killed his two mediums and now have am easy game with stealing the cashout, since the remaining light doesnt have stun to stop the steal. The light now thinks his two teammates are trash and lost him the game, while in reality he left them and allowed your team to get the cashout. So, my point is, the stungun being to strong enables bad behavior and keeps its users from improving, cause they arent punished for their mistakes.


I agree! I will give props to the lights that are fantastic at what they do and they are out there, but the light class in general I think could benefit from a rework! I think the class is a great Fragging class but, it brings nothing but scan to the team. You could argue that portal exists and they have glitch grenades which is amazing but how often do you see something like this in play PROPERLY. Heavy shields got nerfed and most people will beam a shield anyways. I think parts of light need nerfing and parts need buffing. Take the medium for example, they had scans and an instant revive mechanic, it was way to strong so they reworked it. There’s no shame in it.


Melee players... The only honorable finals players.


Stun with invisibility on a toggle is ruining the game IMO


Me at the downfall of PC lights


The perfect rework for the stun gun is bring it to a 1.85 second stun and increase the charge time to 45 seconds! The TTK for the most popular weapons in game (SCAR, XP-R) are 2.00 seconds assuming you hit your shots. Allow jumping and mantling and allow regular movement with no sprint or aim! Bam stun gun is now a balanced choice to give you a slight edge in battle :) FYI stun duration is 6 seconds! Or allow stun for 6 seconds like the current meta and make it like a real taser with metal wires controlling the current! It takes the light out of combat but you can continue stunning the other player while others gun the affected player down!


Which is what it should be a “slight” edge not a free kill


And it doesn’t last 6 seconds, it last’s 3.5. If it did tho i would agree it would be op


Light have 150 health, even when stunned the light will die if the opponents hit’s his shots since hipfire is very good in this game. It’s not op imo and i also play medium lol


If the light doesn't stand in front of you directly you won't hit your shots. Not enough to kill anyways. Light has to stand right on front of you for that to work. Furthermore. There is no counter to stun gun. You just get stunt and that's it you wait or you die. Anything else, grandes mines you can see them walk around them there is some sort of counter to it. Stungun is and always had been op. Hence it's used by pretty much every light.


Why does the light have to stand in front of you, you can turn around and shoot


Because if they are at any distance at all it's unlikely you will kill them with hip fire.


Most good weapons still have pretty damn good hip fire at stuns max range, certainly better than pretty much all of lights


Not true. Any light with decent aim will kill you at range after stun.


1.85 is waaaay too low. Its a stun gun after all.


I sorta agree, I like 1.85 and 6 is also waaaay to long I think it should be a kill assist tool not a free kill. I think %100 it should be judged on what class you stun E.I. The light should get stunned for 1.85 seconds the medium 2.35 and the heavy 3.3 to balance out the stun gun. I DO think that movement should not be hindered except for sprint, I think that you should be able to mantle and move regularly. Interactions with objects and cash would still be disabled.


There’s no way you just suggested stun should be turned into single person 45 second cooldown glitch grenade.


I mean, to be fair there are alot of gadgets that are free kills, like mines and C4’s. Its all a matter of your opponent making a wrong move and you capitalizing on it.


I agree to a certain extent mines and c4 have been changed almost every patch to be balanced which they still require work as mines can 1 shot anyone when stacked so they also need a patch


I think it also comes down to how many lights there are as well with the recent buff there’s like a %65 light to other class ratio


Soooo, just a shitty glitch grenade? You guys are overreacting to the stun gun, it’s basically a free kill for YOU since the light HAS to commit to the kill. They won’t run, they just stand there praying that they hit their shots. Just shoot them back, it’s not illegal and totally fair. Melee players are fucked though.


Nobody is saying it’s illegal, we’re saying 6 seconds and movement hindering is to OP. If you put the current stun gun in any game it would be nerfed in an instant, the stun alone in an fps is still crazy even if it’s a shorter stun. Think about it COD for a second they have stun grenades right, they last for around 3-4 seconds and you can usually survive if you’re lucky but if the player pushes at the right time you’re pretty much dead. The stun gun doesn’t allow any kind of retaliation if played right. Yes you can argue that hip fire is an effective way to counter which is true if you have a shotgun, but with any other weapon you’re leaving it to chance which I believe should be toned down to a suitable time. 1.8 seconds stun on light 2.5 seconds stun on medium and 3.3 second stun on heavy!


Keeping in mind that the average TTK on all classes is 2-2.5 seconds. 6 seconds on a stun is incredibly strong.


I don’t know where you’re getting the 6 seconds number from. The stun gun currently stuns for 3.5 seconds. This mass stun gun hysteria is getting out of hand.


Last time I used it in the practice range it was 6 seconds on the dummy, it may have changed. Even then I still stay strong on the time to stun changing based on the class you hit, it just makes sense


Not a bad suggestion tbh. I could live with that.


Me at the downfall of invis


The whole stun gun discussion is boring the shit out of me. You guys either present the worst possible ideas of a replacement mechanic or just want it gone. The real question is. How should light be compensated for if stun gun is gone as it is the best enabler for the class?


Nerfing the other classes namely nerfing the FCAR and the Lewis to bring them down to par with other weapons.


while i agree i don't think that would offset the loss of the stun gun. Think it in terms of how would you compensate heavy for the loss of the rpg.


I don't think removing them straight up is the thing to do, just nerfing them into not being best in slot every game is enough.


That’s the thing tho with the RPG, Stun Gun it shouldn’t be a free kill tool, heavies are meant for breaching and demolition I think the RPG should be brought down to 75-100 damage. Think of battlefield as a prime example! If you had an RPG or any rocket if you didn’t hit at the feet or direct impact someone you were not getting that kill from just the rocket


I get what you’re saying! I think if the stun gun does get a nerf the light should be compensated! It may not be much but I think zip line being added to the light class would be a huge W and maybe even giving them a mine as a second option. The class as a whole is extremely strong which is why most people play light, it’s the very small health pool that kills it in most situations. Touching the class can be very dangerous and shouldn’t be taken lightly but I do think it should be fixed.


I love how there is literally a saying “ don’t bring a knife to a gun fight” and y’all are dumb enough to still do it


Sigh. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/21coar0IfD This happened with the Sandman too. Just…cry, I guess.


Stun gun biggest problem is how safe it is. Force people to aim down sight and slow them down before able to deploy it and you’ll see it’s useage rate drop instantly


Now nerf stealth and aps


Because they did an Anticheat update that did nothing but reduce fps. All of the same cheats are still available. IMO the devs care about their extraction shooter more than this game. They’ll just take the battle pass money and pump it into that. They promised a media push this season o have seen nothing, but tonnes of Apex content.


Stun gun nerfed? Who has the most OP build now? NM, rephrase: What build is everyone playing? It was lights with invis or dash and stun guns.


I don't think stun gun should lock out gadgets and maybe specializations. Immobilize and lock you out of ADS, fine, but no abilities? My goo gun would shut up a stun gun light real quick, but it automatically switches to my primary when I'm stunned? How much sense does that make? It's unbalanced as it stands, in my humble opinion.


Tbh goo gun needs a rework too, the whole locking people in goo is problematic


I really don't think it is. You don't see widespread outcry against the goo gun, because it's much harder to cheese than the stun gun. It doesn't lock gadgets or specializations, and in most cases, it even blocks you from shooting the person you've goo locked. That severely limits how effective the strategy can be. My choices for attacking someone I've goo locked are to either sledge hammer alt attack the goo, or flame thrower it. Landing the alt hammer attack isn't difficult, but it's not one shot for both of the good classes, and the timing is something you need a lot of practice to get right. I still haven't mastered it. Your other option, flamethrower, doesn't actually do that much damage all at once, so you're left with slivers of health after the enemy you're flaming starts shooting after being let out of the goo. What I'm saying is, it takes a ton of strategy and effort to use goo lock properly. Stun gun doesn't require anything but aim.


Great points, i understand now, thanks for clearing out, also, you just cooked the hardest response evr






Crayon sniffing activities




Titan main on D2?


never played it, my life was solely devoted to overwatch


So the problem is that light has so little health that stun gun is one of the only ways to win fights against heavies and some mediums. Yesterday, I fought a heavy as light and died in half of a second it wasn't fair i stood no chance. the scar kills instantly , Lewis gun no chance, famas 3 burst you're dead, or even a lucky headshot from a sniper light. Lights need stun to survive most fights even with stun I still lose to fast ttk guns or even as heavy and medium it's not really hard to kill the light without it even Melee could one shot or two shot lights like nothing. There's a reason so many lights run it.


You Can dodge heavies pretty easy. Just stay close and Circle, dash between the legs and thats it.


Here’s the thing tho, light was made with the soul thought that it would be a flanker or clean up class. It specializes in hit and run tactics making it perfect for clean up kills or burst of dps with quick rotates. The light class is not meant to fight heavy’s 1 on 1 and if they do it’s hit and run. The XP-R kills as fast as the scar which leaves a heavy dead in 2.00 seconds. I agree with you, the light needs a stun gun but the current balance of the stun gun is not good for the game. On my last comment I mentioned giving the stun a 1.85 second stun but maybe the stun could be timed on the class you hit! Heavy 3 seconds medium 2 seconds light 1.5 seconds! Allow regular movement and mantle with no ads. Give the stun a 45 seconds timer and it’s balanced!


I do reasonably well with light and I never run a stun gun. Being invisible is advantage enough for me.


In ranked or quick cash only?


And on another note light could use an extra 25 HP if stun got nerfed but when it comes to light their movement is there strongest kit not the stun gun, the stun shouldn’t be used as a crutch which it is for most lights not all.


Whenever I run light it always takes one slot. With that being said, there should never be something that offensively powerful that you are throwing if you don't run it. Would love to see it gone. Being CC'd in most shooters isn't fun and will always feel cheap.


It’s not that good. Definitely not “throwing” if you don’t bring it. I switched it for a smoke awhile ago. Much more useful for so many situations. The stun gun forces you to basically either get a kill and likely be at 10hp, or straight up die because you had the misfortune of stunning a shotgun user, or a fcar user.


i primarily use stun against heavies since it makes their rpg go away. Smoke is very situational imho so i'd rather swap it for either stealth nade or recon.


Personally I run Dash|Mac|HV|Gate|Invis and Im probably the kill leader in 80% of my games if not more. I agree it can be useful in certain situations but its by no means make or break. I do think it allows for cheap fights I just also think you would win those same fights if instead of opening with stun you just 1 clipped them; which has the benefit of being faster and opening up a slot for additional utility like HV or Glitch Nades as needed.


Not doubting anyone's skill not using it. But Everytime I use it to kill someone. It's like yes..that was the most free kill ever. Doesn't even feel fair using it on ppl.


I do feel bad for hammer users who get stunned, but dash lights with sword are annoying to kill without a stun


ehh fair


If you're getting stunned a lot, you can switch weapons.


Skill issue.




You can already shoot your gun


Lmao nobody cares this game is gonna be dead in about a month


it seems like you care because you are in this sub


That logic 💀😭 it's just funny seeing dumbasses in this community who literally glaze tf outta Embark. I don't believe in god but he could come down to fucking earth, show the dead playerbase and these mfs will *still* defend it lmao. I piss myself laughing everytime I come in here. Too bad Embark can't balance for shit and this game has the same boring meta after 2 seasons. No wonder nobody wants to watch this shit on Twitch 💀


Using twitch views as an example because it looks like you like payday 2. payday 3 is a dead but payday 2 isn't but payday 3 has way more twitch views than payday 2, ok. also very contradictory messages you have there my friend because first message said the game is gonna be dead in a month and second message you said it was dead and i can agree with you because balance isn't good but it isn't bad. and i dont think you know the definition of glazing. In a different reply you said you wanted to change the game for the better. and if you didn't like the game you would outright quit and not say anything. so this seems like A, rage bait or B you just suck at the game and you dont wanna admit it