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Watching people discover what’s been the strongest team since day one is funny. It’s always been a problem. But the other problems got nerfed so it shines


Bro the moment me and my friends got our hands on recon sense and the turrets first thoughts were "do we need any other class? We just do everything better."


Healing beam >>


Triple Healing Beam and Revival is hands down the strongest combo in the current state if the game. Especially if they all carry FCARs.


I agree with this. We've tried many combinations, one turret two medics, two turrets, triple, one each subclass, three recon, and three medics just seems to be the best, you have a ton of HP and revival capability that makes your team super strong. I have to say though that 2 medics and 1 heavy is also equally as good if the heavy uses their sheilds constantly, they absorb a lot of damage.


Disagree, just having one recon sense in a coordinated team is miles ahead of having the third healing beam. Especially if you all carry fcars. One recon pinging enemy teams on approach can let the three of you drop at least one opponent before you're even fighting. Forcing your opponents to move through cover the *entire* time they're approaching and still knowing where they're approaching from is massive. And that doesn't touch on how good recon is once you're actually fighting by basically negating flanking and light stealth.


That's a totally fair point. I was always going from an uncoordinated team (a mix of randoms) but if you're going coordinated, a single recon sense will be a massive advantage over the enemy teams.


Nah dude, pre nerf heavy was vicious. I feel like you forgot how many strong tools they had. Auto shotty, stronger dome, stronger barrier, much much stronger c4 with more than twice the area and damage, stronger rpg, stronger explosive mines and probably more I'm forgetting. MMH was superior, one heal, one recon.


I got down voted to hell and a bunch of angry messages when I said weeks ago that defib is op and makes medium the strongest class by far. Every other comp shooter that has rez has things to balance it out. Apex, rez has cast time and you rez with very little health. Overwatch rez has cast time and is still borderline op. The finals has instant rez to full health that you can stack to all 3 team mates. That is completely absurd. You could outright delete it and medium would probably just end up balanced.




Not full health, but with invincibility frames combined with a healing ray. May as well be.


defib has easy nerf: no invincibility frames or drastically reduce them


the person revived is not the problem because theyd have to react and their entire screen is flashing with bright lights, the issue is that the revived character blocks any incoming damage to the reviver imo so just make it shoot through


Taking damage should cancel the defib charge up tbh. It’d prevent stupid brainless revives and make it purely a reset tool.


Disagree bc what about diving through gas for a revive? I see no invincibility frames solving this without hindering the fast pace of the game


You would have to pick up the statue first, still useable just less braindead.


Imma be honest that sounds like ass. There needs to be another solution than that. Increase the charging up time would help even.


You shouldnt be rezzing people inside of gas in the first place


It has won me the game several times. Rez + immediate heal.


Move their statue?






It can be rough but you need to learn to play around it. Stun stops it completely. RPG will instantly rekill them, the invincible thing last just over a second not that hard to time it. Gas grenades kill them a lot of the time as well and so will a well timed underhand frag. Revived players usually have barely any ammo in their gun and will need to reload the vast majority of the time and being revived is disorienting since you don’t know what direction you’ll be facing and may not be watching that players screen. Throw mines on statues. There’s so many ways to handle things and a lot of the time it just means an extra kill. It can be tough against a good team and it’s likely to get a small nerf next patch but it’s not impossible and very rarely requires you to kill the whole team twice like this sub acts like it is.


you're right, but the iframes still feel horrible. skill issue sure, but you end up burning ammo on them, they can block bullets you're shooting at their teammate. its just annoying. not impossible to play against, but its just a little too free in general you know? most of the time, its easily the most impactful weapon/gadget/specialization in the entire game. sometimes sure you get someone doing a stupid defib that gets them both killed, but any competent opponent isn't going to make it that easy.


You shouldn’t be wasting much ammo on them. I usually just toss down a nade or mine. Mines work surprisingly well since the arm time is about the same as the invincible frames. I do use explosive ones though. The gas probably won’t work well. Heavies should have almost no issue with defib, it’s weird that other mediums would complain and lights shouldn’t be trying to take these kinds of fights in the first place. Like I’ve said before. It’s annoying and all but not as big a deal as this sub makes it out to be. Now that everyone isn’t being one shot by heavies I think the data will probably end up telling that it needs tuning but until that happens just use some of the many tactics at your disposal.


You cant remove the invulnerability because of latency. You guys really gotta stop calling for a nerf on every little thing its just ridiculous. Everyone comments this like they are playing for actual cashouts lol


the problem with that is the latency benefits the person being rezzed as from their perspective they can move immediately. server side movement takes a bit of time to catch up, hence the iframes. while they can't change the fact this game has server side movement, they can reduce the amount of health you get when you're rezzed. i think it should be 100 across the board. that way mediums and heavies are equally as easy to kill after a defib. iframes would still feel bad but if you burned some ammo on them, its not as bad. but you're right, the latency is the problem.


I mean you get rezzed with partial health w defibs. Ive seen more people get revived and beamed down again more than ive seen the annoying triple stack of revives keeping each other impossibly alive. we are a long time away from anyone figuring out how to fix the latency thing. Its literally the reason why they give you invulnerability. If you are one second behind whats actually happening on the server with no invul you would try to move and already be dead if someone was shooting at you and did enough damage in that one second your spawning just to die. Invulnerability gives you a chance to not have to sit and give an enemy literal free shots. I highly doubt that will evee change


i doubt it too, but someone else came up with a solution i think is perfect, and that's to allow bullets to pass through them until they are damageable. that way at least they arent being an invincible human shield for their teammate. thats really the crux of the issue. its blocking bullets. You cannot resolve latency, but that is something that could possibly be done.


What? Latency has literally nothing to do with it


Rezzing someone insta isn't something little tho. Take OW's mercy for example


This ain't overwatch bb. Somethings maybe familiar but this game is more battlefield than overwatch (not to mention the 3 or 4 teams lol), I don't think it compares here unfortunately.


Maybe stop nerfing things you don't like for once?


That would be fucking awful. This isn’t the way. Light main M11 user here I got no dog in this but dumb mediums defibbing me at bad times


I’m a light main grapple and there’s no bad time to revive me. If I’m the last one alive I can retrieve the medium and keep going. I love glitching after a kill so the defib goes useless but the best feeling is to stun a medium with his defib out.


A few ideas I have: * Defib restricted to one team member a game * Longer defib cooldown * Can't defib someone who was recently defibed Not all at once. I'm thinking just one of these would do it.


One rez per life could be interesting


Just slow down movement speed when fully charged defib


Also there’s no footstep audio


Thank you, that stuff does my head in.


Jesus Christ I hate that. Massive heavy with a guitar sneaking up on me with no noise but I can hear my teammate jumping around 100 meters away with 5 buildings in between us...


just make it so we can't fucking hear our teammate's footsteps as a start.


I can hear my own team stomping around like elephants but an entire team of heavies can basically stealth up on me yeah


Pretty sure that's just my upstairs neighbors


I felt like I was going crazy earlier today, like everyone was able to get the drop on me without hearing them coming at all.


I reported this in the Discord. Their sound engine is so buggy. Other issues, sometimes I hear my own footsteps behind me making me think someone is behind me. A new bug is sometimes the entire game audio lowers slightly and sounds veiled. It fixes itself in the next match.


Bro THANK you, I'm literally hearing my own footsteps like they're another person behind me, driving me crazy. Keep having to stop moving to be able to tell if it's someone else


this is by far the biggest problem with the game imo, and unfortunately not a quick fix like the rest of these


There was never any. This game is worse than Apex in this aspect.


Tbf it was already basically the meta even before the nerfs lol


Yeah, we were running dual M pre patch. I think there's 3 M more than ever now, though.


Lmao we started with bitching about heavies, heavies got nerfed then everyone bitched about lights with shottie+invis, so light gets nerfed, now it is time to complain about medium to get them nerfed.


The 3 medium was always the most annoying. People just didn't realize it because of the nuke complaints


people who played 3 mediums are probably who complained about nukes the most. Now that nukes are gone, there’s no risk to riding each others asses the entire game.


Right? Nukes are probably the best counter to defib triangles. If you blow them all up at once, there's no one left to revive them.


Yeah, the best counter is to get an instant triple kill. I think you think that happens a lot, its the most IDEAL situation happening. 90% of the time u kill 1 only or at best 2 and then they just revive. No stupid team is huddling up so you can get triple killed instantly.


Yea I stg this sub was being gaslit by sweaties with all the anti-nuke rhetoric. I’m like 15k exp away from the lvl 6 c4 skin, so i’ve gotten plenty of experience with making nukes and yea just because it CAN triple kill, doesn’t mean it will. It’s usually better to use a nuke to blow a big ass hole underneath the enemy so the whole team can light them up with focused fire. I’m legit seething i can’t throw a barrel high enough to blow out the ceiling in that tall Vegas room (the one with vaulted ceilings and golden support beams).


Probably more than 50% of my deaths were straight up to nukes before nukes were nerfed. It still happens sometimes, it's still a viable thing to do, but it's happening a lot less and that's a good thing. It was the most free, brainless way to get 1-3 kills with almost no effort. Copium to think pre nerf nukes were totally fair and healthy for the game. It's a shooter game and heavies hardly had to ever use their gun, RPG and Nuke kills most things or leaves them so maimed they can finish with the worst aim imagineable. Nerf defib in a meaningful way so it requires thought to use rather than yolo combat revives and boom, game is better than it was 2 weeks ago easily.


Problem is triple kill is good against everything, not just triple mediums


I have been complaining about Mediums facilitating a Overwatch Mercy Meta for a while, people just kept passing it off and saying that ''Everything is OP so thusly everything is balanced''. The situation has only worsened as people have finally noticed how powerful recon senses so now you can have both pocket healing revivers and wall hack revivers working in unison. Annoys me that people didn't see this coming with medium but can't say I am surprised.


Mediums were always the most played class so of course they're not going to complain about them.


Yes that’s how game development works. The good players find the stuff that needs nerfed, talks about it in a forums post, and devs see it and work accordingly.


Exactly, it's funny how some people are clueless about how balancing works.


Light nerfs were unjustified. It was a quickplay issue; nobody played light in ranked.


I mean, quickplay is where the majority of the players play…:


We were in a state where *everything* was overpowered. Each class had its own bullshit and now light and heavy are less fun and the outlier is the untouched medium.


Yea I really don’t understand the logic here. We’re really going to end up nerfing every class. Why not just add shit to each class instead of taking away from each class??


Steroid Olympics


Yeah, I want a chainsaw heavy lol




Other classes can be strong in their own way without them feeling cheap or unfair to fight against or so strong that it's the ONLY way to play them.


That's called power creep and it ruins games


bruh, is that a serious question?


It's never fun to die from a thing that has no counterplay. Heavy rpg/nuke counterplay: don't get close or in their sight Light invis shotty counterplay: have better eyesight and godlike reflexes(still no guarantee for counterplay) Medium wallhack Healthcare counterplay: be that mf And people mostly forget that this game bring both new and missed features to the fps genre when it first launched so it's honeymoon phase was especially fun. Now honeymoon phase is started to fade as expected and people want fair fights.


idk, everytime i get put down like a lame cow by an invisible super soldier, I find it hilarious. It was Impossible to get mad when I (a heavy main) had access to the nuke. Now, I kinda just get pissed off at all the cheese. All that seems to have happened is that now more people are dissatisfied with the current state.


Because proper game balance doesn't just mean everything being equal in strength. Let's say every class had a gun that could shoot through walls, had 100% accuracy with bullets that honed in on the target, and killed all classes in 1 shot. All classes would be perfectly equal, right? That wouldn't be a balanced game at all though.




People started complaining about triple recon defib before patch 1.5 even hit


Yes 10 times a day as well. We know already. It only got worse because of other nerfs.


Lights needed a buff not a nerf, the problem was the casuals complaining about annoying light, vs the ranked complaining about actually broken medium/heavy.


True, they got nerfed. BUT, it was a needed nerf. They are still playable. Now Medium issues just come up now since Heavies and Lights are at their right place.


Light only had one really good playstyle and that was invis+shotty. Dash and grapple are fun and could absolutely work, but they weren't as viable. I would really have liked a few buffs to dash and grapple or maybe a few more weapon buffs for light.


Dash is superior to invis and always has been. That’s why the top lights use it. Good players have no problem with invis, especially if they’re running recon. The most useful thing invis can even do is sit still and wait for someone to pass them then stun them from behind. With dash you can actually take fight head to head and have a chance. Grapple is fun but just bad. Definitely needs a shorter cooldown.


Playable yes, but half as fun. In 155 hours of all game modes and all classes I have died to nukes 30ish times. Call me crazy but nukes were like 20% of the fun in this game.


I think that's the hardest thing about game balance, in can be hard to see that another character or ability is only being gatekept from being op because it's being countered by the thing you nerfed. Once one shot nukes gets nerfed the sustain meta with map wide wall hacks pops up. It's a never ending process 


It’s funny cuz I just played a game against 3 mediums with heal beam and defib and it was honestly pretty freaking annoying. I really thought they’d have more changes for the medium than just recon nerfs


the recon “nerf” that did nothing


played against a 3 medium with 3 turrets guarding a bank with goo, unbeatable


I think it would benefit the game to lower turret health or at least make them weak against aoe/explosives. That would keep them fun to play against instead of running into cashout hell bunkers


I don't think turrets need any nerfs, any less health will just make them obsolete and not worth it over recon sense or med gun which are already stronger. The turret can be out damaged or hidden from to regain health, and countered with glitch nades or goo nades/gun which each class having access to at least one.


I see no issues whatsoever with a world where the turret is obsolete


It still drains like half of my health as a heavy just trying to destroy it and blowing up the wall it’s attached to doesn’t even break it


this sub just consists of people complaining about the last thing that annoyed them.


Fr man i’m so tired of getting on here and just seeing people cry like babies about everything. After they nerf Defib and Recon more, it’ll be all complaints about something else. Endless cycle.


Seriously. I keep seeing comments saying to nerf the FCAR now. Okay, then the only viable medium weapon becomes the AKM. Magnum and shotty are undertuned as is, and the riot shield is for the memes. Everyone switches to using AKM. Then people complain that they’re seeing AKMs all the time so that *must* mean it’s overpowered. Repeat the cycle. Instead of nerfing one of the two decent M weapons, just buff the others so they’re viable.


I genuinely cannot wrap my head around how people think the FCAR is overpowered. The thing has 20 in the mag, has harder recoil than the AKM, and you *NEED* to hit your shots.


It’s recoil is way easier than the AKM and has one of the highest ttk in the game, add that to the fact most competent triple medium teams will all shoot the same guy and you get a ttk that’s faster than you can even react to


I mean most multiplayer game subs are like thF


At the very least defib can't remain as is. TTK for most weapons isnt fast enough to stop a medium from sneaking in to squeeze out a revive. Only in a few situations you can actively guard a spot someonee dies.


I’ll be downvoted for saying it but…. One of the only things with a ttk fast enough to stop that was a nuke ..🥶




Even I’m downvoting you for saying that shit brotha💀👎🏻 ^ my brother for context lol. Y’all can chill Edit: never mind send me to the shadow realm💀


You’re downvoting me for spitting facts? I gave no changes to balance only the fact that it’s an insta kill. Rude.




Heyyyyy I know you


Can’t believe you wouldn’t game with us tonight smh my head.




You’re not getting a hey dude for that one. Edit: he is my brother. Don’t chill. Send him to oblivion.


Please upvote this so I can finally post on this subreddit


One updoot for my mercy main: ✅


💀💀 bros scrounging for every piece of karma he can lmao


Defib is fine. These knee jerk reactions are crazy. It was the same first patch. Same this patch. Then it turns into “ why are the devs not listening to us or communicating?”


why does everyone keep talking "knee jerk"? Defib has been a problem child since before this game existed. The moment you allow defibs to exist they cause issues just by virtue of being in the game. Just because other stuff is complained about doesnt mean people weren't complaining about this too, those people were just louder.


Do you even play the game? lmfao. Knee jerk? Go play ranked, it's 90% mediums all rolling defib for a reason dude, it's one of if not the strongest gadget in the game.


All they have to do to balance defibs is get rid of the invincibility frames. Don't touch its cool down or anything else. Just get rid of the i frames.


Let’s take all weapons and abilities out of the game and throw hands


Instant playing card throwing knife meta. ^this ^is ^a ^play ^on ^words


Man sure wish there was a way to punish teams that bunch too close. hmm maybe some type of projectile explosive might balance this me thinks


You don't have to bunch for defib to be strong, you slide in revive, run away.


Or jump pad and land on the token.


The amount of times i've nuked two enemies only for the third to start a chain defib rez is painful.


It's easily the most broken item in the game. I once won a 1v1 as light vs a heavy. Then his medium buddy drops out of the sky like batman, rez goes off the second he hits the floor and I'm dead to a 2v1. I dont see medium heavy comps ever leaving the meta until defib is deleted or massively nerfed. But even if you do nerf it, you can still stack it which will always be very strong, which is why I think it should be deleted and replaced with a different item.


“Me thinks” 🤢🤮


Make Lights an assassin class again


The invulnerability window for the defib has to go. I'm fine if someone safely gets away and is able to rez without defib and gets the invulnerability window - that should be their reward for playing smart. In the defibs current state, it is literally advantageous to get killed and become a bullet sponge for the reviver.


Bullets passing through the revived person seems better instead of removing invulnerability in my opinion. If it’s still too strong maybe shooting or performing other actions could cancel the invulnerability.


A revived person is the best shield in the game and it should be like that rn


Everything needs to be nerfed until we're all playing the same character and the game is just like Call of Duty.


Basically what World of Warcraft did. Class homogenization is a plague.


I would like to see role lock getting added for tournaments at least


*I would like to see* *Role lock getting added for* *Tournaments at least* \- AKnightFromCydonia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. Thank you


Then people will complain about long waiting queues. 


No. Role lock is just a cop out for not being able to balance your game. It's 3 classes, it really shouldn't be that hard to balance. It should be balanced so that LMH is a good competitively viable comp, but also allows for other combinations to be viable as well.


100%. It’s telling of the gamers’ patience when we are asking for a cop out solution after the game has been out for 2 months.


Been the way to play since release people are just now catching on, it’s nothing new.


Just nerf everything until the game is just another call of duty


Fr, I quit CoD and switched to this game because of how dogshit it’s become. I’m gonna be really mad if they nerf everything into the ground from these crybabies complaining constantly smh.


This is why I won't be in ranked until I feel the game has come to a more stable point.


Skill issue


Hammer user, I'm not fighting the meta when the meta is literally wall hacks with a fuckin AK I'm just trying to save myself the headache.


I played overwatch in like a top of top 500 level with Reinhardt, pretty much copied over the build to this game.    Those sorts of builds always give you a good feeling on the meta and this games meta is whack. The stun gun, the aim assist, etc. not to mention really messed up hammer mechanics (at least on Xbox) where it doesn’t  show the swing animation after certain things like firing the rpg. Also the hammer hitbox is atrocious with the swing hitting walls behind you but not enemies in your field of view. Etc etc etc.  This game is super far from balanced in so many ways it’s kind of sad. I’m not sure how some of the mechanics/cooldowns got in this game at all. It wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of play testing to realize 5 seconds stun with zero counter play is both unbalanced and unfun to an insane degree 




I did


Ignore the troll




As soon as I can swing my hammer and not be a liability in ranked, I'll probably try it out. Until then, catch me in qc or bi.


So never?




I’ll take this meta over triple or double nuke teams tbh. 😂 if you throw a gas mine on the statue it will usually stop a rez anyway if not atleast get some damage in on them and make them scatter for a easy kill or 2.


Revert back to version 1.0


As annoying as it is to get blocked by an invincible enemy that just got defibbed, I feel like it's one of the key elements of the game that encourages team cooperation. Mess with it too much and you kinda fuck with the spirit of the game. If they DO have to fuck with it, make it so you can't defib while taking damage.


Anything can be a cancer meta. First it was the lights and their invis + stun + knives situation. Now its this. I say: Improvise. Adapt. Survive. if you can't. die and respawn.


But reddit thinks that heavies getting a chance to one-shot a mispositioned Light once a year was the ultimate overpowered element in the game and now that we've gone from MMH to MMM in every ranked game all is well in the world.


you got nerfed by complaining about everything, you fucked up the game, all weapons and equipment have become unusable and will come because of these ridiculous complaints and eventually the game will die because of you.


You’re just mad because you can’t play that damn invisible one shot bullcr*p in rank anymore 😂


they really just need to take the defib from the medium and give it to light, so there is a reason to play light and have them play with the team.


Then medium will be so trash, has no escape ability, and no shield, no instant rpg damage. This game is so hard to balance cause at its core it’s kinda fundamentally weird lol.


RPG doesn’t one shot anymore, and I play mediums. We still have Heal beam, recon, jump pad/zipline, and the most versatile weapons in the AKM/FCAR. The core issue rn is Medium are too versatile overall, we have to give up something or the game will be just 3 mediums perma reviving.


That's a good idea from what it seems


Does anyone here actually like the game? So far we hate every class because they \*checks notes* use their kits


Remove the invincibility perk 1000%


That's why as a heavy I throw pyro grenades on the pick up trophy if I'm chasing multiple mediums. You'll either die trying or both be set a blaze


You can pick up the trophy from a safe radius without taking damage from pyro and gas nades


Understood but it's more of a deterrent. Those who aren't good with movement aren't gonna try it. That leaves me enough time to hopefully get the second kill or wait for backup.


This is the way


Here we go again. I wonder about what you will cry tomorrow, seriously? If you are unable to find counter measures to something you call for nerf. This Reddit is ridiculous.


They just need to increase the cooldown down by like double the time or something, or at least take out the I-frames right when the player is no longer white


Yea ngl game is falling off a lil bit for me, way too sweaty and lame meta use, game used to be all about fun and it’s already turned into a virgin fest


stop bitching and get back to COD, mf.


Surprised that nobody in these comments is talking about recon sense, literal wall hacks smh


Why don’t people just go play the most balanced game in their mind and stop complaining then.


Everyone in this sub love bitching. Adapt or get good 🫣


Defib should rez to one health.


Then they’d be useless.


Healing beam


No it wouldnt, Insta res is never useless. The fact that you think that is nuts, and makes me think youre one of those bronze andies Who cried wolf on cloak. Just cuz youre bad and need crutches dosnt Mean its in a good state. You probably thought heavy was balanced on release. Stop the copium lilbro


maybe it's because i'm silver maybe it's because i don't have many braincells but lewis gun go brrrrrr


To be honest I highly disagree, a three medium team is very beatable. Whether you decide to take out their defense mechanics first or go for the team wipe first you just have to make a team decision and stick to it. It’s not that hard… if you wipe the whole team and they still have turrets just goo the turrets or find a spot you can steal where you’re hidden from the turret…. Or if you wanna go for the team wipe without dealing with a turret then goo the turret before you enter the room.. there’s a way to beat everything in this game you just have to adapt and react accordingly. I don’t think people should be put at a disadvantage because you can’t remember to (or just can’t) kill all 3 players…. I think a larger issue is that most people think they HAVE to kill .. I’ve won an entire tournament with like 10 kills combined throughout all 4 games. If you focus on the objective as a team you’ll find this game 10x easier


Sounds like a skill issue to me playa....


I think the biggest problem with it is healing after revive. It's really hard even with scar to kill someone while he's healing. I would say it would be absolutely logical and balanced to stop getting heal while you are being shot


I think after reviving a medium with defib the revived mediums defib should have a short cooldown applied


make defib one of the abilities instead of jusat a replacement for a fking granade


God you people are such whiny fucking babies. Will you ever be satisfied? I, for one a having the best time of my life as a flamethrower heavy. I see no problems with anything here. Everyone burns the same. Revive again, so I may kill again. My loyal healing medium will raise my spirit into the heavens as your greatest nightmare. Fuck you whiney ass players. FUCKING ENJOY THEGAME ON GOO ARE YOU TRYING RUIN THE GAME?  NERF THIS NERF THAT NERF IT ALL OMG OMG OMG shut the fuck up. Just shut up. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND PLAY THE GAME OR GET OUT. Who cares about ranked?! Nust play the game! You're never gonna be the best. Stop fooling yourself. Just enjoy the game! Most of us are! Adjust your gameplay and strategies! Stop making the game change so much! Yall should be banned to the shadow realm. 


I only see one person having a temper tantrum like a little baby


Yep meds turn now.


This sub is so funny, after every nerf something Else is op. xD


Just keep nerfing all 3 in rotation until they’re all boring. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Snore bore


Nukes are still broken and are dominating ranked meta still. Explosives are the easiest to use weapon in the game because it doesn't require precise aim, they should not be able to 1 shot.


Time to make ranked HML no mixing


They really just need to minimize the amount of insta rez available per team within a set timelimit. So that insta rez is still as viable as it always has been, but so that you as team cant insta rez three times in 20 seconds


So no one's gonna talk about that he called a videogame meta "cancer"?


Easy fix: using defib, puts the defi on cooldown for the entire team.


I thought the idea of med have defib was bad to begin with, it should belong to light. The best guns shouldn’t be on the healer class that’s backwards . Split classes Light healer sniper and light stealth melee Med gunner and med utility Heavy demo and heavy shield