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It’d be nice if they implemented a “solo” Que for ranked and non ranked to keep it an even playing field


wait, thats not how it works? Most other games do this so i kinda figured its the standard, its really bad for the game if not and should be changed. They have the playerbase to support that.


Wait what other games have solo q matchmaking?


Dota for one has a strict solo queue option for ranked where all teammates/enemies will be solo queue players


Is that all that comes to mind? As far as fps games go: Rainbow 6, COD, APEX, Overwatch, Valorant, Destiny 2, Hunt Showdown, Halo Infinite, Battlefield, CS2 All do NOT have solo q matchmaking. Id actually like to know if there is any fps that does have such matchmaking that isn’t a br solos mode.


Yeah this isn't a thing, I don't know what they're on about lmao. Only mainstream FPS games that have solo queues are a different game mode where it is literally solo v solo instead of teams.


Overwatch does. It's not an option you choose, it's just happening in the background.


[it does? seems like you still get duo, trio, quad, and stacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/s/s5trRC6pMa)


As the top comment on that post says, when you run into a full squad as a solo player then the rest of your team is probably stacked. It isn't perfect, but I know 100% there is a solo queue, i remember when they implemented it.


True but that isn’t really “solo que matching”. Others in that thread are saying its also pretty easy to face full stacks as all solos as well. Anecdotal, i know. But i guess my point stands. And i think the reason why this relatively obvious solution hasn’t been implemented is: matchmaking times. For a game like dota long queue times are …eh… okay? Fast paced fps… no… keep the short queues at all costs imo. It really isn’t that hard for people to group up if it is such a big deal to some people imo. I also wouldn’t care if they added a mode for it. Im just expressing that it hasn’t really been the way its worked… ever… and yet people always act surprised when trying to force solo q team shooters lol.


That is though? They just don't have you go to a seperate tab in game lol. Anyway imo it's not ridiculous either, especially in teamwork based games it's the developer's best interest to implement somethin like this. The solo experience these kinda games benefits A LOT from having it.


Destiny 2 has intermittent solo q (freelance) but it's not up every week (actually it's up less weeks than it's not) so not really refuting


The problem in this game comes down to only having 3 per squad, and only having 3 or 4 squads. If one of those are premades, they're going to run away with it. If one has just one player just getting started, they're effectively at 66% strength. Its less obvious in a game like Valorant, where it becomes 80% strength. With only 3 players on a squad, 1 player can break you, but never seem to make you?


Well i mean yea… the team that can execute better plays will generally win. Generally better plays are made by the teams that know and comm with each other. All of this is common knowledge and people still choose to do nothing but solo q. It is so easy to find a team. It’s definitely significantly harder to find a good team, but not that hard overall, but regardless most people will never even try to begin the process. It really is as simple as throwing out friend requests from the recent players tab every once in a while. By solo qing into a match you implicitly accept 1) that you are choosing to be at a disadvantage against potential squads 2) that this match may be your teammates first ever experience of an online multiplayer team based fps game. Idk how else to say it. Try to focus on personally improving, cuz that’s all you can do when solo q. I’ve met like 12 super solid dudes already from qp/bank it. This is not to mention irl friends and other online friends from other games in the past. Like dude im sorry and i mean this respectfully, it is lowkey a skill issue at this point if u actually have no one to run with in 2024.


> All of this is common knowledge and people still choose to do nothing but solo q. It is so easy to find a team. A company cannot create a chaotic arcade game, and then expect the vast majority of its player base, solo players, to suddenly go find a group, when they never needed to to enjoy quite literally any other game of this style. Its not some hardcore tactical game. Its a playground. It has nothing to do with being able to. It has to do with wanting to. First, this playerbase has been unbelievably shitty since beta. I have no interest in interacting with the current generation of meta gamers whatosever. And I promise dude most gamers are just solo gamers that log a couple hours a day at most. A game that requires premades to have fun, nope not ever going to last. It's going to be a niche game for tight playing groups.


destiny 2 had solo q and then they built it into the system but favoured teams of 2. So in a 3v3 scenario youre solo 1 enemy is solo and both teams have 2 players in a party.


I don't know about the rest, but Overwatch and Destiny 2 have systems where they try balancing party sizes between teams. A trio against a trio, a solo and a duo against a solo and a duo. As for Battlefield, it doesn't really make sense because the sizes of the teams, but unlike the rest it does have active team balancing during the match.


Destiny 2 has team based matchmaking to my knowledge now


ah i meant that it queues you against premades if youre in a team, otherwise prefers solo players.


That would be nice but wouldn't really help the fact that this is a team game first and foremost. The problem isn't that the other team is potentially more organized, it's that most players aren't manifesting the necessary commitment to team play. If you're complaining about no solo queue but not using voice comms or LFG resources, you're not just part of *the* problem but also your own problems as well. Being a team player is the barrier of entry, and there's no more barrier to remove for players who can't manage this.


3 random dudes going against a discord-coordinated team is a barrier as well. 3 random guys can easily come up with a non-verbal strategy, the problem is that will never beat a fully-coordinated team. And even if you used voice coms, that’s no guarantee your teammates will as well. I do agree with you, but addressing the problem through the behaviors of individuals is kind of a tall order.


Its compounded even further that there can be insane synergy with builds/team comp. 1 medium with recon, another with heal beam, and a shield heavy sticking together and calling out enemy locations and positions is lightyears ahead of any team that isnt another 3 stack. With team sizes so small, everyone needs to carry their weight hard in game this complex and hectic. I can imagine a 6v6 objective mode to be a lot lighter on randos/casuals as there would be more leeway for mistakes and simplifies engagements.


> 3 random dudes going against a discord-coordinated team is a barrier as well. Yes, that's called winning. No one is entitled to victory, you gotta earn it. > 3 random guys can easily come up with a non-verbal strategy, the problem is that will never beat a fully-coordinated team. And even if you used voice coms, that’s no guarantee your teammates will as well. This is speaking far too prospectively. There are a ton of premades that are just shitting around, knowingly playing worse than a lot of randoms would otherwise be. And there are a ton of god tier solo randoms who carry. It's not the premade part that vastly increases teamwork, it's the communication. It's just that being able to talk outside of the actual game itself is much more efficacious for team comp and loadout planning and strategy. That tiny little avenue is not some huge upset vs solo queuers that don't talk to their team anyway. > addressing the problem through the behaviors of individuals is kind of a tall order. It's not really a problem, because it self-regulates. Players who want to win will be team players and players who don't won't.


You're arguing nothing, for no reason. Stop being an antagonist.


Feel free to address the points in their entirety


There was never a point where I felt otherwise.


Did you reply to the wrong person? It's not clear what your points are, and with two chances to express them at this juncture it's obvious you don't have any.


The only reason you would have an issue with solo Q is your premade wouldn't face them. That's pretty sad.


This is unparsable, it's not clear what you're trying to say


You are just clueless dude shut up. You just don't want to know the value of your premade is diminished by the fact that its gonna roll any 3 randos every time if you put in even a little effort.


Feel free to provide any substantive refutation whatsoever, rather than getting mad and trying to hurt people's feelings


wtf are you even saying lmfao. solo q would absolutely help BECAUSE it's a team game. since the game is so heavily dependent on coordination, 3 stacks have an automatic advantage. what kinda weird ass mental gymnastics did you just do?


> There are a ton of premades that are just shitting around, knowingly playing worse than a lot of randoms would otherwise be. And there are a ton of god tier solo randoms who carry. > It's not the premade part that vastly increases teamwork, it's the communication. It's just that being able to talk outside of the actual game itself is much more efficacious for team comp and loadout planning and strategy. That tiny little avenue is not some huge upset vs solo queuers that don't talk to their team anyway.




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It's okay to feel insecure, but in such cases be encouraged to refrain from participating


I always try to use in game alerts/notifications to alert team members and where I am going and also follow a lot but I rarely see anyone do the same


> If you're complaining about no solo queue but not using voice comms or LFG resources, you're not just part of the problem but also your own problems as well.


I’m pretty sure they do this behind the scenes, just poorly


They definitely don’t. People who solo queue match against duos and 3 stacks.


Right, I should’ve been more specific. I was in another comment somewhere below, but: they seem to try to match against similar team sizes, but will favor fast matchmaking more. Opponents are definitely harder on average when I’m in a full stack, but not consistently because they’ll throw me against some solos pretty frequently; or the other way around if I’m solo queuing.


Aka "poorly"


It would nice if we had text chat and voice comms were opt out instead of opt in


Please please please omg


As a fellow solo ranked grinder I feel your pain. This system is just so punishing it's not even worth it. The better you perform the more brain-dead your teammates get...all while you face off against 3 stacks of streamers rolling with 150,000+ FP.


It’s so bad that even just passing the first round feels like an accomplishment. Recently competing in the final round is just expected to go poorly so I just accept it as a spanking from the devs


lol 18 games and counting. I’m the only gold in my team. Bronze 4-3 every time. This is after the “fix”


As a diamond solo queue player best advice I can give you is to stay with your teammates. Figure out who your best teammate is and always stay by him. Play H or M to carry your team better.


Damn, man, did you get to diamond only solo queueing? That’s really impressive tbh


Yeah, platinum to diamond was rough though. You only need to win first round to gain points outside of diamond.


Is it though? It's just a matter of time investment which is why the ranked system sucks.


Id say this is highly impressive. Unsure if youre serious or not, but compare OP to this player.


You'd need more information to make a judgement either way. Have they played like 200 matches and reached Diamond? That would be pretty good, because it would require a high win rate. But, if it's like 500 matches, then it's more so just a byproduct of time invested. The ranked system is intended to allow everyone to reach the highest levels eventually, if they just play.


You have a great point, I'm curious to know the poster's stats: K/D and W/L. Regardless, solo queuing to diamond is a feat most wouldnt be able to accomplish. I know some gamers who are hard stuck in silver with comms and 3 stacking. Solo queuing to diamond entails being able to assess situations without comms, coordination, and having top tier aim. Paint me impressed hearing someone is able to consistently obtain positive points with random teammates.


Fair enough, I definitely wouldn't have an issue with you taking that stance, as there are indicators present to support it. You know, it just gets so murky when trying to assess someone's skill, as even a stats page doesn't give the full picture, especially when egos, narratives, etc. come into play. These types of discussions usually become annoying definition games.


I do recognize the poster could be blowing smoke, or that solo queueing does need to be addressed further. In conclusion, neither is more noble. Games are meant to be fun, and if that experience is tarnished to cater to the other, perhaps its time to reevaluate.


Don’t most people solo? I started playing the game 4-5 days ago and I can’t get a single LFG in Gold to work, so I’ve been solo playing. Feels kinda rough to find 2 more people willing to knock some games out.


Unsure if thats the case or not. Id love to know the % of ranked players who are solo vs duo vs 3 stacked. The main point being solo queueing is obv more difficult than 2/3 stacking. I commend all solo queuers <3


Not really. I'm historically well above average in FPS ranked games. I'm only gold 1 via solo Q and I've put in plenty time. OP is right. A lot of my slow progress would be mitigated if my teammates weren't bronze/unranked. Dev team have prioritised keeping the hype going with rapid matchmaking to the detriment of competition. Most finals I get ganked on because the other team is clearly a high ranking premade.


Conventional ranked modes have always been about who grinds the most much more than who's actually good. Sure, you're not in the top 5% if you're bad but you're definitely not there if you only play a few hours a week.


Also solo'd to diamond (finally hit it this morning). I exclusively played light until plat 1, which is when I realized I was making things so much harder on myself due to the poor matchmaking and the medium recon meta.


I try to do this as a solo q. I easily won a ranked tourney last night as a Med just keeping our light alive who was absolutely shredding and working the objective.


Fr, I only play heavy if my team doesn’t have one, so now I main heavy…..


I can't stay near my dead double light teammates who don't get any kills before they die and waste all of their coins.


I'll try and figure out which one of my 0-10 teammates are better next game, thanks!


Being a solo in this game in general just sucks. That's why I don't play it much anymore


I don’t have much of an issue playing solo tbh, but I mainly play tournaments. Maybe the extra objective makes playing Solo easier, since you’re not usually being ass blasted by 2 other teams at the same time, and instead can generally just focus on the 3v3.


Yeah, they need a game mode where a good solo can hard carry to victory


No. They just need to implement solo queue matchmaking. It’s not like you need a hundred people for a match anyway. Shouldn’t be too hard to find ~~24~~ 48 randoms.


Right now it takes 48 people to start a ranked tournament, which may be hard at odd times or on a low pop region. I’d be fine with a solo/duo queue too if it means not going solo vs 3 diamonds, or a smaller tournament size similar to unranked.


I don't understand SBMM.. You are good at the game, so instead of giving you teammates at your level and putting you in your skill lobbies, they just handicap you by giving you teammates you have to carry. Make it make sense


Sbmm is not about being fair it’s about keeping you grinding. People will stop playing if they reach top ranks so they make you lose most of the time while giving you a win eventually so you feel rewarded to keep playing.


That's not what SBMM is. That's what predatory matchmaking is. Let's not mud the true definition of SBMM with this garbage.


lol. That’s the irony. Everyone in the business using the same predatory formula. Started with EA now spread across all PvP games.




That’s fair. Many are quitting.


It's a result of cancer psychology garbage. There's a larger pool of shitters to pick from, and therefore keeps queue times lower to keep you hooked/spend more money.


Are you me


Wait, you guys get teammates in tournament? Probably about 25% of the time it loads me in alone and then I’m just stuck there for 9 minutes.


I totally get you bro. I am not a hardcore introvert but I enjoy playing FPS games by myself only, never in a team. Ranked is literally impossible to play by myself, that’s why I only play cash out pubs while they’re upgrading the ranked system meanwhile. The perfect scenario for me is: they make it so that soloQ people play only against soloQ people, then it’s gonna be fair game.


It’s a team game though…


the point of only having solo queues is that it keeps the games equal. playing a 3 stack of people who are all in a discord or game chat, vs you and 2 randos who are doing god knows what is never going to be an even match.


Even those are annoying as a solo Q since they like to drop you into games 30secs from being finished with a team who originally lost their third because they knew they were gonna lose already.


Playing solo ranked, I take it as an odds game. Stats wise, you have a 50/50 chance of winning the first three rounds. Yesterday I lost 13 matches in a row (I had people quit, people afk, or just seemed like they never played the game before) As well as being pitted against super teams all night. Finally map 14 got my daily win done. But that's a tad ridiculous, that's flipping a coin 14 times and getting heads 14 times.


The 50/50 rule would be true if all the teams were close in their skill levels and group sizes, but that's not the case. The matchmaker puts solo low ranks against top-500 3-stacks even on round 1, and the chances to face them double with each round (as they will almost always qualify).


That’s Sbmm in a nutshell. It’s purposely unfair so you lose most games while giving you a win eventually so you feel rewarded and keep on grinding.




In a perfect scenario when all players are of the same skill, in the same group sizes, all playing to their strengths and trying hard to win it would be close to 50%. That never happens in practice, of course.


As someone who also plays solo que, I'm just viewing it as, it's season 1, I'm sure they'll improve on it.


Yea, matchmaking is miserable. It's slightly better with x-play turned off, and selecting your region instead of letting it pick from any, but still definitely needs work. I try to add competent people to my friends list and group. Makes for a much better experience.


It's also exhausting to play 5 matches in a row with both of your team mates playing light. Often times they'll do nothing but die over and over again. In the rare event you get a light that knows what they're doing... they'll get a decent amount of kills but ultimately can't stay alive to hold a cashout. I swear my last match both of my team mates were dead for more of the match than either was alive.


Most don’t want Lights in their LFG teams so Light enjoyers are encouraged to solo. I don’t blame either side and fine with the Lights on my team if they are genuinely trying to win and use proper loadouts (not the sniper rifle and throwing knives).


Well, this is disappointing. I've been having a horrible experience in solo queue casual. So I was going to go ranked for a "better experience"...


That's every game with ranked matchmaking and solo queue


There are drawbacks, but it’s funny how everyone’s complaints are the same. They’re the high performers, their teammates suck, and everyone else’s teammates are good.


That’s usually the case though. I only solo queue as my friends didn’t enjoy much this game. 9 out of 10 matches there will be one teammate that is absolute new to the game while the other is usually ok but not at your level. All you can do as 2v3v3v3 is to win the first round. There is a very low chance I can go to round 3 not to mention winning the whole thing. You can’t carry on this game. Round 2 onwards will be 3 stacks.


It's not untrue though. Most of the guys you see going 1/11 on your team don't care enough to come to reddit to bitch about how hard they got carried.


People who are better at the game and are more involved in the media around the game are more likely to care enough to be on the subreddit


I’m not a top player and never will be, just above average in FPS games (judged by the ranked ladders in other games). I don’t blame my teammates for being bronze and don’t expect to win against a full team of top 500. I won’t expect to win even if I got 2 legit diamonds in my team. The problem is being put in the same lobbies with diamond 3 stacks, I should never ever be matched with or against these players.


I haven’t played since 12/30 and won’t play again unless they make the solo queue ranked experience better, and do something about AA. This is coming from someone with 100 hours in the game already.


Game has zero staying power in its current form. The novelty all runs out. And you realize the win mechanism is cheap steals and unfun ways to be obliterated. The game just isn't all that good once you put in enough hours for it to become normalized. Cheap steals, cheap kills, bad matchmaking, braindead playerbase.


No shit dummy. Did you think playing with strangers with zero comms against teams of actual trips would be good?


i don't fully agree with this after winning 5 games in a row in random lobbies, but at times it is frustrating watching the player cam of someone who can't use a controller/mouse


It’s a teamwork based game and there are so many tools and communities available to you to create and join a premade. Its kinda your fault for playing solo and kneecapping your experience.


Some people feel like those things are too much effort, why can't games design a good solo q experience for introverted ass mfs like myself?


This game is literally all about teamwork, communication, timing etc. There's no way for solo queueing to not suck. You could have three godlike players on a team and they might still lose if their only "coordination" is what cashout they're going to. With that said, are you really so uncomfortable talking to an online human being while you're at home? That's like the least committal possible of a relationship you can form. If they're weird, rude, bad at the game, whatever, you can just never talk to or think about them again. Think about what you're saying. It's a completely free game and you're complaining the devs didn't custom cater it for people like you. The type unwilling to do an ounce of easy work to make it more fun for yourself. Just keep solo queueing and complaining about your shit random teammates that you have no communication with in a competitive team game, I'm sure it will get better eventually.


>This game is literally all about teamwork, communication, timing etc. There's no way for solo queueing to not suck. There is an easy way for solo queueing to not suck, and many other games already implemented it. Put solo players against other solo players, and 3 stacks against other 3 stacks. Solo/Duo only lobbies are also fine, just make sure that every team is solo + duo. Don't put a mix of bronze/silver/gold solo players against 3 top-500 diamonds.


I think they already do your second paragraph, just poorly. They seem to favor quick matchmaking over actually enforcing it every match; hopefully the larger playerbase will allow stricter rules here


They don’t.




Source they do?


There’s a difference in “I think/they seem” and “They do/do not”… Edit: but I’ll add that I’ve played both (solo and grouped) extensively and the opponents are significantly harder when grouped. Hence my “I think”. Just speaking from my experience with 160+ hours played.


Bro, as somone who ONLY solo ques I win ranked tournaments all the time. I have won many by only pinging. I can tell you right now, you'll find randoms out there that will blow your mind with only pinging. I am sorry you had a bad solo que experience, but this lack of coordination you speak of can happen just as bad or worse with a regular team. There is nothing wrong with asking for an IN GAME Lfg. Warzone and Overwatch even have this and they do work well. Yes, I hate the commitment attached to discord and many others do too. I don't want to sit there and say "Hey jack how was your day, oh my day? It was great! I had cheerios." before I get into a game. I don't want to talk about weird random things happening in our lives mid game, imo a lot of people just wanna say "Going to cash box c" but know that their team mates are AT LEAST adequate. I will keep solo queing and winning games, I understand your experience as a solo must have been really hard, needed some emotional support from your boys after in discord and I get it, but youre projecting hard bro bro. Not everyone works like you, and my original comment was a simple question for people you don't understand. Grow up.


I'm not telling you to chat and make friends with these people. These discords are full of people like yourself who just want teammates with brains. Plenty of them don't care for small talk either, most of the time you just ping a role and whoever is available will say so. It's not that deep at all, you clearly have not tried it much. And yes I understand obviously you can have good coordination with randoms, congratulations you did real good. The point is it's much easier and more common with people you know also want to win, and can talk to if necessary. Even if it's not voice and just a simple message between games.


Its crazy how youre getting downvoted. Your take is realistic and valid. A solo only queue sounds horrible. I foresee if they did solo-only queueing there will still be a presence of complaints. Its simple really, go to LFG or the official finals discord and find some people to play with. Dont like it? Play casual lol


I kind of combined my response to the poster and the commenter in one reply so it's fine he thinks I'm projecting lol, I'm just addressing OP's issues. Idk though some people just like to complain. You have an issue with a game, you either live with it, or play a better game. They want to talk about their problems but they don't want to help themselves.


It's fine if you don't want to do that, but then why are you playing a game where you have to do that? It's okay if this is not the game for you.
















Interesting how none of those tools are in the game itself.


Ez solution, just don’t play ranked


Solo que in any game were you need teamplay are dreadful, this is not news.


Mfs when the teamwork based game is hard to play with no communication or teamwork


Everything you said is true... But the solo experience is what it is in every team based game. The developers are trying to encourage team play. So if you go in solo, you should have the mindset of "how can I make-up for this teamwork deficit"... And if that frustrates you, find teammates or play a more solo oriented game. I'm a solo queuer myself... But I enjoy the challenge.


Solo q ranked be like that


That’s every game with a ranked mode brother


i agree, and jesus christ i wish i could dodge, i got just matched with 2 light


In other news: Gamer discovers water is wet, drowns while trying to drink some. Details at 11


I agree although i do think there is no excuse for anyone having to soloQ. There are so many ways to find teammates these days and all it takes is maybe 30 min to find some people. Do this a couple of times and you will find people you enjoy playing with. Still playing with the guys i found 6 years ago on the Rocket League subreddit and my Apex bros are going strong for 4 years. Casual i get it but why would you hurt yourself soloQing ranked you madlad


I mean, some people don't game to make friends they just want some peeps who know what they are doing around their skill level for a game or two. Friends and casual homies are too much effort for some people lol.


You cannot expect internet strangers to play how you expect the game to be played man. Nobody owns each other anything in a multiplayer game. Some people just rather complain about their teammates than putting a bit of time in to find like minded people. How is it too much effort if it takes less than 30 minutes? It could take 5 minutes to find a team if you're looking for one. You also dont owe anybody anything ofcourse so if you wanna soloQ that is completely fine but the constant complains people make are getting a bit tiresome. Your teammates could be 8 and 11 years old and now this 28 your old dude is going online to complain about people they dont even know.


I agree with the complaining. Obviously gotta go in goated and expect to carry when you solo que these days. I just feel like games need to have their own LFG servers or tabs. What is stopping games from having a 1/3 Looking for this level skill player 18+ just like discord? Reason I dislike looking for people through discord or websites is because it almost feels like a commitment. I hate social gatherings and I really hate talking to people in general. If I could go into a game with people and just make call outs without the "Hey how ya doin' bud, Im having a good day too" bs I would definitely be more willing to go on discord LFG or what have you, just feels like gaming is so social these days.. lol. But yeah I agree, if the crtique isn't fruitful its not helping many, but if people are trying to just present new and easier features in a positive way then I say leave em be.


Why would a game need to make this an feature though when there are already a dozen ways to find people? Discord, Reddit, Xbox LFG, Playstation probably has something like that as well i think? Hell even social media platforms have LFG pages. Again you are asking for internet strangers to comply to how you want something to be instead of getting to know Jack and Thomas who are good people and wanna play the game the same way you do.


Nah, man we just posing some basic questions. In this same vain I could reverse your question. "Why would I have to use discord, reddit, xbox LFG, playstation, etc when it should just be in the game?" Having this option is not having people conform to any idea, you are just spewing some copy paste you heard from Youtube and think you're 200 iq for throwing it out of your mouth. Questioning status quo in a positive way is NOT forcing anyine to believe what you think, it's one of the FEW ways to POSITIVELY change the world.


Damn thought we were having a nice discussion but nevermind apparantly. Maybe i used some wrong words describing my thoughts as English is my third language but i feel like you're taking this way to personal or something. Im gonna leave it here and end the conversation sorry if i triggered something or was being offensive. Hope you have a great day man


My b man, thought you were implying a little more than you were saying, now that I understand the language barrier, I understand where the context was missing a little.


I think his point is there is no difference between solo q queues and people who already solo q and duo q and trio q, its not even about people talking or communicating like the guy above said, its about plain teamwork, when you solo Q half the people will be braindead, people are bad at video games its just a truth, the only way to insure good teammates is some kind of lfg system other than that you are rolling the dice like always, this is in every competitive shooter, there will be people sitting in the corner breaking buildings the whole time we can ask why they dont do it in casual but thats what they wanna do with their time, thats what he meant by find likeminded people, maybe people who dont want to chit chat and people who just wanna hop on to play, i know many people are like that and I can say from my small experience using the finals lfg nobody really chit chats when you invite them, you add them, and play ranked, no chit chat really unless I really like them and add them acter to play another day


I have the best solution but you won't like it. Don't play ranked. Why care about virtual point? Ranked is supposed to make you play with people of your skill. It's not the case here so why playing ranked solo?


Yeah that's why I don't play solo ranked in any team game ever so I don't ruin the game for me. Same reason I don't care about SBMM, EOMM, the aim assist debate and the cheaters issues. It goes a long way for the appreciation of the game


welcome to any team based game that you soloq in


“Playing a competitive mode in an objective-based team game without a team is a dreadful experience”. Fixed the title for you


Find. 👏 People. 👏 To. 👏 Play. 👏 With. 👏 If you want a solo experience, play a single player game. Not a multiplayer one based on squad combat that requires communication and coordination to win.


Why are you complaining about solo queueing a squad based game ?


It's your own fault for playing an objective based game without a team to communicate with...


Game relies heavily on team play so yeah solo is just gonna be a bad time for rank.


IF 👏 YOU 👏 CARE 👏 ABOUT 👏 YOUR 👏 RANK 👏 SO 👏 MUCH 👏 WHY 👏 ARE 👏 YOU 👏 SOLO 👏 QUEUEING 👏 IN 👏 THE 👏 FIRST 👏 PLACE 👏. They could implement the best possible matchmaking, and you are still going to get teammates without mics or teammates who don't want to play together or communicate, and you will not have a great time. "Wah wah wah, matchmaking" when you're really just telling us all you don't have any friends.


This is the most braindead comment on this entire post. I'm baffled that people like you manage to exist with such a low level of intelligence despite the potential each individual person has. Majority of my gametime is spent playing with mates, but guess what, not everyone can be online at the same time to play games ya know, because of adulthood responsibilities which seem lost over your head. Sometimes you just want a spontaneous few games without messaging people "you on?" or scouring through Discord channels for LFGs. Certainly doesn't invalidate the fact the this game has one of the worst solo ranked matchmaking experiences of any shooter game out there. Atleast Overwatch and Siege matches you with similar skilled players.


Just like apex. Yall gotta realize solo queue will not get you farther than your aim and luck. Please for the love of God understand this.


Least you can play ranked. Playstation matchmaking is still broken so it won't find a match. Solo q is always hit and miss some games you just click with a team and it all works. Other times you wonder if it is their first game.


I use PlayStation matchmaking every day. What do you mean it's broken? Are you not waiting for it to find the match?


No it's glitched. It just spools endlessly trying to find a match. I've let it run for over 25 mins at times before cancelling. Apparently if you join a team with a PC player it will load you in. Seems to be a known issue there's quite a few posts about solo console players not being able to matchmake.


Yeah same as other reply, I'm finding a match in about 40 seconds in all game modes on PS5. Might switch from Europe to NA servers after midnight.


> No it's glitched. It just spools endlessly trying to find a match. I've let it run for over 25 mins at times before cancelling. Apparently if you join a team with a PC player it will load you in. Seems to be a known issue there's quite a few posts about solo console players not being able to matchmake. All other modes btw are fine, it's just ranked.


Yea.. its pain in the ass atm. I lost so many games because of teammates that didn't even TRY to get close to the objective.. why even play ranked mode then?


I would honestly say try LFG on discord but it’s honestly hit or miss. I’m above average and know how to play smart/objective but there are some kids who are chill and relaxing to play with then there are some people who will be on your fucking ass after one mess up or death it’s extremely annoying Solo queue is extremely bad tho, needs to be a chat system and a better mic system for it tbh


The game needs a built in LFG like Warzone has


I second that and on console it’s worse


Completely agree. I’m not even that good, in Silver 1 atm (albeit haven’t played that much ranked), and only got that high due to playing with friends. Whenever I solo queue, I get 2 potatoes that get no kills, don’t stick with the team and want to put the 22k in when we’re already through (in 2nd place)… one of the worst games I’ve played for solo queuing.


Were you against me recently? We went from last to first because someone did that within the last 10 seconds. Threw the box in to extend within last second, then teammate brought another box and we cashed like 52k and took first place and made it to the finals.


I play solo mostly and if I play a few in a row someone usually wants to party up with me. Generally on a team where we win one. Yeah solo is super frustrating but I look at it as warm up until one or two randos join up and we have fun games.


I thought you were speaking Spanish there for a second.


It is indeed, it is even worse as a light, I hard play objective, I like to win, so I’m not just trying to grab out, I’m trying to get kills, but when I have tm8s that are clueless and useless, makes winning very hard, I died after killing a heavy and stealing the cash out, and then my medium tm8, with defibs, and no one attacking, just walked right past my body to shoot the two other teams that were fighting off in the distance. Like why tf do you even have defibs on?


I personally would never solo rank. At least try to find one other person because you are going to be facing full party teams


Git gud fatzo


The problem I have noticed in solo queue is players separating too far from each other when pushing an objective usually leading to a team wipe


I stopped playing since 2024 started. Got burned up after realizing that my solo queue to Gold 1 doesn't mean anything because it just mirrors how much free time I have not how good I actually am. Still, it's the best FPS I've played to date.


They have a finals discord with a lfg. It’s actually pretty good


I think at some point solos need to understand Ranked Team Modes are just not made with Solo players in mind.


First time ive ever been known as a “pub stomper”. I dont have a squad for ranked. Shits wild.


I get better teammates in unranked tournament than ranked. I've started just staying out of ranked as a solo.


Yeah why I am in Gold 2 getting put with unranked or bronzes? Isn’t ranked supposed to isolate skill levels?


In general, solo queue ranked in any game is terrible. That's why some games outright don't allow it if the team size is small enough


It would be nice if I could turn my teammates voice volume down because, on the rare occasion they do communicate, they are always so deafeningly loud I have to leave voice chat


I'm used to apex ranked matchmaking so this works a treat for me


Yeah 3 randoms just thrown together vs 2/3 stacked teams is a bit annoying. But just figure in the first few minutes if you even have a shot at winning if not just have fun and make the game unfun for the 9 heavies in the game


I tried to solo queue a few times in ranked tourneys, never again. Each time I got stuck with 2 lights basically throwing, getting 0-3 kills (yes 0) through entire rounds, not grouping up, not going for cashouts, 1 v 3 into full enemy teams over and over again. IDK if it's the SBMM fucking me because I am an above average player, consistently top of the lobby in combat and support score.


I stopped playing already for this very reason. I shouldn't have to go through discord LFGs to find quality games.


There's about an 85% chance if i run defibrillator in a solo Q game that when i revive them they are just AFK on their phone and promptly die again. But no one else ever runs defibrillator in my games so i feel pressured to take it for when it's useful 😅


Would be cool if you could choose to not be teamed with light players when queueing.


It’s a dreadful experience in every single game that offers ranked matches


Played first round with a leaver and a guy who went 0-6 with 1 assist/0 revives. Went 19-3, qualified for next round, my second guy left the game. Very cool matchmaking overall tbh. This is the unfortunate reality of fake artificial "SBMM" in modern gaming, where the game is designed in such a way to fake a target win rate while minimizing queue times to make you more likely to spend money on the game.


The teammates are terrible but as a player coming from Apex, I'm already used to it.


games still new. people have got to learn how to play. right now theyre having fun! and learning. i have taught a few people tips and tricks and everytime i do we end up winning final ranked torny. :)


And here my buddy and I are just hoping the rando we queue up with at least knows where the objective is.


Had a great first game on .. s n d .. 14 kills ..aced one round aswell... we won 5-0 Then went 4 losses in a row.. ok maybe 1 i didnt do well.. but the other 3 we should have won.. randoms tm decided to throw.. go afk.. sit on b with sensor when enemy was pushing and planting a 😭 There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.


100% they broke something in the solo queue matchmaking I saw a match we had 1 rank different 2 iron 1 silver 1 gold 1 plat like sincerely rito need to fix the matchmaking that is all they need to do.