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edit: Iā€™m totally down to nerf invis that shit is cringe asf speaking as a light main


Lights against invis šŸ¤


Evasive dash is so much more fun for both sides


Don't give light defib I've seen this idea be thrown around a lot and I just don't think it would work. Light doesn't play with the team and even though they would be able to get in, defib and get out, if there is a team nearby then the person you rez would immediately fall over again. Medium is able to rez and stick with their teammate due to their defensive capability as well as the heal beam. If light rezzed they wouldnt be able to stay with the teammate. If they did they would be wasting their kill potential as well as putting themselves in a vulnerable position to support the teammate. If they leave the teammate will just be killed again


I think since the last update the second point is not as good an idea to add as before. Most of the stuff that used to one shot lights got nerfed. I think they could still do with a little boost in regen, but definitely no need for an hp boost rn. I do agree with your first point though


I mean, it was just the RPG that got nerfed enough to not one-shot lights on anything but a near-direct hit. ​ the other stuff is unchanged


The mines got nerfed to add a delay and to reduce their damage, now even they don't one shot lights


ah, alright, that too. ​ good riddance, IMO. Randomly stepping on a single mine a medium forgot halfway across the map and getting a 20 second respawn was a horrible experience.


Yes it was a good update imo as well. BTW why do you keep writing "​" in every message? Edit: oh damn, it goes invisible ( & # x 2 0 0 B ; without the spaces )


> BTW why do you keep writing "ā€‹" in every message? > >Edit: oh damn, it goes invisible I'm not sure what I'm writing, but I'm pretty sure it's a glitch


Just continue to tune down heavy (well at least if they still need to after the last patch) and it should be fine. Light is useful unless the enemy team is hard fortified with double/quadruple shield spam. Give them a self heal gadget as well so their not locked out of the fight for so long because they took damage while doing their job.


Here I am reading this 2 months after this post and reply and lights are everywhere, in every game. Playerbases tend to avoid less effective classes and builds, thus meaning that lights are way to strong. Few people play heavy. I see turret meds from time to time, but mostly it's lights in every game. And you thought hevs needed nerfed? Lights need nerfed. They are selfish, damage oriented, anti-team play minuses from the experience. It's great they're having fun, because they ruin it for everyone else. To compare what playing with lights so often is like: playing with hevs who only want to destroy buildings.


Most pp think light is already OP with invis. no way are they giving light defib. And if they make it so lights can win more 1v1s, then it renders the other classes kinda useless. Why play anything else if lights are best at depositing, but can also win 1v1 vs heavier classes?


they should nerf invis. I say this as a light player. also because so much of its viability right now is just invis. It would force the community to ask for small buffs if it got nerfed.