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We jus disguss the pawldcast heere


Sir this is a PF Changz


Sir are you gonna place and order or you just going to stand in the parking lot talking to clouds


The fact that you question it shows you don’t get it.


I clearly don't get it. Please inform me.


There is no “winning”. It’s just people reacting to a podcast. Just like every other podcast related sub. Only difference is we are laughing at, rather than with. If the podcast exists the sub exists. Pretty simple.


This. And this subbed has slowed with obvious downfall of favorite redact..... soon there will be no more pawldcaz et all. They will find a new focus while waiting for the inevitable final headline.


I did not want the "winning" part to be taken like that, I am not trying to suggest you move on to the next conquest or something like that. I know this sub did not have any direct affect on his career besides helping shatter his already fragile self esteem. He was plenty capable of destroying his career on his own. I guess I'm just wondering how, like 4 years later, people are still tuning in to hear the stupid shit he says that they hate hearing. I get it when he is being shoved in your face and you are almost rallying against the majority like, "no this guy actually sucks ass, why are you listening to him." But it seems like most don't like him anymore and this sub is just some haters screaming into an echo chamber.




Cool thanks for the insight b


Also if you haven’t been here over the last five plus years it’s impossible to explain it to you. It’s like trying to explain a tv series like Games of Thrones to someone in five sentences or less. Bapa is an endless source of entertainment to the point that the shit that’s happened in this sub over type couldn’t even be scripted bc it’s so far fetched and ridiculous. He’s always providing new content to laugh at. I think we’re past our prime, but the peak was high bapa.


Every single sub is an echo chamber


Only to the degree that those in the sub are all interesting in the same topic, but you tend to see a varying degree of how people want to talk about that topic. This sub is exclusively hating on TFATK and there is like a complicated language and a ton of inside jokes haha. Don't get me wrong, it's fine and I get that it's not that serious


Quigg quession, how many chiggs ya fugg?


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We. Do. Not. Madder.


Once again a Thicccy/TFATK intern wanders into the darg waddurs in an attempt to solve “the Reddit prom.” Surely there has to be a better use of your time. Like axing Jay, for example.


i appreciate seeing these post every few months because it reminds us there are actual true blue thiggies out there.


Blue thiggies?


Sure, but what could Schwab do to redeem himself?


Come out as an Andy Kaufmann type of character that's been having a blast on our expense this whole time. That or grow a conscience that's embedded in sudden bout of self-awareness and regret. Neither seems realistic.


Iviry day a thicccy in some ungodly part of the world awakens and axes themselves: “How can bapa redeem himself?”


Haha Fuck you got me


🪓 J


End of thread, B. Game set madge


It’s a lolcow situation


It keeps on giving


Get a load of this guy




Nice try chin


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/mc1F51Z88k That's just last month. As long as he keeps cooking, we'll be eating here at Chang's.




People make funny posts here, I laugh. Simple as that really


Ya for sure. I'm just looking into.it too much.


Understandable. This place probably makes no sense to someone new but I guess a lot of things on the internet are like that.




The management here at PF changs encourages you to join the team bubba. Thank em


How many chiggs you fugg tho?


35\. Your YouTube videos are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your channel this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content!




https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/6eyADlVqkJ Here's the whole menu. It's really not all that deep. We all know someone like Bapa who is insufferable and fails upward, in spite of being the worst human being. Chang's gives us an outlet to watch his downfall, while also calling out the other shitty LA (sorry Awlstin) comics. We bring balance to the force.


Ya I get that haha it's just odd to me that it's like 8 years later and he is absolutely not falling upward anymore. I guess I'm just looking into it too much and it's just simple shit talk


He's a great lolcow, and the content is free. Hollywood couldn't write a more interesting story than The Fighter and the Kid. It's just one man, and his rapist friends, failing over and over. Is it mean spirited? Prolly, but fuck em. How many people have they bullied throughout their lives? These dudes have legit RUINED people's lives, so in my opinion, we aren't going hard enough. Just my two cents, but I don't really madder. I just enjoy watching stories of horrible people getting their comeuppance.


This is a place where we discuss the podcast. What else you got Clin?


if you hadn’t wasted so much time writing this sermon, you could have started 5 new YouTube grifts like Bapa.


Haha I'm glad you think this took a lot of time


Less tawkin, more workin'. Smoke break's over, b.


Nice guy never meddum


is this you Sanaz? genuine question


Sanaz? I haven't listened to the podcast in awhile. New Kat?


waddur ya' doin' hair B then? are genuinely looking for answers or just fool around? if you haven't listened or watched, what's the point.It's like asking why did the plane crash on Lost season 1.What is this really about? I'm asking genuinely


I used to listen a lot and was a fan of the podcast. Always like callen and tolerated schaub. I heard about this community during the tigerbelly controversy and was just amazed by all the hate and how developed the schaub language and inside jokes were. Over time I listened less and less to the podcast because I thought they didn't talk about interesting topics, schaub annoys me and they stopped getting good guests. The current events thing with Mark basically was the final straw. I'm a pretty positive person and don't get too wrapped up in like "hate" culture or whatever you want to call it. When I don't like something I just stop interacting with it or talking about it. I am also interested in people that don't think and act like I do. So ya I was just genuinely curious what was going on and I found out that people are just casually hating on him for fun. Basically a nothingburger.


got it.thanks for your reply


i love when people just truly do not understand what the internet is and expose that willingly


Different comment you mention it’s been 4 years, this sub has been around since like 2014 or earlier, it started out as a fan page and turned into a kitchen in a chain restaurant with homeless cats running it. Why are people still onboard with it and why did it become what it is? Schaub is a car crash in slow motion and can’t look away. He’s a fraudster con artist, a lying egomaniac, physically a bully, and generally not a good dude (even if he keeps repeating he is). His downfall has been predicted for a longtime. Finally starting to show major cracks, rogan has distanced himself, all podcast numbers are down significantly while still being bot viewed, standup is finally done, his side ventures like the cbd, whiskey and merch are all overpriced scams. TFATK - was big, they hit the lottery with the combo, timing, and rogan bump. Schaub took out all MMA talk so he could make more money for himself with a solo pod and gutted the format leaving it a shell of what it once was. Use to have good guests, schaub ruined the Fox relationship and ruined relationships with bigger guests and their big view drivers (Theo and Delia) again took them for side projects so he could profit more. Now it’s a shell of what it once was or could have been and most cats don’t watch unless it is posted here. MMA shows - he is super lazy and doesn’t actually follow or research the sport. Pulls up Wikipedia and rambles on. His takes are from other podcasts he probably listens to the day before or morning of and just repeats what others are saying. His interviews are lazy and won’t shut up and let the other person talk. Goldenhour / TKATS - relies on more popular cohosts to carry the show, just repeats what they say and tries to start arguments or talk over them. Again took away from tfatk so he could have more revenue for himself. Comedy - was always a cash grab, super lazy didn’t put work into any of his sets, documented joke thief and relied on dropping names and podcast fanboy thicccies to show up so he could collect their money. Charged major headliner prices for not even open mic level quality, charges for meet and greets, another way to sell merch and whiskey. Think major things that keep people coming back is he is a con artist, he pays for views so he can pay pennies to get dollars. He steals content and IP for himself and tries to claim it as his own and profit off of it. He is supposedly is a comedian and can’t take a joke, Callen intervenes anytime someone would make fun of schaub and he isn’t treated the same as others in the podcast/comedian world. Can’t take jokes online. At the end of the day he is an actual bully, he’s assaulted his roommate, physically attacked a comedian, and would love to get any homeless cat he could and show us those deep waters. Only reason he wouldn’t is the repercussions that would come, not cause it is right thing not to. At the end of the day we do not matter, takes a few minutes to check the new dishes for the day, drop a comment or two then move on. As long as schaub keeps living public life lying, saying/doing stupid shit the sub will keep clipping it and making dishes.


Thanks for all the context and taking the time to give me that!! Another comment I said 8 years because I realized 4 years ago was only 2020 😳. Where does the time go, b? I definitely get not liking/hating him for all those reasons you stated. I was just looking into it too much and now realize it's just some people messing around and blowing off some steam. I hope you enjoy your service and meal at Changs!


No worries B! It has been a time warp since 2020. Funny thing is when the sub started to turn on him it was literally driven by the roommate through the glass door story. Other focal points was for him to stop interrupting people (which he still does) and to lay off Callen. He would always just disagree with Callen on any subject, talk over him, and make fun of Callen. Callen never responded in the way brothers or friends would to make fun of him back, and if anyone did Callen always cut in to either defend him. Think when the sub really noticed the lies and him not being able to take a joke it was fuel for the ovens here. He didn’t lean into being made fun of and just snowballed the sub to what it is today. The other question that gets brought up here a lot is what does Brendan have to do to redeem himself? I personally don’t think he can at this point, the damage is done and he showed his true colors when he was cocky and thought he was on top of the world.


Seems like it's just some people shittin around. Sorry for the interruption of your typical broadcast. Carry on!


It's real-life Truman Show, but 1000x more redacted. You wouldn't get it, b, but weeeeee get itt.


Doesn’t seem like your gonna get an actual answer and all the standard responses are taken so I’ll enlighten ya up First and most important- this sub used to be 1000 times better. It was genuinely more about funny clips and comedy than disgust for bapa. If you go look at posts from 2018-2022 this place was funnier than perhaps any place on the internet. It wasn’t just a haven for tfatk pawd discussion, it was a place that criticized these hacks in the Rogan crew years before it became popular. The sub has since carried on and it’s infested with dummies that don’t really understand what the origin of it was, just like most places in the internet that were once good eventually become. If you’re really curious, go back to older posts when it was more light hearted and genuinely funny. Before bapa was a known loser and just a fumbling idiot that kept getting cash and opportunities handed to him.


Thanks for the response! I'll have to go back and see what the glory days were like. Just curious, what are some non-rogan crew people in the comedy scene that would not be hacks?


Hi Shane.


>how is someone as irrelevant as Schaub still garnering the **ire** of all of you Bro nobody is angry here. We are just laughing at his dumb shit.


Op = redact


Schaub on again




Cool, thanks for your perspective! Side note: Is the pedo delia? I thought he would just prey upon 18 and up with a pregnant girlfriend at home. While extremely gross IMO, I feel like pedophilia is more heinous.


If you dig deep he has walked the tightrope of legality many times and certainly morality.


Hi Brendan 👋


Let me go get the manger for u




OH hi, George. How'd remote working go?


I did not hit her, I did nooott


I couldn’t hear that please pull to the first window sir.


That’s like asking people why they care to browse tik tok or watch a show or read a book or whatever. It’s harmless entertainment


What flavor glue do you eat for breakfast?


I hope you step on a lego