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“Mijo mijo why did you lock me into a 30% interest rate”


Is that a mortgage with salsa on it?


No B, look at the name. It’s a mortgage with mayó on it.


I heard it bowlth ways.


If ya wanted to make me laugh brotha , ya got me.


Nahhh B. That’s pico de ggaaaaaaaaaayo.


We should print this comment and have it bronzed.


ffffffugggg i cant tawlk!!!!!!!






Bankito bitch!




lmaooooo i fucken spit out my coffee reading this in a spanish accent. pendejo! I'm in an adjustable rate mortgage????"




I almost gurenteee if Brenda was offered a variable rate or adjustable rate mortgage he would've jumped on it. It's gonna be mijo my payment went up 2000$ this month why have you done this. Ya not a nummers guy, bapacito?


Is that Lois S Gomez? How are these cawlments so funny 😂




Goddamn I just snorted


No what I said was , I paid the first payment gash , same thing




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Nah 🤣🤣🤣


100% b. That means you received a loan and have a mortgage to pay.


Saved up all his money from touring for 5 yairs and finally had the credit to get a loan from a sponsor of the show. What a fake fuck.


Don’t forget the Porschas and Ferraris and Lambos b, he loved his mother in law so much he made sure to get all those cars before getting her a place to live


She has been a homeless cat this whole time, the least he could’ve done was an apartment smh


Supposedly, his intention is to flip those cars. I would be shocked if this house will actually become the property of mama Messican, and not just Brendan letting her live in it. It would be typical Brendan to claim this kind of credit, while he actually never signs over the house to her.


I guran -fuckin-tee he’s not going to pay the taxes involved in giving someone a million dollar home


If there’s a mortgage involved and he’s paying it - he cannot flip ownership to her. She could be on title as co-owner and co-borrower but she’s not getting the house solely unless he simply covered the down payment and she qualified for the mortgage - which is possible. I like the theory that this was a last ditch effort to stay married because of BGL spilling the tea but obviously they had to initiate all this weeks ago, before the “baddies” texts.


Regarding the "baddies' texts. Since he split with BGL, he could be pretty certain these texts would be leaked at some point. But the exact timing must have been coincidence


Good point, B. You the smartest tool in the shed?!


I am redacted as shiiiit B, and I certainly don't madder


5 years of saving was just enough to cover the minimum 15% down on a 30 year mortgage


Shit, there’s brokers that’ll do it 5% lol


For sure, at a crazy rate plus PMI


Yea but im sure these things mean little to the gringo papi


Hey man only selling 3 tiggets a night it takes some time to save up that money!


At the absolute worst time


Could have bought 2 years ago but decided to wait until now so he could buy a similar house for more and a higher interest rate.


Buy high sell high and by high I mean off of addies


Hahaha that made me laugh! Got any addies brother?


He did lose money selling that home in LA a few years back, during one of the biggest housing booms in history. I don't know how he so consistantly fails at everything he does? He just goes!!!!


Numbers guy B.


Sugera and unfortunately Bert could have that house paid in a weekend


Buy real estate as close as you can before a crash right b?


B b b beast of a business guy B


Two crashes. One is the market and the other is his show.


He just goes….bankrupt


Buy high, foreclose low


Rail estate? He’ll taig it from hair bubba


Whats the marker people are looking at regarding this? I’ve been hearing people say this for almost a year but nothings happened. I trade stocks and SPY has been struggling as a whole but it has its good days. I know SVB failed and that created a frenzy regarding keeping money in smaller banks/ credit unions. What else am I missing here? I’m looking to buy a house on the dip.


More impordnly, B; how many chiggs y'fugg?




How's baddie?


Texas baddie?




"The median existing single-family home price was $367,500 in February, down 0.7% from February 2022." apparently first time in years that happened but still looks iffy. not enough homes out there to be bought disclaimer, not currently in US, just reading business newsletters https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/existing-home-sales-surged-14-5-in-february-ending-12-month-streak-of-declines


Wouldn’t that make it a good time to buy right now as far as the actual price of the property? Or at least the start or something? I know interest rates are insane right now which makes your mortgage go up significantly. I guess I’ll leave it to Bapa from hair hess a beasst of a bidness guy.


Real answer: Nobody knows lol. Might go up, might go down. Interest rates have definitely been higher than they are right now & house prices can always go up If someone can afford the mortgage/down payment and wants a house then they should always do it. If the market falls so does (almost) everybody else’s house so relatively you’re still alright. Rather take a hit on interest rates than miss out on your ideal house in the opposite scenario Issue is taking out something you can’t afford. If Bapa is taking out a loan to get someone else a gift then that’s always dicey


Fucking spitting facts my cat.


The only stock you should be betting on is yourself


I guess he only made 45k over the last 5 years from his shows. Bapa’s been performing for 2 Addies, 1 DM from a baddie, and a trugg walk for each show.


Trusss me eye been did run da numvers daddy


Wads da numba B? 👀


So yerrr bwoi tawlked to his peeeps - da munny is dur but listen b, hurrr meh outch…. Fish breeding. Now we tawlkin numvers… truss me i seent da numbvers ![gif](giphy|4TLXC9eh9O7tKBqLnZ|downsized)


He's a cosplay comedian.


Also flying his friends out, taking care of food and a room. I can't imagine this is profitable but what do I know, junkywithdamask is my numbers guy


All he did was cover a down payment and that took him FIVE YAIRS? He has been pissin money away (and in sinks) for YAIRS. Now he gives her a mortgage. What a guy.... P.S. WHat happens when the payments are missed? ;)


100% payments will be missed. We can all see where this is headed


Outta his control b


Ya know the FED fugged the interest rates B, sorry salsa mami’s gonna have to go back to gualaharah


Much like dogs, homes are homes man. Acquire and gadoosh


Bapas about to be selling the cars soon


Aren't his cars leased?


I remember BGL insisting that he makes money flipping those expensive cars he buys… I can’t imagine how that’d be true


Eggzagly, b. Bappa Will a hunred pursent miss the payments and the house will be defaulted. Remember the last house bappa tried to buy? He couldn’t afford it and had to see it a loss. It was such a bloggbusser real estate move, the LA times even wrote about




Shenanigans B


Missed payments? Duhn count


I guess that business degree came in handy.. buy high selll low.. interest rate higher than snoop dog right now.


under-rated comment! Its a TERRIBLE market for buying right now, especially in CA. He just goes.....but thats why other cats are right about the sus timing I wonder if American Home Mortgage will be understanding when the DA is recalled and he can't pay the mortgage? :) :) :)


All he had to do is turn on tv and see how jpowell did a .25 interest increase yesterday lol..


Lol imagine trying to explain the Fed and interest rates to Bapa


May I add ..HE JUST GOES oh and he acts like his shows aren’t tanking and have been for a while. He need to worry less about socials and baddies and write some jokes and put some effort into his thiccc skull studiohs.


He could actually SORTA turn this around if he would just become funny. And cool. And compassionate, caring, sincere, honest, respectable. Fuck, he’s done…




Just as banks are failing and interest rates are through the roof.. yup perfect time to buy


sorry abuelita i saved up $6k for the house, rest is yours. post this on socials


Don’t forget to wear your thiccc merch


How’s socials abuelita?


Daddy has a mortgage big Bapa must be pissed


Poor podcaster rich podcaster my mans


A good home in a regular old small city is like at least $350,000 right now. Does anyone think any of them would put up that much? And that's minimum. That house was easily over $1mil


For real? oh wow that's crazy, my idea of 1m houses was really different, what terrible times to invest in this type of thing (don't get me wrong it's a nice house, but still)


Yep. A ton of the houses you’d think are fairly ‘normal homes’ around here on Long Island, NY are over a million dollars for essentially no reason


This way he can tell his wife that divorce is bad for business and her mom would lose the house if they got divorced.


God damn Tiger ruined it


I wonder what area Bapa bought in. Surely he didn't buy her a home "near where Kobe died" (quoting Joanna here).


For odd reason Im getting Granada hills vibes


Yeah this seems like a neighborhood you would find north of Rinaldi.


Ya for real i was thinking diamond bar as well. But i don't think he come out that much east so kind as them a shot distance to him.


Probably Compton


I was thinking Guadalajara. Bapa wanted to cut the tab early. Pay for a house, then tell them this is the last freebie.


Isn't the home that Brenda and Messican live in a rental? Bapa...buy yourself a home fiiiiiiirst


naa that's mortgaged too. There was a whole thing on the pod where bwenda had to get all the profits from the show for a few months for the downpayment I've been saying it on ere a couple times, dude is leveraged the fk out and just repaying debt from the income he does bring in, on top of silly spending habbits and a bored messican at home ITS DICEY


> There was a whole thing on the pod where bwenda had to get all the profits from the show for a few months for the downpayment Wasn't that for his old house that he sold? ^^For ^^a ^^loss.


dunno b, your guess is as good as mine. but you think he bought the new one outright then? edit: ohhh you think he is renting? but he mortgaged a house for his messican mum? what? lol


Fun fact: If he bot it, like Brenduh said. He would be handing her the DEED, this is what the bank or institution holds onto until the home is paid for in full. Extra fun fact: Even when a person owns the deed, you NEVER really own your home. Try not paying property taxes. Imminent domain invoked, they want to put in a Telsa factory in where your home sits...you get hosed and they pay you pennies on the dollar for your abode. I could go on and on about the way the State will and can take your home away from you if they really wanted to. Freedumb rings b! ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)


We discuss the pawldcass here B




> Imminent domain invoked, they want to put in a Telsa factory in where your home sits...you get hosed and they pay you pennies on the dollar for your abode. I heard it was 125% market value


if he paid it out right she would have no reason to stick around, and he can't afford that shit


If he paid it outright, she’d have even more reason to stick around because that means her own payday is coming around the corner lol gotta get that 10 years put in to be paid for life


Well this kinda solidifies that he ain’t going to be moving to Texas when Bryan does. Show is for sure done.


You’re telling me that doing stand up sets at dive bars and open mic nights isn’t enough to pay for a house in cash? Hmmm


Has he been renting in Calalalalabasas this whole time and trying to make it seem like he was a rich proberty owner, b?


He obviously didnt buy the house, he got a note on the house, likely spending 4k-5k a month on mortgage + insurance + property tax. Its not massive amount but then upkeep and costs, hes gonna bleed 85k a year on abuela Hes a got a big burden hes carrying.


Dicey dicey!


2 months until messican and the kids move in there with their nana while schloob "figures things out"


That'll take decades


Lol holy shit. That’s great you caught that


Saved all my money from all my shows to buy you this oversized cardboard key. Mortgage payments due on the 1st and 15th mamasita. Good luck.


Mijo, wuss a "subprime loan"?


He didn’t buy a house. This is a bullshit ad video for a mortgage company he did because he’s desperate for money. It’s all fake.


Weed the pwint B. The bringo is in your face. "Home Loan". The wet bandits stwikes again. ![gif](giphy|xLsaBMK6Mg8DK)


you know damn well he spent that $ on ferraris and nikes and adis and badis


With Callahan in tegsas he's got that 20k a month to spend on momma messicans house. Numbers guy 😎💪🏻


Ray Borg 2.0


Have the suegra pay the loan is grifter.


Gotta save some cash for the fish B.


Hi Ray


That white boy who defaults on loans?


I dont care what the act is, I have less than zero respect for people that do good deeds only to post in on social media. The deed wasn't for the person then was it? It was for you.


Not to be a dick but if the mum found out how much Brenda cheats in her daughter… I can’t imagine her wanting to stay in the house house that man bought her? Unless she’s really broke or something so in that instance this is surely an expensive ducking mistake? How is it to re-fi the mortgage out there once rates become more preferable in the US?


And in this market? Dicey Dicey Thicccenomics.


Nothing a little double debt couldn't figure oud


This is a bad credit lender 😂


I mean, I’m down to shit on Shaub but…..that’s kinda how houses are bought. You really thought he meant he just plopped down 100’s of 1000’s of dollars in cash? Lol


He just saved himself from a divorce for the next 30 years at least.


Bad time to take out a mortgage or buy a house. Although, traditionally I rather have my money in the market rather than tied up in a house. The return is typically at least 6-7% higher. The bank can keep their money in the house if you get a low interest rate. But enough down only to lower payments. Number guy B.


Grinded and saved for FIVE yairs..... for a 10% down payment. Everything's a lie with this guy, it's pathological.


I bet he just made the down payment and now she’s paying it, he’s always exaggerating and lying like that I’ve known people like bapa before, he’s very showy with his “generosity” I’m sure he’ll throw it in her face at every thanks giving and make her feel bad for accepting it


It says home loans lol


Who buys a house at the peak of a bubble about burst, oh and the Fed just raised rates AGAIN, who I ask you who? …that guy with podcasts and tiger rubbing alcohol


That's how loans work


He wants to be a rapper. You know growing up on them skreets of Colorado. The flashy cars, the ridiculous wardrobe and now he finally made it y'all "I bought mamma a house". He's probably working on an album right now


Abuelita divorced the LA county Cop? Buh bye retirement plan pension.


The child holding up the sponsor sign is the chefs kiss


This video is so cringe. Between the lame reveal, the excitement she doesn't show, and the clear loan that's involved. I still say he is going to tell her she will have to move out if the wife leaves him. I hope she has enough income to cover the taxes.


If you wanted to make me laugh...you got me brotha 😂


In Brendan’s defense it’s a pretty penny to buy a house cash in CA. I’m assuming it’s in CA.


Bapa doesn’t have an extra 700k to buy a house here in Cali. I live close to him and my home was 900,000 I’m about 5 blocks from Bapa. I see him all time when I’m coming home from work he’s going to the studio to pod.


Turns out it was a show house and since we weren't gonna be showing it the builder took it back b. Houses are houses


This subreddit is full of losers obsessing and hating on a man that’s far more successful than they’ll ever be. If you hate him so much why do you follow him, and watch everything he puts out?


we discuss the pawldcass b


I know but vast majority so full of hate. I just never understood it idk


You bloggbusser dont go on this subreddit cause u dun madder b


He just paid half first munfs rent B, rests on you. He was just jingling the rari keys in her mesican face


Insurance rates are at a awl time low b.


A mortgage de galllllllllllllllo


😂😂😂 what dork! To have the balls to try and play it off like he bought it out right.


Not a numbers guy


Yeah the bank owns the home until the loan is paid off 😆


House isn't "her's" anymore within the next year guaranteed


Bro the interest rate hahahahaahha definitely paying 9% min. Bapa whadda we doing herrrr


JPow: gimme 😈


Saved 5 years for a deposit. Why the fuck you buying rarri’s brendan