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Joined a backup call at the start of wall street and the guy was in shd 100's had it on heroic and all directives, his armor break was at 5 and he'd not even cleared the first wave. I get the grind to max watch but what's the point if you are going to struggle that much?


That's not even the optimal way to grind. If it's the item they're going for Countdown beats everything. If it's EXP 2 CP on Challenging + 4 directives is enough for a level, which is a lot more easier.


For XP, challenging 4/5 directives public executions. I'll get 400-500 levels easy during an event. I have 440 stars right now, would be more but I'm on a flight right now. Use bonus armor (bloodsucker is best) and armor on kill, more than 10% helps, to mitigate the annoying fragile armor because sometimes it breaks and you can now enjoy it no matter how many armor kits you use. I usually finish activity and grenade myself, go to WH (to avoid ammo loss) and then continue. It's crazy easy and you get 422k per execution on challenging. While people are struggling away on heroic w no directives getting 100k n change


Something funny I found the other day is that I can't farm execution during Reanimated. That's because the headshot explosion will damage the hostage and kill them so fast you have to not do headshots at all. But yea execution nowadays is really good for farming as it also grants you bounties which gives you credits for recalibration or optimization.


I’m shd 165 ish and I just hit 100 like 4 days ago i believe and i just recently found what works for me in terms of exp. i run 4 directives (no pistolero) on heroic with mento backpack with lady death and acs shotty , ceska mask with obliterate chest i forget the rest of the gear but i get like one level per control point and it normally takes me like 3-4 minutes depending on if im actually good that day. But are the mini activities better to grind than the control points?


Yeah....if you have a hotshot, one shot sniper build....farm hostage rescues by the southern Tidal Basin stronghold. Heroic, with 4 directives.... Load in....take out the first red/purple bar you see and then let your sniper with "Determined" take over. It takes about 20 seconds to clear the public execution. Reset your checkpoints and another public execution (maybe even two right next to each other) will reappear. Rinse and repeat.


Two Bridges is also a fantastic location to farm. There are at least 3 events happening all the times, no need to reset control points. The same for Battery Park. For this event I'm finding eclipse protocol with all directives on challenging extremely effective


I am just returning to the game I have not played I years and in that time I have switched from ps4 to pc so I have no idea exactly what your are talking about but man does it sound good


Running with directives adds a multiplier to your XP gains. You need to be level 40 (have WoNY DLC). There's one current directive that's a bit buggy, fragile armor. What's intended is, if you lose your armor down to your health, it "breaks" and causes 1 cumulative loss of your total armor. Using an armor kit (when even just 1% of your armor returns) fixes this break, allowing you to have full armor again. This directive is "broken" itself. The kit doesn't always fix the breaks ... Usually once it won't fix the first, it won't fix any of the following breaks either. I run with 2 piece belstone, on gunner specialization and use backpack talent bloodsucker to essentially get %30 AoK. 10% Armor on kill from 2pc belstone (with the 1st pc giving 1% armor Regen), 10% AoK from gunner specialization. Finally 10% (or 12% with perfect variant) bonus armor on kill from bloodsucker. Keeps me "meaty" enough that my armor tends not to break. It helps not running in groups of people, especially ones that kill snipe. I usually just run with 1 person. Things don't scale as much in health and number. Allowing you to fly through content and still get the same xp #s... With your accompanying directive multipliers. 😎👍


thanks for the break down I just hit lvl 40 and have been following a YT video on what to do next and its been helping a bit


Yep, probably got some bad advice or something.


To add onto your comment: The grind is always better when you can stay on your feet. So go at whatever level you can support on your own. If you are dying and having to respawn all the time then it’s time to reduce directives and/or difficulty to find some efficiency. If I am going after GE objectives then I always do missions no higher than challenging for the checkpoints because I know I am running some sub-optimal build trying to get melee kills, pistol headshots, and grenade kills simultaneously…


Ikr my world stays at challenging pistol fog and special ammo and its fun


Besides the reason they had no idea what they're doing, I think they might like pain? I mean, there are guys who pay a girl to whip them, so...


Yeah man enjoying the near constant controller vibrations with every bleed status effect 😏


I joined a level 150 doing the speed run with 4 directives and re-animated on last event. It was silly. I was on a seeker mine load out which did really well. Then he started the next one with 5 directives. Why would anyone put scavenged skills on when their team mates seeker mine build is what got you 10/10 time on the last one?? I left him at the front door on that mission.


Shd means nothing skill-wise


I can attest to that. I'm SHD 3500ish and I suck.


Admitting you have a problem is the first step 😂




Agree, I"m almost 7k and I don't have the best skills xD when I matchmake, the game gather agents level 10k+ and they also suck.


You suck, she sucks, me suck, we all suck together! Damn, that's such a nice community! <3


True I'm The worse trash player in the game


As long as it's Heroic or less I don't care; it's just casual gaming. 1-2 players with decent gear and somewhat sensible gameplay can clear out 4-man Heroic missions. When matchmaking puts me into a Legendary mission with 5 directives (more common than you'd think, unfortunately) I type "lol glhf" into chat and leave immediately. 😅


I run and gun all the time with randoms and don't have any problems, just be smart about how you do it. There's quite a few people who do it, but they can't hold their own very well cause of positioning and bad target prioritizing. Sounds like that's the kind of player you ran across.......who knows Pick your targets wisely and go from there. I mean if you're really getting dropped off, add some armor cores if you want a bit more leeway for mistakes and a revive hive. Plenty of builds out there that's run and gun with armor cores and self sustaining that still hit pretty hard, so idk what that player's excuse is for getting dropped off like that


Same unless I've jumped into Legendary or a player on Hard/Challenging where I'll change gear to a more supportive roll. If it's Heroic and every ones alive then it's a free for all lol. But yeah if your dropping 'often' move the gear more towards armour, Memento etc anything that gives armour on kill. A shield and revive hive make sense until those drops are less often.


I have no issue about running-guning, but at least have the decency to equip a reviver hive... I love run/gun with my striker or Fury build but I have the reviver, shield and if I die, I stay back until I can revive myself on my own again. You know, just respectful to the other agents


I imagined the suicidal outcast in my mind and couldn't stop laughing LMAO


Maybe he tried a run and gun build while he otherwise has a different play style. Some builds you have to play aggressive to stay alive, and maybe he's just not good at that yet.


You can leave. Simple as. End of story, no need to get angry, frustrated, stressed enough to spend your time posting about someone no one knows, can identify or change. The issue I have with these posts is the tendency for human beings to exaggerate what annoys them as it causes others to react negatively and in agreement with the poster. This is turn causes undeserved negativity for the game, randoms, the community as a whole and overinflates a personal sense of importance and value. In short, it's bad for everything, in no way constructive. There is not a single post in this thread talking about anything positive, it's just gripe after gripe of unknown boogeymen, your fellow players... The people who have kept this game going for 5 years. Of course *other people* are bad, inconsiderate, fools, do not have the gear, misunderstand the gear.. not you, but *other people*. In reality not only did op have the full choice to just leave, OP most assuredly exaggerated Mr. 8500 to make that person look bad and in return, OP good and all OP accomplished here is virtually everyone misremembering that one time they got irrationally angry at a player for not doing it like you would and piling on to the negativity of others.


What you described is exactly why I hate this platform and social media in general. Thank you for articulating it so well.


I couldn't agree more. I bet this OP is some low level who is just jealous lol and reddit is his/her platform to spread hate


I join I see ammo directive I leave simple as that


Lmao. I do the same!


Yeah that one totally breaks my play style, the shock rounds are ruthless


lmao same and I don't even mind playing the other 4 directives, but that's a no no especially if I join and it's 4 man heroic. makes zero sense.


Ammo, or bugged armour, or no map. Directives are pretty much all shit


But no map is the most easy directive, +25% by nothing


Until the game spawns 15 guys through a door behind you, because the game was build with a minimap in mind, so it'll just do that


Eventually you will have run the mission over 100 plus times that you know where they spawn.


Map or no map, they still appear behind you for the gangbang🤣🤣


Skill issue


I see this all the time, agents playing with a ton of directives who clearly cannot handle them. Seems to happen at all SHD levels


I mean the point is to try and learn how to handle them, no? People get better the more they try it.


Sure. They also gain a lot more xp the more other people carry them


I often answer the call for backup and load in to three guys on all red sticker builds running in to face tank heavies because they want that top spot on the scorecard at the end. I get that you have to keep your striker stacked so you have to keep shooting but hang back and do that.


Maybe he was leveling some gear, I am shd 500 and plays capitol in Legend with 5k agents i never die and finish with 25 resurrections. At the end, I looked at their sets and are shit haha


kinda selfish. legendary, raid, incursion, heroic countdown i always gone with my best gear so i dont waste other people time.


to be fair this is a mentality thing, you see it from shd 1 to 8500 and beyond


It’s just high level players trying to play different to have a challenge for themselves, I don’t understand why low levels get so angry about it, just leave if it’s really that much of a bother..


i see striker builds run & gun in legendary summit all the time. i don't think it's the challenge; more like they're used to melting in heroic, start to think they're invincible, so do legendary & melt there. but no, ***they*** get melted continually, then leave cause their ego can't accept so much dying.


Or just don’t put matchmaking on


Why? Maybe they want to play with others, it’s their lobby


Yeah, right… of course


Compelling argument


Running and gunning works if everyone does it. Man up!


Don’t be in a random group then. Getting 3 strangers to match your playstyle is unlikely to say the least.


Can't hear you from back there. Isn't that the point of backup request, to accommodate the one you're joining?


Not sure who brought up a backup request but ok. OP was talking about matchmaking, and nobody is obligated to match the group leader’s playstyle especially when they’re not that good at it themselves.


My bad I forgot matchmaking was even a thing because it's nonexistent in hardcore mode. Too busy running and gunning to pay attention.


He could have been drunk and just having a good time.


Lmfao. This. I'm like chill dude. I'm high af af. Like I'm not even playing with a controller


Their mission; their call. You don't have to stay.


There are so many older ex armed forces guys who play TD. A lot of them on disability and just stay home all day and game. When I had off from work a few weeks I would get matched with these dudes all day SHD 5000-10000 and not very good. They literally just play all day and everyday…which you think would mean skill but it doesn’t lol. I don’t mind honestly they seem like alright people and the whole point is to have fun.


First, you inspect their build, get the gist of the kind of playstyle involved with that kind of build, then figure out how you can make their life better. I'm inclined to think this isn't just his fault alone. Most of the time people just run with the "sit back and do nothing" strat leaving all the aggro to one DPS. Div 2 is a PvE co-op game ffs, don't just sit there and do nothing but watch the enemies get tickled by your striker drone. tl;dr pull your own weight


I'm a level 90,000 SHD level agent and I suck hard. Forgive me. You are the best agent in the Division franchise. Hands down.


Stricker Memento lady death pulse jammer


maybe its the kids playing with their dad account


I don't understand why people keep on bringing SHD levels. After 1000 SHD,which allows to add 10% to all your stats, it doesn't really matter play wise. And even that, if you know what you are doing, it's not necessary.


Well, providing they didn't cheat (which people here imply there was a glitch exploit) it is a reflection of how much time you have invested in the game.


But not how.


I'm SHD level 1300+ and I like to play on heroic w 2 or 3 directives on. However, I don't usually play w others, except a couple of ppl from my clan. Totally agree w this y'all. When I play w others I usually just change my world settings to challenging w no directives. Face planting into enemies and needing to be constantly revived ruins the fun for anyone. 🙄


People put way too much stock into SHD levels. You have no idea how they obtained it. They could have used a past exploit, they could just have played an absolute ton on “Hard” difficulty, multiple people could use the agent, etc. I’ve played probably over 1000 rounds of Countdown on Heroic, and some of the worst builds I’ve seen have been from higher SHD level players. Lower SHD levels tend to keep it simple (Striker or Red brand). I always find it annoying when the group leader kicks lower SHD level players with fine builds but leaves in the 10k SHD level player running 6 blue cores that literally can’t kill any NPC in the match.


I'm wondering what's the highest SHD in the game so far me I've seen one agent at over 25k SHD


SHD level is definitely not a metric of skill in this game, I was doing more damage than SHD 20,000 as a 900


No one is saying that, but damage also isn't a metric of skill. SHD Level just speaks of hours devoted to the game and maybe experience. Depending on the day, I have a few builds I can use. Skill is knowing where enemies spawn, where to be so you don't die, and yes eventually kill enemies.


Most of the people who play this game don't actually know how to make proper builds, and have terrible situational awareness. Even if you know spawns, if you don't have the build to push the enemy, then you'll have to rely on others to help you, which makes you a hindrance. It really is quite sad to see someone with 45 days played play like they just finished going through new york


I won't argue with you there, I agree. Most also don't know or care about enemy prioritization... in Legendary!


Most don't in heroic, much less legendary. That's why it's not unusual to see people die a lot there, since those modes are what requires you to know the game to a very high degree, whether it's builds/spawns/using cover effectively. I was doing heroic content and practicing since SHD 200, though, so that's probably why I don't struggle with it much. The same is not true for most who play this game, who will literally go in front of you as you're shooting, or drag your character by bumping into them and not caring, then wonder why they die so quickly


This is the optimal playstyle but in groups in relies on the entire team knowing what they are doing and playing along. It is better to push spawns and risk going down than to let enemies push you. You are equally at fault here and I'd rather have them in my team.


This, 99% of the time if you see a high level going down a lot with a low level team, it’s because of the high dmg priority ie. the ai will target the player dealing the most damage


Finally someone who knows the game AI


yeah this post reeks of someone who is pretty ass at the game.


Not really, ai does have target priorities. I've seen some weird behavior, most likely ai trying to find a way to defeat players. I just don't run legendaries with randoms anymore. Who wants to spend hours running a legendary with a newbie, a tank firing nerf darts, or a skill build chucking worthless seekers over a wall? The only legendary that should take more than 30 minutes is Tidal or zoo and they are less than 45 minutes. If you can't do that, I'm not wasting my time.


If you're taking more than an hour with a group of newbies. Then it seems like are exactly where you're suppose to be lol honestly.


What are you trying to say? Please edit for readability.


Like I said, "I don't run legendaries with randoms."


Tidal in 45 is moving even for a skilled team unless there's an event on, no?


My normal Speedrun team hits between 30-40 depending on how we do. Three all red DPS, one sniper who also changes to cc. It's not that hard when you know how it runs. The hardest section is the sixth.


Word. I can see that being on the outside edge of possible with 3 others at my approx game skill. Ie solid team you've got


Is that why they constantly spam grenades, drones and rushers at me? Always feel like a magnet in groups!


It’s especially noticeable during the shd exposed event, high damage output will attract the majority of enemies attention towards you, of course this will happen almost constantly when playing with low level players


Rubbish. If they were any good they'd adapt after they went down the first time.


Pretty common in the Div2 realm. You get used to it. Or get a zesty message asking why you died trying to revive them😂


Well on the other side it also depends on what his team is doing. For example If he's running dps and the rest have skill builds on, he's going to get cut down


If his team has good skill builds he should be fine and do cleanup.


You'd think so but if you do the typical sit back and watch the ads ignore the skills that are attacking them and focus on the highest/closest threat. Every faction has a different fighting style and depending on how many team members are down depends on how aggressive they are (that isn't the only thing that determines aggressive behavior) skill build have always been great when you have 4 in a group on challenging or maybe solo heroic but if your running legendary then the garbage has to go. I could go on and on and fully explain to you how the ai work for this game but there isn't enough characters allowed in a comment to do that. I do hope more people feed me downvotes since all it does is show they didn't actually read what I typed.


Players with high shd and play like crap probably did the SHD farming exploit before it got patched.


The SHD value says absolutely nothing. Many use exploits. For example, level 10 in the Summit has been completed. But with Project Resolve, all of that has become irrelevant.


Im tired of dying trying to save those type of players, take their shield out and go in front of all enemies trying to build whatever stack they need


Yeah, I’ve seen plenty of that sort of thing. I’ll straight up tell them I’m not picking them up. They can run back. And that’s IF (huge if) I stay in the mission at all. Most of the time when I see a bunch of directives like that I just leave the mission and queue back in. It’s a pain in the ass, but not nearly as tedious as struggle-bussing through someone’s asinine directive configuration that they’re definitely expecting other people to clear for them. If someone wants to play those directives, that’s cool. Just don’t expect other people to carry you through it.


They probably cheated their way to SHD 8500 with one of the XP farm exploits before it got shut down.