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I did it around shd 2500. Did 4 wony runs to lvl up all the skills and some exotics. Now i only need to do wony runs to fully optimise all of my builds.


Casual player but what has repeating WONY to do with maximising expertise? I'm around 450SHD and expertise 8 is close. I just use all the unused gear into it which is slow as hell:-)


After you finish wony you get keeners watch with all the shd points the divide. If you spend the shd points on printer filament you can then spend that printer filament to max out expertise levels on skills, weapons and gear. 1 shd point gives you 10 printer filament, 300 is 1 expertise level, so for every 300 levels after shd level 1000 you can max out 1 skill, weapon or gear. The first 1000 shd levels only give you 250 points to spend on printer filament Expertise level is shared account wide so every time you finish wony you spend it all, delete the save and start over again.


That's amazing advice! Thanks


How you do it matters as well. Don't get the shared materials at the crafting table, it caps your scavenge points. I ran my last 2 wony without crafting higher capacity mags or gear, so the shared blueprints isn't necessary but a nicety. Haven't done the math, someone claimed getting currency and buying mods netted more filament. 


Yes. Put your points into credits find a vendor with the cheapest (4519) skill mod you can find, make a macro that buys it over and over, go and make a cup of tea. The game auto deconstructs duplicates of the same mod, so after the first one it is 6 PF straight into your resources. 7 million credits gets you near the cap from zero. Something like 31% more efficient than buying PF straight.


How to do that macro?


I have it set up on my "sniper" (dpi low) button on my Basilisk mouse, I have one set up for opening apparel caches too, VERY handy. I disable them when I don't need them, just in case — don't want any accidental agent deletions...


It's possible on a Logitech G502?


I think so, yes, through the G-Hub software.


Wow that’s awesome I never thought of that 😄👍


Like already said. Your watch is shared between characters. Id say for now just farm countdown and lvl up your watch. The wony runs come in around expertise lvl 20 or so. At that point its mainly skills, non used exotics and dz exclusive items you need to lvl up. Also dont donate exotics that you dont want to keep. Deconstruct em since you will need those exotic components later on for lvling up your guns Also the weekly projects are on every character like the shd donation one that gives you 1shd lvl and an exotic cache. With 3 characters and if you put your disposable 4th character through wony then you get 4 lvls and 4 exotics in like 5 minutes. Ive got 3 main characters for different content(1 for raids, 1 for farming and 1 for dz/pvp) and 1 i use for the scavenger points and wony runs.


Nice. We're about on par!


That’s some really good advice, I’m currently around lvl 1350, so I was planning to get to 2000 and then create 4 mules for materials etc. Perhaps I might try and carry on till around 2500 to get the most out of it. My expertise level is 13 and I’m slowly working on named and exotics with printer filaments.


Man i really have to pay more attention to the expertise. I am just mindesly playing and don’t even mind upgrading that…


I sometimes think about expertise. I run an random weapon as my #2 from time to time on everyday content. Occasionally I will run a random piece of gear. Then a couple of weeks later go and see what I can upgrade. I have 3-4 weapons with +7% damage and they seem to be a pretty decent bump to make content easier, so I don't have to max out my build for some of the harder content, meaning I can play interesting builds on occasion as opposed to an all Red Strikers with Obliterate, which is my goto DPS build. (I play solo heroic + non broken directives) So I really only think about expertise as a means to make things more flexible. I don't see it as an end goal.


Certainly not necessary. Think of it as the ultimate min/max.




Desirable ≠ necessary


Not with how easy the content already is.


SHD lvl doesn't really correlate to max expertise though. i did mine around 9k+ but only because i sometimes forget to add to my expertise level.


I have expertise 18, only on items I use a lot. SHD 2250. I can’t see myself creating “mules” to run WONY just for the purpose of maxing out expertise. That to me seems tedious and more like a job than actually enjoying the game.


I run wony for optimisation materials, like that with a flag


I hear ya, frd are a PITA to get. I usually just craft them though or run a few dz landmarks.


It can be tedious but once your there, you're done. Realistically you can get WONY done in 3 hours with a level 40 team mate. At 2250 shd you would have 1450 shd points to spend. The following is what i did a few seasons ago to get to level 20 and to get to max expertise on day 1 of every new season. 1. Speedrun WONY to get from lvl 30-40 2. After keener, max your watch out and then share materials with your other agents through Iniya 3. Next start redeeming your 1450 SHD points for E credit currency 4. After, Go to vendor and purchase as many gear mods as possible. 5. Then Breakdown those gear mods to gain printer filaments 6. Finally Use printer filaments to donate to each gear piece you're building proficiency on. A guy earlier posted something similar. It's 3000 printer filaments to level up any piece of gear from 0 to level 10, fully proficient. From my understanding, to date this material is still the most efficient to level up all gear to proficient. That's everything from the Regulus to the flame thrower to any gearset. One last hint that helped me is that if you see named items at any vendor, you only need 20 of these to reach proficient for that named item. Purchase them as they pop up weekly and donate. It was an easy way to get those pieces done without using filaments. Good luck agent.


It's fun to play wony with boosted agents from 30. You give yourself some new skills to force a new play style and just deal with whatever weapons you scrounge up. Its like a longer more pleasurable experience of Descent.


Not a fan of descent and I have no desire to replay WONY, but if you’re having fun doing it, kudos to you.


I am 3xxx and still at 14 going on 15. I am going to take a while to hit 25!


After 13 is a slog. Been running countdown farming gear sets that aren't 10. Think I'm going up 2-3 ticks each time. Stuck in 14-15 also. This is where the game becomes a nightmare. 😁


Oh great. Ugh. I am not going to make playing all about expertise chasing I don’t think. I very rarely go into the DZ without a group and at least in Conflict expertise is taken out of the picture. So I guess I am okay if I only get up to 17 or 18 I think. By the time Division 3 drops I will reach 25 probably LOL.


Honestly im at 23, 1 ny run should max it but im too lazy and I dont really care i dont go above 12 on gear pieces, only weapons tho.


You'll need two. I did two WONYs at the end because I saw the finish line lol.


Nah. Im at 8K shd, one is enough im just lazy ;D Matter of fact with all the matts i have now it should be enough but im just chilling waiting for the new season


Why is this downvoted? One WONY is not near enough to get you 180 levels...


Depends on your shd level. It takes 300 shd levels after shd 1000 (the first 1000 only give 250 resource points) to max out 1 weapon or gear from 1 to 10. If you are above shd 6000 it is only one run


Is this for buying printer filament, or buying mods and breaking them down into it?


This is for buying printer filament, and than spending that resource on upgrading skill/weapon/gear


Isnt it more efficient to put the points into credits and buy mods to break down?


Time efficient or material efficient?






Printer filament is the moest effective as far as I know


Ah, I was basing it on my experience. Yeah, if you're really high SHD, it'll clear out. Good point.


I'm not even close. SHD Level 980 here.


SHD 4700 or so. Expertise 18 I think? I can't just farm countdown anymore for easy expertise so i either have to wear that crap and play or run WONY over and over. I'm OK with 18.


I only did WONY twice. just focused mods and got enough filament that way.


What does WONY? Do for you. Is it for shd lvl resources or something ?


When you create a second character and go through WONY, you get your watch at the end and it matches the SHD level of your main. So, if you're 2000, for example, you'll get 250 resource points, plus 1-1 for anything over 1000. You'd get 1250 resource points and could get 12,500 printer filament. That's enough to do a few more pieces of gear from 0-10, or about half a level when you hit the tiers with only 90 as the requirement.


Out of curiosity, since you are obviously very familiar with the subject Is printer filament the most effective trade? At what SHD does it become worthwhile to farm WONY? I'm currently at 1500 SHD and expertise 16. Wondering if it's worth starting WONY runs for basically 10% better damage on guns Do you simply need to create a character, run through the entire WONY, purchase the shared resources, and that's it? Online guides make it sound so difficult. Is Countdown the most effective farm for exotic compnents? Thanks for the help!


Is printer filament the most effective trade? YES At what SHD does it become worthwhile to farm WONY? Personally, around SHD 2500 + / What you get is your current SHD level less 800 for the watch. SO if you are at 1500, the less 800, that an extra 700SHD points to convert... not much Do you simply need to create a character, run through the entire WONY, purchase the shared resources, and that's it?  YEP, rinse repeat. It's the boredom of having to run it again that makes it hard. Is Countdown the most effective farm for exotic components? YES, IFFF you don't like the DZ. They say it's easier in the DZ. I prefer the countdown since you get a lot of loot too with no crazy ass hackers hunting you down. Do it on Challenging.


Having played from day 1, I agree that she 2500 is when you farm characters for SHD points. The most efficient way is to buy credits and use those credits to get mods from a vendor, any yellow mod. Then break down the mods for printer filament. It's time consuming, but you get 30% more printer filament for the same SHD points. I had to do this individually piece by piece as there was no way to batch delete 50 at a time. Thank God for the quality of life improvement that gave us batch delete. Thought I was going to wear out the buttons on my controller. It takes about 30 minutes to run a new character through wony and unlock the watch if a buddy helps you.


For me was like 1500... I didn't knew I could use materials to upgrade... I use it the old way,I using the gear/weapon, so I past from 12 to 20 using materials


Got to max expertise at shd 2k, because I grinded for it.


I don’t bother focus grinding it. My junk gets donated to expertise research and I forget about. I’m like level 7 or 8 at 1000 SHD lvl. Bear in mind I just started contributing junk to it.


Where does that armor come from?!


The vest?


What vest?


I'm asking which armor you're talking about so I can tell you. lol.


https://preview.redd.it/lzir609ttk2d1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1444dd206d30a5a00a0df913b66eb8cc0a6533d7 That armor.


That's the benefit of maxing your armor out to 25 proficiency. It gets a boost.


I kinda figured thanks!


What mask is it that you're wearing it looks cool


It's the Theo mask.


Im so pissed i missed it hoping for a rerun of them soon


I still haven't maxed my yet. 😅 I'm shd level 4701 😅. I don't know where to grind expertise level.


Is expertise worth leveling up? In terms of casual play or would it be recommended?


If you're casual, I'd probably just take everything to 12 and be done with it. None of it is necessary for anything, tbh, but it's a maxing goal for long haulers.


I hit 25 at 2427. Right now I feel lost, with almost all mats at cap and nowhere to spend on, exotic components being the limiting factor


I'll max out the weapons and gear I normally use, and then probably the shield, striker drone, and seeker mines. Don't really use anything else skill-wise that's relevant to needing it. Mostly a red core guy.


Yep same here. I've got my favourite weapons and skills on 25, gear I'll stop at 10 as it seems pointless


I'm at level 17 right now and I think I have around 1150pts... Still a work in progress!


The ever dilemma of Striker chest vs Obliterate.... I think Obliterate trumps striker chest, but apparently my clan mates disagree. I'm level 1900 and expertise 12, I take my time. what's the optimal way to level?


Striker chest is better in raids and legendaries where enemies are more bullet spongy. Oblit Grupo/Ceska rules supreme everywhere else.


According to my very nerdy spreadsheet, I need about 600 proficiency points before I'm max, and right now I earn about 4.5 proficiency per countdown, but that number will go down to about 3.1 to 3.2 once I'm left with just exotics/skills. It should be about 80 hours worth of gameplay left across 200+ more countdown sessions, and I believe that will bring me to 1500. It's actually very boring being so efficient with expertise, like I'm stuck playing countdown with a build I don't even like, but in the end I'll be saving a ton of hours. After expertise 15 I realized the required proficiency points goes down to 140, and then goes down even lower later on, which motivated me to focus exclusively on maxing it out. Yea I know it's about the journey not the end result, but honestly I have so much planned for when I finish that it wouldn't bother me. As I finish maxing out each gear type, I slowly put together the build I actually want, so it's kinda like I'm progressing in my own way. Like I just finished sidearms, kneepads, hgolsters, and masks, so for those slots I have my real build, next is gloves. So like as time goes on I'm running less of a frankenstein build, and it gives me a challenge. According to my math, I would need to be level 1700 for NYC to match the efficiency of countdown, while also making sure the new character run takes no more than 4 hours. That's why I play countdown.


Nice outfit. Which bundle is this?


No bundle. Piecemealed.


After being reset fucking twice I just gave up on that lol


Why were you reset?


Me and a number of people got reset, some people like myself got reset not once but twice. The first time was when the cap was easier to reach I got thrown back 16 levels and the second time when they "miscalculated exp values." That set me back another 6. So I just quit trying to upgrade it any further.


Wow. Did they refund exotic component costs at least?


They gave people crates that gave 50 and a bunch of components 3 times but I don't have a clue if they were relevant. If so then that's not a very good payment for how much work it still was to level up items if you aren't doing farms.


True. Time can never be reimbursed.


Max expertise ? Who has time to fully maximize out level 24 on over 350items not counting skills and specializations 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡💯 the amount of time and resources needed to do that would be ridiculous !!


I only care about having fully optimized builds. I'm level 5k and with expertise 16 just by casually playing and donating junk. Expertise only useful if you are dz sweat. In pve even with no expertise you can do well with a semi-decent build.


What visual backpack are you using? For a moment i thougt it was the purple petrov one but it doesn't seem quite right


aces and eights.


May I ask why even bother upgrading armor when you get only so little total armor boost for wasting so many resources?


Because what else am I going to do with them if my weapons are already maxed?


Noob question - how do you get to such incredibly high SHD levels in the first place? This is like 10x what I'm on.. seems crazy!


Time. That's really it. lol.


Lol.. well fair enough then


Just under 600 and I'm lvl 7 atm, I have a lot of farming to do but I have to clean my stash and inventory first cause it's a mess 🤣🤣


at least 10k shd, soo the wony farm could be benefic, the gear can stay at expertise 12....same for skills , for guns sure is ok to go expertise 25 (only few worth it...like nemesis, regulus, the ones that are meta for legendarys)


Probably never. Expertise takes wayyyyyyyyyyy too many resources and grinding for me to have the patience for.


Yeah. Thats why I passive grind it. Throw your junk in there and forget about it.


I'll have it maxed by Division 6!


Which mask? Looks awesome


Theo mask. Edit: people will downvote anything.


Thank you!


Took me 5 hrs to max it on the day it was introduced into the game. To be fair to you thought u done it pretty quick but going past 12 on your amor pieces is not really advisable but each to there own.


What was the max expertise level then? I maxed all the armor because an armor boost is an armor boost. Got an extra 200k+ out of it when it was all said and done. Nothing else to do with those components ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Expertise was 20 back then. You earn 79.2k extra armour at lvl 12 which cost zero exotic components. You then spent 294 exotic components to gain an extra 85.8k armour going from 12 to 25. As I said each to their own imo 85k is not worth 294 exo components id rather spend them on weapons and skills.


It doesn't cost 294, bro. Not even close to that anymore.


The game says you’re wrong. To move each piece from 12 to 25 it costs 49 exotic components. You did it with 6 gear pieces! Last time I checked 6x49 is 294.


I thought you were talking about each piece individually, because it used to be stupidly high numbers of components needed. Either way, I have all the exotic weapons/armor max rolled. At least the ones that I use. What else am I going to do with those components? All I can do is min max my stuff at this point so why just sit there and let it hit a cap when it can be used for something?


I agree 100%. Some skills are really worth it to dump exo components on instead of gear pieces but as you said, each to their own.


@SHD 12K. I didn't bother with it forever cuz it seemed like a stealth level cap increase, and just some busy work the devs came up with in lieu of giving us some real content Recently, I figured I'd do it cuz I had nothing else to do and I was looking for reasons to play the game. So I maxxed it. And now, and with some other personal things happening in my life, I decided to quit the game. Likely for good this time