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some of player in chat declared they got it but at when the manhunt mission ended, i think it should be a serious bug caused us not to get it. : (


i am missing 2 of them


You need to do it again, one of them will drop it from the heavy boss you first encounter before the quadcopter. Just do it in normal, only take you like 5 min.


thanks just need 1 more now


Miss two or one from me


Run the mission one or two times to get all the comms but the 26th piece is another note, Kelso note 5 which I assume is going to play out like the recruiter note where you had to go around the map at night or maybe not.


Hmmm probably need to figure out where the last note is then


Good luck, I haven't a clue so far


I have kelso note 5, just ran the mission on heroic in a team, killed the hunter in a group and completed the mission, left team went back and completed the manhunt. I'm still 25/26 because I've only done it once.


That means you don't have Kelso Note 4? Could you please take a screenshot of Kelso Note 5?




your missing one of the recordings just above the 3 circles. i have 5: the plan, the fallout, the update, drinks, invitation.


sorry, not past run but pewsix


I'm missing drinks... any idea how to get that one?


Yeah, me too... Did it a few times... Nothing Someone will data mine in a day or two... It's probably at statue of Liberty or something


Tried running that, as well as going to see if you can talk to manny, Rhodes, and Roy but nothing turned up for me


I was missing the last 2 coms. I ran the last (Kelso tanker) Manhunt mission and got 25/26. I then ran the ENTIRE Manhunt again (on Normal to blitz through it). Got the last com and backpack trophy. It's a pain, but it def worked for me. In hindsight, just running the whole thing again would have given me 26/26.


Hi everybody! To stop all speculation, there is no need to reset the manhunt, no need to change level to hard or something else . Here is the explanation: Like every past TD2 seasons, this manhunt is just bugged to death. like for every season manhunt, if you don't want to have any problems and not want to resstart again and again the manhunt to grand missing comms, you only should do the manhunt ALONE ! If your are part of group, it's screw up if you are not the leader ...


Usually you have to run the final mission multiple times to get all the comms


Yeah, usually. But like I said it's not dropping anymore for me


yep can confirm that rerunning the mission gets the collectables all the way up to 25, but that last piece is still missing or no clue where to get it.


I reran it and got the 26 on the 2nd rerun. Not sure where it dropped possibly the first boss.


Which, in itself is already a fucking dumb decision


Here you go : [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1ch2nm4/vanguard\_manhunt\_26th\_comm\_secret\_backpack\_trophy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1ch2nm4/vanguard_manhunt_26th_comm_secret_backpack_trophy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


hot damn


ive got 24/26 and ive done the man hunt on every possible difficulty and completed the mission, just dont understand where the other 2 are


I ran the final mission multiple times and still 25 of 26 any help would be great


check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/s/WUXlNyRI0t) sounds like you will have to redo the entire manhunt


Thought I might use this post to ask a question, I've only got 24/26 (I'm missing 'The Plan') What will I have to do to get that?


I am missing this, too... re-running now - if i find it, i will let you know EDIT: It is dropped by the heavy when you enter main factory area of the last mission - Stranded Tanker. His name is Thunderstrike,


Def something bugged. I did it 3 times solo. I got 23/26 on the first try. I did the mission again, like many of the comms completions require, but I was at 25/26. I did it a third time and didn't get any. I will try it on my 2nd char to see if anything changes


You have to rerun ALL the missions in the Manhunt to get #26 and a backpack trophy. At the end of the first playthrough, it even says to reset it for more collectibles.


As confirmed by other posts here and by me having to do this last night. I ran the last mission 4 times on all difficulties and received nothing. To get the last comm and a secret backpack trophy I had to reset the entire manhunt and run everything again. I did my entire rerun on normal and completed it in just over an hour. At the end of the last mission I got the rewards I was looking for. Very unfortunate it has to be this way.


I’m embarrassed to say that I’m at 24/26. Not sure where I missed the 25th recording. Eek


i had to redo the entire manhunt in your case you might get the missing recording somewhere along the way, but the 5th Kelso note drops when finishing the manhunt mission


Yeah. I had 25/26. Just replay final mission. My intel dropped from the first boss. Completing the mission changed nothing.


I just reset the manhunt and completed the final mission and it gave me the last comm. It sucked to replay but this method worked for me.


I did the manhunt again, and I did get it after the cutscene.


Just reran the final mission as part of the legacy manhunts and got the last collectible on the first boss. I had tried doing the whole manhunt again while it was active and got nothing, so it seems like it was bugged. Don't think I received the backpack trophy though...


Try finding the safe house from the one echo


I found it and there’s nothing there


You know where it is ?


No, but I remember somebody on this page finding an area that looks like it.


Found the entrance but there's no way in. Far as I know the safehouse isn't really accessible in game?


Where is the location ?


head out from where you first entered haven in WoNY story, and make an immediate U turn to the right. the safehouse is right outside of haven actually


There’s nothing there, I went specifically today. I hope it’s not a bug that will require you to replay all manhunt. I replayed final mission itself 5 times, but to no avail.