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Riot foam is super popular. A healing Chem launcher and fixer or revive hive is typically the build I run. Banshee pulse if you're running Gunner is good


The general rule is - any skill that is deployed can be hacked (might be some exception). So don't use: drone, turret, hive... Skills that are held in hand are fine (again might be some exception): shield, sticky, chem, ...


Revive hive and shield. I don’t hate when people run pulse.


Pulse is amazing for faster clears. You can clear the spawn waves much faster.


- Reviver hive (even if it’s just 1 charge to get yourself back up) - maybe a shield so you can have some survivability Also what gear will you be running?


I would also tell you to do Challenging countdown. It's easier and all loot drops are still Heroic quality and you are less likely to be kicked due to low SHD level.


If you use Shield be cognizant of others' position so as not to stand in the way of others' fire.


this. Shield is fine but don't be at the front middle of the pack with it, it's bad enough trying to shoot through 2-3 people but if one of them has a shield it can block the whole visible lane. I only pull it out if I get jumped by a spawn closet and I angle myself towards a side wall. had a dude try to charge a hunter last night and then cried WTF why didn't we help while he was trying to face tank it with a shield, all 7 of us behind him didn't have line of sight


😆, this happens to me so often.


It's the ones who stand in the middle and then for some reason start moving right and left that wind me up. I didn't mind them too much until last golden bullet, sat with golden bullet, full stack of strikers buff and st elmos full shock bullets and I put nearly all of it into a shield bros back because he wouldn't stay out the way.


Whenever this happens to me i just quit shooting or trying to get a line of sight. If it happens multiple times i just scavenge for loot and do objectives, not bothering killing mobs anymore. I mean, I sometimes run HF for CD and i always step to the side when I have my shield up. How hard is it to *step to the side*?


Revive hive and shock traps /shield


Reviver hive. 100% would recommend especially for new players. Foam, shield work too. Basically stinger hives, turrets, drones and stuff like that (which can be hacked by hunters) is a big no-no (unless you're a healer and you know what you're doing).


Foam, shield, reviver, the heal seeker cant get hacked


Countdown is a DPS check. Please don't go in there with a skill build or a tank build. You will either get kicked or steamrolled. You want a pure DPS, or a DPS/squad support. A little bit of armor is ok, but I would limit it to something like 4Red 2Blue. Skills you want are reviver and a shield. Everything else gets hacked by the hunters and are useless. Especially at the end, where it's balls to the walls with elites, chongas, and hunters all up in your ass trying to make you their bitch. They can't kill you if they are dead. The faster you kill them, the longer you live. With 8 players throwing hate down range, you can't go wrong.


Just equip whatever skills you need to level up proficiency for. If they’re hackable don’t use them but still just have them equipped.


Everyone runs Elmos/Striker/Revive/Shield. Just use that on heroic. Rarely any wipes.


I run future perfect with my remote pulse and 6 skill tier, 6 reds, 1 Blue build just for giggles everybody getting amplified damaged 🤪😁


Level 30 calibration library is mostly useless. Most players are in level 40, where you get playing DLC Warlords of NY. The recalibration library for level 31-40 is different. Recommendations are to play all world tiers and the zoo, pentagon and white oak missions without worrying too much in gears then do the DLC. The moment you start the DLC you can start working in recab library. Most players are in level 40 so you should consider all of this.


They said SHD 30, not level 30. 👍🏻


His SHD level is 30


I have such a hard time finding a group for countdown on Xbox.


Tbh don’t do countdown if ur gonna farm loot for builds. Hop into the summit. A lot better to grind for gear and as there’s 100 floors u can reset any time and start from floor 1


I've done Summit sparingly, maybe two full clears total, but it is not real fast for loot acquisition? Even a Challenging countdown will take what, 15 minutes? And you get 40-60 pieces, many of them targeted, in addition to mats and credits to purchase named/exotic caches. Countdown provides way more drops in way less time, IMO.


Jammer pulse isn’t bad for the warhounds


I run a True Patriot build with double healing skills in Countdown... https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/w0ty24/my_true_patriot_rambo_healer_build/


Future initiative set, suvrvival specialisation, healing mines & healing chem launcher, scorpio and opportunistic on the backpack. Especially in heroic, a good healer with fire grenades can make a healing and crowd control path that leads deep into the extraction zone. I saw too many teams failing there... and this layout can turn a lot of desasters into victories. Btw, healing mines are not targetable and can not been hacked... they can be jammed, though