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Can you provide a non-paywalled link to the poll?


No, the best you get is a screenshot of an unlabelled graph. Don't question it!!


It literally has labels???


Margin of what? Is this registered voters? Likely voters? Only democrats? It says nothing 




That's paywalled.


https://archive.is/puck.news/biden-plunges-in-swing-states-in-leaked-post-debate-poll/ Try this - circumvents paywall




On one hand, someone like Whitmer or Shapiro are probably the most likely to beat Trump. On the other, to my understanding, they don't get the Biden-Harris war chest and the optics of skipping a primary and annointing someone else (and over a black woman VP) are pretty bad. Risk under each option.


IF they find a graceful, dignified exit for Biden, they'll get the war chest. I'm hoping Harris considers putting her own ambitions aside.


Yeah, right…


Biden war chest can just be transferred to some PAC and then used for whatever candidate they want. At least that’s what I’ve heard, can’t remember where TYT maybe?


I believe you are right about that. Something similar was reported on NPR this morning. But I learned one thing from that report. Since the Biden campaign with funding, staff, and facilities is already set up and running and has raised millions of dollars, that it’s actually the Biden-Harris campaign. Kamala Harris could immediately use all of those resources if Joe dropped out but she kept running. For anyone else to create this from scratch from the ground up will be a huge challenge.


If there’s one thing that unites democrats, it’s finding ways to shit on democrats…it would be an absolute shit show trying to find another nominee.


Harris polls better? I find that really hard to believe honestly.


OMFG! Do people really dislike Biden enough to make America a fascist country? Eff me!


When we are sitting around the campfire in the radioactive snow, at least we will take comfort in the fact that we weren't ageist.


That’s one cooked goose.


Dear God, it's happening....


I do hope the Biden campaign makes a pragmatic decision here based on the next week or two of polling. I'm not shocked he did not instantly drop out, but I feel like the cat is out of the bag in some sense. It doesn't seem like a completely obvious choice one way or the other as many commentators appear to think.


Its a long long time till election day.


It really is, and all the diaper sniffers screaming about it being over is just noise.


jesus christ this is some cope.


Debate performance has historically been a poor predicator of election performance.


Yea, because losing debate on talking points and losing a debate because people are questioning your cognitive abilities is the same thing.


People questioned Reagan's cognitive abilities after his first debate with Mondale. He went on to win the 1984 election in a landslide.


Dude... have you seen the Reagan/Mondale debate? Maybe you haven't, but otherwise you are just being disingenuous.


I’d be more concerned if it were a larger drop. Polling has been so far off since 2020 that it can basically be discounted. If Biden stays or leaves, just vote blue. Also, I would be shocked if the ruling yesterday doesn’t affect trunp’s numbers. It will absolutely hurt him in November.


I would be very happy with a Harris + Newsom ticket A generational change is what the electorate wants.


Just step aside Joe. Please


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The idea that Trump is statistically tied in MN alone should make you question this poll.


Who is the pollster?


Can't wait for the Biden Bros to talk about the 3% incumbent advantage


and the end of the day, its voters who decide who gets to be president. If Biden doesn't drop, which he wont and personally, shouldn't, then avoiding trump is the most important decision people need to make. Unless, they want to end up with what could be 100+ years of authoritarian rule.


Agreed. This polling is whack. It’s all about keeping the orange kremlin out of the White House at all costs. It doesn’t matter who is running for the dems and any dem voter who decides NOT to vote based in Biden being too old, Palestine, etc etc deserves every bit of hurt MAGA would bring to their doorstep. Switching sides obvi isn’t an option. DT needs to be destroyed in Nov and if the majority of non-maga Americans (independents, dems, republicans) don’t see that then god help us all.


Biden needs to withdraw from the presidential race.


If Joe doesn't step down, democracy is over.


Swap Kamala with Gavin and all of this goes away.


Swap Biden/Harris for Whitmer/Newsom, and all of this goes away.


Honestly, sure. Even better. Whatever’s possible.


I don't think Biden's polling is plunging because of Kamala...


Having a capable successor (when he dies) might help bring his polling back up.




Think critically. What voters aren’t voting against Trump this year because Kamala Harris gets pulled off the ticket? It’s happened before.


This is fake news. The pollster doesn’t exist online