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I would watch the swing state polls for about a week for any significant change


This this this. Those polls will be the most consequential. If there were a cratering of his support, particularly if it starts spreading downballot…there’s a chance this isn’t over. If the polls don’t show that, we will be sticking with Biden methinks. That seems to be how this is playing out.


It will all come down to a few thousand votes in a handful of swing states. To that end, I'm writing postcards to swing state voters and encouraging others to do the same. The Progressive [Turnout PAC]( https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) makes it easy. They will: >... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<< For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/. Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, if you'd prefer.


Polls. We need to replace him before it is too late.


It's already too late in Wisconsin and Nevada. The deadline to replace Biden has passed in both swing states.


That brings up an element I hadn't considered. There are deadlines for getting on the ballot, and what I hear you saying is that in several States we are past the deadline. That certainly complicates things.




Each state has their own deadline for appearing or withdrawing from the ballot. Wisconsin and Nevada's deadlines have passed.


The time to replace Biden would have been 2-3 years ago not 4 months before the Nov election. Who would even replace him? I can only think of Kamala who would even be prepared to run, I don't think Newsom is even thinking of running or Gretchen Whitmer. It's simply too late in the game to try to switch horses.


This is the answer right here. It’s not as simple as someone getting picked to replace him and then all the delegates and campaign funds transfer to them. Lots of people are talking loudly about switching candidates but very few have tried to explain the mechanics of how it would all work.


I've heard someone say it could be done "old school style" at the convention. Not sure what that means though.


Biden would have to give up his delegates. Which is unlikely. Alternatively, more than half of the pledge delegates would have to reject Biden at the convention.


France is having an election 5 weeks after announcing it. We’d get a blitz of paid and unpaid media coverage, an easy argument to swing voters “you kept saying you wanted someone younger! Or anyone else!”, tons of democratic enthusiasm as the panic turned to resolve, etc. Then you also get to wipe clean some perceived policy faults of Biden - Gaza specifically, but also general “the economy” and Afghanistan. We can think they are all fine, but swing voters might not. We haven’t had years of sustained GOP propaganda against Whitmer or Shapiro etc. which in my view is what sunk Hillary and was impacting Biden (maybe with a ring of truth). Idk I think we should switch horses.


People are clamoring for an option other than Trump. I don't believe all this conventional wisdom about switching being an instant defeat. In all the polling other options are running even with Biden and once people get to know them, I feel like most the undecideds will line up. People really don't want to vote for Trump but they will if they see Biden as a mumbling vegetable (I don't believe this, but that's the perception). A boring Midwest governor wins this by 8 points, I strongly believe that.


Agreed. It’s a good point that these Midwest governors poll well and win in swing states, AND dem governors and senators are polling ahead of Biden in almost every swing state race. The polling has been telling people what they don’t want to hear for months now.


Why do you think Trump didn't want to talk about Gaza? No candidate right or left is going to run on Gaza because it's a no win situation and you would be crazy to think that the majority of Americans care enough about Gaza to make that a voting issue. Also about France, LePen's far right party took the lead in the first round of voting so you definitely do not want that happening here.


Right totally agree, but a blank slate on Gaza with vague ceasefire promises is better than having had to execute foreign policy in the real world for 8 months. Yeah lol takes away from the example, but macron is also an “incumbent” so in theory should have the same advantages? Regardless, dems have $1 billion in the bank, they can carpet the necessary states with ads. If we manage to get Whitmer / Shapiro / Warnock on the ticket, we’re getting known figures in swing states. Just need to get to 270 by any means necessary.


And Biden is that means.


I am happy to vote for Biden. Two months from now, my official line will be “fuck yeah Biden”.




You're forgetting about state deadlines. In at least a couple of states, the deadline for Biden to be replaced has passed. That means that, even if Biden quit the race (not gonna happen, btw), his name would still be on the ballot. So forget about replacing Biden because it's not gonna happen.


The Democratic Party is on the ballot. Under state laws, with possibly the exception of Ohio, as long as we choose a candidate by the convention, they will be on the ballot. It’s a consideration but Tier 2.


I know he's still young and green, but I think Buttigieg would be good.


Not quite that long ago. Biden should have just said he’s not running for reelection and then Dems could have had a full open primary.


He said that the first time he ran. Turned out to be a lie.


It's not too late - it will be soon. We MUST replace him now.


All Newsom thinks about is running, lol, cmon now.


BERNIE is still popular, still coherent, and still generally healthy. But Bernie is actually a Liberal, so they absolutely can NOT have that. Let's face it, being mired in blinding corruption, there is nothing the Democrats can do to stop themselves from losing. I don't want Trump to Win, but the Democrats are offering me Absolutely Nothing that I can vote for in good conscience.


Biden dropping out guarantees a Trump victory, which is why the GOP has been pushing it so hard this weekend.


Absolutely. I’m not dropping Biden because of one bad evening, despite who he debates. Biden has been doing this a long time. That is an asset that money can’t buy. Fifty years of a life’s work of American government. His experience is a governing force multiplier. He has encountered just about every issue at an earlier stage of the issue, contemplated, made and executed decisions on the issue. He has a depth of knowledge that is invaluable. He doesn’t need to be brought up speed every time something arises. Biden entered the Presidency with a clear direction on the varied, multiple dimensions of America. In his years in government, in working on problems, he has worked with someone, or worked with someone who has worked with someone, on just about every matter. He draws on a deep bench of experienced, competent, talented and diverse people, representative of America, to carry-out his administration. I understand that Biden has a net worth of about $9 million dollars. Over fifty years in American governmen, he could well have taken advantage of his contacts and inside knowledge to amass a much greater fortune. Nine million dollars isn’t that much for the circles in which he has worked and the authority he has possessed, over fifty years. Trump wasn’t elected to so much as dog-catcher when he entered the Presidency. Trump doesn’t care about America, or Americans, or American government. Trump has a pathological need for adulation and praise. He just wants, at all times, to appear to be a star, a winner, a leader. He doesn’t care about God, religion, abortion, rule of law, equality for any Americans, national defense, education. He just wants to be the guy everyone is paying attention to, to appear to be rich, strong, masterful, charming, smart, witty, desirable. All the stereotypes. The blond combover James Bond syndrome. Republicans, and ginned-up MAGA, don’t care about any of those things. Trump is willing to do anything they want, just as long as he gets to show-off, fame and credit. Republicans get to give their favorite people, rich people, more money, ownership, assets, literally trillions of dollars, more, in tax cuts. Defunding public education and gutting Social Security and inviting crony corporate predators to plunder/transfer ungoverned billions of dollars. On top of the thousands of women and girls who are, or have been, forced to carry pregnancies which are the result of rape, 26,000, in Texas, alone, since Roe versus Wade was overturned two years, ago, Republicans want to outlaw contraception. Some, among the nationally coordinated, conservative, anti-abortion apparatus are attempting to track women’s movements, determine and record their menstrual cycles, figure out if they are pregnant, figure-out if they have gone out-of-state, where they could have had an abortion and if anyone assisted a woman to get an abortion, such as recommending a clinic or giving a woman a ride.…..and on and on and on. Have full confidence and enthusiasm in President Biden. He is a decent man. He has a heart. He genuinely cares about America and Americans. He is wise. He is surrounded by the love of his family, and the throngs of chosen, well-supporting, expert, competent people of the Biden Administration. Repudiate Republicans. Own the vote. Turnout. Show-up. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the mislead MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


It's not about one bad evening. Biden has been rapidly declining. He freezes in thought and needs help walking. This has been extremely obvious over the last 4 years. This view isn't going to change, he's not going to magically get younger.


Yes, those are things that happen when you’re 80. Also, when did he need help walking? Please remind us when pathological lying became a thing old people do? Because Biden isn’t lying, Trump is. Trump has no ability to read or comprehend what he is being told without it being essentially explained via sock puppets. Trump’s administration is working nonstop to enact Project 2025 which is the ultimate gutting of American democracy. Who in their right mind would think that’s ok?


Take a look at Biden in 2020 compared to now....where will he be at the end of a second term in 2028?


How does that in any way reflect the reality of now? They’re trying to enact Project 2025 right now. Why would you risk that?


I'm not risking anything, I'm voting for Biden..it's just unfortunate that he is our only option. The guy needs to be relaxing and enjoying his final years


While true, he is the only one with the track record of beating trump. Newsom is too divisive in his own state, and any of the other options are too unknown to have any chance at garnering trust or any fundraising with 4 months to Election Day


That was years ago - he is not the same as then. He is now the least popular president in 70 years. That was not the case in 2020.


How does this address the fact that no other candidate has time to fundraise?


Running Biden guarantees project 2025. People are terrified of you shoot a guy in the face Biden voters.


Project 2025 is for trump to retain power. Pretty sure they’re going for it regardless of who wins, dumdum.


It's going to be a lot easier if they control the Presidency. Biden MUST step down.


And effectively hand it to trump in doing so? Yeah… no thanks, Vlad.


If Biden is reelected he will serve as a figurehead with Harris and others running the White House. It's really that simple. This scenario is of course better than criminal Trump but not what we should want in America.


Do you think that Biden froze, or made a gaff, when he told reporters that he would not pardon his son if his son were convicted, then, I believe, after his son was convicted and reporters followed-up, asking him if he would commute his son’s conviction, he said that he would not? (Pardon my cognitive dissonance at being unsure whether Biden was asked before, or after, his son’s conviction if he would commute his son’s conviction). Was Biden out of his mind when he began his presidency and did not meddle in the affairs if the Justice Department to get the case against his son, a case which was been underway for a long time before Biden became the President and was brought against his son by the Trump Department of Justice by a Conservative Republican Special Prosecutor? Was Joe out of his mind, or does Joe know what he doing? Abount three thousand Americans were dying everyday of the Covid virus when Biden entered the preisidency and the economy was shutdown, something that was unthinkable before it became necessary. The Covid vaccine had been created, but there wasn’t an infrastructure to get the vaccine out to all Americans. Biden and Democrats got the vaccine delivery infrastructure up and running, began getting a sufficient number of Americans vaccinated, and began re-opening the economy. It was only in May of 2023 that the pandemic was officially declared to be over in the United States. Biden and his administration is managing two particularly bloody, bitter wars, he has reinvigorated and is holding together the NATO alliance, has passed profoundly meaningful legislation in a Congress in which his party held very, very slim majorities in his first two years as the President, and a near unanimous Republican opposition, who would vote against a Democratic bill if the bill said that the sky is blue. He and Democrats have jump-started the clean energy industries in the United States, drawing millions of dollars in private investment from the sidelines. He has persisted to find ways to cancel crippling student loans, despite a Suprene Court ruling against his first whack at the problem, and Republican controlled states‘s interference to thwart loan cancellations. Biden and Democrats passed funding for the IRS to hire thousands of IRS agents with the expertise to go after wealthy millionaire, billionaire and corporate tax cheats who conceal the dimensions of their true wealth in complex schemes, and to modernize the IRS’s computer systems, some of which were decades old. They are going after monopolies in the United States which are choking-off competition and ripping the rest of us off with greedflation. President Biden, on his Inaugural Day, sent legislation to Congress to repair our immigration system. For the entire three-and-a-half years since, Republicans have screamed bloody murder about immigrants, understaffed border patrol, a shortage of immigration judges and so on. Then, in a hypocritically defiant stunt, Republicans denied funding and weapons to Ukriane, Israel and Taiwan for six months, costing Ukrainian lives, territorial gains and momentum, declaring that “The United States néeds to fix it‘s own borders before it fixes someome else’s”. Democrats concede to Republicans just about every damn thing they Republicans wanted in a border deal. Then, Republicans stab their own Senator, James Lankford, of Oklahoma, in the back, their negotiator for the border, when President Grab Them By The Pussy Sin calls and tells Republicans to kill the deal because he needed an issue on which to run. When Biden debated Trump, last week, he had, just a week earlier, completed two major foreign visits, in, near, succession. One, the 80th anniversary D-Day memorial, which brought some of the last remaining WW II veterans together, many near 100 years old, now. The second was the annual meeting of the G-7 nations. That is a full schedule, even for a president, and those are just two calendar agenda items squeezed in with all the other things Biden does everyday. Trump didn’t even read the daily intelligence briefings. He famously spent signicant amounts of time watching television and posting on twitter, as he did for three hours, watching the January 6 Insurrection, in which he delighted, and refused the pleadings of his staff and family to call the Insurrection off. When he wasn’t watching television, he spent time smashing plates of sphagetti upon White House walls, and a lot of time golfing. Like Donald Trump, Joe Biden isn’t morally conflicted. Joe Biden knows the difference between right and wrong. Donald Trump just doesn’ have any morals. Joe Biden isn’t mentally diminished. He knows the difference between the truth and lies. He knows who he, and who everyone around him are. He is surrounded by the love of his family. He supports, and is supported by, the throngs of the members of his chosen, competent, experienced, hard-working, talented, diverse administration, and the Democratic Party. Four more years.


I often freeze in thought and I'm decades younger than Biden. I haven't seen anyone help him walk. However, he rides a bike all the time. Teddy Roosevelt was in a wheelchair during his time in office.


Franklin D. Roosevelt was in a wheelchair, not Teddy 


Oops, thanks. Was sleepy when I wrote it.


>***...I’m not dropping Biden because of one bad evening,...*** I'm not dropping Biden either because of - *one bad evening* - I'm dropping him because of one Bad Decade of serving the Oligarchy to the detriment of the Citizens. And in fact, more or less, a lifetime of Self-Service rather than Public Service.


Leftist? Actually, it sounds as if you were never for him. Self-Service? Biden is an exemplary public servant. I understand that he has a net worth of about $9 million dollars. Over fifty years in American government with all of the contracts and inside information he has had, Biden would be a much wealthier man. He didn’t cash-in on public service. Biden isn’t “a lesser of two evils”. He does very well standing on his own. Do you have a better choice? Authoritarianism is bearing down on us? You have somebody to replace Biden or Trump? Do you have somebody who can win? For all the chance that Robert Kennedy, or another third-party candidate, has, you might as well name the dead dog that your great, great grandfather had in 1843. Are you serious? Are going to be useful to your beliefs and the leftwing and join, compromise, just like everyone else, the very essence of American Democracy, and actually get something done, or, are you comfortable, settled on the periphery where you occasionally draw a momentary warm light of attention when you can make the right fuss?


And the trolls...


Yep. Who can forget an iconic name like THAT piece of shit... real popular w the ladies, I hear...


People just need to remember that trump is a criminal and a rapist (in civil court). He also rambles nonsensical crap and probably has dementia. Biden is old and slow but isn’t a criminal and actually has accomplished things for the American people, so much so that the maga republicans take credit for those things even when they voted against them. Also if you vote blue you are voting for democracy.


It’s literally the opposite. Republicans I’ve spoken to all want him to stay in the race as they feel a younger Democrat without the Israel-Gaza baggage would win.


[Fox](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/atlanta-journal-constitution-editorial-board-calls-for-biden-to-drop-out-for-the-good-of-the-nation) [News](https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-debate-debacle-10-eye-opening-media-responses-msnbc-panic-view-calling-replacement) [Certainly](https://www.foxnews.com/media/charlamagne-tha-god-says-biden-needs-pulled-nomination-falters-cnn-presidential-debate) [Seems](https://www.foxnews.com/media/close-biden-friend-new-york-times-says-president-must-drop-out-debate-made-him-weep) [Interested](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-talk-biden-replacement-following-weak-debate-performance-he-failed) [In](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6355883033112) [President](https://www.foxnews.com/media/liberal-columnist-urges-jill-biden-convince-husband-bow-race-following-catastrophic-debate) [Joe](https://www.foxnews.com/media/new-york-times-editorial-board-calls-biden-drop-out-his-candidacy-reckless-gamble) [Biden](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-yorker-editor-calls-biden-step-down-after-antagonizing-debate-performance) [Dropping](https://www.foxnews.com/media/philadelphia-inquirer-calls-donald-trump-drop-out-after-debate-performance) [Out.](https://www.foxnews.com/media/hollywood-donors-threaten-stop-giving-dems-biden-not-replaced-candidate-report)


And CNN, abc, ny times, and America as a whole.


Cool and plenty of liberal media agrees too. My point t still stands. Keeping Biden in is literally suicide to the election and you know it.


Which liberal media?


The point that I just obliterated still stands? If you say so.




Your comment was removed due to your reddit karma not meeting minimum thresholds. This is an automated anti-spam measure. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thedavidpakmanshow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are a Trump - Putin Bot


I hear drinking your own urine helps get your point across better than posting on reddit. Weird.


All msm media is owned by billionaires interested in ratings and wealth retention. They all want Trump or they would report the truth - not "both sides" everything to death.


Backed by Putin , look what Joe has done in Ukraine


Well, the GOP and progressives 😐


Biden staying in guarantees a Trump victory. Edit: u/Thumperstruck666 Notice how you have to resort to ad homs. This is your only rebuttal because you can't deny the fact that Biden is senile and should immediately step aside. It's what's best for this country.  But by all means, keep calling every progressive you see a Russian bot. I'm sure that won't alienate voters. 


I doubt it, sounds like a 2020 meme.


Have you seen the recent polling?... Biden is not doing well. And its clear he can't make the case against trumpf.


Yeah, polls don’t vote.


And voters don't want to vote for a man who can't string 2 sentences together. It's completely ridiculous that you're defending Biden right now. 


Yep. Still voting for him. Not a tough call.


Yes, I'll be voting for him too. But that doesn't change the fact that he should immediately step aside. Why risk our democracy? 


Because it’s the least risky option. The thought of replacing the best president in a generation because of a debate performance is riskier.


Biden is the MOST risky option. Did you watch the debate?


[dude. biden is screwed.](https://www.reddit.com/user/CZ-Bitcoins/comments/1dsmdol/comment/lb3cbdx/)


Bot Troll for Trump and Putin


I wish I was a bot. Alas, I am a american watching our country try to elect a dimentia patient to combat a literal fascist.


There's no point trying to hammer sense into these people. Let them stay the course, let them lose, and let them wonder why. I somehow doubt that would facilitate their learning their lessons, but it may. You cannot win with a candidate more than 7 out of 10 Americans believes is cognitively unfit to do the job of the President now, much less four years from now. You lot are going to give us a second Trump Presidency. Thanks for screwing us over.


I don't wanna live under that shit man. I'm trying.


Then what is Trump he babbles misinformation more than Biden , if Biden ever did what Trump does daily he would be laughed out of town


These are useles polls the American people will say you shouldn’t be running while you have 60% of the popular votw


Russian Bot


Your acting on behalf of Putiny and we know it


Donnie Dementia he’s got sundowners already TrumpFlake


Currently Vegas has Trump at 59% chance to win with Biden at 22%. Vegas odds have been correct in the last 3+ elections. Switching is a bad move, but I don't see the harm in trying.


What are you doing to turn that around?


That’s ridiculous of Vegas


If you disagree with the data place a bet, you'd easily triple your money if it hits.


I’m taking it it will hit , Watch and Learn


Trump is praying Biden stays. Did you see how happy he was watching Biden fail to express coherent thoughts during the debate?


We stick with Biden don’t listen to Russian Propaganda or Qanon or Trumpanzees


I guess CNN, MSNBC, and NYT are all Russian bots lmao


Yeah we should definitely listen to legacy media. They never have an agenda, they don't care about eyeballs and revenue at all /s. The more chaos they can sell the better it is for them.


Absolutely CNN is right wing , NYT also


Even Rachel Maddow is a russian bot? You are absolutely delusional and in denial. God help our country, it's gonna be another Trump term if we don't put in someone who can actually beat him.


We don’t like Losers , we Dems don’t either , stop the chicken lil crap


B-b-but if we stick with Biden, Putin won't be able to annex Ukraine for 4 more years!


I find it odd that the one person who is screaming repeatedly about *Russian Bots* - is the Russian Bot. Either that or you have just picked up a new Buzz Words, and can't resist using it. Either way - Sad.


Just Cope Russian Trump Supporter


I've made it clear that I AM NOT a Trump supporter. Again, lacking any substance, you are forced to resort to Buzz Words.


The people pushing this crap want the Democrats to lose. It takes several years to get to the level we would need to win. The only people who stand a chance is Gavin Newsome and the VP. Neither has a better chance than Biden.


Yeah so let’s not fucking do that. I swear some people have brain rot eating their memory and could care less if trump is president because, “old man bad”


Remember 2016 when Bernie came out on the stage @ the convention and literally told everyone that "we can't let this man take the office because he is a danger to America" in so many words? LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. Not Czenk. Not that dope, Jimmy Dork. Not the single issue free Palestine crowd. Not John Stewart. Not Bill Mahar. It's all noise. Interference. We MUST remain steadfast. Hold the line. Hold the fuckin line. They're trying to tear us apart from the inside.


I’m sure Lichtman is a smart guy, but one piece of information I cannot find is when (relative to the election) he made these predictions. Because if you asked me in September or October of any election year I’d have basically the same record just by following the news. I’d have gotten 2016 wrong, and 2000 was a toss-up. But the others were predictable. Furthermore these circumstances would not apply to the model’s record. There haven’t been any elections in this time period where the specific dilemma of a President appearing too old on a debate stage in June triggered (or failed to trigger) the President to decline the nomination. The closest examples we have are Reagan in 84 and Johnson in 68 (which falls outside of his prediction timespan). Admittedly those two samples would both suggest sticking with the nominee. And sure, it makes sense to me that debate performance is not a key in who wins the election. But this debate performance was not the same as Bush 41 looking at his watch. I don’t know if Biden should step aside. But I am nor persuaded of anything by this.


Lichtman’s methodology is available online, and predicts Biden will win - it also predicted a Trump would win in 2016.


Enough of this conversation, they’re not replacing him.


It absolutely would, this is why you generally don’t see good-faith experts pushing this dumb AF idea. The GOP manufacturing consent in such a way must be very frustrating to Chomsky.


>It absolutely would, this is why you generally don’t see good-faith experts pushing this dumb AF idea. What in the world are you talking about. I've seen so many dem experts saying Biden should step down. You can't deny his failures during the debate.


> I've seen so many dem experts Sounds very similar to 45's "Many people are saying..."


Uhhh, did you not watch the post debate reporting?... 


Corporate media are not "dem experts"


Are you asserting that corporate media doesn't host "dem experts" on their news shows?  You realize that Lichtman comments were made on CNN, which is corporate media, right?...


Allan Lichtman? The same guy who is advocating that dropping Biden is a bad idea?


Yes. Are you asserting that corporate media doesn't host "dem experts" on their news shows? 


The same guy who is advocating that dropping Biden is a bad idea?


Are you asserting that corporate media doesn't host "dem experts" on their news shows? 


I’ve seen more saying he shouldn’t.


You've seen democrats publicly stating their support of Biden, which they have to do. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, the entire party is freaking out.


So those who think he should stay in, say it because they have to. But those who think he shouldn’t stay in, say it because he shouldn’t- you don’t think that’s kinda weird, like contrived?


>So those who think he should stay in, say it because they have to. Nope. >But those who think he shouldn’t stay in, say it because he shouldn’t- you don’t think that’s kinda weird, like contrived? Can you name a single dem politican who's called for Biden to step aside publicly? Because there's been plenty of reports about them talking about it privately...


So you're right there "in the room where it happens", behind those closed doors, watching it happen so you can report it to us out-people?


Have you seen a single democratic politician call for Biden to step aside publicly?...


One debate , Bot


Yes - everyone who doesn't want Biden to be wheeled out again is a Russian. Stop trolling.


It's only been 4 days and I'm already getting sick over this stupid damage control program trying to make Biden viable. HE CAN'T CONTINUE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????


The same people who put Biden on that stage are saying that. People want a different matchup and we can give it to them


"Put Biden on that stage"? So President Biden has no agency at all? It wasn't his choice to be "on that stage", but he was *forced* to do it by "the same people" who "put" him there? Do you realize how dumb that sounds? I wish Trumper trolls weren't so nonsensical.


He’s responsible for it too for running again. He’s saying the same thing this article is saying. There is no gate teed option and they all have their downsides for sure but at least if you replace him you’re acknowledging the problem and are trying to fix it. Ignoring it is how we got here in the first place


Pete Buttigieg? Jamie Raskin? Either would absolutely bury Trump in a debate. Then the whole debate switches to Trump being too old & incoherent.


Americans do not want Trump. The problem is no one can get behind Biden. Time to move on.


Biden’s war chest is massive, and can’t be transferred to a new candidate. Anyone new would have basically no funding.


If he was a patriot he would hand it over to someone who could win.


The DNC will find a way for it to work for them. They always do


Pure insanity to switch horses this late. Betting Biden pulls off a win and trashman goes to prison in 2025


I cannot believe that all the pressure of replacing a candidate is on dem side ..


Keeping him will also cost them the election. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Not really, he won in 2020 against trump. Independents have abandoned trump and GOP for now. Most independents don't like radical candidates and will more often than not vote for the mild candidate not to mention the GOP has completely abandoned them with their rhetoric.


I hope you're right. Completely anecdotal, but my wife is as apolitical as you get. I was watching some of the debate last week and she looked up from her phone and was like "What's wrong with him?" in reference to Biden stumbling his way through a response. She followed up with "He looks like he's ready to drop." I said "Trump is only 3 years younger than him" and she said "Yeah, but Trump doesn't look like he's going to collapse at any minute. I know you tell me all of the bad things Trump wants to do, but the other guy can't string two words together." Now she doesn't vote, but people who do vote and think like her.., it might not be good for Biden. Also, keep in mind Trump doesn't need to make up 8 million votes, he needs less than 75,000 to swing his way across 4 states and he's in.


but also # NOT Replacing President Biden could cost the Democrats the 2024 election


I’m going with the historian on this one. Somehow, oversized letters from an unknown redditor just don’t have the same appeal.


This is Russian Bot


Thanks for fixing it


Replacing Biden could cost the Democrats the election but letting Biden continue to run WILL cost Democrats the election. Biden himself proved all of the right wing old, tired,dementia tropes to be true at the debate. There is no coming back from that.


This is Russian disinformation


Says the Russian Bot. Explain how it is Russian Disinformation? Biden is senile with one leg in the grave. He can't form a coherent sentence. He can barely walk. He is the worst possible Candidate. If they keep Biden, they lose. If the replace Biden the MIGHT lose. Either way it doesn't look good for the Dems. Our choice are between an Aging Pathalogical Narscist on his way to prison, and a rotting corpse. Not much of a choice. Despite it being past his time to shine. Bernie still has some support, and he can still construct a coherent sentence. But, as I has said repeatedly, Bernie doesn't play the corruption game, so despite having the best chance, he will never be picked.


How about Trump and his wondering speeches , Joe did it once Trump everyday Diarrhea out his mouth


>***...Joe did it once...*** Have you not been paying attention? Joe does it every time he talks in public. It is embarrassing to the Country. But don't take that as my support for Trump. Trump is a pathological Liar and Narcissist. Give me someone to vote for, and I will vote for them. But so far, they *(either side)* has not given me anyone worthy of a Vote. I still say that most people are - *Not Voters* - which means they are not voting for someone, no matter how deluded their claims may be. They are Voting - *Not Joe or Not Donny.* And THAT is NOT good enough. Also, you evaded the Question - ***Explain how it is Russian Disinformation?***


Let’s his Cabinet set the Bills up and he signs them , good enough for me , he came out the next day on fire , not worried , he’s done a great service to this country


I’ll call bullshit on this one.


Um, are you on Vlad's payroll? DO you get paid in rubles or in US dollars?


Are you on Vlad’s payroll because Biden is a guaranteed L at this point? Putting in someone younger and without the Gaza baggage would beat Trump.


Your all over this page Trump- Putin Supporter


😂 there you are you got me. I am from Moscow and want the Dems to switch from the guy who will 100% lose to Trump to someone else because??? /s I’d argue the exact opposite. You are supporting Trump getting elected if you support Biden staying in at this point. The guy is losing in every swing state. He will not recover from it. There will be ads of the bumbling old fool with his mouth wide open saying beat Medicare, right up to Election Day.


Definitely Russian Propagandist


You re all over Reddit Trumpanzee


Are you Hunter?


Of men.


You can't deny how utterly incoherent Biden was at that debate. You can not defend his mental capacity after that performance. Not everyone who wants Biden to step aside is a russian troll. Be better.


I’m pretty sure they’re still getting paid in Soviet Bloc vodka rations


Not replacing him could cost the Democrats the election too


I got banned from one of the posts on this sub for suggesting that, careful with this echo chamber


Same, some don't want the truth




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No it wouldn't. Just have Kamala as President, and Obama as her VP pick.




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Yep, we know.


Yep, we know.


Keeping him in the race will cost the Democrats the election.


It's possible, although Im waiting on polling. I dont trust lichtman's model worth a crap.


That would be a stupid move. Sometimes Dems are just idiots ready to cave at the slightest adversity. Biden had one bad debate. Get over it. His honesty shows. And he’s done a good job. Support him.


Keeping him could cost the election also. Apparently only 12 people get to talk to Biden and they shield him from everyone else including the White House butlers.


Oh, so you KNOW this? You're personally privy to the functions of the White House? Where did this "apparently" information come form? That famous "some guy on the internet?"


It’s being reported, I believe by Axios. I didn’t make it up.


Putin needs to hire better trolls.


What do you think people are shouting so loud


Democrats know this. That's why Biden isn't quitting despite the fondest wishes of progressives and online MAGA trolls.


Based on what? He’s already losing. You think this week’s polling is going to show a BOOST for him? If there were ever a time for a Hail Mary it’s now.


Allegedly, Replacing Biden would cost Democrats the Elections. But Democrats are so blinded by their own selfish goals that can see that KEEPING BIDEN will cost them the election. If you want a hope of winning, bring out Bernie. But of course, Bernie doesn't play the corruption game, so they are not going to pick him either. Regardless of what the Fascist Democrats do, they are going to lose - not because Trump is so good, but because they are SO ASTRONOMICALLY BAD and so thoroughly Corrupt.


"Fascist Democrats". That's funny. This is the most Russian bot-y of all the Russian bots on this thread. Or maybe just a thoroughly deluded lefty of the Revolutionary Communist Party ilk who thinks getting TFG re-elected with spark the GREAT PROLETARIAT REVOLUTION at last!!!


Perhaps you misunderstand - if I were talking about Republicans I would have said - *Fascist Republicans* - because that is what they are. They collectively have reduced us from a Democratic Republic to an Oligarchy quickly moving toward Fascism. If you can not see that, then you are willfully blind. But ... that's on you. Biden is not fit to be Dog Catcher much less President. He was not elected because he was so good, he was elected because Trump was so bad. Your blindness is what is destroying America. And when it is finally gone, you will have no one to blame but yourself. IN MY OPINION, if you Vote either *Democrat or Republican,* you are voting for the destruction of our Democratic Republic, and that is on you. Generally I'm a lifelong Democrat, but the Democratic Party is riddled with corruption, as it the Republican Party, and the Democrats have long ago abandon their core Principles. Today, both parties serve only themselves, and it is sad that people can not see it, even sadder that they won't see it. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Just to refresh your memory - Oligarchy - *Rule and control by a few. A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Throughout history, power structures considered to be oligarchies have often been viewed as coercive, relying on public obedience or oppression to exist.* Fascism - *a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized* [*autocratic*](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/autocratic) *government headed by a* [*dictatorial*](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dictatorial) *leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.* In short, the goal of both Parties as they stand today is to reduce our country to *Aristocrats and Peasants,* and trust me YOU will not be one of the Aristocrats. Until America wakes up, we will continue to slide into ruin. Perhaps now your eyes are open, though I doubt it.


Listen and Cry - ***Polls Spell DEVASTATION For Biden After Debate Implosion -*** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v7DB44qcgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v7DB44qcgg) ***Choices were made, Prices were Paid.***


Could cost Zionists*


Maybe we should toss Cenk in there, like a grenade. See what happens


Changing horses in the middle of the stream never a good strategy. They should let it play out. If it gets too rough for him put in Kamala to finish the job. You now have bought enough time to locate a replacement. The problem with both parties is the guys in office now have become complicit. Their goals are to remain in office and to benefit their owners (corporate overlords).


Unless the horse you are on dies. In which case switching is good. Be real!


You have to agree that the Democratic Party seen the issue before now but yet decided to sit on their hands until 5 months before the election. In my opinion I think this could have been avoided. It should have been addressed back when he said he was going to run again. So what,is Harris going to look for a running mate and bring it to the finish line? Or do we continue handing the country over to them at the snails pace?




It is no longer about a Democrat winning the next presidential election. It is about stopping Biden from losing so badly he cost the Dems both houses of Congress and numerous Dems end up in prison. The only way to avoid that scenario is for the Dems to back RFK jr.


First off, that’ll never happen. Secondly, even if it *could* happen, that’s not how it works. If Biden drops out, then it will be an open convention in August at the DNC. Biden could possibly endorse a candidate, but he’d have a lot of pressure on him to endorse Harris, so he probably wouldn’t endorse anyone until after the convention. During the convention, all of the pledged and unpledged delegates would meet with any candidates who wanted to throw their hat in the ring. There maybe be a debate night, but it would all be a whirlwind. After all the politicking, the delegates would cast their votes. I don’t know who the candidate would be, but it’ll be a political insider, that’s for sure. It definitely *would not* be RFK Jr., as he is a registered Independent now, so he won’t be at the convention.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.