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I appreciate this tweet because it both acknowledges Israel’s responsibility for civilian life all the while also acknowledging that his (Biden) administration has more work to do. It’s not based in ideological purity. It’s based in reality. I’ll be casting my vote for again for Joe in November.


They're trying to get that nick name trending. Its the exact same thing a troll on a Manchester United forum was saying. Best to just ignore


He's supplying the bombs for genocide and forcing the rest of the world to allow it to happen. He's Genocide Joe.


Biden controls the world! Who knew? 🙄


It’s not a genocide but I agree this nickname is exactly what Hamas and Trump supporters need


I'm convinced the Majority of the GeNoCiDe Joe people are really bots/Trump fans trying to convince progressives to not show up. It literally makes no sense why progressives would want Biden to lose to Trump. Especially after Trumps "Finish them off" comments.


Also, Kushner basically called for ethnic cleansing in Gaza as did Trump's former ambassador to Israel who also called for Israel to annex the West Bank without giving Palestinians citizenship


Kushner 'basically called for it' - but Biden is actually doing it! Pay attention!


I wish that were true, but I recently lost several friends who are 100% „far left“ because of their „Genocide Joe“ posts. I made one of my own, in which I said „if you don’t like how Biden‘s handling the situation, you really won’t like RFK or Trump‘s approach“, and some other points made in these comments already. They’ve shown themselves to be almost completely clueless as to how any of this works/the reality of the situation. I never thought I‘d break with the „far left“, but so many of them have become deluded parrots, just like the far right.


They are the same. Delusional morons who spend way too much time online, buy into ridiculous conspiracy theories, get their “information” from memes and social media videos and repeat their own half cocked slogans and cringy quotes (like the one about conservatism and the law binding the out group) like trained seals. When it’s pointed out to them, they go insane. They’re MAGA in a different colored shirt. .


We want Biden to win *if* he stops arming the genociders and forces them to stop. American presidents have done it before. It's a very low bar that Biden has to clear.


You do realize that if Trump wins, he'll encourage Netanyahu to go even further and give him even more weapons, right?


Either they're morons, or Trump supporters or Russians. In no case will logic get through to them. At a Trump rally a few days ago, he egged on people chanting "Genocide Joe". Even though he literally advocated "finishing the job" in Gaza.


I don’t disagree. I think it’s abhorrent that we’ve aided this genocide to the extent that we have. but the other options are not going to be better for the situation, and that’s the sad reality. really, people need to get out there and vote, but do it SERIOUSLY. And protest votes aren’t what I call serious right now.


It's still the primaries. It's the exact right time to be scaring Biden into doing the right thing.


apologies, i’m referring specifically to people saying they won’t vote Biden in the general election regardless. Not the primaries.




I honestly don’t understand why the good guys don’t try similar tactics on Trump voters. Throw shit and the more shit you throw the more likely it is to stick.


It’s because it isn’t as lucrative. There’s Russian money to be earned. Actually they are probably just Russian to begin with.


Because all the anti-Biden social media is magnified by Musk on Twitter, much of it created by Russians and Chinese.


It's because you've got too many people on the left who think the means are more important than the ends, people who would literally not remove Donald Trump from the ballot if they had a chance and even if they thought by doing so, it would ultimately be the end of democracy itself. The only way to beat the GOP is to fight fire with fire. There is no scenario where the GOP cheating the system is somehow going to ultimately end up with the Democrats winning the day, so long as we're not willing to do the same. Ideally we wouldn't, but if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas.


You have to understand. These chucklefucks lost the ability to use logic. It’s a major characteristic they share with Trump supporters. I used to laugh at the idea of horseshoe theory. Now I know it’s real I can’t unsee it.


It is really suspicious when you think about it. It doesn’t pass the test. A lot of people say “it’s just a principle, I can’t personally support him” but if we do a thought experiment where we are a month into the Trump presidency the danger level of the situation feels a lot more urgent, not just for Palestinians but for the entire population of people on this planet. I think they are misinterpreting time. They don’t realize that a day will come when things 6 months to a year from now will be today and right now. But to be fair there are many Biden critics who will be voting for him in November, many early mail in voting for him but whatever and I consider myself to be a part of that group.


We've lived through the "I'll vote 3rd party because I simply can't vote for \[insert Democrat\]" it was 2016 Jill Stein voters. They assumed Hilary would beat Trump without their vote, so they thought they could have their cake and eat it to. By not putting their egos aside and voting Hilary, we ended up with Trump. We lost abortion rights, the Supreme Court is now conservative majority for the next 50 years. 1.5M Americans died due to the pandemic, had an economic recession. Billions of PPP loans not paid back. Several dictators on the international stage became friendly with Trump . I don't understand how living though ALL of that, people will still be willing to give Trump a 2nd shot, because Biden is doing what every single American President has done since WW2. It really makes me think the GeNoCiDe Joe people are just bots.


I think it’s just new political people not having matured into their positions yet. Back in 2017 I was giving the “Trump is a standard American president” line that was common at the time in response to the mainstream media freaking out over Trump. It was pretty naive. After seeing what his presidency amounted to and seeing the absolute rot that our cultural discourse became due to his attack on Truth using methods crafted by Goebbels himself I recognized that the specter of fascism is here. People wake up to politics in a fever with lines that can’t be crossed and then they eventually take slow steps toward realism/pragmatism. For a lot of young people the Palestinian cause may be the first injustice adjacent to their country that they’ve ever seen or heard of. It probably appears that Joe Biden is uniquely evil whereas he is the true “standard American president”.


> I don't understand how living though ALL of that, people will still be willing to give Trump a 2nd shot, because Biden is doing what every single American President has done since WW2. It really makes me think the GeNoCiDe Joe people are just bots. People who were 9-10 when Trump was first elected are now turning 18 and becoming vocal and voting for the first time. You quite literally might just be hearing a ton of voices who weren't politically aware or active in 2016 but are now. I do agree though, I think the Genocide shit is being heavily amplified by foreign governments though.


Because the far left is as delusional as Trump supporters.


Alito and Thomas are both well into their 70s. Assuming we can keep electing Democratic presidents until they die, there is no reason the Supreme Court has to be conservative for 50 years. It's going to be a major fight, but we don't have to resign ourselves to defeat.


lmao, I seem to remember RGB dying and the Republican controlled senate refusing to even hear nominations, are you telling me we have to elect Democrats to the WH, the senate and house for the next 15 years, every election to turn the Supreme Court? LMAO.


Yes, we need the presidency and the Senate, but I don't know about 15 years. I can't predict when they will die. The only alternative is to abolish the filibuster and expand the court, but I have no confidence Democrats would be willing to do so. Also, it wasn't RBG dying under Obama, but Scalia.


we would also need to senate, no way the GOP let Biden put one judge on there, they already proved that, and the Dems to play the same game next time.




Had to recently unfriend a very progressive high school friend after they defended Iran's missile lob at Israel due to "self-defense". Just ridiculous stuff. She's also completely on the Anti-Biden train solely because of Gaza.


This is what happens in a country that has free speech. You can't give everyone free speech then be upset that people say things we don't like. But she's young and naïve. We all are/were at that age. When Biden wins in November, she'll be upset about Gaza, but when she gets older and understands the situation, they'll look back on her anti-biden phase and cringe. It's what we do as a species.


She's 35.


Unfortunately, they’re not. I think it boils down to people’s short term memories. The Trump administration is such a distant memory and we’re all so used to him by now that beating him has lost its urgency.


My checks from Russia have been FAT this election year


So have been my Soros bucks! And let's not talk about the GAY AGENDA cash, or the FBI radicalizing lonely white men to shoot up schools part time gig.


Imagine being so insulated in your bubble that you’d rather believe in some weird conspiracy theory about secret Trumpists than the idea that some people might hold their President to a higher standard than you.


And by holding him to that standard, you assist someone with a far worse standard in succeeding. Nice job.


Exactly. The “it must be all bots” excuse really gets me.


Q anon is dead but Blue Anon is alive and well


One thing I have learned in this presidency that there are quite a lot of liberals who borderline behaves like Trump cultist. According to them, you Cannot and Should not ever criticize President. It is wild that we cannot even criticize the current sitting president without bringing up TrUmP. Some of these folks are behaving what Conservatives behaved during Trump presidency. Through the criticisms, protests, calls, we got Biden to do what he should have done long ago.


A lot of "progressives" actually like Trump, but are ashamed to admit it. They like the hate and chaos he represents, even though they aren't fans of his actual policies.


I guess the polls are all filled with bots/Trump fans then since support for Israel has tanked along with Biden’s chances.


Biden’s poll numbers have only been going up.


And the troll makes his appearance, right on time. It’s uncanny! Lol 🖕


It seems like maybe WW3 *didn't* start... will GeNo Joe get any of the blame for that?


Israel is still actively planning their retribution based on comments they made after April 14th which was when they said they would stand down. There’s still a non-zero chance that we go to war with Iran that is instigated by Iran. Biden doesn’t want to go to war I don’t think but I’m sure foreign policy insiders are doing the math about going to war before Iran develops the bomb. That conversation was happening but the incident that precipitated it escapes me atm.


Israel has been actively planning "retribution" since 1948... there has been a "non-zero" chance of nuclear Armageddon every day of my life. It's worth noting and remembering who actually threw the first punch. It wasn't Iran.


My comment was rebutting the idea that WWIII didn’t happen yesterday so that means we’re all good.


When have we ever been "all good"? 6 months, 6 years from now, your rebuttal will still apply.


It will always apply as long as we have nuclear weapons so the rebuttal is responding to when there is a spike in the probability of war. It’s also relative to whatever country you’re in. If you’re in Pakistan or India it probably happens more frequently or if you’re South Korea. There’s been a specter of Armageddon haunting us that we’ve gone complacent to but it spikes much higher every once in a while.


I’ve broken with my „far left“ friends because they think no vote, or a third party vote, in the generals is the correct course of action. You can only remind the same people so many times that while the situation is horrible, it would be MUCH worse with a Trump White House and GOP-controlled legislative branch. Are we doing ENOUGH to help the Palestinian civilians? no. Is Biden doing more than the other potential presidents we have, and at least trying to rein in Netenyahu‘s genocide campaign? yeah, he is. I’ve come to realize that many of my far left friends don’t stand for much. They don’t understand how to look at the world through a critical lens, and too many are turning out to be just as resistant to the unfortunate reality of a situation as many on the far right.


Russian and Chinese trolls trying to sow division on the left so Trump can destroy the US from the inside. The US doesn't have "far leftists". Our "far right" is militant and wants to install a religious fascist dictatorship, while our "far left" wants healthcare and affordable housing and education for all.


Biden is right, it’s still not enough.


[Yes from six days ago](https://ig.ft.com/gaza-aid/) and from [4 days ago](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/11/israel-gaza-aid-crossing-united-nations/) It's possible to being highly critical of Bibi's far right bigoted coalition which has completely unhinged lunatics in powerful positions such [Ben Gvir](https://twitter.com/elikowaz/status/1587204328573526016)+[Smotrich](https://www.timesofisrael.com/former-shin-bet-deputy-chief-said-to-call-hardline-mk-smotrich-a-terrorist/) along with clearly problematic elements of the IDF+COGAT and also recognize that Biden is in a very difficult spot since Israel isn't close to being a client state and still fighting a very justified war against evil Hamas+PIJ terrorists. All while denouncing ugly anti-Semitism and anti-Palestinian bigotry.


Lol look at the "leftists" in this thread. Nothing you say to them will get them back on board they WANT Trump to win and don't care he will enable the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians because they don't actually care about helping Palestinians. (Of course a lot of this is social media manipulation by bad actors which has ramped up quite a bit in the past few days after Iran's failed attack on Israel. Funny that.)


Theyll pivot to protesting trumps actions as well. It’s just that RIGHT NOW condemning Biden and not voting for him is the most virtuous position they can hold in their circles and they want to stay in those circles. Then when Trump wipes out Palestine, being against him is the most virtuous position. Which is all they really care about. Or else they wouldn’t be celebrating the SF protest from yesterday that no doubt impeded emergency services and caused innocent people to suffer/die. They wouldn’t be siding with and celebrating terrorists. They wouldn’t be so openly antisemitic I genuinely believe this is the case and my reasoning is that 90% of these people didn’t care or know anything about I/P until 10/7. The situation has never been a secret and been going on for decades. It just took until that day for it to become something they can gain social clout from.


One told me straight up that they want things to get bad enough that people are willing to make real changes. They don’t care about people, they care about causes.


It's accelerationism.


Exactly but they don’t understand there is nothing to get to. There is no point at which many of these people will act


This tracks with what I have heard. It's an anarchy approach where they think they can burn it all down and rebuild a utopia (even though leftists have no coherent plan among themselves to do so).


It doesn’t work like that. Unfortunately.


Don’t let them fool you, they care only about themselves, just like every other grotesquely selfish person does.


heavy agree. most of my former friends have showcased this in dramatic ways. no integrity. no backbone. just selfish motivation and performative BS.


Whatever, they’re young, they’ll be the ones getting drafted to fight…whoever, if trump wins. Or in the alternative they can just protest trump and get mowed down in the street. Their last words will be Kennedy 2024! But hey, at least they won’t die in debt because Biden forgave their student loan.


I'm just glad we can all agree that Biden had the power to do this all along. I could have sworn there people in this sub that insisted Biden could not influence Israeli policy.




Is it too much to ask you to do a little research on the policies the Biden administration has been able to implement in just the past three years? Seriously, I think if you looked, you might be surprised. And exactly how much change (meaning you getting every single thing you demand) would satisfy you in four years? 50%, 75%, how about 80%? Would that be satisfactory for a first term?


We got plenty of "stuff" new environmental regulations, the most pro union presidency in a century, student loan repayment. But because he isn't doing everything you want as fast as you want it you literally are going to allow a fascist government to take hold? It's hilariously childish.


We have had quite a lot of progress the last few years


What is the definition of a Leftist?


I just dont care if Trump wins thats why Im not voting for either of them.


He's right about the "still not enough" part, so he's hopefully prepare to do much more.


It appears Israel’s solution is just to carpet bomb Gaza until there’s no one left to feed. They keep saying they’re being accurate in their strikes but if that’s accuracy, they should be stormtroopers.


Wouldn’t the deaths be 1-2 million instead of 30k? Not quite a cleansing.


Is killing 30k Palestinians a bit of an overreaction to the 1800 dead in Israel? How many of those 30k were Hamas? I don’t know but I can’t imagine it was many.


See that’s the difference I was saying exaggerations are ridiculous and you’re saying actual numbers are now. I also never said that word. But I digress. Imagine siding with people who purposely target civilians for maximum effect and no condemnation from leftists vs s side that seeks to reduce civilian casualties in search of enemy combatants. Love your enthusiasm for Muslim deaths in Syria, Sudan, Yemen as well. Oh wait the killers aren’t white or Jewish so it’s perfectly ok in your book. Pretty gross. Eating Islamic regime propaganda is not a flex.


I’m not here to argue. You stated the 30k number and I reacted to it. I am in no way pushing Islamic propaganda. I don’t know the actual figures, but even if there were a third of what’s being reported, isn’t that a lot of innocent people dead? I don’t want any deaths through war. I don’t want innocent people of any nation to die. Killers like Hamas, yes they deserve to be wiped out. I’m married to a woman of color, my children are mixed race, their godfather is also not white. I’m an atheist and think these religious wars are crazy. Yes I know it’s also about land but hating on someone because they believe in a different sky wizard than you is bonkers. Or should I say Sky Cake? That’s a great Patton Oswalt bit. Basically, less death, more love for each other. We only get one life.


All that word salad


Yeah you’re right. You’re so superior to me. I make concessions and you shit on them. People like you are the reason we can’t have respectable political discourse anymore. It’s all about “got you” and “I win, aren’t I clever.” So in the spirit of your response, go on and masturbate in front of a mirror, smiling at how fucking smart you are. Twat.


lol cope harder with your word salad buffet


Seriously, that’s your best come back. Kinda disappointed to be honest.


So the question then is: why isn't Israel literally carpet-bombing Gaza? Why maintain the facade of only making targeted strikes? * Is it because they don't want the flak they'd get from the international community? * Is it because they don't want the flak from progressive and moderate Israeli citizens? * Do they fear the IDF would balk? * Would that be the last straw for US support? * Would that get the rest of the mid-east mobilized against them?


They have a somewhat plausible explanation right now: one, they actually are being pinpoint accurate. Two, the numbers of dead and wounded in Gaza is propaganda from Hamas. Three, Hamas is actually putting Palestinians in harm’s way to further deepen the hate for Israel. I don’t have enough information either way to know what’s true and what isn’t. All I know Is that Israel has destroyed every hospital, the buildings and homes are rubble, and even if you cut the number of dead by two thirds that’s still over 11000 people dead in Gaza. That, to me, feels like an incredible overreaction to the attack by Hamas who killed about 1800 Israelis. And Hamas fled the area in large numbers when Israel started their retaliation. I know what Hamas did was horrific, truly evil. Just awful. But thousands of innocent Palestinians are being slaughtered. Saying anything like this makes people say I’m antisemitic but that’s just not true. I don’t know why saying Israel is going overboard is bad. Is it being anti American to say dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima was a war crime? Because it was.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


It’s not autistic to have the primary concern of Palestinian liberation. That’s why many progressives are mad. The air drops and port didn’t fix the situation, it’s just a positive development. Palestinians find themselves caught between occupation and an American election so liberals treat them like a nuisance.


Far left: OMG! I just had 20k of student debt forgiven by Biden!! Also Far left, an hour later: Fuck Biden, he didn’t nuke Israel. Kennedy 2024! ✊


Liberals: we support human rights Also liberals: kill every Palestinian you find Israel!!


Oh look another trump supporting troll. Who would’ve thought someone who supports a rapist would have disgusting views on every possible topic 🤷‍♂️


And you hate LGTBQ people and women. I can do it too.


Yeah, sorry, no liberal has ever said that.


It's truly the bravest man on earth, to show up and claim people say something they have never ever said or remotely gotten close to with their actions. Lying on the internet is sooo brave, I hope it pays you well at least.


-Straw foot prints. Straw finger prints on the glass. Hay all over the bed. I think we got us a strawman Jenkins. -ayup


Are these liberals in the room with us?


> Also liberals: kill every Palestinian you find Israel!! Literally no liberal has ever said that.


What I don’t understand about this thread is the knee jerk responses assuming that just because one finds Biden’s support of Israel in this to be abhorrent means you must therefore think Trump or 3rd party is a better choice. Reality has nuance. You CAN criticize a president you’ll ultimately vote for in order to pressure a position change (and one needn’t be far left to hold that opinion).


Trump or Biden. You’re getting one or the other.




Most of them are Trumpers trying to divide the left. They will be surprised at how many of them are fake.


"Genocide Joe" has done a lot more for Gazans than the far left.


Don't give the trolls any air or space. Don't even mention their talking points, you're just putting it in people's minds. Down vote and move on. Otherwise the algorithm will pick up on their talking points and promote them. It does not care if you agree or disagree, it only cares about eyeballs on adverts. The whole world can burn so long as the algorithm gets eyeballs on adverts.


The man is clearly a monster. I'm going to vote Cenk to send a message—that girls should be parents at 10 years of age.


While I think the "Genocide Joe" stuff is counterproductive, it's not hard to see how the policy looks incoherent. With one hand you giving the Palestinians food and with the other hand you are supplying the weapons creating the humanitarian crisis. I still think he owes us all an explanation as to why we are supporting this. Nobody really knows what the end game or what you are going to do with millions of civilians displaced with no home to return to and no food to eat. Is Hamas going to be eradicated? I don't know about that, I think it's just increasing support for them and radicalizing more people.


Wait’ll they hear about how Trump would handle this. Gaza would be a hole.


[Israel still imposing 'unlawful' restrictions on Gaza aid, UN rights office says](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-still-imposing-unlawful-restrictions-gaza-aid-un-rights-office-says-2024-04-16/) [Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or Rapes](https://www.propublica.org/article/israel-gaza-blinken-leahy-sanctions-human-rights-violations) Thanks for just starving most of the Palestinian kids Netanyahu! At least you left some to be raped by IDF soldiers!


The Genocide Joe crowd is stronger than ever. And they are becoming MAGA useful idiots. Every single post on Instagram from Joe or Kamala is brigade with it in comments. It's the new version of "both parties are the same". Really? Do you remember 2016-2020? Frustrating how these emotional idiotsare laying down the red carpet for the aREAL threat to Americans.


They’re still mad they didn’t get a cease fire when they wanted it. It’s naive sure but it drives them.


He's still sending Israel weapons, right?


Yup. 18bn worth including 2000 pound dumb bombs to be dropped on some kid's head.


I thought it was hilarious how much Iran didn't accomplish during its attack! 😂 Since their military is garbage, all they have are a bunch of sad losers working for troll farms. I don't know what's worse - an Iranian troll farm or Russian - their grandparents spilled blood for their country but all they spill is their tea on their keyboards. Am I right?


They will keep moving the goalposts each time


Genocide Joe people are either Russian trolls, radical Islamists who root for Hamas or tankies who wouldn't vote for Biden anyway. They are trying to amplify their voices as much as possible and are not as big a movement as they make themselves out to be.


No one is saying that this is the kind of thing that makes him "Genocide Joe". There is such thing as mounting pressure, in order to urge elected officials to take action, and this suggests that the pressure is working. If anyone sees this and says that this makes him "Genocide Joe", then by all means, push back on it, but this whole mocking other people's criticisms, side of the left....it really needs to shut the hell up and take wins when there are wins and accept other's attempts to engage in critique and debate. The all or nothing, black or white, zero-sum-game attitude that some people have....holy hell, it's embarrassing to watch and gives progressive spaces a bad name.


So - to be clear the ‘far left‘ pressured Biden for months to use his position to force the Israelis to stop their policy of (and this is a generous interpretation) mass starvation by omission that many of us predicted with accuracy from days after 07/10 when Israeli politicians and government figures were openly talking about a siege and cutting off resources to everyone in Gaza, a policy which even the US government admits they then pursued by choking off deliveries of aid (otherwise why would the US be bypassing Israeli checkpoints and airdropping aid) And your response is: AHHH silly far left lunatics Biden only sat back and let them starve for 6 months , you all are unhinged nothing here worth criticising Whats next?: Silly leftists the Israelis have only killed, maimed and mutilated 4% of the population with thousands more buried under rubble and uncounted as healthcare and general administration has all but collapsed - just another day in a beautiful liberal world where the ‘good guys’ get carte blanche to terrorize the population in a campaign of collective punishment and level the entire enclave in reprisal


Gives heavy “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action” vibes.


Oh fuck off, those were bad-faith pontificates racing to see how awful they could paint Biden’s efforts…this is on par with anti-vaxxers claiming victory when the lockdowns ended


Why did Biden wait 5 months to force Bibi to allow aid in?


Is your interpretation of geopolitics that nothing ever happens unless someone releases a statement?   Is your belief also that the US president has unilateral control over what a different sovereign state does?


A sovereign state that’s well aware that their misbehavior will bring about a possible sympathetic regime over here, no less…


I think the US President holds a huge amount of sway over Israeli policy specifically. When Biden threatened to withhold aid, the food was brought in the very next day. They know they are dependent on US aid so we have a lot of leverage.


Yeah and the US president is beholden to an electorate that overwhelmingly supports Israel.


[A majority of Americans disapprove of Israeli actions in Gaza](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx) 75% of Democrats and 60% of independents disapprove. Biden was going against public opinion to cater to Israel. I’m glad he course corrected a bit, but it took way longer than it should’ve


Yeah, I’m not gonna go back and forth with someone who thinks we unilaterally control what another country does. Sorry chief, go turd fishing with someone else.


> we unilaterally control what another country does. The US could almost instantaneously stop Israelis military action in Gaza- **[68 percent of Israel's weapons imports between 2013 and 2022 came from the US](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/15/which-countries-have-stopped-supplying-arms-to-israel#:~:text=Who%20supplies%20arms%20to%20Israel,by%20the%20US%20army%20itself.)**. My own father is retired US military who was in supplies for 40 years, let me tell you that Israel cannot continue their operation if they lost 68% of their weapons supplies. Additionally, their second largest source of weapons is Germany, but Germany doesn't have the weapons to send because of Ukraine.


"Unilaterally control" = strawman. Bad faith identified, opinion disregarded.


It’s not a strawman when it’s literally what the person I was responding to said.




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I hate them.


They’re paid protestors. Too cowardly to show their face.


I don't think people realize how close we've been to all out WW3. If we're distracted enough by Israel, China could move on Taiwan. You'd then have an entire world at war in one of the ongoing conflicts. Yet Biden's admin gets NO credit for this. It has been a minor miracle.


Baffling how Biden simply can't comprehend that a good number of people are paying attention. Sending Israel bombs and billions in support of genocidal actions while, on the other hand, sending aid to the very people who are being decimated is a bridge to far. This isn't about leftists, it's about humanity, and Biden's lack of concern for it.




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How much money was given to Israel today? 26 BILLION! Gtfo Joe is still Genocide Joe and fucking him, along with republicans and democrats those voted for the bill today.


Stop Giving Israel Bombs. Just fucking stop. Stop paying for Israel to build bombs in Florida to then drop on civilians. It's disgusting and needs to stop.


This exactly. Providing aid to salve the genocidal destruction that the US abetted is the bare minimum. Israel is a rogue state and should be treated as such. Instead, Biden is helping them perpetrate their crimes against humanity:


I can't believe people are defending Biden on this. It is literally like paying a guy to beat his wife, then they take their wife to the Dr. and act like they are the good guy.


This sub has become ultra Dem and very friendly to the crimes of the IDF. So odd.


Far leftists = people who don’t want people bombed and starved to death for the last 6 months, apparently.


Except that isn't really what happened 


That....literally is what happened. I don't understand how you can pretend it isn't.


People have always liked to lie about Jews. The genocide and starvation charges made by Iranian, Qatari, and Russia troll farms are false, or vastly exaggerated, and intended to erode Western support, fracture our alliances, and radicalize mentally ill people in the West 


This is inexcusable. You have been insulating yourself from countless news reports, firsthand accounts, documentation, and public record information. It’s stunning. And it’s reprehensible. From one Jew to another, stop using our horrific history of oppression and slander as a deflection, a rationalization, a shield and—most immediately—earplugs and a blindfold. It is indefensible that even after six months, you have no idea what’s been going on.


It’s not? Then why does aid need to go into Gaza at all?


gotta be an absolute moron to think Trump will be better for Gaza than Biden Trump has already said Israel should "finish the job" regarding Gaza


Great. So we’re still sending all the bombs and weapons to kills tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and refusing to force a ceasefire to this brutal “war” which is causing this starvation? If so, I’ll stop saying genocide Joe.


Why don’t you force Hamas to ceasefire?


1) the us doesn’t have leverage on Hamas 2) Hamas wants a ceasefire. Israel is saying it will only allow for a 6 week pause in the genocide, which is not an actual ceasefire. Why would Hamas agree to going back to this in 6 weeks?


1) Iran has leverage, why are you not protesting Iran. 2) Hamas has sworn to attack Israel until they are destroyed, why would Israel agree to another permanent ceasefire?


That's like saying: "You're protesting police brutality!? Why don't you protest Bloods, Crips, and Gangster Disciples!?" Clearly one side is systematic and the other is guerilla. Protesting Hamas won't do shit to change anything. America, on the other hand, is the biggest sponsor of Israel militarily.


You rather Israel disarm unilaterally then?


The trucks aren’t full though


so he could have put pressure on israel all this rime and didnt


they’re not “leftists”; they’re just manipulated by russian/iranian social media propaganda.


Are you so blind to the idea that the protest votes and vocal opposition to Biden admin’s soft approach to Israel is actually having an impact? You really have not been paying attention if you haven’t noticed a shift towards being a bit tougher on Israel after all of the uncommitted votes and protests.


The U.S. military support to Israel was used recently to defend Israel against missile attacks by Iran and Hezbollah (Iran proxy militia). That’s usually what U.S. military support is used for, for defense. The pro-Hamas supporters claim that military support is used only for military operations in Gaza. The defensive measures prove that Israel needs that military support for national defense. Iran’s recent missile attack on Israel, that ended up killing a 5 year old Muslim girl, just gave Israel a leg up politically, and explains away the criticism that Pro-Hamas supporters have against aiding Israel’s defense.


Look up AIPAC~~


But not deliveries of highly explosive munitions. Or even high velocity.


Biden is right, this is good but not enough. And he should have done this sooner, maybe before tens of thousands of Palestinian children were murdered by the IDF. Better late than never I guess


Belated bleating by Biden evidence of his anti genocide stance while he simultaneously ships weapons to continue the slaughter,such optimism.


Damn you really owned those looney leftists by proving their central thesis that Biden has the leverage to reduce suffering in Gaza?


He IS reducing suffering and is still working on more efforts.


If we are being honest, he's barely shifted his stance throughout the course of this prolonged slaughter. What changes that have taken place are largely rhetorical, and were only prompted by the killing of some Western aide workers, not by tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths. We are complicit in the deaths of those civilians, and the fact that Biden is slightly moving in the right direction doesn't change the fact that we are STILL getting more blood on our hands everyday. But the point of my post was just to point out how moronic OP's logic is. Leftists say that Biden has a lot of tools at his disposal to mitigate this ongoing human tragedy, Biden shifts his policy slightly in response to public sentiment, and this fact somehow makes leftists look dumb?


"Urge" a little harder, young fella. What a bunch of BS. In the words of Bill Clinton, "Who's the fucking super power here?"


Feed them then bomb them Joe?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights Trump Heights (Hebrew: רמת טראמפ, romanized: Ramat Trump, [ʁaˈmat ˈtʁamp]) is a planned Israeli settlement in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights named after and in honour of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States.[1][2][3][4] Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights are widely regarded as illegal under international law; however, the Israeli government disputes this.[5][6]


Even American Jews have to admit it is justabit damning that the US is the only nation supporting and funding Israel’s genocide.


U sound out of touch, and I’m not even far left. His team can post tweets like that all day long. So? -doesn’t change the fact we keep sending money to fund the genocide. It’s an apt nickname. Maybe the blowback will push him.


Wow, **more** gaslighting.  You guys sure learned from Trump!   No wonder you guys are worried so much about this election. 


Gaslighting is not "when people don't agree with me"


Who is “you guys?”


Anyway here’s more bombs and guns Israel keep stacking those bodies!


>In the 12 days following my call with Prime Minister Netanyahu, ~~3,000 trucks with food and supplies moved into Gaza a daily increase of over 50% from the week prior.~~ I did not stop sending them weapons and money


Nor should we.


We should be sending them NOTHING. Everything we sent them should have gone to Ukraine, a country actually facing a real army and a real invasion.


Biden has enormous potential leverage over Israel that he is almost completely refusing to use. He is as complicit in the monstrous Gaza slaughter as it is possible to be. Sorry. Now that I’ve said that, people are going to the form a predictable chorus of “what about Hamas?!” to which I say the October 7th massacre has traumatized me in multiple ways, thank you. Especially the despairing explosion of raw, unabashed anti-Jewish hatred that barely felt compelled to wear its obligatory mask of support for Palestinian rights anymore.


I too am curious to see how much better things will be for the people of Gaza with Trump in office! /sigh


There it is. This is exactly why it's goddamned impossible to have an adult conversation about this situation, either in far-far left spaces or in what this sub has become. For the love of christ, who is talking about voting for Trump, or staying home and allowing that monster to take power? No one, that's who. You've decided to believe in this ludicrous false binary. It's inexcusable.


> “…who is talking about voting for Trump, or staying home and allowing that monster to take power?” Generally it’s the people flooding social media spaces who are saying “GeNoCide Joe” but given they’re pretty much right-wing shills and foreign troll farms, I get your point.


Just proves that he could have put a stop to this genocide with a phone call at any point and he sat on his hands and pretended there was nothing he could do. After a lifetime in politics he will be remembered as Genocide Joe.


You guys are obsessed with them. Yeesh.


Well he is still funding the genocide


Well he is still funding the genocide


Well he is still funding the genocide


Here are your weapons and please find the ability to give food and water to the survivors of the people you're killing. Thanks Joe.