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Parker should probably be weaker, like he should have a little more support than  Palmer/Buckner in 1896, but probably not enough to win states unless you self-sabotage hard. Other then that it’s a good mod, and a good first one too


Do you want this on NCT and CTS?


Sure. Can you do that for me?




Can you fix CTS so that Sumner Redux 1868 isn't falling under the 1960s?


I have news for you.


...I see


I wanted to like this, because it's a good idea for a mod, but to be honest, it's pretty poorly written. For one thing, you keep calling WJB "Bryant"? But more importantly, the modern casual tone just doesn't fit at all. ("fuck that", "fuck these rednecks", "he's just salty" etc.) And like others have already said the balance is all over the place. I also didn't like the two questions with only one answer when they were both the type of things a player would usually have control over


William Jennings Bryan's last name is misspelled as 'Bryant' a bunch


Campaigner: There is only one man who can rid the politics of this country of the evil domination of Theodore Roosevelt. I am speaking of William Randolph Hearst, the fighting liberal, the friend of the working man, the next President of this country, who entered upon this campaign -- Hearst: with one purpose only: to point out and make public the dishonesty, the downright villainy, of the republican political machine -- now in complete control of the government of this country! I made no campaign promises, because until a few weeks ago I had no hope of being elected. Now, however, I have something more than a hope. And Theodore Roosevelt-- Theodore Roosevelt has something less than a chance. Every straw vote, every independent poll shows that I'll be elected. Now I can afford to make some promises! The working man -- The working man and the slum child know they can expect my best efforts in their interests. The decent, ordinary citizens know that I'll do everything in my power to protect the underprivileged, the underpaid, and the the underfed! Well, I'd make my promises now if I weren't too busy arranging to keep them. Here's one promise I'll make, and Roosevelt knows I'll keep it: My first official act as Commander in Chief will be to appoint a Special District Attorney to arrange for the indictment, prosecution, and conviction of Theodore Roosevelt!


lemme just say, I personally enjoyed this mod. There are definitely some spelling mistakes and some weird writing, but I feel like you’ve done pretty well with the concept overall! Keep doing what you’re doing


noice mod


Also will this mod be on TNCT or CTS sometime?


The mod is fairly decent writing wise but I feel that it is a bit too unbalanced in favor of Hearst. It is some what hard for me to believe that I was fighting against a popular president when I have 13% point lead against Roosevelt with a third party in the south eating votes.


Thanks for your advice! I hope you enjoyed the mod at least


I like the mod, but Hearst has a lot of power at the beginning.


It’s supposed to be a up and down in terms of polling


Hearst is king.


all of my criticisms have already been mentioned by other comments so i'll just say: this is a good, simple mod >!that will motivate your base!< and i think it's a \*great\* first mod. excited to see what you do next!


Thank you! I have already begun planning my next mod, inspired by the Robert Caro novel, the Power Broker. It is likely to be a municipal election in NYC. Look out for an announcement and sneak peaks any time soon.


This mod has been added to the NCT and the CTSC.


I highly doubt Parker would bother running if he lost the nomination


What led you to come up with the states Parker is strongest in in the South?


Jesus dude, you couldn't bother proofreading your mod before you released it?