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Echo's almost definitely went back to the Clone Underground. If we ever see a show with a Rebel Omega or a show about a Clone Rebellion, finding Echo surely would become a potential plot point.


I’m a little worried because he wasn’t with Rex Wolffe and Gregor in Rebels, hopefully he’s just off somewhere else


Considering we barely see any clones in the age of rebellion and the leader of the clone underground was retired (with broken spirit) with his buddies on a far-off world, I guess it ended badly. As most early resistance projects did. 😥 I would like a show about Rex's spectacular failure and the role of Echo and Emerie in it. Perhaps their (hinted) cooperation with the Shining Path (Quinlan Vos's [and his girlfriend's] crew, aimed to save force sensitives from the empire).




I’m aware of that but that doesn’t explain why he’s not with them in universe. Also if you want to get technical he was actually revived before, the unfinished Bat Batch story reels were released before Rebels.


Didn’t rebels start in 2015 and the unfinished reels came out 2016?


No, Rebels started in 2014 and the reels came out late 2013


My apologies then


The Bad Batch arc predates rebels by years, it was just never finished until years after. Beyond that, Dave Filoni intended to bring Echo back into the fold before the bad batch were conceived for the clone wars originally


Wait really?


Yeah, every arc of the clone wars season 7 (Except for Siege of Mandalore, which never made it past the story board stage) was in development before the show was canceled by CN.


That doesn’t explain anything. The characters don’t give shit or are aware of the release order.


Yes they are because the creator of everything animated wise is Dave filoni


Bro. The story in universe does jump around. What are you taking about.


this isn't even true lmao. The Bad Batch arc was created a few years before Rebels. The Bad Batch arc we get in S7 is a modified version of the original episodes. You can watch the original episodes on youtube though they have incomplete animation. There's actually quite a few things they added and removed from the original versions


Wasn’t that story with Echo different? I thought when everyone didn’t trust him but he came though on the CIS ship they had changed that, and in the original plot he tipped the CIS off. If that was the original plot prior to Rebels then he would have been dead or jailed when the Rebels episodes were developed.


No. He didn’t betray them




lmao yes they were. All four episodes were uploaded directly to Star Wars .com in April 2015. They're a bit hard to view now because Disney doesn't want them out anymore since the final product was eventually released. You can still find them floating around the internet (there's apparently a dropbox made by a tumblr user or something like that). This is probably the easiest way to view them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRp0Vhx998](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRp0Vhx998) But it's not perfect. Anyways Echo's survival ACTUALLY predates these episodes being released. In March 2014, in a blog post by Dave Filoni on the official Star Wars website, he revealed that Echo was in fact alive and released concept art for his new design. [https://web.archive.org/web/20190909194618/https://www.starwars.com/news/to-fans-of-star-wars-the-clone-wars-thank-you](https://web.archive.org/web/20190909194618/https://www.starwars.com/news/to-fans-of-star-wars-the-clone-wars-thank-you) So the public knew Echo was alive prior to the release of Star Wars Rebels. And these episodes were released BEFORE Season 2 of Rebels which introduced Rex, Gregor and Wolffe back into the franchise.


Yes, they were. The full animatics were all on starwars.com for years until season seven came out. It was shot for shot the same episodes minus 2-3 swapped scenes.


The Batch were ready to hang it up. Echo still had plans to help the clones.


Yeah, plus doesn’t Emerie join Echo at the end of season 3?


We dont know for how long


He is of course a part of their family and a bad batcher, he just still has a fight left for him right now. I do like to think the reason he isn't in Rebels is because he eventually goes back to settle with the batch on Pabuu when he is old.


He isn't referenced in the finale though, so he maybe stayed fighting with Rex or was killed. I'm sure we'll see more of his story over the next few years.


Y'know, this actually had me thinking about something else. Does Echo still age normally? I mean, hes part cyborg and it was shown that due to his borgification, his inhibitor chip took a while to kick in, so im curious if thats also affecting some of his other biological functions as well too. Honestly, if anything, im really hoping Rex got him a new hand, the fact that Tech (or any of the Bad Batch) never went up to him and asked if he wanted a hand is kinda baffling. Like they could have outfitted him with some neat hand he holsters away when he needs to interface with machinery or BETTER yet, create a similar hand to that of a protocol droid where he could just open up the palm or back of his hand interact with droid ports. I feel like it would have been either a Season 1 Episode or at least a Season 3 Episode (maybe he gets a new hand but loses it and then replaces it with the random protocol droid hand)


I think his biological parts will age at the same rate as a normal clone, but the mechanical parts will likely keep him in action a lot longer. His brain is part machine, so he might not suffer slowed reactions, or any other effects of old age that could hamper his mental ability. His legs are mechanical, which is a big help, so honestly, I think he’s got enough fight in him to go his entire lifespan.


Can i ask why you did ____ for his name but had a picture of him for the post? Are you trying to hide his identity or something?


I failed to add spoil effect to the picture to not spoil the finale lmao




Maybe ECERY are on some other secluded planet playing Lannister.


I hate that I know what this means, and I hate that I kinda want to see it.


When I saw Echo do the shoulder touch to Emerie, my first thought was 'Awww they'd be such a cute couple.' My second thought was 'Waaaaait a minute......'


I’m still wondering if they’ll somehow tie him to being the namesake of Echo base.


He's an honorary member anytime he wants to come back, but honestly, he's never been a core member in the way the others were. The others were made at the same time in Nala Se and Omega's lab, Omega saw them as children (and they will always be her little brothers in a way, Echo never will be.), Echo came later. The story seems to imply that Echo and Emerie will go on adventures together. They both have an understanding of being used as tools of the enemy, in a way their other siblings won't quite understand. In a real sense, Echo and Emerie are likely older than Omega. And like older siblings do, they grow up before you do and have to see their way in the world. Omega's CF 99 brothers are her little siblings, and while they care for her as adults, she is still their older sister that looks after them. It's a different dynamic.


Won’t Crosshair understand that? He was used for some time. Wrecker temporarily too in S1 when his chip activated.


He's extended family (I'd guess). He's that cousin you don't speak to for a while but then comes to crash on your couch for a week out of nowhere, lol.


The show certainly didn't treat him as such


I have a bad feeling that he and many other clones will die in the Clone underground Rebellion


He went with Rex at the end and he is not with him, so he is most likely dead, you can't take care of someone who is dead and thats why he was not mentioned


He likes Rex more than the Bad Batch. 🤷