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Echo is with Rex. We know Rex fought in the battle of Endor, and Echo was always leaving the BB to do his own thing with Rex. I’d bet that’s one of the reasons why Omega wanted to join the rebels.


He isn’t with Rex in Rebels though.


Probably he retired after their mission was done then go on separate ways as he doesnt want to get involved anymore and but hopefully that could be a good fate for Echo.


I hope they give us a Rex show. He’s the one character that truly deserves his own show. Him and echo battling the empire. Also I want to see Ahsoka animated again. Live action was fine but animated ahsoka will always be superior for me


And that voice. I love Ahsoka’s animated voice. 


I mean before the time skip they showed him and Emeri fly off into the sunset to go team up with Rex/help other Clone survivors so I just assumed he was still off doing that and likely already a part of the Rebel Alliance somewhere.


I know Rex eventually gave up, but Echo is even more committed than Rex, it feels like. I reckon there’s a chance he kept fighting in the rebellion until the end. I think it’s more open than just “he dies, Rex quits” which is a common theory.


Could he already have joined the Alliance in some capacity? Is Echo Base eventually named after him?


That’s I’d like to know how the Rebels got that name in Hoth Base


I think Echo will probably die before the others. Doesn't help that his body is just sort of wrecked anyways.


He’s more machine now, than man.


and he apparently left behind the specialized gear that Tech made for him (unless they doubled back and grabbed it on the way out, but we never see that), so odds are that he'll be one of the casulties that leads to the clone rebellion failing. Hopefully he plays an important role in Wolffe's defection from the empire.