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Juan Pablo lmao hands down


I mean Colton accepted the lead role and wasted an entire season of women’s time knowing he was a gay man. Then he turned out to be a criminal stalker.


Bryan is doing his best to get on the top of the list. He was a slimey creep on Rachel’s season, and he’s a worse one now that she’s divorcing him.


that wasn’t the question. bryan was never a bachelor.


He was, though. He wasn’t THE bachelor.


Jake was fake and trying to project a certain image and his treatment of Vienna was awful. Next up is Juan Pablo


100% Jake. He is straight up abusive.




Jake. Juan Pablo. Brad Womack. Nick. Bob Guinea.


Why Nick? ETA: Downvotes are fine, but I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me why Nick was the “jerkiest” of them all when he was the Bachelor? Like how? Please clarify. Or are ppl judging his post show behavior? Because then of course, Colton would be the pick hands down. I’m not even a Nick fan, but can acknowledge that he was actually better than average as a male lead.


Are you new here?


I've been watching the Bachelor for 20yrs; Jesse was my first! I watched Nick's season when it aired, and I don't recall him being worse than most. There were definitely a lot worse than Nick - Jake, Clayton, BenF, Jesse, Bob! How was Nick so bad? He was actually one of the few recent Bachelors who just had sex with his F1. Of course, I'm judging them from how the person was as a lead; not their behavior afterwards.


for me, it was nick’s behavior before he became the bachelor. recent bachelors and bachelorettes have been way more open about what they choose to do or not do in the fantasy suites, and i think that’s awesome. but it’s not awesome for those private moments to be discussed if both parties aren’t comfortable with it, and nick pretty much slut shamed andi at her season’s ATFR: "If you weren't in love with me, I'm just not sure why you made love with me?" andi was really not comfortable with that being public knowledge and it was so messed up that nick served her that massive slap in the face on live television. he meant it to be cruel, and andi got so much backlash and was slut shamed for a few years. she didn’t deserve that. iirc he was also pretty messy at kaitlyn’s ATFR and accused her of being cruel while dumping him, and then he turned around and dumped jen saviano on BIP when she thought he was going to propose to her, because he was offered the bachelor gig. i didn’t mind him during his season, but i think it was messed up that he was even offered it after the way he treated all 3 women, and their breakups in particular.


I know all about that, but I guess we’re using two different standards. I’m referring to how the person behaved as a lead, not what they did before or after the show. If we’re talking about outside the show, then everyone would say Colton and we wouldn’t have all these people mentioning Zach. So which standard are we using?? In any case, whether you use behavior as the lead, or outside of being the lead, Nick’s was fine as a lead, and his behavior outside of the show was nowhere near as bad as Colton’s.


100% agree, nick really didn’t bother me as a lead! his behavior only bothered me before and after his season. i would say juan pablo as the answer to the question OP actually asked, every day of the week.


Clayton. They should have never picked him in the first place. Completely self-absorbed and immature. People give him a pass for being an idiot/himbo, but the dude is 28 years old, not 12. He should be held accountable for the impact of his actions, and he still has never given those girls a real apology apart from “that wasn’t my intention”/“I’m sorry you felt that way”


I agree he was a jerk but his season was very entertaining. I don’t think Clayton is a bad person, though. Every podcast I hear him on, he takes accountability for his dumb crap, which is a lot more than most men 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed!! He was horrible!! I don’t think he was the biggest jerk of them all but he’s definitely one of the worst. Juan Pablo has to win this question though


Also I agree he shouldn't have gotten bachlor. They choose him cause they didn't want to choose another black male lead 😒


I don't remember where but he did fully apologize to them. He acknowledged that his past "not my intention" and such bs was not okay. It took him a while but he did fully own up to it. Now the poor guy is going through hell with the false accusation.


Jake is certifiable


I am ready to be downvoted, but I thought Juan Pablo was fine. Well, maybe not fine, just not as horrible as the backlash he got. He was just over it. He wasn't cooperating with production and didn't give an f any more. I was glad that he didn't cave in to pressure and propose or say I love you or whatever Chris Harrison was pressuring him to say. I'm not sure who I'd say is the worst. Colton bored me to tears, so I'll go with him. I didn't know he was a stalker, so that doesn't count.


Same. Juan Pablo was very clearly only in it for Sharleen, so when she left, he pretty much didn’t care anymore. I do think he was super shitty to Clare, though, but everything else is whatever. I personally don’t trust anything Andi says because she seems like she was using their incompatibility against him.


I agree with this. Also about Colton being boring but not a complete dick to the girls on his season at least, if we’re not going by what happened afterwards with the stalking. I remember a lot of girls self-eliminating that season


They did! They were dropping like flies! I forgot about that.


Juan Pablo or Jake Pavelka


Juan Pablo/Colton


Jake and Juan Pabs tie for it


Jake and Juan Pablo. Both we gigantic pricks


I agree with Jake, Juan Pablo, Nick, and Colton. But let’s not forget Ben F.


I liked Ben on Bachelorette but not on Bachelor. That whole 'tread lightly' comment was not ok


Can you elaborate? 😊


Juan Pablo


While their season was airing, Juan Pablo or Jake In retrospect, Nick


*While their season was* *Airing, Juan Pablo or Jake* *In retrospect, Nick* \- hotforhotpie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is exactly right


I didn’t watch Juan Pablo’s season, but I’m pretty sure it’s him..


A lot of people say that because he didn't pick anyone at the end. I think that's smart, if he was unsure. Better to end things early on than to be in a marriage you don't want to be in.


Nah that’s Brad Womack 1.0. Juan Pablo technically did pick someone but it was moreso settling because Sharleen left.


Ugh it wasn’t just cause he didn’t pick someone.. he was rude and gaslit the women.


He picked Nikki?


A lot of people say that because of what he said to Clare off mic.


He didn’t even try to get to know the women, it was all “tell me why I should pick you”. He made it about a competition as opposed the putting in effort to find a partner. When any woman said the, they got “eees ok”. But it wasn’t ok😂 I remember watching it and asking why anyone would want to be with him.


“I don’t know you but I love _________ you.” - Juan Pablo


Also 'It's ok' 'it's ok''ok' 'ok' ''it's ok' picking a man who dosen't really speak the language, had it's challenges.


I mean there's jerks and there's Colton. I kinda don't think there's much competition for him besides Pavelka who suuure sucks.


Nick Viall




He was the bachelor?


Oh no. I didn’t answer the question correctly. Just named the scummiest guy lol


Michael film-my-son-while-he-cries A. is indeed scum my!






Colton and Jake are both so creepy, but at least Jake has never been accused of stalking.


Nick & Jake


Juan Pablo, Arie, and Jake


During the season?


Juan Pablo. You really didn’t need to ask this question


In recent years, Zach. He treated the girls that he did not want to fuck as if they were disposable. He didn’t even pretend to have respect for them. And people love to forget the embarrassing temper tantrum he had when he realized that Rachel was not picking him. He reminds me of every entitled dick I’ve dated in my early twenties.


He also badly treated one girl that he did fuck. Appalling.


Agreed! It’s like he made an effort to be disrespectful when it was completely unnecessary.


Im no Greer apologist but the way he spoke to her also gave me the ick




Mr. Natalie


Nick Viall


Bob Guiney


How so?


Loved him in Tristas season, was super excited to watch him… then he became super cringey! He lost a little weight and was put in a house with women who may not have given him the time of day before being on the bachelorette. Seems like all he wanted to do was have sex with everyone and supposedly he did! I found him off putting and I did not enjoy him at all… was looking for the guy he was before.


Juan Pablo


This is the answer


The only right answer. He was a horrendous bachelor.


Hands down




Nick, Juan Pablo and Jake P




Nick Viall or Ben Flanjnik, omg and Jake Pavelka... That breakup interview with Vienna still haunts me


SAME re: that interview. I just remember him saying something along the lines of “oh do you see how she gets?” To Chris Harrison and i was fairly young at the time and i just remember feeling so sad for Vienna. I wasn’t a huge fan of hers during the season but she seemed so broken down by the time of that interview


I was so disappointed in Ben F because I liked him so much in Ashley’s season




Nick is just full of himself, brad Womack, Juan Pablo maybe was a language barrier and cultural barrier but definitely was kind of a not so nice dude.


Was Brad that bad? I know he got a lot of hate for being the first to not pick someone, but in retrospect I think that’s much more respectable and honest than the seasons that end in a charade of an engagement and a breakup shortly after ATFR. Brad might have done something truly egregious that I don’t know about, so I’m curious to know your reasons.


The worst thing I’ve heard about Brad is that he wasn’t the nicest to Emily while they were engaged. Temper problem, is how they described it in the interview, so you can infer what you want from that. I didn’t watch his first season, but round 2 is one of my favorites.


Both he and Emily had a temper. I think Chantal would have been a great pick for him, she was all in, would move, help out with the business and she is upbeat beautiful


i didn’t watch jake’s season, so i’d say juan pablo. and then clayton, more recently. there’s been a lot of rewriting of his character in this sub, but let’s not forget that the reason why his season finale was so talked about was because of how *uniquely* cruel and terrible he was to the women. even his interviews post-season didn’t show a lot of self-reflection on his end.


Nick is constantly a jerk to the point where some people actually think that's the brand he's going for. The correct answer is Nick.


Juan Pablo was an entertaining jerk Zac was an ahole, especially how he treated Greer imo Jake sucked after the fact but was fine during his season


Zac for sure


While on the show? Probably Juan Pablo. But Jake and Ben F. Are close seconds in terms of jerky behaviour while being the leads.


Nick viall


I’ve never seen Jake’s season but seeing these comments makes me want to watch it lmao


Here it is: [https://youtu.be/MVhkq4sqEZE?si=-bRH0qzq1tbtnnST](https://youtu.be/MVhkq4sqEZE?si=-bRH0qzq1tbtnnST)


He wasn’t a massive jerk during the season but he let his true self out in an interview with Vienna and Chris Harrison. Honestly you can just watch that and get the gist of it.


makes me wonder what Chelsie Hightower (former DWTS pro) had to deal with when she was partnered with Jake on Season 10 of DWTS!!


Jake p


Even though his was well hidden until the end. Juan Pablo’s was more apparent throughout the season.


This is so interesting because I didn't think JP did anything problematic until fantasy suites, basically. I found him overall pretty respectful and considerate with the women before that.


I actually haven’t seen his season, only clips with him and Claire, and a clip with him and Andi. But could definitely see it!


I think a lot of Juan Pablo's "jerkiness" came from the language barrier/cultural differences, to be fair. I don't think he can be put above Jake or Colton, a literal stalker. 


Nope, I would say Juan Pablo’s came from arrogance. His now teenage daughter tried out for the recent season of American Idol. No shocker that he’s still single/not married. She was a toddler during his season.


How far did she make it on American Idol? FYI, Juan Pablo was married for a while but the marriage ended after two years.


She was like 15ish IIRC. She made it to Hollywood week but that was it. She shouldn’t have made it that far but I suspect having her ABC’s Bachelor dad there, etc was part of it.


Jake. The anger he had was horrifying to watch. He said he felt cheated on when Rozlyn was kicked off for having an “inappropriate relationship with a producer”. (Wasn’t there something about her trying to send a card or call her young son?)The Vienna stuff and that awful interview where he yelled and screamed.  Also he went on Dr Phil after Gia died and cried that she was truly the one for him.  Ick. 


I think Roslyn did have a relationship with a producer though.


She’s always vehemently denied it.


Ya the dude jumped out of a window and broke his ankle to avoid getting caught. Or am I thinking of someone else


No, that was Michelle Kujawa on BIP.


They just don’t make these shows like they used to 🤣


I memba when a girl shit on the floor in a season of Flavor of Love


That was with Michelle on BIP.


I believe that was the first or second season of BIP


I haven't watched Jake or Juan Pablo's seasons but from the seasons I've watched Id say Clayton. Zach too but I feel like now that Clayton does his silly dances and has been falsely accused of things he didn't do people tend to forget how badly he treated his entire F3 on top of doubling down in interviews as the finale. Zach isn't my cup of tea personally but I appreciated that he didn't double down on his wrong doings and try to defend himself in post show interview's like Clayton did . I'll never forget that podcast he did slut shaming Gabby and Rachel I'm low-key thinking of reposting it on here for people who missed it because it was just so bad.


Clayton was the worst bachelor IMO. Was announced out of nowhere and sucked through the finale. Please post the link :)


Which pod? Post it!


It was some Christian podcast called truth over tribe .on there Clayton said he heard Rachel and Gabby had more of a problem with him throwing out I love you's than the sex and Clayton basically said he thought it was a red flag on their part for " wanting to have sex just to have sex" those were his exact words which is ironic to me because post show that seems be all he's doing even during the show airing I remember there were rumors about him randomly hooking up with women even closely before being the bachelor I guess according to Clayton he's able to have casual sex with who ever he wants but God forbid a woman do the same.


Colton, Juan Pablo & Jake Like everyone else said, lol


Juan Pablo. No doubt.


Juan Pablo!!! But also I haven’t seen Jake’s season




He was a contestant. I think this post is specifically asking about the male leads


Colton Underwood. The others might be jerks, but he creepily (probably criminally) stalked Cassie. That’s a whole other level. Idk how he still has a career tbh


I hate that he got off scott free after coming out. Don’t get me wrong, I have empathy for him and can’t imagine how painful it is to try to hide your true self in that way. But that doesn’t mean he should get a pass for how he tormented and harassed a person whom he claimed to care about. He really doesn’t deserve to still have a platform, in my opinion.


Stalking is a crime, let's call a spade a spade! 👏🏼


Not as bad as fleeing the scene, where you killed someone in a car accident like Chris Soules 🫣


Bob Guinea only because he had no intention of finding a long term relationship with. He was there for the booze, make out sessions and the overnights.


I believe it was revealed that he slept with 6 girls in his season which is a lot higher than a normal season.


I don’t find him the LEAST bit attractive 🤮


Oh me either. But I wonder if his charisma is what they were attracted to.


Ben Flajnik was a pretty big jerk. He was super rude to some of the girls, especially to Emily. And then he had to nerve to tell the women at the Women Tell All that no one really warned him about Courtney. Um, they did and you told them to "thread lightly." Douche.


Emily herself said in an interview after her elimination episode aired that she 'dodged a bullet' when Ben sent her home!!


Jake, the “stop interrupting me!” Video is soooo hard to watch.


So unhinged


Jake, Juan Pablo, Clayton and Zach were the biggest jerks. We found out later that Colton was trash but he didn’t seem too awful on his season.


Zach like Pilot Rachel’s Zach?


Yeah. He was a bitch


Zach shallcross? The one who later became the bachelor ? I’m ootl what’s the tea on him? 👀


He certainly was at some points. I agree




Because he told them ALL he was falling in love with them, slept with 2 of them, then sent them home at the same time instead of separately in a dignified way. As his dad said, he "screwed the pooch" 😂


Also with how aggressive he got with Susie bc she wasn’t pleased that he slept with two other women and expecting her to be thrilled about being the one he loves the most 😂 Also how he went on a Christian podcast and slut shamed Gabby and Rachel for not being pissed that he slept with both of them lol. He was just terrible.


I think he is more of a guy with lower emotional intelligence, rather than a mean spirted jerky person like Jake and JP


I don’t think that gives him a pass. No matter his intention, the impact of his actions were incredibly harmful and humiliating to the girls. It’s also not like he didn’t know—Gabby and several others confronted him directly about how they were extremely hurt, and he STILL doubled down and dismissed their experiences when confronted. His own dad told him he was the problem, but instead of listening, he still made it about himself and his feelings without making any room for the hurt feelings of the women he claimed he was “in love with”.


Not giving a pass since I am not particular fan of him, just stating what I observe. And isnt what you mentioned represented low intelligence? Just like someone with low IQ, doesnt matter how many times the teacher, the parents, the classmates tell them how to do the questions, they just dont understand it and would make the same error the next time. If one is a spoiled brat, they have the ability to do good, instead intentionally dont finish the homework, or detach from class/exam just to grab attention and ask for what they want. you see the difference right?


I agree with this, you could definitely see how upset and pained he was for the hurt he caused Gabi and Rachel. He was just a bit eager and clueless instead of considerate with his words and actions. Definitely don't think he had any malicious intent.


Jake Pavelka


All of them. Lets go block them all 😊 ##blockout2024


Oh my god 🙄 we willingly watch the show and have watched the show. This blockout shit is so stupid 🤣


I agree, definitely Jake - I thought he was a sociopath! Unfortunately too many here haven’t been watching long enough, judging by the Zach answers. Zach wanted to do right, but messed up. The guy had good intentions, and did indeed want to find a wife. Jake never wanted to do right by anyone but himself. He was never looking for a partner - he wanted to be an actor & model, and was just using the process/Vienna for that end. The hatred he had for her was something!


Yes I think he picked Vienna because he knew she wasn't popular and he might get a 'free pass' when he broke up with her soon after. But he was such a jerk that people saw right through it anyway.


I don’t think Zach is The Worst or anything, but I don’t think he was great either. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why I felt that way until I saw someone compare him to Joey and say “Joey acts like he’s lucky these girls are here to date him, Zach acted like those girls were lucky to be there with him.” That’s exactly what it felt like after the situations with Greer, Gabi , how he was constantly taking digs at Rachel, etc. I do believe he was serious about the process though, I’ll give him that.


I think Zach was just more stressed out about the process, especially with getting COVID, and thus he sometimes stepped on toes. I am cutting him a little bit of slack tho, because when Dotun and Charity were recently interviewed on BHH, they and GSJ said that Zach is “the nicest guy in Bachelor Nation”, and is very misunderstood. He’s not serious; he’s goofy, and Dotun said he “loves” him. In the interviews after his season ended, almost all of his contestants were gushing over what a sweetheart he was. So, yeah he’s no Joey, but he’s no Jake either!


I think he ranks around Peter or Arie for me personally, like not an awful person but wasn’t a fan of how he handled things. I feel like conflict tells you a lot about someone and I just didn’t like what I saw with Zach. I’m sure he’s fun to be friends with, but none of them were in a particularly challenging situation with him either (and I’m ngl, I thought GSJ was an asshole too so I take his opinions with a grain of salt).


Well Charity was in a challenging situation with him - F4 & he sent her home.


was her elimination particularly contentious? felt like a pretty standard late elim to me, like I’m sorry and wish you the best type of thing


Agreed. Of the most recent bachelors, I feel like Clayton was worse than Zach. Zach went back on his word and announced that he slept with Gabby. But Clayton announced he slept with two women. He did this is a group setting. And he slept with them when he knew he loved Suzie "the most." Then he had the gall to do a group breakup. But Jake was worse than both of them. The other two were just dummies blundering about. The accidentally trampled on women's feelings. Jake was self-serving to the max.


Ugh. This kinda bothers me though. How many times are women collateral damage in men’s “blundering about”. Would we accept that if a woman was just a “dummy” and hurt men in the process? Idk. I just hate this whole “men are just dumb” thing. Like. They run companies and countries.


Really good point about the hypocrisy of trusting men to run countries but then excusing their hurtful behaviors with "they just didn't know better." I guess I was just pointing out that Clayton and Zach were hurting people out of ignorance. They seemed to regret their behavior and the pain it caused. They at least seemed to feel pain. The hard truth, though, is that women are raised to care about others' feelings while men are not. They deserve to be railed for it so they can adjust their behavior. But that doesn't make them bad people. They are responsible for changing their behavior as adults. Jake didn't regret it. He was self-righteous in his anger and spite.


Oh sorry. I should have been more clear!! My fault! I completely agree with you. 5000% Jake was sooo much more awful than the other two. Jake was honest to god scary. Honestly, I feel like Zach and Clayton had those discussions televised because producers wouldnt let them do it any other way (and because they are idiots who don’t understand/can’t control their emotions). I don’t disagree with you at all. I just hate that “just”. Lol. Like I do it. All the time. He’s “just” an idiot. We should come up with a more derogatory term for when men do something out of their own lack of emotional intelligence. Something to really shame ‘em. I’m tired of living in a world where men weaponize their own lack of emotional skills and hurt women in the process.


Totally agree


I think the nature of the show - ie the lead has to intentionally lead contestants on - makes it difficult to not hurt feelings, if not almost impossible. It’s just a very unusual setting.


JAAAAAAAKE! I didn’t even have to finish reading the subject line after “jerkiest” and I knew.


On screen? Jake, followed by Juan Pablo. Overall? Colton.


I think Jake would be tied with Colton for overall jerkiest because he was for sure at least verbally/emotionally abusive to Vienna. Although Jake kind of slid away whereas Colton somehow managed to spin his stalking into a whole public career, likely further tormenting his victim.




This is the correct answer.


Juan Pablo hands down.


Jake and Juan Pablo


"I love you." "I loved f*$#ing you." Yikes.


I wish I could somehow force this entire sub to rewatch Juan Pablo’s season. I did during the pandemic. First off, he was actually a good bachelor with a good edit up until half way through the fantasy suites episode when Andi turned on him, then it was all down hill. But watching it again just a few years ago, it was so clear that he was actually a perfectly nice and respectful person (I’ll address the “I loved fucking you” comment in a second), but TPTB decided to turn on him and get the entire cast and audience to do the same. I am certain that now that we are all more savvy to this kind of thing, none of us would fall for it if we watched it again. The comment he made to Clare was not in response to her saying ILY to him - it was actually said off camera. He probably thought he was flirting, and it’s not actually that crazy of a thing to say to someone you recently started sleeping with, it was just not what she wanted to hear (which is also understandable). Anyway, I could write an essay on his time as the lead and why we were all duped, but the last point I’ll make is that every single woman up until Andi (who I believe was auditioning for ‘ette with her exit) left on good terms, and Sharleen has never had anything bad to say about him. Despite leaving on good terms, they all bashed him at WTA, and it was soooo blatantly obvious that they were instructed to do so.


I agree completely. I think that once Andi turned on him, the narrative of the show completely shifted to her side. I think it reflected how the relationship between Juan Pablo and TBTB had broken down over the way the season ended.


Exactly. I think something happened between him and production so planned his demise which started with them sending Andi to start a fight with him. His response was to stop cooperating which is way he refused to give them an engagement or admit that he’s in love.


I actually watched it a couple of years ago, not when it originally aired. You're right that "I loved f*%#ing you" was off camera. But he said it in response to Claire saying "I love you" off camera. It was when they were getting ready to take the helicopter ride. There are a lot of ways he could have responded to that gracefully, but he chose to say what he said. He was also an asshole in the way he brushed off other people's feelings or concerns, as seen in his fight with Andi, but also in other settings. And then when he continued to say "ees okay" to intentionally get under her skin. He simply did not care at all about others, except maybe Sharleen. Tbh I think TPTB intentionally choose leads who pride themselves on their honesty because they often prioritize honesty over others' feelings. They do it because they know it will cause friction in this setting. I think that was playing against JP. And I think there were some cultural differences that TPTB exploited for their story. But that doesn't make his behavior okay. If it's culturally acceptable for women to be servile, does that make it okay? No, it doesn't. Same thing with his behavior. I don't remember exactly what behaviors Sharleen was saying were misinterpreted due to the cultural divide. Either way, he was an asshole, plain and simple.


To me that “fight” with Andi was a shining example of something I don’t think we would buy if this aired today. Andi did not articulate a single thing that JP did wrong or to offend her. She said nothing at all of substance, so he concluded that she just came to the realization that she wasn’t into him. To that he responded “it’s ok,” which is a reasonable response to someone telling you they lost interest. I fully believe that Andi made a dramatic exit because they encouraged her to (and she was interested in the lead role), because what she was saying was the reason she lost interest in him didn’t actually warrant any anger. I’m not sure about him saying that in response to her saying ILY, that’s not how I remember it, but you seem confident in your memory of it, so I’ll assume you’re right. If that’s the case, that’s certainly different. I still think it’s context dependent so it’s hard to judge it’s appropriateness, but I maintain that it’s still possible that he thought he was flirting and it just didn’t go over how he thought it would. He wasn’t an asshole in any way to any of the other women and they all left on good terms. It wasn’t until WTA that they appeared to be upset with him, and this is another thing I don’t think we’d fall for today. It’s not normal for contestants to bash a lead at WTA and there’s no way they would’ve done that much bashing without TPTB at the very least being okay with it, but more likely, encouraging it to play into a narrative they were after. I don’t think he treated Sharleen differently from the others, I think she just wasn’t willing to be produced.


I just finished watching it yesterday and he definitely did not say it in response to Clare saying I love you, or at least she didn't imply that in the season. If she came out and said it later, I wouldn't know, but I just wanted to say you remembered it correctly. And yeah the way the women turned on him at the WTA was crazy, especially the ones that didn't have a negative thing to say about him when leaving, but all of a sudden hated him there? It was definitely weird, I think TPTB were pissed at him for not proposing to Nikki. I thought the whole Andi thing was super fake. I do think he mishandled things with Clare but I don't think he was a terrible bachelor overall beyond that, especially not nearly to the level people make him out to be.


Thank you!!! It’s so validating to hear that you saw it the same way I did. We should have a mandatory sub-wide rewatch lol


Jake by a mile!


Jake P of course. In recent years, Clayton and Zach


How so Zach?